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August 29 - heavy new penalties await visa overstays: Thai Immigration


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The Chinese woman did not come here to commit crime?? Then why the hell did she overstay??


I have long-known that humans are just another part of the animal kingdom, but, too often, the place that the species occupies in the general order of things can vary each day.


By 2030 the UK will be the largest economy in Europe



Where did you get this info?


England are deporting illegals too.










Nothing annoys the end-of-lifers in Thailand more than the idea that the UK is booming and loads of us are making serious money.  Immigration causes economic booms - far from going down the plughole - the UK is ahead of the game and starting to soar.   

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Why don't they start by making visas easier and straight forward/less time consuming -


with Rules that ALL must follow.


Why have 90 day reporting - who is this checking up on?


Why does the visa holder have to spend a day and the expense, gowing to the visa office.


It should be the responsibility of the employer - this will stop false submitting,
(Continuing to "pay" a worker, even though they left up to 89 days ago?)


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And may we add that people are backing Britain for it's trustworthiness, Honour and minimal Curruption.


That's why Chinese and Russian invest Billions in 'safe' Britain


The London "Square Mile" creates more wealth than ANY other country in Europe


People are flocking to the UK for Free social services - attaracting more than any other EU country.


The "unemployment" rate includes those who "choose" not work beacause they are waiting for the "right" job,

they can't speak English AND have 0 employable skills...


or they are Crims!





The Chinese woman did not come here to commit crime?? Then why the hell did she overstay??


I have long-known that humans are just another part of the animal kingdom, but, too often, the place that the species occupies in the general order of things can vary each day.


By 2030 the UK will be the largest economy in Europe



Where did you get this info?


England are deporting illegals too.










Nothing annoys the end-of-lifers in Thailand more than the idea that the UK is booming and loads of us are making serious money.  Immigration causes economic booms - far from going down the plughole - the UK is ahead of the game and starting to soar.   



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Just for anyones interest...Travelled last March on flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and set next to Thai immigration officers..Really nice guys and one next to me spoke really good english and we chatted all journey...He told me then they had a massive problem with russian mafia and chinese mafia versus thai mafia in pattaya and they were

going to deal with it this year..Russian girls working pattaya etc and russian control of areas was to clamped down on...I think relevant to whats now happening I'm sure


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That is all very nice and well, but when are they going to crack down on the sex tourists and the drug tourists?

I know of a few Scandinavians, British and Dutch, that I would love to see carted away in hand cuffs.


Yes that would be probably a big reason for retires to have a lonely life here.

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this country is getting more ridicules by the day


He added that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years.






And this is the same person that said to Thaivisa that foreigners must not worry.....This appears in the forum of Thaivisa the same day. I really would like to know which of his statements we must believe....I never worried about carrying my passport (I always have it with me)...But I think those who don't should start to worry NOW! : 


"Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times."

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Just for anyones interest...Travelled last March on flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and set next to Thai immigration officers..Really nice guys and one next to me spoke really good english and we chatted all journey...He told me then they had a massive problem with russian mafia and chinese mafia versus thai mafia in pattaya and they were

going to deal with it this year..Russian girls working pattaya etc and russian control of areas was to clamped down on...I think relevant to whats now happening I'm sure



Correct - if you are in Chiang Mai just now look around yourself and see what's missing.  


It's been a good ten years or so since the Russian invasion of Pattaya started, and in the last five years got to domination point.  


The Russians have been fully aware of Chiang Mai for a long time, and yet? hardly a foothold, hardly a presence.  


There's a good reason for it - and the guys you were talking to last night know the answer.

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this country is getting more ridicules by the day
He added that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years.

And this is the same person that said to Thaivisa that foreigners must not worry.....This appears in the forum of Thaivisa the same day. I really would like to know which of his statements we must believe....I never worried about carrying my passport (I always have it with me)...But I think those who don't should start to worry NOW! : 
"Earlier this afternoon, Thaivisa.com spoke to Deputy Commander and Police Colonel Voravat Amornvivat, a senior official at Immigration headquarters in Bangkok.

Deputy Commander Voravat wanted to reassure the expat community in Thailand about the current situation.

He told Thaivsia.com that information in an article published by The Nation on 31 July 2014, was incorrect.

Deputy Commander Voravat confirmed that foreign tourists and expats do not need to carry their passports with them at all times."

Yes indeed.

So will the police learn that they need a unified press statement to go out on issues like this to stop misunderstanding?

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Indiividual Thais will sympathise with Farang partners/ friends but in a wider sense couldnt care less what we think or how domestic law impacts us. Much the same in fact as the average Brit , Aussie or American. Thais may be a tad more Insular and Xenophobic than most of us but probably not as much as we like to imagine.
We can moan but the bottom line is our views count for next to nothing , either adapt or move on are the options. Edited by joecoolfrog
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Re: complaints about 90 day reports and convoluted visa/ work permit application processes. This isn't just an inconvenience for expats working in Thailand, but also inefficient for Thai businesses, at a time when the economy isn't doing so well. As a teacher I had to miss the best part of 5 days of work each year to fulfil my immigration duties. I still got paid for those days, but my Thai employers didn't get any productive work out of me. All these things hurt Thailand as much as they hurt us.

