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No Visa options for the ones who are young and have money?

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So I will reply to the lengthy post one above:


Thailand has laws regarding visas / extended stay. Maybe they should be different. They aren't. You provide figures of which I assume you think Thai officialdom are unaware. Maybe they are. Most likely they are not.


Thai Immigration just updated its regulations regarding extension of stay for the first time in 6 years. It offers little if any change to those persons in the post one above suggests that Thailand should be welcoming. It may be an interesting debate as to what someone feels should be the regulations regarding visas/extension of stay to Thailand but that's all it would be.

I believe Thailand had basically the same laws when I spent my time there it's uncertain how they will be interpreted in the future.  I don't really care how they are interpreted in terms of myself as there a many other places I can go on a long holiday but forcing $ out of the country will hurt the economy and cost jobs which sucks for the Thais.


I'm not sure what the thinking of the current administration is other than they are concerned with illegal workers but I'm sure previous officials had some understanding of the economic impact and that's why they interpreted the law loosely.  I think the current administration may end up relaxing it's interpretation over time.




"I think the current administration may end up relaxing it's interpretation over time." - only after they market and sell some Thai Elite Cards.  biggrin.png  

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And you believe that Thailand's contracting economy is a direct result of their tourism policies as per the long-term under 50, not married, not work-permitted. etc. crowd?

Having your economy contract sucks for anyone it's not just a Thai thing.  As I wrote I don't know what the current admin thinks.

So you know what sucks for Thais and -- at least for the time being -- the current administration doesn't know what sucks for Thais or doesn't care.





No, the policy hasn't had much of an effect yet.  Thailand' contracting economy is due to many factors including a decline in tourism and domestic consumption.  I expect driving away people who want to spend $ in Thailand will to contribute to continued decline.  


I think you underestimate the number of people who have taken advantage of the old interpretation of the visa rules. Based on the people I knew living in Thailand far more made money from stock options, inheritance, remote employment, rich parents or  good jobs enabling them to save for extended holidays than people working illegally.  


I don't over- or underestimate anything. The Thai government has established visa/extension of stay policies. You and others seem to feel such policies were established by those oblivious to basic economic factors. All I said is, if that is the case, you and others here seem to know more than they do.

Edited by JLCrab
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what the old expats does for thailand, is built houses for girlfriends , buy them cars, leave them huge amounts of money, when they die ...


so when they die, thailand gets richer ... easy money


something those 20-30 somethings do no

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A quantity of off topic posts and replies removed. This is not a financial/investment debate.

that was actually quite interesting to read

Seems my post explaining Visas options in Philippines was removed as well, I thought it was on topic, especially given the post I was replying to (+ another reply to it) is still here but hey, we're just guests...
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what the old expats does for thailand, is built houses for girlfriends , buy them cars, leave them huge amounts of money, when they die ...
so when they die, thailand gets richer ... easy money
something those 20-30 somethings do no

I am sure you will get ( well deserved ) answers from the (who do not fit the category you are mentioning ) readers.
I am also pretty sure you have a great experience as well as a huge circle of acquaintances ( or extraordinary observation's abilities ) to support your claim
I am sorry but I do not understand "something those 20-30 somethings do no"
Is it "not": if that so, then, let's wait for them to age elsewhere and come back to the land where ( until now ) age gap is not really what is looked at in this part of the world
Is it "now": well, if they have the money, why not?

I do not mean to contradict you, as I know only a few expats, but none of them are the way you describe the "old" expat
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what the old expats does for thailand, is built houses for girlfriends , buy them cars, leave them huge amounts of money, when they die ...


so when they die, thailand gets richer ... easy money


something those 20-30 somethings do no


So your saying that old people are more beneficial because they die sooner, that's as depressing as it is nonsensical.

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Is it trolls day? They seems to be out and in good shape.
What is Thailand Elite Program?
and btw the reason I am upset that I have to leave, is because I have a girlfriend I love, and she has a boy, we stay together 3 years but I will have to leave her behind. She makes 8500 baht / month working in a hotel in an Island, and it is a quite sad situation.

Did you not read the very first reply to your OP?
Thailand Elite Program??!
Haha, Ok this is just incredible. Paying like 2 Million baht to leave in Thailand? ? If I was stupid doing things like this I would not have money in my bank for a long time.
Cost less to move and live in Singapore, Japan, and have 20 MBs Internet that works, no electric cuts when it is raining, walls that are thick enough to not listen your neighbors kii in their bathroom. Have you tried the View Talay crap? 
The visa issue is a big one, but I am not going to spend 2M baht for that, not worth it! These people in Thailand have such a big head! Get real, Thailand in 2014 is not Thailand in 2004. find me a beach with no plastic bottle in Thailand!?

