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Yingluck has returned to Bangkok Sunday night: report


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If it's T's idea that she return home, then he's playing a high-stakes game in terms of public sentiment and issues of morality - at least high stakes for him and his family. If it all goes pear-shape for her, then T and co lose the moral high ground on the world stage, and destroy what remaining shreds of support they have in Thailand, and this is very likely anyway. So what is going on? I seriously doubt a deal has been done with the junta as the rice scheme is far too significant to be nudged aside or diminished in any way. This is very intriguing as I doubt YL is returning as a matter of principle, nor to continue the good fight on behalf of the Shins. There is simply no way she is going to expose herself to the risk of incarceration when she has the resources to spend the rest of her life in luxury.


You are severely underestimating the support they have in Thailand, otherwise they would not have won every single election they stood in.


This is very true, If another election was held now she'd win again - hence no election


and you know that do ya..2015 is the election  or you been away..


and the date for the election is.....? I also understand that the only people allowed to run in the election are people the Junta allow or promote.

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She should never have taken the job in the first place. The whole Shinawatra show is a  pathetic joke and I really can't understand how Thai people can fall for it, well ...

"I really can't understand how Thai people can fall for it, well ..." Like many TV members!smile.png 

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she appears to have more morals and b_lls than her brother

Thaksin came back to, kissed the tarmac, got his sentence and of he went to China and the rest is history, we have to wait and se about Yingluck but if it isn´t going her way I am sure she is of as well.

Edited by Skywalker69
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Far too early to do a runner.  There are a whole host of proceccess to go through and even if found guilty, she will without doubt appeal against the decision, which would be a more appropriate time to go off on some incredibly important overseas appointment and pick up a couple of courtesy passports from some dodgy Countries - then it will be time to end the show and close the final curtain.

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Reminds me of an Elton John song "The Bitch Is Back "


Oh, you like that, huh?


Here's more, just for YOU.


I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch
Oh the bitch is back
Stone cold sober as a matter of fact
I can bitch, I can bitch
`Cause I'm better than you
It's the way that I move
The things that I do


Thanks, Sir Elton. Great Song


And here's an even better one, that I dedicate to Lady Yingluck, with love from your fans in Chiang Mai Country: Welcome Back!


"I'm Still Standing"

You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use

And did you think this fool could never win
Well look at me, I'm coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I'm still standing you just fade away

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind

I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah
I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah

Once I never could hope to win
You starting down the road leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if our love was just a circus you'd be a clown by now
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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here.

Look who's talking, are you attempting a world record for nonsense posts?
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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


I'm with you on that Bob. I've listened to so much nastiness from so many people here, disparaging her character left right and centre. When she shows them to be significantly wrong about something, they just start off on another angle. It's disgusting in the extreme, and I'm embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand when I know some Thais will lump me in with these petty, mean-minded creeps.




And you are all mixed amongst us! FACT! If you don't like the truth, plenty of other websites you could get your short and curlies into, my Lord.

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Well the good luck she might already have had. I mean with such amount of luggage some people would still be at the airport next week trying to find all the receipts for the stuff bought or trying to convince that they really had it with them already when starting their trip.
Surely must feel good to be an Amply Rich Elite Defender of Democracy and The People  alt=rolleyes.gif>

So you know what was in her luggage?

He doesn't know anything and it's really none of his business.   I believe she departed Thailand with 15 pieces and return with 15 so what make your rumor mongers think she even purchased anything while overseas.  Also how do you know she didn't go through immigrations.  Were you there, I wasn't so I can't say like you can.   
She left with 15 bags and came back with 15 bags. Therefore she couldn't have bought anything.....

This is funny s..t MB. Keep them coming.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


You people are a sorrowful bunch. (forgetful to boot!)


Before the Junta arrest one of their own the ugly comments were "The Junta are corrupted and would never arrest within their own ranks" When the Junta arrest one of their own. Your insult is "It is a PR stunt"


Before the police chief was reinstated the ugly comments were "it was a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts". When he is reinstated the insult is  "it is nepotism".


When the Junta found a small amount of weapons the ugly comments were "An insignificant weapons find". When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years the insult is "A fake news story".