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Overstaying a visa also means, apparently, being late for the 90 day report at Immigration.

A friend of mine had to pay a fine and had a police report filled over a few days "overstay" because the HR woman forgot it was time for his report.


I, for one, think that is utterly ridiculous; but heads up, if you don't want to have a criminal record don't forget to do the 90 day report on time. Heel clicking optional.

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[quote name="Rumblecat" post="8178096" timestamp="1406795663"][quote name="animatic" post="8178006" timestamp="1406794648"][quote name="Asiantravel" post="8177966" timestamp="1406794094"]
 [/quote]It was said elsewhere that you could get a photo copy of your passport and have it signed/stamped by immigration and then carry that. Plastify it and then it's less a loss, you passport can stay home in the safe.
 [/quote]Yeah, they did say that but then they retracted it- it's in the first post in the Hua Hin immigration clarification thread. 



Immigration does not provide any kind of ‘stamp’ verification on a photocopy of a passport as announced at the meeting yesterday. 

Which really begs the question... why announce it then if it doesn't exist..? Some might say that's just going to cause confusion. 

Of course in a different thread, since the Hua Hin pronouncement
Bangkok Immigration head office contradicts the Hua Hin immigration statement
and says yes stamped copies and Thai Drivers licenses will be good.

One hand not having a clue about the other.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand Edited by animatic
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The Chinese woman did not come here to commit crime?? Then why the hell did she overstay??


I have long-known that humans are just another part of the animal kingdom, but, too often, the place that the species occupies in the general order of things can vary each day.


By 2030 the UK will be the largest economy in Europe



Where did you get this info?


England are deporting illegals too.










Nothing annoys the end-of-lifers in Thailand more than the idea that the UK is booming and loads of us are making serious money.  Immigration causes economic booms - far from going down the plughole - the UK is ahead of the game and starting to soar.   


It says could be NOT will be.

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It all seems pretty reasonable to me. All the farangs who posted complaints should go and protest about the severity of punishments for visa over stayers in their home countries

In my home country they may arrest you, issue a court date (which you'll ignore), and then drop you off at the local welfare office.

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I also don't see Thailands problem either.  Out of that 70,000, how many are a burden to the state?  Do they pay them unemployment benefit? Do they have to house them? Do they have to pay their medical fees?
The answer to all of the above is NO.  Some people overstay here because they want to make a life here with their Thai girlfriend or wife.  But because Thailand has so many stupid visa laws and makes it so difficult to stay here long term, some are forced to bend the rules.
I would be happy if Thailand was dragged kicking and screaming into the 19th century let alone the 21st!
(oh and for the, record I work here and am on a 2 year BOI visa/work permit)

Try staying in the UK with your Thai girlfriend or wife.Then you'll see how stupid visa rules can be!!

Sent from my SM-T2105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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And they always change the rules in such a stupid way that it is really difficult to follow the new regulations or leaves a lot of room for extortion.
Pease put the 70000 over stayers in relation to 25000000 visitors per year. That is less than 1% and the argument is only one thing: Pathetic.
Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I wonder what the financial overhead is for tossing 70000 'overstayers' in prison for two years is going to be year over year.  Prehaps the new tourist campaign will be: Welcome to the Land of Overstay Jails (LOJ).  And I wounder what effect implementing a strategy of harassing 25% or more of foreigners to ask "May we see your papers please" as an approach to having a stress-free, happy holiday. 

I know quite a few people, Thai and farang, working in tourist related services, and right now business completely sucks.  Hummm.  Wonder why?

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Those people who feel hard done by should look at it the other way round, can Thai's go to their country, get 30 day visa exempt stamp or walk in to a consulate and get a multiple entry visas with little hassel? 

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It's very easy to overstay, by a day. Longer than that is suspect. I booked my ticket with a flight arrival time late at night, went though immigration at 11:45pm or so, that counts as 1 day. My return ticket was 30 days later, but they counted it as 31 since I was there for the extra 15 minutes. 500 baht please. 
When I left, I had to pay the fine, in a lineup with a dozen or so others. Out of the massive problem of 70,000 overstayers per year, the vast majority are of this type. Very few of the old scraggler types left in Thailand now, they have moved on to 'greener' pastures. 

I agree.
Another typical pattern : a western tourist plans a trip through SE Asia, they're told that they'll get a 30 day visa on arrival, and for a variety of reasons, other constraints, priorities, they realize that they'll have to stay 31, 32 or 33 days instead. Every single travel agent in the West (up to now of course) would tell the person 'in that case, don't bother to get a tourist visa, it's a hassle and will cost you more than paying a few days of overstay'. So, OK, the people who do that are deliberately bending the rules, but hello this is not what I call 'criminal', and it has been encouraged by just about everyone concerned up to now, including the immigration officers at the airports who always treated it like a mere formality.
What strikes me most in this whole business is the lack of thinking ahead, rational analysis of the situation, assessment of pros and cons etc before launching the grenade into the bees nest. I thought the military were good at strategy and tactics ? blink.png
When you know that a few terrorists are hiding in a city of millions, do you burn down the whole city ? I know that Georges W. Bush did just that, but he sure was no Army General.

