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Do members want/need embedded code in each of their posts?


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Below is the kind of computer code embedded in each post on Thaivisa:

Eeach response posting on ThaiVisa has this sort of code embedded:

function()var e=window,f=Math,g="round",h="performance";e.pagespeed=e.pagespeed||{};var q=e.pagespeed; q.getResourceTimingData=function(){if(e[h]&&(e[h].getEntries||e[h].webkitGetEntries)){for(var r=0,s=0,k=0,t=0,l=0,u=0,m=0,v=0,n=0,w=0,p=0,c={},d=e[h].getEntries?e[h].getEntries():e[h].webkitGetEntries(),b=0;b<d.length;b++){var a=d.duration;0<a&&(r+=a,++k,s=f.max(s,a));a=d.connectEnd-d.connectStart;0<a&&(u+=a,++m);a=d.domainLookupEnd-d.domainLookupStart;0<a&&(t+=a,++l);a=d.initiatorType;c[a]?++c[a]:c[a]=1;a=d.requestStart-d.fetchStart;0<a&&(w+=a,++p);a=d.responseStart-d.requestStart; 0<a&&(v+=a,++n)}return"&afd="+(k?f[g](r/k):0)+"&nfd="+k+"&mfd="+f[g](s)+"&act="+(m?f[g](u/m):0)+"&nct="+m+"&adt="+(l?f[g](t/l):0)+"&ndt="+l+"&abt="+(p?f[g](w/p):0)+"&nbt="+p+"&attfb="+(n?f[g](v/n):0)+"&nttfb="+n+(c.css?"&rit_css="+c.css:"")+(c.link?"&rit_link="+c.link:"")+(c.script?"&rit_script="+c.script:"")+(c.img?"&rit_img="+c.img:"")}return""};q.getResourceTimingData=q.getResourceTimingData;})(); (function(){var c=encodeURIComponent,g=window,h="performance";g.pagespeed=g.pagespeed||{};var l=g.pagespeed,m=function(f,a,d,<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />{this.c=f;this.a=a;this.b=d;this.d=b};l.beaconUrl=""; var n=function(f){var a=f.c,d=g.mod_pagespeed_start,b=Number(new Date)-d,a=a+(-1==a.indexOf("?")?"?":"&"),a=a+"ets="+("load"==f.a?"load:":"unload:"),a=a+b;if("beforeunload"!=f.a||!g.mod_pagespeed_loaded){a+="&r"+f.a+"=";if(g%5Bh%5D){var b=g%5Bh%5D.timing,e=b.navigationStart,k=b.requestStart,a=a+(b[f.a+"EventStart"]-e),a=a+("&nav="+(b.fetchStart-e)),a=a+("&dns="+(b.domainLookupEnd-b.domainLookupStart)),a=a+("&connect="+(b.connectEnd-b.connectStart)),a=a+("&req_start="+(k-e)),a=a+("&ttfb="+(b.responseStart-k)),a=a+("&dwld="+(b.responseEnd-b.responseStart)),a=a+("&dom_c="+(b.domContentLoadedEventStart-e));g%5Bh%5D.navigation&&(a+="&nt="+g%5Bh%5D.navigation.type);e=-1;b.msFirstPaint?e=b.msFirstPaint:g.chrome&&g.chrome.loadTimes&&(e=Math.floor(1E3*g.chrome.loadTimes().firstPaintTime));e=e-k;0<=e&&(a+="&fp="+e)}else a+=b;l.getResourceTimingData&&g.parent==g&&(a+=l.getResourceTimingData());a+=g.parent!=g?"&ifr=1":"&ifr=0";"load"==f.a&&(g.mod_pagespeed_loaded=!0,(b=g.mod_pagespeed_num_resources_prefetched)&&(a+="&nrp="+<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />,(b=g.mod_pagespeed_prefetch_start)&&(a+="&htmlAt="+(d-<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />));l.panelLoader&&(d=l.panelLoader.getCsiTimingsString(),""!=d&&(a+="&b_csi="+d));l.criticalCss&&(d=l.criticalCss,a+="&ccis="+d.total_critical_inlined_size+"&cces="+d.total_original_external_size+"&ccos="+d.total_overhead_size+"&ccrl="+d.num_replaced_links+"&ccul="+d.num_unreplaced_links);""!=f.b&&(a+=f.<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />;document.referrer&&(a+="&ref="+c(document.referrer));a+="&url="+c(f.d);l.beaconUrl=a;(new Image).src=a}};l.e=function(f,a,d,<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />{var e=new m(f,a,d,<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png" class="bbc_emoticon" title="B)" />;g.addEventListener?g.addEventListener(a,function(){n(e)},!1):g.attachEvent("on"+a,function(){n(e)})};l.addInstrumentationInit=l.e;})();pagespeed.addInstrumentationInit('http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/beacon?org=120_1_jt', 'load', '&id=1407287116831756', 'http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=ajax&section=topics&do=mqquote&t=748155');

