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Forensic experts sought to help probe Thai train robbery case


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Forensic experts sought to help probe train robbery case


BANGKOK: -- The State Railway of Thailand has asked for help from forensic science experts to look for traces of drugs which were suspected to be used against passengers of a night sleeper car which was robbed as the sleeper train was running between Surat Thani province and Hat Yai early this week.

Pol Maj-Gen Thanung Buranont, commander of railway police, said Wednesday that railway police had collected some curtains, bedsheets and pillow covers to be sent to the Institute of Forensic Science for examination.

Some of the passengers in the car whose nine passengers were robbed of their smart phones and 2,500 baht in cash would be asked to give their urine samples to be tested for suspected sleeping drugs which were suspected to be used against the passengers.

As a result of the robbery incident, Pol Maj-Gen Thanung said from now on security on board night sleeper trains would be stepped up with railway policemen patrolling the train from midnight to 5 am of the next morning every hour.

The number of railway policemen deployed on night trains will be increased but the number will be small due to shortage of staff. But the situation will be improved next year with more policemen being recruited, said the railway police commander.’

Meanwhile, the SRT will start installing surveillance cameras on trains, said Mr Prasert Attanant, deputy director of the SRT. But the SRT will have to test the effectiveness of the cameras to find out which are suitable and how many of them will be required on each car.

The ten “Ladies and Children” cars for Bangkok-Ubon Ratchathani, Bangkok-Chiang Mai, Bangkok-Nong Khai and Bangkok-Sungai Kolok routes will be the first to be equipped with the cameras.

(Photo : ThaiPBS File)

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/forensic-experts-sought-help-probe-train-robbery-case/


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It happened earlier this week and we can bet the carriage has been inspected and tramped on by every man and his dog so the scene will be well and truly contaminated.


This does not of course preclude a suitable answer being ' discovered '.

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It happened earlier this week and we can bet the carriage has been inspected and tramped on by every man and his dog so the scene will be well and truly contaminated.


This does not of course preclude a suitable answer being ' discovered '.


You obviously didn't read that the articles that were considered to of interest to the investigation had been removed from the train and sent to the Forensic Science Institute for examination.


We can bet that your post was just another attempt at Thai bashing that failed miserably because of your inability to read or comprehend

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The words a ss and elbow come to mind every time the police investigate here!


Why?  They seem to be doing what would be expected of them in this case. 


Do you have any helpful suggestions that would expediate this investigation?

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It happened earlier this week and we can bet the carriage has been inspected and tramped on by every man and his dog so the scene will be well and truly contaminated.


This does not of course preclude a suitable answer being ' discovered '.


You obviously didn't read that the articles that were considered to of interest to the investigation had been removed from the train and sent to the Forensic Science Institute for examination.


We can bet that your post was just another attempt at Thai bashing that failed miserably because of your inability to read or comprehend


" We can bet " ? Would that be you and your other split personalities ?


Anyway who removed the items,  forensic scientists,  trained SOC officers or Somchai Plod ?

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"As a result of the robbery incident, Pol Maj-Gen Thanung said from now on security on board night sleeper trains would be stepped up with railway policemen patrolling the train from midnight to 5 am of the next morning every hour."

Ok good idea, but hopefully the patrols will be random or continuous. An hourly walk through will be easily allowed for.

Unless their timetable punctuality matches that of the trains. As random as it gets.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


"As a result of the robbery incident, Pol Maj-Gen Thanung said from now on security on board night sleeper trains would be stepped up with railway policemen patrolling the train from midnight to 5 am of the next morning every hour."

Ok good idea, but hopefully the patrols will be random or continuous. An hourly walk through will be easily allowed for.

Unless their timetable punctuality matches that of the trains. As random as it gets.


Well said. Unfortunately the current trains are wide open for thieves, rapists etc., (some from the public, some possibly SRT employees) to very easily get on board, rob folks, then get off.


The shinkarnzen trains in Japan have this pretty well covered. Unless it's changed in the last few years shinkarnzen carriage doors are fully locked when trains depart every station and cannot be opened from the outside or the inside, and there are multiple and serious ticket checks. And, from my understanding there are multiple CCTV cameras.


Thai trains are obviously not designed like this, there are lockable doors on some carriages but are the keys kept under secure control? My guess is no. 


Hourly patrols may well help but it's not a complete answer. The OP says that extra patrol staff will be available next year. Again shows how poorly managed SRT is. And there is still the ongoing point about recruitment.


Put one of the capable generals in charge for 12 months, and we would probably see a complete change.

Edited by scorecard
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Rail officials suspend staff, see conspiracy in overnight thefts
By Coconuts Bangkok

Photo: Twitter @joe_black317

BANGKOK: -- Six employees who staffed a sleeper carriage where passengers were possibly drugged and robbed have been suspended while police investigate the incident.

State railway officials, already reeling from the rape and murder of a child last month aboard a train, struck a defensive posture and said the crime might be an attempt to "discredit" the railway.

On Monday morning, belongings were stolen from at least nine passengers in an overnight car, many of whom awoke complaining of dizziness.

Military voluinteer Pathom Pinagun, a passenger on the train whose phone was stolen, said he felt drugged and had never slept that deeply on the train before.

The passengers were sleeping one car away from the new women-only compartment introduced since a railway employee raped and strangled a 13-year-old girl before forcing her out a window. [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/08/07/rail-officials-suspend-staff-see-conspiracy-overnight-thefts


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I hope the new cameras also come equipped with snooze alarms that will automatically wake up the police if there is any suspicious activity.  Another important feature would be for the cameras to automatically interrupt the policeman's cellphone gaming to alert the police to suspicious activities picked up on the camera.  

