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In xbmc use the following add-ons for NFL

Sportsdevil (in about 5 different parts of this addon including redpass)

FTV Guide (Channel 4 and NBC)






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I was watching ILIkeHD last night at midnight local time, which was 10 am East Coast time (the start of the early game)...to see what would pop up in terms of NFL coverage.... Here's what I found, at least in terms of somewhat indication of where to look in future weeks:

ASN 1 -- surprising to me at least, no NFL for that timeslot.

ASN 2 -- Fox's Redskins-Texans game, English Audio

Sky Sports 1 - CBS' Patriots-Dolphins game, English Audio

True Sports HD 3 - Fox's New Orleans-Atlanta game, Thai Audio

True Sports HD 4 - CBS Patriots-Dophins game, Thai Audio

Didn't stay up to see what happened in terms of coverage for the late game on Sunday.

Odd, watch them on TSHD and they were not in thai audio. Watching Monday night football now onTSHD and it is not Thai audio.

Those results I posted were thru the channels offered via I Like HD streaming service...

It's possible/probable that someone getting them directly thru True would have different audio channel choices via their cable box.


In xbmc use the following add-ons for NFL

Sportsdevil (in about 5 different parts of this addon including redpass)

FTV Guide (Channel 4 and NBC)



Jon, what exactly is that program guide screenshot you posted above coming from??? What particular app or program is generating that....and is it free or paid?



It is called the FTV Guide and you will also need f.t.v to work with it it has about 190 channels in the guide, both in kinkins repo in the fusion repo with all the details here http://forums.tvaddons.ag/threads/22837-RELEASE-FTV-Guide


FTV Guide
Current Version: 1.0.5
Download: Via Kinkin's Repository or Direct Link

About FTV Guide
FTV Guide started as a visual EPG guide for Kinkin's F.T.V plugin, and now also supports USTVNow, TV CatchUp, the MX Repo, IrishTV Player and Sky Go. It is a simplified TV Guide plugin based on Twinther's original TV Guide plugin.

Plugin's Needed
F.T.V by Kinkin
USTVNow (9.9.9) by Lunatixz (Subscription Needed For Most Channels)
Irish TV (Subscription Needed For All Channels)
Sky Go Launcher (Subscription Needed For All Channels) (Windows Only)
MX BBC Player by Jonc
MX RTE Player by Jonc
MX NCAA/PAC-12 by Jonc



if you can VPN to the US, NBC streams games, and other content for free sometimes, like I expect next Sundays 49er-Bears game "sunday night football", i watched last week tennis and the Indy game w/o even an account w/ NBC

F.T.V by Kinkin

USTVNow (9.9.9) by Lunatixz (Subscription Needed For Most Channels)


Irish TV (Subscription Needed For All Channels)

Sky Go Launcher (Subscription Needed For All Channels) (Windows Only)

Jon, if you're actually using these setups you list above in the site you linked to, how much per month are you paying for your programming content in total??

I do think it's great that you're mentioning these different services and broadening folks' horizons. But if you're going to recommend these kinds of things, IMHO, at least be upfront about the pricing involved when you post on them here.

(PS - I see you expanded on your original pretty cryptic post, and at least included mention here that various subscriptions are required...)

Also, it seems that most of the things you're pointing to thru XBMC are content/channels also/already available through various established websites of their own, and many of them seem to have their own online programming guides.


--It looks like F.T.V. is related to the FilmOn.com website, which has primarily UK oriented channels/content in terms of its commercial broadcasters, free for SD and 15 GBP per month for HD. Most of the substantive channels there seem to be UK-based ones.

--USTVNow, from the U.S., offers for free very low res streaming of the major U.S. OTA networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CW and PBS -- if you don't mind local channels based out of Pennsylvania. But for higher res, and access to about 15 additional traditional national cable channels like ESPN, TBS, TNT, their service is a promo of $19 per month for the first 3 months, and then rises to $29 per month thereafter. $39 per month if you add in online DVR capacity.