So it comes down to money Number 1,over your 3year love of your gf and her boy.
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I am replying to this thread because I was in a similar situation to the OP and spent 2009 and 10 in SE Asia primarily in Thailand on tourist Visa's, I spent on average 80k baht per month which was about 10x what the average Thai spends.  All of my spending was on food, lodging, and services all $ coming from the US and staying in Thailand.  This type of tourist spending brings much greater benefit than Chinese who by foreign brands at duty-free shops and bring goods out of the country.  
Most countries would welcome these types of visitors for as long as they wanted to stay.  I don't understand all the hatred against people who choose to live this lifestyle and I believe that the number of people doing this and their contribution to the Thai economy is underestimated.   
Every thousand people spending 1M baht per year in Thailand is generating 1B  baht in annual inflow.  If 100k living this lifestyle take their money elsewhere that is 100B baht/year or $3+B or nearly 1% of Thai GDP.   Additionally these people act as tourist ambassadors for Thailand encouraging friends to come visit them bringing more money to Thailand.  In fact a friends recommendation is what brought me to Thailand for the first time back in 2002.  
If TV posters are representative of the type of foreigners left then I expect Thailand's appeal to diminish further.   Thailand won't be on the itinerary of my upcoming Asia Pacific trip partially because I've spent a lot of time there and it's less interesting but primarily due to the unwelcoming vibe and uncertainty over problems with immigration about the amount of time I had previously spent in Thailand.  

Again RUBBISH RUBBISH. Thai bureau of stats estimate between 400 to 500,000 expats living here. Meaning farang.
Last year 2013. 26,000,000 tourists visited Thailand 1.7 million Chinese alone.
Also you say most countries would welcome people to come live in their country. WHICH COUNTRIES. Try Australia, USA etc. Good luck buddy. The thai economy will be fine without the 0P 0ne mill baht per year, and all the others staying here without appropriate visa. Go home!
I don't understand your anger and xenophobia.  The US makes it easy for tourists, you get a six month tourist visa when you come  and can extend it by six months without leaving the country.  After one year the tourist does have to leave the US but if they could prove they spent 6x the average gdp on their stay they could go home and and get another visa no problem.  
The tourist numbers are inflated by the expats living as each one is counted 5x per year and the Chinese don't stay long and

jdon't leave much money in the country.  The numbers are down this year and pushing out good spenders isn't going to help.

You on drugs????? Australian citizens can get a 90 day visa to USA. Thai chicks zero. America has one of the most protected borders in the world. I have no problem with that. Mind you it does not rate on worlds richest countries per capital. That's another topic.
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Anyway my point was that there is a missing Visa in Thailand, the equivalent of the "Exceptional Ability" Visa in the USA.
People who are successful in business, or have done something out of the ordinary should be able to come here to bring their brain and experience in this country (their money too).
But something that is not only based on old retired falang or people who are running a local business.

They will not and should not make visa just to suit you.You have to contribute to your own country first and be miserable for 30 years before you have the right to come here and be miserabe for another 30 years.Then you might be happy.
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I have just read dozens of posts on this thread and it still sounds like jealous old farts who wish they could do what the OP can do ... 
How does it go with the old fart brigade -- Let's see ---  I've got mine for cheap and you young guys just go suck hind tit... (because the 'current' rules favor us and NOT YOU... na nana na na ... Such a mature attitude ... (pun intended)...

Wrong,we can do exactly what he can do and stay in the country on a cheap visa,5555.
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One thing not addressed by the OP and many other similar threads, is who will provide for them after scratching out a living in Thailand on a teachers salary.
In AU there exists compulsory superannuation. This is often 9% of your wage matched equally by your employee. This applies even to self employed, like myself. Thats whyI can have 500k us in super fund while I'm 60. And here in is the true benefit to Thailand.
Take yor 1mill a year home.. Thailand is ok without your huge contribution.
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I am replying to this thread because I was in a similar situation to the OP and spent 2009 and 10 in SE Asia primarily in Thailand on tourist Visa's, I spent on average 80k baht per month which was about 10x what the average Thai spends.  All of my spending was on food, lodging, and services all $ coming from the US and staying in Thailand.  This type of tourist spending brings much greater benefit than Chinese who by foreign brands at duty-free shops and bring goods out of the country.  
Most countries would welcome these types of visitors for as long as they wanted to stay.  I don't understand all the hatred against people who choose to live this lifestyle and I believe that the number of people doing this and their contribution to the Thai economy is underestimated.   
Every thousand people spending 1M baht per year in Thailand is generating 1B  baht in annual inflow.  If 100k living this lifestyle take their money elsewhere that is 100B baht/year or $3+B or nearly 1% of Thai GDP.   Additionally these people act as tourist ambassadors for Thailand encouraging friends to come visit them bringing more money to Thailand.  In fact a friends recommendation is what brought me to Thailand for the first time back in 2002.  
If TV posters are representative of the type of foreigners left then I expect Thailand's appeal to diminish further.   Thailand won't be on the itinerary of my upcoming Asia Pacific trip partially because I've spent a lot of time there and it's less interesting but primarily due to the unwelcoming vibe and uncertainty over problems with immigration about the amount of time I had previously spent in Thailand.  

