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visa office won't return passport

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It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.




Please get your facts straight.  Visas are NOT issued from within Thailand; that is something that is done at a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a foreign country.


You can get an extension of stay for an existing visa, but not a new visa.


Can you please indicate whether you turned over your passport to a Thai Immigration department (in Phuket) or to a private company?


If the latter, well, in my opinion, that was unwise.



Not entirely true.  You can arrive on an entry-permit stamp and go to immigration with the appropriate papers and they will stamp your passport with a non-imm O visa.

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It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.




Please get your facts straight.  Visas are NOT issued from within Thailand; that is something that is done at a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a foreign country.


You can get an extension of stay for an existing visa, but not a new visa.


Can you please indicate whether you turned over your passport to a Thai Immigration department (in Phuket) or to a private company?


If the latter, well, in my opinion, that was unwise.



and you can convert an existing visa to a 90 day O....


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are you talking about a company that promises to give the visas? as appose to immigration?

ive heard lots of stories one friend i know sent theirs and it turned out that they had been raided where they send the visas and that the passport was taken away by police.

a lot of the companies do the visas in illegal ways
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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.


They may have lost it ( always possible ) and rather than say they lost it they are just postponing you over and over again.


Probably best to go to your Embassy and tell them the Visa office has lost your passport and you need another one.


Have them ask the Visa office officials how they could lose a passport like that ...and wait for their answer.


More than likely they will say they have not lost it.


If that is the case then have Your embassy ask why it is not returned to you for so long and have the Embassy demand that the passport be returned to you....ASAP.


More than likely you will not get any immediate  response or help from your Embassy as they tend to be indifferent to the problems of their nationals...but maybe with a passport being ( lost ) by a Visa office may peak their interest and act on your behalf.


Good luck



Edited by gemguy
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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.


They may have lost it ( always possible ) and rather than say they lost it they are just postponing you over and over again.


Probably best to go to your Embassy and tell them the Visa office has lost your passport and you need another one.


Have them ask the Visa office officials how they could lose a passport like that ...and wait for their answer.


More than likely they will say they have not lost it.


If that is the case then have Your embassy ask why it is not returned to you for so long and have the Embassy demand that the passport be returned to you....ASAP.


More than likely you will not get any immediate  response or help from your Embassy as they tend to be indifferent to the problems of their nationals...but maybe with a passport being ( lost ) by a Visa office may peak their interest and act on your behalf.


Good luck




I doubt he gave his passport to thai immigration. it was probably some private outfit that was going to get him a visa (somehow)

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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.



The advice on that thread was to go to the police.  Take the advice.  What they are doing is illegal.


It sounds like many visa offices are now having problems getting certain types of visas so they are probably keeping it in the hope they can succeed and not have to give your money back.



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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession

treason? lol





Perhaps a law course is in order here. Treason only applies to the actual national in question. In this case, the officials are Thai. So, how does the Crown charge Thai immigration officers with treason, for messing with someones else's passport? A hysterical post, from a fabulously under informed individual, lacking the facts.

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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.



Chumpy, would you mind telling us what a visa office is? Are you talking about an immigration office?


One can get lots of help on this forum, but if you can describe the problem with a bit more clarity...

Edited by BradinAsia
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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession

Which visa office is it being held by?  If it's not British then is can't be treason.  And even if it were a visa office of the UK it's wouldn't be the crime of treason.

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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.



The advice on that thread was to go to the police.  Take the advice.  What they are doing is illegal.


It sounds like many visa offices are now having problems getting certain types of visas so they are probably keeping it in the hope they can succeed and not have to give your money back.





This sounds likely, actually.  I might think to go to your own embassy instead of the police, however.  If it was a 'work around' to immigration, you might not want to walk into the police station and announce this without a passport in your possession.

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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession


"what they are doing is tantamount to Treason"


Utter nonsense. This is Thailand not Britain.


Since the O/P doesn't make clear what country he's from or what "a visa office" means, your hysteria is beyond ridiculous. Passports can be held by police in any country. If "a visa office" means an immigrations office, either they have a reason to hold it pending some legal action or it's simply being processed and not ready yet. Getting hysterical is almost certainly not going to speed things up.


 If the "visa office" is some business, then he should report it to the police if they won't return it, which is what his embassy would tell him to do. Do you think the ambassador from his country is going to head a  commando raid on "a visa office" to retrieve it?

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It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.




Please get your facts straight.  Visas are NOT issued from within Thailand; that is something that is done at a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a foreign country.


You can get an extension of stay for an existing visa, but not a new visa.


Can you please indicate whether you turned over your passport to a Thai Immigration department (in Phuket) or to a private company?


If the latter, well, in my opinion, that was unwise.



Not entirely true.  You can arrive on an entry-permit stamp and go to immigration with the appropriate papers and they will stamp your passport with a non-imm O visa.


Does anyone here know how this works ... I have heard of it before ... what are the appropriate papers?  Serious and sincere question... 

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Anyone that doesn't know that in every major town with a decent sized farang population there's a bunch of lawyers offering visa services of various levels of legality hasn't been here very long.

Sometimes these services are totally legal, processing extensions and doing your 90 day reports for you.. Nothing more dodgy than Thai elite card assistance center..