Before the Junta paid the rice farmers the ugly comment was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers the insult was "They are a populist Junta"


Very disgusting group of people here….and support terrorist groups to boot!!!!


Here you go again with diarrhea of the mouth.  Who supports terrorist groups?  I am not a yellow skirt.


You said "we" are sorrowful and highlighted why. Fair enough.  


I replied highlighting the exact same points that you did with examples, but from the other side of the divide (or as I like to call it the 15 principle of democracy supporters side) which highlighted the hypocrisy in your statement. What do you do? Ignore that completely and follow it on with nothing but condescension. No reply saying…."Damn, I have to admit you are right there" or "OK, fair enough, but I am talking about here and now". None of that…"Diarrhea"! WOW. Did you go to Kentucky State University too? In typical terrorist supporter fashion when proven wrong, deny, condescend, belittle, ignore or change the subject. The 2 accused terrorist leaders of the terrorist organization you support would be so proud.


Just be thankful the red shirts are no longer causing daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok with impunity. Be thankful we will not see another Trat thanks to the Junta. Be thankful that, like me, I can walk my 2 beautiful loving children and wife through Bangkok without the fear of random terrorist attacks caused by red shirts on innocent people. People that had nothing to do with this situation.


Truly, may peace and reconciliation be with you. I have saved you a seat on the reconciliation train that arrives at "true democracy" station in October next year. We can pass the time by discussing why it is wrong for an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitives' sister to allow an amnesty bill to go through parliament at a vote of 307 -0 0 against the voice of the majority. 


I assume any reply will be nothing of substance and only be a quick inarticulate quip at me. Because if it was a reply that offered substance or proved you hypocritical then it would be called diarrhea right?

Edited by djjamie
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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


You people are a sorrowful bunch. (forgetful to boot!)


Before the Junta arrest one of their own the ugly comments were "The Junta are corrupted and would never arrest within their own ranks" When the Junta arrest one of their own. Your insult is "It is a PR stunt"


Before the police chief was reinstated the ugly comments were "it was a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts". When he is reinstated the insult is  "it is nepotism".


When the Junta found a small amount of weapons the ugly comments were "An insignificant weapons find". When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years the insult is "A fake news story".


Before the Junta paid the rice farmers the ugly comment was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers the insult was "They are a populist Junta"


Very disgusting group of people here….and support terrorist groups to boot!!!!


Here you go again with diarrhea of the mouth.  Who supports terrorist groups?  I am not a yellow skirt.


You said "we" are sorrowful and highlighted why. Fair enough.  


I replied highlighting the exact same points that you did with examples, but from the other side of the divide (or as I like to call it the 15 principle of democracy supporters side) which highlighted the hypocrisy in your statement. What do you do? Ignore that completely and follow it on with nothing but condescension. No reply saying…."Damn, I have to admit you are right there" or "OK, fair enough, but I am talking about here and now". None of that…"Diarrhea"! WOW. Did you go to Kentucky State University too? In typical terrorist supporter fashion when proven wrong, deny, condescend, belittle, ignore or change the subject. The 2 accused terrorist leaders of the terrorist organization you support would be so proud.


Just be thankful the red shirts are no longer causing daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok with impunity. Be thankful we will not see another Trat thanks to the Junta. Be thankful that, like me, I can walk my 2 beautiful loving children and wife through Bangkok without the fear of random terrorist attacks caused by red shirts on innocent people. People that had nothing to do with this situation.


Truly, may peace and reconciliation be with you. I have saved you a seat on the reconciliation train that arrives at "true democracy" station in October next year. We can pass the time by discussing why it is wrong for an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitives' sister to allow an amnesty bill to go through parliament at a vote of 307 -0 0 against the voice of the majority. 


I assume any reply will be nothing of substance and only be a quick inarticulate quip at me. Because if it was a reply that offered substance or proved you hypocritical then it would be called diarrhea right?


Your wasting your time with me.   I am just curious why late last night you were looking at a number of websites to see if YL has returned.   This is all you have in life is to stay up all night worried about the poor lady if she returned or not.   You need to find another activity to keep you busy during the day so you can sleep well at night.   

