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This news shocked me

Bald Eagle

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It is blocked by the Thai government since May. Many news sources showing that to be the case due to something that can't be mentioned here. Though not a very effective block as it appears only the main page. If one has a link to subpages it goes through.

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Honestly, the Daily Mail should be banned everywhere. However, to the topic in hand Cambodia has problems with child prostitution and child molestors - it's true. The government and NGO community have been cracking down for a decade and a senior UN official admitted to me that the main country for paedophiles in Asia now is Nepal where no such crack down has taken place.

It's worth noting that it's estimated that there are 30,000 child prostitutes in Cambodia but that there are 200,000 in Canada (a country roughly twice the size of Cambodia). I'd love to know why it is that Cambodia captures the media attention so completely that Canada is ignored...

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  • 2 months later...
What a disgusting b*******.

These should be eliminated from this earth.

Shameless, disgusting human.



Noticed that there are very few 'bashing' - maybe because he is not Thai?

Just thinking...

A very appropriate comment found below that article...

this is why we need capital punishment brought back, we have no need of evil like this in our community or our prisons, first time offence - attempt rehabilitation - second time let them hang - no if's or but's

Edited by ravip
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What a disgusting b*******.
These should be eliminated from this earth.
Shameless, disgusting human.
Noticed that there are very few 'bashing' - maybe because he is not Thai?
Just thinking...
A very appropriate comment found below that article...
this is why we need capital punishment brought back, we have no need of evil like this in our community or our prisons, first time offence - attempt rehabilitation - second time let them hang - no if's or but's

Slight paranoia about Thais there. Other than that I agree with your sentiment.

I would suggest that any shortage of 'bashing', despite being almost 1,000 views of this thread, is because of the difficulties in accessing the Daily Mail website.

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If you click on the video, it will become apparent that most perpetrators by far are Khmer/Asian while the "marketing side" and the news seem to focus on Westerners or makes no mentioning that this is mostly a local/regional issue as part of indentured prostitution that goes on all over Cambodia and other countries in SE Asia. Should make anyone think twice about visiting such places and believing the ages given. It really is a thin line between being a regular john and the 'pedophile' label.

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  • 3 months later...

I have 3bb. Opened right up. Horrible but a fact of life. I Have been in S.E.Asia....for a very long time and when not working I usedto travel via back pack.....the stuff I have seen could fill a book........there are a lot of very sick people in this part of the world

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