Other times they simply smooth out the hassle of rude or plain difficult immigration officers.. Yet more dodgy is managing to prove finances when those might not be there.

Finally there's the totally illegal sending passports put of the country for new visas.. Until a couple of months ago this was still workable at a few Aussie consuls, now I don't know of any.. It's not unlikely the visa agent was providing this illegal activity, while assuring the customer of its legitimacy, and now cannot complete.

I would go to the company and tell them they have 24 hours before the police become involved and you just want the passport back, if it fails, work the immigration volunteer or tourist police line of attack first.. Failing that go to the Thai police and register the theft.
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It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.




Please get your facts straight.  Visas are NOT issued from within Thailand; that is something that is done at a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a foreign country.


You can get an extension of stay for an existing visa, but not a new visa.


Can you please indicate whether you turned over your passport to a Thai Immigration department (in Phuket) or to a private company?


If the latter, well, in my opinion, that was unwise.



Not entirely true.  You can arrive on an entry-permit stamp and go to immigration with the appropriate papers and they will stamp your passport with a non-imm O visa.


Does anyone here know how this works ... I have heard of it before ... what are the appropriate papers?  Serious and sincere question... 


Yes, possible but only some immigration office do this, most notably Bangkok.


Standard paperwork for non-immigrant visa is required.

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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.
Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.
It sounds like some dodgy visa agent is holding the passport because they cannot get whatever they claimed they could do done. Or perhaps have lost it doing whatever they were supposed to be doing.
I think what I would do is go to the police and report it stolen. If they are not able to get it back then get a new passport.
Hey im polish. In my case when i lose passport its bad. To get new one i must prove in embassy that im polish.
Speaking language is not enough. They want bkrth certificat which is in poland some office in town where i was born. But how can i go get it without passport.

I think they gives 1 year temp passport for emergencies. But not sure they would give just like that...
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First of all..
Where did you lodged your passport?
If you feel you not trying to bypass local rules and law...
using "agent"
Why not to report it to your embassy? ??
It should be your first duty as a passport holder! If you feel something is " fishy" even doing mistake dealing with any office.

Do you realize you can be arrested not having passport exept maybe having Thai drivers licence.
To be honest ..I would not use this site to look for help.
Simply saying ...if I'm not trying to do dishonest thing in any country then i would read a guidance on embassy Website " what to do when passport is lost"
including other potential scenarios especially now when this issue about stolen passports is still hot?
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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession

Hyperbolize much? Anyway, you can't be treasonous against a country of which you are not a citizen. 

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a little more info from the OP may be helpful.


Did they (somebody) give you a receipt? Why do they have it in the first place?

It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.


Seems obvious to me. They've lost your passport and can't admit it. The Thai losing-face thing, you know. 

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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession

How do you know it's a British passport? 



Doesn't matter..  ALL passports are property of HM Queen !!!  RULE BRITANNIA!


totster smile.png


Nah, those days are long gone. Scotland will get rid of her too next month, then my passport will be the property of Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor Billy Connolly or whoever becomes our king.


Nah,  it will be a close run race for Head of State between Susan Boyle and The Krankies . .  . . 

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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession


i personally would contact general melchett to appropriately deliver messages like that.


bbbaaaaaaayyyye isn't that right darling?









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It was given to the office many months ago in order to get a 1 year visa,every time they say that it will be ready next week,can anyone advice on what to do?I don't have a receipt no,I had been doing business with this office for 14 years previously.




Please get your facts straight.  Visas are NOT issued from within Thailand; that is something that is done at a Thai Embassy/Consulate in a foreign country.


You can get an extension of stay for an existing visa, but not a new visa.


Can you please indicate whether you turned over your passport to a Thai Immigration department (in Phuket) or to a private company?


If the latter, well, in my opinion, that was unwise.



Not entirely true.  You can arrive on an entry-permit stamp and go to immigration with the appropriate papers and they will stamp your passport with a non-imm O visa.


Does anyone here know how this works ... I have heard of it before ... what are the appropriate papers?  Serious and sincere question... 




First -- you do your homework, read the thai immigration website and get the papers you need together.

2nd - - you arrive at BKK with either a visa issued in another country, or a "permit to enter" stamp usually valid for 30 days

3rd -- you go to your embassy and get a letter of confirmation of income -- AND/OR -- go to your bank and get a statement of balance that matches your passbook (the and/or depends on the method or mix that you choose to prove your finances)

4th -- take yourself, passport, rental agreement, receipts for rent paid, embassy letter of income, etc ( the "etc" depends on your nationality and the immigrations office you're dealing with ) to you local immigration office and apply for a Non-immigrant O visa. - usually for 90 days

5th -- During the 90 days do the next bit of homework and repeat the recipe to get the annual extension.


I've left out lots of details but they are easily filled in if you do your homework -- this post is just a work-plan for you.


good luck :)

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what they are doing is illegal and punishable by law,the passport is the property of the Crown ie H M THE QUEEN and can not be held or kept I suggest you contact the British Embassy in Bangkok as what they are doing is tantamount to Treason by keeping a crown possession

I think you need to read up on what treason is. Such utter rubbish.
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