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Practical solutions to the new rule that foreigners must carry the orginal of the passport

Bulldozer Dawn

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So Thais carry their passports with them every day? Have you not read that an alien has to carry his/her passort. No other ID is acceptable! See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/747424-hua-hin-immigration-clarifies-rules-on-foreigners-carrying-id/?utm_source=newsletter-20140730-1647&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking


Yeah I don't care for how Hua Hin has decided to interpret the immigration law.

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So Thais carry their passports with them every day? Have you not read that an alien has to carry his/her passort. No other ID is acceptable! See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/747424-hua-hin-immigration-clarifies-rules-on-foreigners-carrying-id/?utm_source=newsletter-20140730-1647&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking

They are required to carry an officially acceptable form of identity. Aliens have always been required to do the same. The fact they've been able to get away with it in the past is probably one of the reason for the current enforcement of the pre-existing rules.

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So Thais carry their passports with them every day?

No. Most don't even have one.


All Thais have an ID card and will carry it in their wallet.

And they know they have to do so since ages.


All the fuzz about this "news" makes me yawn.

Absolutely nothing new, just creating some paranoia based upon decade old rules.



Edited by KhunBENQ
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More than a few of the holier-than-thou curtain-twitchers who routinely howl in disgust at digital nomads without work permits and those without the correct visas are now openly advocating breaking the law by not carrying their original passports.
I always wondered if they obeyed every law in the land or just the ones they found convenient
I guess I have my answer
Isn't it wonderful when people's duplicity manifests itself so vividly?

It is somewhat a labour of love to comply with every single rule and byelaw in Thailand.

Thus rule was created in the Vietnam war as far as I was told to check on civilians moving around the country. Hardly conducive to managing 20mn+ tourists per year.
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So Thais carry their passports with them every day?

No. Most don't even have one.


All Thais have an ID card and will carry it in their wallet.

And they know they have to do so since ages.


All the fuzz about this "news" makes me yawn.

Absolutely nothing new, just creating some paranoia based upon decade old rules.






ID card against passport...big difference...or don't you know that ?


Apologist much.

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Thus rule was created in the Vietnam war as far as I was told to check on civilians moving around the country. Hardly conducive to managing 20mn+ tourists per year.

The ID carrying rule or the residency reporting rules ? In 1979 when the Immigration Act was passed there was a military government in force and a communist insurgency problem in the North. So if we think of ourselves as evil commies, this sort of makes sense.

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For those that are unsure , The Thai DL actually has passport number on it. So, for our little friend CH, the sky is not falling.


I didn't know that.


Just checked.


Khun Toad is correct !


What a mine of information he is ...  w00t.gif 

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For those that are unsure , The Thai DL actually has passport number on it. So, for our little friend CH, the sky is not falling.

Although that PP number is the one you had when you applied. I've since changed to a new PP so it doesn't match. And neither does the address in the back since I've moved. I guess I should go update it, but it's due for renewal next year anyway so I can't really be arsed.

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No need to carry your original or even copy of passport. Tooo easy to lose it. Just make sure to carry some 500 baht notes, fold them triple sided so it fits in the palm of your hand, for the special occasions that u need to do some ''palm greesing''

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Well I dont live in Hua Hin and in my province they are not interested in passport. More scaremongering and conflicting info IMO.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Why do I get the impression that people are over-reacting about having to carry their passports? In 25 years in Thailand, I can count on one hand the number of people I have met who have had their passports stolen. Lost is a different story, of course, but in many cases (maybe less than a dozen) it was carelessness. I always carry mine but remain mindful of it, sometimes carrying it in a simple cloth pouch under the shirt - unobtrusive and no hassle. Going to the beach is a another problem. If in a group, someone watches the gear. If by myself, a waterproof pouch.
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Where does Mr. Psycho case put his phone when he goes to the beach etc? Up the Gary Glitter?


I have never carried my passport and only carry my DL when driving and never had a prob.


For the more technically advanced among you why not take a pic of your passport and visa and keep it in your phone?


No need to thank me.

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