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Gives the Junta a bit of a difficult balancing act. If they are too zealous in their pursuit of her they will alienate her supporters whilst if they aren't forceful enough they will alienate their own supporters. And if she is found not guilty, then there this in effect means there was very little legal and political justification for the coup. 


How do you achieve political reconciliation whilst prosecuting the leader of the last democratically elected government? Bit of a paradox. 


Don't see what its got to do with the Junta.


The NACC has investigated the rice scheme for over 2 years long before the army came along and found that Yingluck was negligent.


They have passed this information on to the OAG who will now decide if a prosecution is warranted.


If they decide in that way it will then be passed to the appropriate court.


If she is found guilty by that court she will be found guilty of breaking the law.


No doubt then there would be right of appeal as with any other case.


Do you believe that because of her position at the time she should be above the law ?


I didn't realize that Yinglucks alleged negligence was the reason given for staging the coup... learn something every day.


Should those in high places be exempt from prosecution because it may put their supporters noses out of joint ?


You would learn an awful lot more if you took your blinkers off and cared to do some research. 



Please elaborate on what I have to learn.


While you are at it show me what is in my post that is not true.


Then as you have chosen to butt in and insult me, even though the questions weren't directed at you, perhaps as a bonus you could answer the 2 questions I posed in reference to the post I answered.

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It was definitely very much in Thaksin's interests that she should return home.  Fleeing would have implied she was guilty and had abandoned her brother's red shirts.  Keeping her in Thailand keeps the Shins in the news and has the potential to make her into an Aung San Suu Kyi figure (whom Thaksin has compared himself to along with with Nelson Mandela).  Coming back on time gives her an excellent chance of always being granted bail right up to the moment of sentencing and still having the ability to jump bail at the last moment like Thaksin did.  Thaksin must have assured her that he will fix things so that her cases will be spun out for a long time and then PT will win an election before her conviction and quash all the cases like he managed to get his wife off her 3 year sentence for tax fraud without ever having to serve a day.  If he miscalculates (again) and she ends up being incarcerated, then she will be even more useful to him as an Aung San Suu Kyi figure.  Given her lack of intellectual depth and total emotional and financial dependency on her brother, It is hard to see Yingluck making an independent decision about this. 


From the junta's side, I would guess they expected her to come back for the reasons given above but must have hoped like hell that she wouldn't.  The comparisons with Bush and the disappearing WMD plus the trial and execution of Sadam are not completely out of whack.  Yingluck certainly has a strong potential to be a spanner in the works and whatever happens to her will p1ss off a large percentage of the population either way.  There are already 2 criminal cases being prepared against her and more could be on the way. If she is convicted in the rice pledging case, it is most likely that a civil case in the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders would follow for damages that could result in seizure of all her assets in Thailand.  In addition there is the issue of whether she will still have to undergo impeachment proceedings on at least 2 cases when a new Senate is formed.   I think there is also a chance that criminal and impeachment cases could be brought against the entire Yingluck government for the infrastructure bill that was rejected by the Constitutional Court, as it was a government bill.   

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You people are a sorrowful bunch. (forgetful to boot!)


Before the Junta arrest one of their own the ugly comments were "The Junta are corrupted and would never arrest within their own ranks" When the Junta arrest one of their own. Your insult is "It is a PR stunt"


Before the police chief was reinstated the ugly comments were "it was a conspiracy by the DEM's and the courts". When he is reinstated the insult is  "it is nepotism".


When the Junta found a small amount of weapons the ugly comments were "An insignificant weapons find". When they found 10% of all weapons finds in 14 years the insult is "A fake news story".


Before the Junta paid the rice farmers the ugly comment was "They don't care about the farmers" When they paid the farmers the insult was "They are a populist Junta"


Very disgusting group of people here….and support terrorist groups to boot!!!!


Here you go again with diarrhea of the mouth.  Who supports terrorist groups?  I am not a yellow skirt.


You said "we" are sorrowful and highlighted why. Fair enough.  