--I wasn't going to go and check the individual pricing for Irish TV along with Sky Go, which are both listed as subscriptions needed.


You did ask for the whole gambit.

You only need the ones from me (jonc which are all free including the mx rte player) and F.T.V from kinkin (free also) so there is no need what so ever to pay for any subscription as all that can be found else where and for free


Sorry, but unless I'm missing something here....

--The free streams from USTVNow, which offer the major U.S. OTA networks, are very low quality and barely viewable on a PC monitor, much less any kind of HD TV -- unless you want to pay for their monthly subscription, which also adds access to the assorted cable networks.

--SkyGo, as far as I can see, is only available to those with a paid SkyTV subscription from the UK or Ireland


--FTV has a nice selection of the major UK channels for free, but those same channels are available via the FilmOn.com website. And really, apart from maybe 20-30 or so, the rest of the many many channels there are pretty marginal.

On one of the forums you listed, there was this PDF file that pretty well explained which channels are accessible from which sites / add-ins.

14-page XBMC FTV Guide Channel List.pdf

If you subtract the paid USTVNow and SkyGo elements, there's still a lot of channels, but not so many mainstream commercial ones, outside of the UK broadcasters group, as far as I can see.


I don't want to get more off-topic on XBMC stuff, since there are separate threads on that subject.

So, I guess, what I should have said on the recent discussion here, is this: the reality is, if you're going to rely on the broadcast or cable networks' limited numbers of games shown each week, you generally won't be able to see what most NFL fans want to see.

And that is, I presume, most people follow a hometown team or two or three. And, trying to do that via the broadcast networks is pretty much impossible, since the networks' game choices rotate to various teams and matches each week. So if you were say a Redskins or Patriots fan, the chances of finding that team's game each week on one of the broadcast networks throughout the entire season (as viewed from outside the U.S.) is going to be pretty slim, considering the available choices.

Likewise, for me, other than a couple of hometown teams I follow, I also enjoy watching really good games between competitive, high-performing teams -- regardless of the cities involved. But once again, expecting you're going to catch all those kinds of games via the broadcast network offerings is likely to only show a small portion of what might be worth watching.

The truth is...the only way I know to really follow your hometown team or teams, or to ensure you see the top games every week, from outside the U.S. is to shell out for one of the NFL's various streaming packages... and then you can watch EVERY and ANY game you want to see -- regardless of what the broadcast networks have on their schedules for that week.

Ultimately, for me, that's the difference between relying on the ASNs, True Sports, Sky Sports, CBS, NBC, Fox, ESPNs vs gaining access to the whole season as you want to see it.


You did ask for the whole gambit.

You only need the ones from me (jonc which are all free including the mx rte player) and F.T.V from kinkin (free also) so there is no need what so ever to pay for any subscription as all that can be found else where and for free

Hey Joncl,

Any chance you can help out? Since this is an NFL thread I'm going to keep it in here so people looking to watch the NFL can hopefully find another solution.

Just got XBMC this weekend and am a little overwhelmed (but in an awesome way).

So I've paid for game pass and would like to use the beta add on


On that page it talks about dependencies needing to be installed manually. I'm at a loss for this part. Any help on the process of installing the dependencies or a link that explains it?



It doesn't look good for NFL on ASN/Truevisions.....

So, is it off for them then? I tried watching from Laos, yesterday but nothing on. I presume nothing was being broadcast in Thailand, correct? So frustrating. I would be so delighted to cancel my Truevisions subscription over this, but the wife wouldn't have it. Baaaaa.


It doesn't look good for NFL on ASN/Truevisions.....

So, is it off for them then? I tried watching from Laos, yesterday but nothing on. I presume nothing was being broadcast in Thailand, correct? So frustrating. I would be so delighted to cancel my Truevisions subscription over this, but the wife wouldn't have it. Baaaaa.

It looks like most of the NFL games on ASN will air on ASN 2.

Their schedule for games coverage is located here (I believe the Thai time is an hour different from their Hong Kong time listings):



It doesn't look good for NFL on ASN/Truevisions.....