Again RUBBISH RUBBISH. Thai bureau of stats estimate between 400 to 500,000 expats living here. Meaning farang.
Last year 2013. 26,000,000 tourists visited Thailand 1.7 million Chinese alone.
Also you say most countries would welcome people to come live in their country. WHICH COUNTRIES. Try Australia, USA etc. Good luck buddy. The thai economy will be fine without the 0P 0ne mill baht per year, and all the others staying here without appropriate visa. Go home!
I don't understand your anger and xenophobia.  The US makes it easy for tourists, you get a six month tourist visa when you come  and can extend it by six months without leaving the country.  After one year the tourist does have to leave the US but if they could prove they spent 6x the average gdp on their stay they could go home and and get another visa no problem.  
The tourist numbers are inflated by the expats living as each one is counted 5x per year and the Chinese don't stay long and

jdon't leave much money in the country.  The numbers are down this year and pushing out good spenders isn't going to help.

You on drugs????? Australian citizens can get a 90 day visa to USA. Thai chicks zero. America has one of the most protected borders in the world. I have no problem with that. Mind you it does not rate on worlds richest countries per capital. That's another topic.


I guess you are not familiar with the Visas available in the US.  First off Australians can get 90 days without a visa, http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/visit/visa-waiver-program.html.  B2 Toursit visa's are typically six months and can be extended for another six months.  I know a couple of Australians who have done this.  I've also met Thai chicks in the US who were there on tourist visa's in addition to ones I met in Thailand who visited the US.  Thai's can and do get visas to visit the US.   Fun fact, the US has  2x the number int'l tourists per year than Thailand.

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I guess you are not familiar with the Visas available in the US.  First off Australians can get 90 days without a visa, http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/visit/visa-waiver-program.html.  B2 Toursit visa's are typically six months and can be extended for another six months.  I know a couple of Australians who have done this.  I've also met Thai chicks in the US who were there on tourist visa's in addition to ones I met in Thailand who visited the US.  Thai's can and do get visas to visit the US.   Fun fact, the US has  2x the number int'l tourists per year than Thailand.


SOME thais. An isaan farmer stands little chance

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I guess you are not familiar with the Visas available in the US.  First off Australians can get 90 days without a visa, http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/visit/visa-waiver-program.html.  B2 Toursit visa's are typically six months and can be extended for another six months.  I know a couple of Australians who have done this.  I've also met Thai chicks in the US who were there on tourist visa's in addition to ones I met in Thailand who visited the US.  Thai's can and do get visas to visit the US.   Fun fact, the US has  2x the number int'l tourists per year than Thailand.


SOME thais. An isaan farmer stands little chance


That would depend on the size of their farm.  I met an old shop owner in Issan who was going to visit the US with her sister she had no pompem getting a visa.  Fun fact, the US refused only 11% of Thai visa applications lower than applications from Australia, France, Spain or Italy.   There are also plenty of Thai immigrants in the US.  The US is far less xenophobic than you make it out to be.  Foreigners from all over the world spent $140B last year visiting the US.

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I guess you are not familiar with the Visas available in the US.  First off Australians can get 90 days without a visa, http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/visit/visa-waiver-program.html.  B2 Toursit visa's are typically six months and can be extended for another six months.  I know a couple of Australians who have done this.  I've also met Thai chicks in the US who were there on tourist visa's in addition to ones I met in Thailand who visited the US.  Thai's can and do get visas to visit the US.   Fun fact, the US has  2x the number int'l tourists per year than Thailand.