I replied highlighting the exact same points that you did with examples, but from the other side of the divide (or as I like to call it the 15 principle of democracy supporters side) which highlighted the hypocrisy in your statement. What do you do? Ignore that completely and follow it on with nothing but condescension. No reply saying…."Damn, I have to admit you are right there" or "OK, fair enough, but I am talking about here and now". None of that…"Diarrhea"! WOW. Did you go to Kentucky State University too? In typical terrorist supporter fashion when proven wrong, deny, condescend, belittle, ignore or change the subject. The 2 accused terrorist leaders of the terrorist organization you support would be so proud.


Just be thankful the red shirts are no longer causing daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok with impunity. Be thankful we will not see another Trat thanks to the Junta. Be thankful that, like me, I can walk my 2 beautiful loving children and wife through Bangkok without the fear of random terrorist attacks caused by red shirts on innocent people. People that had nothing to do with this situation.


Truly, may peace and reconciliation be with you. I have saved you a seat on the reconciliation train that arrives at "true democracy" station in October next year. We can pass the time by discussing why it is wrong for an accused terrorist, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitives' sister to allow an amnesty bill to go through parliament at a vote of 307 -0 0 against the voice of the majority. 


I assume any reply will be nothing of substance and only be a quick inarticulate quip at me. Because if it was a reply that offered substance or proved you hypocritical then it would be called diarrhea right?


Your wasting your time with me.   I am just curious why late last night you were looking at a number of websites to see if YL has returned.   This is all you have in life is to stay up all night worried about the poor lady if she returned or not.   You need to find another activity to keep you busy during the day so you can sleep well at night.   


Well you cannot include me Bob, I was not looking at websites to see if Yingluck returned.   I was having it OFF --if you get my drift.

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I'm loving all the comments here... "If" she does this, "if" the Junta does this.. Well as the old saying goes, if my aunty had a willy, she'd be my uncle. There is one fact and one fact only, She returned on the Sunday exactly as she said she would. How many pieces of luggage she returned with is totally irrelevant, if immigration went to the plane is irrelevant (crikey even Farangs with Thai Elite card get fast-tracked). Immigration going to the plane for VIPs is not a new thing. What difference does it make if immigration went to the plane? What difference does it make if she had an extra bag? Everybody offering up opinions and points of view is exactly that - opinions and points of view.




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Yingluck insists she won't flee

BANGKOK: -- Ex-premier Yingluck Shinawatra on Monday said she would not flee Thailand as she has strong bonds with the country.

She thanked Thais for being worried about her but said she went abroad to take a vacation with her son. She was speaking after spending almost three weeks overseas.

She returned from the trip last night by a chartered flight reportedly from Singapore. During the trip, she attended a birthday party of her fugitive brother; Thaksin Shinawatra, in Paris.

She left Bangkok after getting permission from the military junta who seized the power in late May.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-insists-she-wont-flee-30240693.html


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Wot, no photo opportunity???  No pix at all, even of her back, surrounded by security men?


You have eyes?



And what would you have The Deerhunter do with his eyes, even with the aid of a telescopic sight? I have seen no photos of the new arrival at DMK. Have you?

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You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 

By all means, please call her on her private line and give her our apologies for ever doubting her.  After all, we should have learned from all the rice farmers how trusting she is and how much she means to them.  She is an absolute paragon of virtue and one we should esteem as greatly as you do.  Give her a kiss for all the rest of us disgusting people.  Tell her that we hope she gets all the attention she deserves.  



I´ll make you a bet, I hereby promise to do all that you have written in your post above if you promise to make the same thing to Suthep.



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If it's T's idea that she return home, then he's playing a high-stakes game in terms of public sentiment and issues of morality - at least high stakes for him and his family. If it all goes pear-shape for her, then T and co lose the moral high ground on the world stage, and destroy what remaining shreds of support they have in Thailand, and this is very likely anyway. So what is going on? I seriously doubt a deal has been done with the junta as the rice scheme is far too significant to be nudged aside or diminished in any way. This is very intriguing as I doubt YL is returning as a matter of principle, nor to continue the good fight on behalf of the Shins. There is simply no way she is going to expose herself to the risk of incarceration when she has the resources to spend the rest of her life in luxury.