So, is it off for them then? I tried watching from Laos, yesterday but nothing on. I presume nothing was being broadcast in Thailand, correct? So frustrating. I would be so delighted to cancel my Truevisions subscription over this, but the wife wouldn't have it. Baaaaa.

It looks like most of the NFL games on ASN will air on ASN 2.

Their schedule for games coverage is located here (I believe the Thai time is an hour different from their Hong Kong time listings):


ASN2 seems to have disappeared from Truevisions - it was here this morning (channel 678) as I was watching the 49-ers, but it's gone now...


Seems the ASN2 channel on True is being shared with the Asian games.

The Bears/49ers replay came back. And then the broadcast finished at the 2:minute warning.

I sat there for 10 minutes watching the commercial filler with people jumping off cliffs and skate boarding before accepting that we were never going back to the game.

It was 28 - 20 at the two minute warning and that was the final score (I think), but it would have been nice to watch the end of the game.

Not quite a Heidi moment, but still annoying



What ASN did last night on the replay was, in the vernacular of the day, pathetic.

You did notice the crawler? As of Oct. 5 True is losing ASN 2.

Good riddance. If this is how they handle the programming, I say get lost.

ASN has a forum, ASN dot tee vee, the forum button is on the top page. I sounded off at them on this. For all the issues of True, ASN has sunk to the all-time low with this practice on the replays.

It remains to be seen if True's TS 3, or whatever channels, can pick up the slack after Oct. 5. window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

Seems the ASN2 channel on True is being shared with the Asian games.

The Bears/49ers replay came back. And then the broadcast finished at the 2:minute warning.

I sat there for 10 minutes watching the commercial filler with people jumping off cliffs and skate boarding before accepting that we were never going back to the game.

It was 28 - 20 at the two minute warning and that was the final score (I think), but it would have been nice to watch the end of the game.

Not quite a Heidi moment, but still annoying


I phoned True last night to complain about the the Asian Games replacing ASN2. After taking nearly 15 minutes to get through, they told me they'd had "a lot" of complaints and the Marketing Dept would be looking into it. As I understand it, ASN2 is being replaced by The Asian Games but only when there are live Asian Games events. I assumed that once the Asian Games are over, ASN2 will be back as before. If this is NOT the case, I won't be happy!!

(Edit: I guess it was ASN2 that cut the end of the Bears/49er game - or can we blame True for this too?)


This site, albeit in Russian, has torrents (mkv, full game, no commercials, good quality, English); I got a few within a few hours of the games being concluded. DL was quite fast, 1.5 MBytes/sec, then watch on my HD TV.


Between TS HD and TS HD2, and ASN2 I think there were 9 live games week 1, and 7 lives games week 2. ASN2 also has replays (both first and subsequent), all in HD, so I definitely have access to many more games here than I would have in the U.S. Pretty amazing actually.

Eagles/Colts just finishing up - great game - on both TS HD (666) and ASN2 (678).

Tampa Bay at Atlanta Friday (TNF) ASN2 (678) - maybe a TS HD also - 08:25 for week 3 kick-off.


You can use Google translate to get some local info here: https://th-th.facebook.com/nflthailand

Asian Games closing ceremony is 4 October; footy has started as of yesterday, but the games open on 19 Sep. I think/hope that cut-ins from BeINXX on ASN2 will be limited to replays, or maybe it was just a one-time glitch? And that ASN2 will remain post-Asian Games.

Not nearly as traumatic as they aforementioned debacle on Nov. 17, 1968. Thank goodness there are no NFL games shown here on Friday evenings ~ 20:15.


Seems the ASN2 channel on True is being shared with the Asian games.

The Bears/49ers replay came back. And then the broadcast finished at the 2:minute warning.

I sat there for 10 minutes watching the commercial filler with people jumping off cliffs and skate boarding before accepting that we were never going back to the game.

It was 28 - 20 at the two minute warning and that was the final score (I think), but it would have been nice to watch the end of the game.