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


"As a result of the robbery incident, Pol Maj-Gen Thanung said from now on security on board night sleeper trains would be stepped up with railway policemen patrolling the train from midnight to 5 am of the next morning every hour."

Ok good idea, but hopefully the patrols will be random or continuous. An hourly walk through will be easily allowed for.

Unless their timetable punctuality matches that of the trains. As random as it gets.


Well said. Unfortunately the current trains are wide open for thieves, rapists etc., (some from the public, some possibly SRT employees) to very easily get on board, rob folks, then get off.


The shinkarnzen trains in Japan have this pretty well covered. Unless it's changed in the last few years shinkarnzen carriage doors are fully locked when trains depart every station and cannot be opened from the outside or the inside, and there are multiple and serious ticket checks. And, from my understanding there are multiple CCTV cameras.


Thai trains are obviously not designed like this, there are lockable doors on some carriages but are the keys kept under secure control? My guess is no. 


Hourly patrols may well help but it's not a complete answer. The OP says that extra patrol staff will be available next year. Again shows how poorly managed SRT is. And there is still the ongoing point about recruitment.


Put one of the capable generals in charge for 12 months, and we would probably see a complete change.

Unfortunately, the Thai trains, bless 'em all, are mid 20th centurywith an antiquated  operating system with a few modern conveniences.. Very nice and rustic.

The Japanese, Chinese, French, German etc high speed trains are late 20th century/early 21 st century. Thailand has a lot of catching up to do and does not have the financial power that the aforementioned countries have. These systems cost a lot of money and what we are seeing is band-aid,stop gap solutions to a massive infrastructure rebuild. However things are slowly changing for the better under the present administration or as some prefer, the military dictatorship.

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They can get cheap 400 baht cameras from Pantip Plaza. No need to hook them up. Just put them there for scare tactics.


It's what they do all over Pattaya.


How many times have we heard that "The security cameras were not working" in Pattaya?


2,500 baht??????? Whoever robbed this train was a regular old Jesse James wasn't he?

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I hope the new cameras also come equipped with snooze alarms that will automatically wake up the police if there is any suspicious activity.  Another important feature would be for the cameras to automatically interrupt the policeman's cellphone gaming to alert the police to suspicious activities picked up on the camera.  


Q: How do you know that the night watchman is on duty in Thailand? 


A: He's asleep. 

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The news story should have been "police wait too long to call forensic experts".  Why weren't they there from the start?


I doubt that any one was gassed or whatever... I'd take a closer look at the so called victims.  Consider the source  from the  alleged allegations and go from there. 


It ain't rocket science. 

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Right, Porntip, the Chinese bird with the mad hair, get her on this case. This is about forensics.




Wrong.  This is a Chinese bird.[attachment=278280:chinburd.jpg]


This is a Thai bird.  [attachment=278282:Dr_Pornthip_Rojanasunand.jpg]


Right! Get her involved, if she ain't already.

Edited by ratcatcher
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Ratcatcher, she looks quite good in the photo I put up. The one you put up, she looks ridiculous !
Yes, she looks more Chinese in the photo I put up.

Well mate, I am glad you can tell the difference between a Thai and a Chinese. Porntip is an individualist and dresses quite differently from your average Thai khunying.  I imagine with your powers of observation you can also tell a  Lao from a Thai and a Khmer from a Vietnamese.thumbsup.gif  A difficult subject as many Thais have Chinese ancestry..


[attachment=278294:chin.jpg] Which one is Chinese ? [attachment=278295:pinch.jpg]

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Ratcatcher, she looks quite good in the photo I put up. The one you put up, she looks ridiculous !
Yes, she looks more Chinese in the photo I put up.

Well mate, I am glad you can tell the difference between a Thai and a Chinese. Porntip is an individualist and dresses quite differently from your average Thai khunying.  I imagine with your powers of observation you can also tell a  Lao from a Thai and a Khmer from a Vietnamese.thumbsup.gif  A difficult subject as many Thais have Chinese ancestry..


attachicon.gifchin.jpg Which one is Chinese ? attachicon.gifpinch.jpg



Ratcatcher, the Thais who have got Chinese ancestry are basically a load of Chinese in Thailand. We know this because, for example, lots of people on ThaiVisa knew that Thaksin was actually a Chinese tycoon in charge of Thailand. There was no need to look up Thaksin's ancestry on the internet, everybody knew by just looking at pictures of him. And the latest news about Sondhi, again, we all know that he's actually a Chinese man, just by looking at him.

Right, in South-East Asia (actually, anywhere in the world), anybody who looks the same as the people who have got the local Chinese take-away food shop back home in England (or Australia, or wherever home is) is actually Chinese.

How do you know if a person is Chinese or not ? Okay, if the person is in England, get them to walk around the town-centre. After a while, you will notice one or two local people who will walk up to the (Chinese) person, and start laughing at the person. The local person might start doing karate chops in the air, and put there hands together and do what appears to be a wai. Yes, these people have probably never been to Thailand, but they know how to do a wai when they see Chinese people in England. They will probably say 'ah saw' at the same time. The local person might even put his fingers towards the side of both his eyes, and gently pull the skin back, this is done to mimic the 'oval-shaped' eyes of Chinese people. Okay, call them slanty or slitty eyes if you like. Or sloe eyes.

Now, the important thing is this. The local person does NOT have to ask first "are you Chinese" ?  The local person (people) will already know that the Chinese person is Chinese (assuming that he or she is Chinese) just by looking. So there you go then, people do actually know, just by looking.

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