You are severely underestimating the support they have in Thailand, otherwise they would not have won every single election they stood in.

You are severly underestimating the Army and their backers this time.There will be no election until that support is eroded or the Shins decapitated,figuritively speaking.We dont want to go through the previous shenaigans again and again.
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No immigration? Wow! Must be nice .


Did she go through customs so they could check she was not bringing in goods over the allowed duty free values?


How many pieces of luggage did she come back with? Was it searched,



She might be an ousted caretaker PM/DM with considerable investigations hanging over her, but still treated as a VIP and above the law. 



Just a big game to the HiSo elites like her that never have to worry because laws and rules simply don't apply.



Why do you make the unfounded suggestion that she didn't have to pass an Immigration officer?


If you can read you will know how many cases she brought back.  Why should she necessarily have her luggage searched, does every person entering the country have their luggage searched?  I know I have never had my luggage searched.


How is her entering the country as a Thai citizen "above the law"?





Talking of reading ability, where did I make a suggestion she didn't pass an immigration officer in my post you copied? Customs and immigration aren't the same. There, you've learnt something new today,


In a later post it says she brought 15 pieces of luggage back whilst another source said "several". I wasn't there to count them, were you?


Thai customs have announced they will be enforcing the duty free limits and taxes on luxury goods imports. As a very very wealthy person with a known propensity for shopping, who is returning from holidaying in countries known for luxury goods shopping, wouldn't you think their curiosity might be aroused. Or do you think they should all just bow and touch their forelocks?


She is, as she herself reminds us, just a private person. She should be subject to the same laws, rules and processes as any other Thai citizen. But, as she is amply rich she can get different treatment of course.

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Don Muang still has immigration, if you can afford the private jet you can afford to have the immigration folk come on board and process you return.


As to the luggage, if you take the time to read the latest post from the Thai media informs us that she had 15 pieces that were loaded into a private van.


Please ensure brain is in operation prior to engaging mouth/keyboard.




Ah, sarcasm, the lowest form of wit. Good to see you're as sharp as a sausage this morning.


Nice to be able to afford a private jet - shame the farmers who were driven to suicide when her "vows" to pay them came to nothing didn't have a fraction of her clan's wealth.


So you know immigration stamped her in and that customs were happy all was in order. 15 cases out, 15 cases in -all the contents the same.


How wonderful the elite can travel so comfortably. So quaint. 



Ah, not knowing what sarcasm is and then quoting someone else's opinion of it.  Priceless.  There was no sarcasm at all in his post. 


So you know Immigration didn't process her?  Do you get stamped in to your own country?  Does a traveller have to bring back exactly the same number of pieces of luggage that they left with and ensure that the contents hadn't changed?


Good to see your sausage-sharpness keeping us entertained.




You are the world's expert on the English language, and believe how you read things is the only way they can be read? Or just simply defending another Shin apologist?


The immigration process in my own country is different to Thailand - don't use arrival / departure cards, but passports checked and scanned. Nope - she can take out and bring in what she wants, - providing she doesn't break the laws on currency being carried, declares and pays any taxes due on goods so requiring and doesn't bring any banned items. I'm sure that's standard in most countries. 


Glad to see you are entertained - I've tried to keep it nice and simple for you.

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Gives the Junta a bit of a difficult balancing act. If they are too zealous in their pursuit of her they will alienate her supporters whilst if they aren't forceful enough they will alienate their own supporters. And if she is found not guilty, then there this in effect means there was very little legal and political justification for the coup. 
How do you achieve political reconciliation whilst prosecuting the leader of the last democratically elected government? Bit of a paradox. 

    jonclark.... go look at yourself in a mirror..   Yinluck was NOT democratically elected , she was bought into power so you could say corruption pure corruption got her into power.  What do you think this military coup is all about..  Wake up....wai2.gif

Silly me, there was me thinking that Pheu Thai, with Yingluck clearly understood by just about every sentient being in Thailand as being the candidate for Prime Minister, won a clear parliamentary majority in an election which was agreed both internationally and domestically as being fair, (other than by Bakseeda obviously).

Are we by any chance rewriting history to suit our current agenda?
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