Not quite a Heidi moment, but still annoying


I like 'people jumping off cliffs and skate boarding' and surfing, rock-climbing, sailboarding, sky-diving, base-jumping, wake-boarding, whitewater-kayaking, armadillo-racing, etc. Ya get my drift??? ASN's "Epic" channel is awesome and the fillers it provides are a welcome change from the endless crap they broadcast before now--ugh, gag me with a spoon...

edit: I'm a BIG fan of 'Heidi' (being Swiss-Dutch meself) w00t.gif



Email from True:

The NFL games have been scheduled to televise via True Sport HD (666), True Sport HD3 (668), True Sport 3 (683)

The schedule of this week is as follows:

NFL 2014/15 Week 3

Fri 19 Tampa Bay @ Atlanta (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

Mon 22 Green Bay @ Detroit (L) 0000-0315 TS HD3

Mon 22 Washington @ Philadelphia (L) 0000-0315 TS HD1

Mon 22 San Francisco @ Arizona (L) 0300-0630 TS HD4

Mon 22 Denver @ Seattle (L) 0330-0700 TS HD1/TS3 (JIP 0400-0700)

Mon 22 Pittsburgh @ Carolina (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

Tue 23 Chicago @ NY Jets (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

No mention of ASN2 (maybe it is going) and no highlights.


Email from True:

The NFL games have been scheduled to televise via True Sport HD (666), True Sport HD3 (668), True Sport 3 (683)

The schedule of this week is as follows:

NFL 2014/15 Week 3

Fri 19 Tampa Bay @ Atlanta (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

Mon 22 Green Bay @ Detroit (L) 0000-0315 TS HD3

Mon 22 Washington @ Philadelphia (L) 0000-0315 TS HD1

Mon 22 San Francisco @ Arizona (L) 0300-0630 TS HD4

Mon 22 Denver @ Seattle (L) 0330-0700 TS HD1/TS3 (JIP 0400-0700)

Mon 22 Pittsburgh @ Carolina (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

Tue 23 Chicago @ NY Jets (L) 0730-1100 TS3/TS HD1

No mention of ASN2 (maybe it is going) and no highlights.

How do you arrange for these emails?

ASN 2 is being discontinued Oct. 5th

  • 10 months later...

The NFL preseason kicked off today and their wasn't any coverage by True Visions or ASN. I called True Visions where I was told neither True Visions nor ASN was doing preseason this year but there will be coverage beginning September 5th when the regular season opens. Color me skeptical.Email has gone unanswered by ASN who along with True Visions promote the NFL as a high value product. There is no NFL anything scheduled for the month of August and nothing available to view for September. Last year at this time we were inundated with NFL programing.Anyone who has the time or inclination can try to get some information from the providers while at the same time demonstrate interest in their coverage by contacting the offices by phone and/or social media.True Visions: 02 725 2525 Email: [email protected]: Can't find a phone number Email: [email protected] Facebook: ASN: All sports Network Yes TV Hong Kong owns ASN. Below is their contact info.Email:[email protected]:+852 3978 2262Address:16/F, AON China Building, 29 Queens Road, Central, Hong KongGo Niners!

Thanks for the reminder.

As I expect our friends at True are focused on the upgrade/channel change this evening, I sent a short email to ASN HK. I really don'e expect a reply. We should be able to get clarifications from True in a week or so via phone. If I hear I will post it here, and please do the same.

I am a Cowboys and Rangers fan.

Go Mavericks!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I subscribe to NFL NETWORK and for $129.99 I get ALL preseason games and ALL regular season games.Best $130 I have spent in a long time.Watch on my laptop and use HDMI cable to hook up with the TV.


So do you get to watch a recording of the game or have to catch it live?




You can do pretty much do everything except let the air out of the balls, mete out punishment or own a team (in LA).

Live, replay, RedZone, Condensed, Coaches film, NFL Network/Total Access.

I'd get it but afraid I'd die from a vitamin D deficiency.



I looked on True but was unable to find the game.

It was on my TrueVisions Cable TV system this morning; I only checked the HD station (667), but assume it was also on 683 as scheduled. I watched for a bit.

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