As if that weren't enough, a single little emoticon has this sort of computerese embedded:


Perhaps ThaiVisa ask its software provider why so much gobblygook needs to be embedded in each of the tens of thousands of posts.

When I post that, I get an error message which says, "you are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."

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It's certainly not all posts, but we do see quite a few. If it's not too hard I edit the code out.

No idea why it's happening, the developers are aware but it may not be enough of an issue for a new release, even if they find out what's causing it.

In the meantime, if it happens to one of your posts, and you notice within the edit time please edit and remove.

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(1) The JavaScript code is quoted part of "Google PageSpeed", designed to help people design faster loading web pages. The problem appears to be that the bulletin board software can't handle embedded JavaScript correctly. There are other examples of JavaScript being displayed in quoting replies.

(2) The "this sort of computerese embedded" isn't a problem. Rather than download a separate image file which has an associated overhead of looking up the ip address for the domain name, making an ip connection (typically a maximum 2 ip connections to each host, so there could be a delay for multiple images from the same host), then download the image file contents, the image data are embedded within the web page making for much faster loading/less overhead.

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Thanks for the responses. I understood the first response, from Crossy, and yes, I have been doing that thus far (highlighting and deleting the many lines of code).

Sorry, I didn't understand the 2nd response, but am not tech-savvy.

The 2nd part of my OP mentioned the 'emoticon.' There was actually nearly as many lines of codes embedded in that, as there was in the earlier-mentioned part (of regular posts) on ThaiVisa. However, when I posted the code, only a part of one line showed up, and there's no clear way to edit OP's.

If I was a conspiracy theory nut and/or paranoid about NSA, I might read more into it. But I'm not. Still, I don't like heaps of code automatically embedded in posts, and/or little emoticons, and who-knows-what-else(?). If I send a simple email to a friend, is there automatically going to be fifty to 300 lines of code embedded in it? Something about that irks me. It's almost like: if I send a postcard to someone, and then the Post Office adds (without asking and without my knowledge) large amounts of text to my postcard.

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  • 1 year later...

QUESTION: using an iPhone how do you add a ThaiVisa emoticon into a post?

If it's anything like an iPad which it obviously is,you don't,at least I haven't been able to do so ever.
Ah mystery solved. Feel a little less tech-challenged at the moment. Thank you.
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Let me try

Iphone test


Ipad test


So you can, but only the emoji you have on your iPhone or iPad and not the Thaivisa ones.

If you want to add the Thaivisa ones, you need to remember the Keycodes for them

for example

: clap 2 : = clap2.gif
: coffee1 : = coffee1.gif

etc etc

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0n my Android phone, I tap on the plus symbol in a circle on the left of the input field, then on the menu icon (three vertical dots) at the top right of the screen, then on "Insert Smile". Doesn't the app for iOS have a similar function?

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