Israels burning down gaza to catch a few terrorists!!

Sent from my SM-T2105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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The Chinese woman did not come here to commit crime?? Then why the hell did she overstay??


I have long-known that humans are just another part of the animal kingdom, but, too often, the place that the species occupies in the general order of things can vary each day.


By 2030 the UK will be the largest economy in Europe



Where did you get this info?


England are deporting illegals too.










Nothing annoys the end-of-lifers in Thailand more than the idea that the UK is booming and loads of us are making serious money.  Immigration causes economic booms - far from going down the plughole - the UK is ahead of the game and starting to soar.   





The rats left what what they thought was a sinking ship, don't tell them the UK is is on the up, cause we don't want the rats back. cheesy.gif

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Who do you think you are? The US embassy doesnt give a toss about their expats, just like every other embassy and, frankly, why should they. If you want to influence the lawmakers in a country go home and vote in the bastion of democracy that America truly is!!!

Sent from my SM-T2105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


70,000 overstayers in one year. That puts things into perspective somewhat! Good riddance to the beach bum pot head scum bags that give the law abiding visa legal folk a bad name!


Yes , we can tell by your photo that you're a quality Farang !!!...............not

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Just for anyones interest...Travelled last March on flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and set next to Thai immigration officers..Really nice guys and one next to me spoke really good english and we chatted all journey...He told me then they had a massive problem with russian mafia and chinese mafia versus thai mafia in pattaya and they were

going to deal with it this year..Russian girls working pattaya etc and russian control of areas was to clamped down on...I think relevant to whats now happening I'm sure


You speak the truth. A lot of Thai holiday resorts have Russians who are running business's or renting property. They are the latest in a long line that includes all the UK expats who have visa run for years while running bars etc.


I am pleased the clampdown is taking place and welcome a quieter more civilized Thailand 

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


It appears the Kingdom no longer want tourists who overstay that will reduce the income in overstay penalties as well as income that these overstayers payout whilst they are living in Thailand the Malays will be loving all of this " Welcome to Malaysia"




Exceeding one's permit to stay in the kingdom for more than 90 days is just snubbing one's nose at the law and the authorities. A 10 year ban for such actions is inadequate. Life long blacklisting would be much more fitting for these unsavouries.


Dont be such a god damn snob!  You and your ilk are one of the main reasons I refuse to drink in the Thai Visa Bar!



It always amazes me how inflated some egos are, whether in over-estimating the economic value of a handful loser over-stayers or in thinking their absence from some bar is a grandiose social statement with devastating consequences to those snubbed.


Sad how the farang fear of losing face seems to take over their lives.


That's a big handful - 70,000 (by Thai figures). Taking each one at 20k (as I am sure they are not including short overstay to skew their figures - sarcasm) that's 1.4Bn Baht (That's Billion) - not including the 2.8+ billion they are bringing in every month to live on! Nor the jobs that are generated catering to those 70,000 people each and every day.


Of course, they do so much damage - what with claiming all those benefits they are entitled to: unemployment, housing, food stamps - erm, no. So, to get rid of 70,000 people bringing in over 35bn baht every year, they scare off many times that of legitimate potential expats and tourists - brilliant logic! Well as long as someone over in Immigration High Command can polish up their penis amulet and show just how important they really are!

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Just for anyones interest...Travelled last March on flight from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and set next to Thai immigration officers..Really nice guys and one next to me spoke really good english and we chatted all journey...He told me then they had a massive problem with russian mafia and chinese mafia versus thai mafia in pattaya and they were

going to deal with it this year..Russian girls working pattaya etc and russian control of areas was to clamped down on...I think relevant to whats now happening I'm sure


You speak the truth. A lot of Thai holiday resorts have Russians who are running business's or renting property. They are the latest in a long line that includes all the UK expats who have visa run for years while running bars etc.


I am pleased the clampdown is taking place and welcome a quieter more civilized Thailand 



So why do they not make fast cars illegal in the west - that would stop all get away drivers, and thus remove many bank robbers! How about making duct tape a controlled substance?


The point being that if they want to go after illegal bar owners or Russian hotel owners, then why not raid those bars and hotels and catch them red handed like they do everywhere else in the world? Answer - because it is not about catching illegal workers - period! It is the usual military xenophobic, isolationist, policies - like the crackdowns and continual policy changes in 2006 (and the stopping of all PAID FOR PR applications etc). It is what the military do here - they shut up the press and they kick out the foreigners - we saw the mass exodus of Cambodian workers and the continual changes to entry policy and enforcement without warning - and the trend is continuing and will continue. Unlike 2006, they have planned it better and have little opposition - they will be in for the full 18  months, plus probably a term in elected government too - the bad times they are just starting for us folks (currently legal and not - watch this space)

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