SOME thais. An isaan farmer stands little chance


That would depend on the size of their farm.  I met an old shop owner in Issan who was going to visit the US with her sister she had no pompem getting a visa.  Fun fact, the US refused only 11% of Thai visa applications lower than applications from Australia, France, Spain or Italy.   There are also plenty of Thai immigrants in the US.  The US is far less xenophobic than you make it out to be.  Foreigners from all over the world spent $140B last year visiting the US.


the average isaan farmer has no chance of getting a visa and you know it

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I guess you are not familiar with the Visas available in the US.  First off Australians can get 90 days without a visa, http://travel.state.gov/content/visas/english/visit/visa-waiver-program.html.  B2 Toursit visa's are typically six months and can be extended for another six months.  I know a couple of Australians who have done this.  I've also met Thai chicks in the US who were there on tourist visa's in addition to ones I met in Thailand who visited the US.  Thai's can and do get visas to visit the US.   Fun fact, the US has  2x the number int'l tourists per year than Thailand.


SOME thais. An isaan farmer stands little chance


That would depend on the size of their farm.  I met an old shop owner in Issan who was going to visit the US with her sister she had no pompem getting a visa.  Fun fact, the US refused only 11% of Thai visa applications lower than applications from Australia, France, Spain or Italy.   There are also plenty of Thai immigrants in the US.  The US is far less xenophobic than you make it out to be.  Foreigners from all over the world spent $140B last year visiting the US.


the average isaan farmer has no chance of getting a visa and you know it


I agree the average issan farmer doesn't have enough money to be a tourist in the US and would be denied a visa on that basis.  Any Thai who does have the money to be a tourist in the US is welcome and the overwhelming majority of Thai visa requests are granted.

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I agree the average issan farmer doesn't have enough money to be a tourist in the US and would be denied a visa on that basis.  Any Thai who does have the money to be a tourist in the US is welcome and the overwhelming majority of Thai visa requests are granted.


not true. even if they have the money but no steady job and are farmers they have little chance of getting in

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One thing not addressed by the OP and many other similar threads, is who will provide for them after scratching out a living in Thailand on a teachers salary.
In AU there exists compulsory superannuation. This is often 9% of your wage matched equally by your employee. This applies even to self employed, like myself. Thats whyI can have 500k us in super fund while I'm 60. And here in is the true benefit to Thailand.
Take yor 1mill a year home.. Thailand is ok without your huge contribution.

Where's the benefit to Thailand, are you going to donate your super fund to the Thai government? rolleyes.gif

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I agree the average issan farmer doesn't have enough money to be a tourist in the US and would be denied a visa on that basis.  Any Thai who does have the money to be a tourist in the US is welcome and the overwhelming majority of Thai visa requests are granted.


not true. even if they have the money but no steady job and are farmers they have little chance of getting in


Who you are describing doesn't sound like the average Issan farmer.  If you can prove the means to travel you also need to prove you intend to return.  A farm producing enough income to enable it's owner to travel should meet that criteria.  

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I agree the average issan farmer doesn't have enough money to be a tourist in the US and would be denied a visa on that basis.  Any Thai who does have the money to be a tourist in the US is welcome and the overwhelming majority of Thai visa requests are granted.


not true. even if they have the money but no steady job and are farmers they have little chance of getting in


Who you are describing doesn't sound like the average Issan farmer.  If you can prove the means to travel you also need to prove you intend to return.  A farm producing enough income to enable it's owner to travel should meet that criteria.  


lol! keep adding conditions pal. you make my point better than I can

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I agree the average issan farmer doesn't have enough money to be a tourist in the US and would be denied a visa on that basis.  Any Thai who does have the money to be a tourist in the US is welcome and the overwhelming majority of Thai visa requests are granted.


not true. even if they have the money but no steady job and are farmers they have little chance of getting in


Who you are describing doesn't sound like the average Issan farmer.  If you can prove the means to travel you also need to prove you intend to return.  A farm producing enough income to enable it's owner to travel should meet that criteria.  


lol! keep adding conditions pal. you make my point better than I can


What is your point?  That the the US welcomes Thais with means and intent to visit?  Your fictional Issan farmer with no income and enough cash to travel to the US clearly isn't applying because the US rejected only 11% of apps last year compared to 60% from Cambodia  The majority of rejections were probably lovestuck guys trying get visas for Thai gfs who had no financial ties to Thailand. 

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One thing not addressed by the OP and many other similar threads, is who will provide for them after scratching out a living in Thailand on a teachers salary.
In AU there exists compulsory superannuation. This is often 9% of your wage matched equally by your employee. This applies even to self employed, like myself. Thats whyI can have 500k us in super fund while I'm 60. And here in is the true benefit to Thailand.
Take yor 1mill a year home.. Thailand is ok without your huge contribution.

Where's the benefit to Thailand, are you going to donate your super fund to the Thai government? rolleyes.gif

NO , I do what we refer to as " spend it "
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