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Have We All Just Settled For Second Best?


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No....I look at the ones that have a long and happy marriage and am genuinely happy for them...most are rutted but some still very active....didn't work out that way for me and I still have optimistic adventure coupled with a good amount of mischief left in my soul...I am happy where I am at.....personally I couldn't think of anything more boring than hanging around a Sun City with a bunch of old people with nothing more to look forward to thsn going to the golf course day after day.....the non pub crawling farangs I mostly meet have life, vitality, and adventurous I can do spirits....more of a healthy pioneer attitude than the "canned and waiting" lifestyle back home..... Edited by pgrahmm
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Kudel, in all honesty there really is truth in that....really, and that is what worries me


I will straight up say that even though settled down I am addicted to sex and the cheap and super easy availability of it is something I could not live without...

Edited by bowerboy
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Whats the attraction to said country?Foreign scientists have been  invited to Thailand find  a cure for ebola come on people.After reading al the reactions on the new visa hassle regulations i can only conclude about the people who burnt their bridges with home and are now getting their so called welcome shoved up their @rse.

I still have to find articals in the press or on the net where the biggest moguls of science and industry from the west have made thailand their home.

Edited by Rooo
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bowerboy, I can understand your feeling but come untruths in your OP.

  • and the kids going to free and good education
  • and the clean streets and
  • free very good healthcare
  • and the retirement funds

None of that is free ... all paid for by our taxes or rates.


We pay income tax, the Medicare levy, GST, rates and levies.


Even a pension is paid by the taxes of your children as they come from recurrent revenue.


Remember 'Government Money' is/was your money.


Actually, I'm not overly convinced the so called "free education" is the raving success people claim it is. 30 children per class is the first problem. With that size it's impossible to offer the same kind of education offered by private schools where class size is half or even a third of the state alternative. My oldest is in a private school and it is anything but free, but scary good.


Clean streets? You're not talking West Bromwich and Peckham now, I presume?'

Retirement funds? There be non left when I feel like retiring. I've sorted myself out. You should too.


NHS, on the other hand, is a feature UK must never rid off.


Doesn't matter if it's Australia or UK, it all depends on what you seek in life (wherever you lay your hat) ...

Edited by Forethat
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Life is,what we make it, we always think the grass is greener on the other side..

I have a good life here in Thailand, but there is some things I miss, biggest thing, is, I am a Classic Car freak, I would love,to,have an old Mercedes Sports car, but here,in Thailand, it's impossible, I,would be too scared to drive it, driving is not a pleasure,here, everyday in the news, all I read about is road deaths...

Apart,from that life is,good,,

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I hate to be a cynic, but in this case it's warranted.


How many of those Facebook happy marriages are really happy?


Last year before I moved to Thailand I met a woman who worked in a hospital in Canada. Good salary, husband with a good job and 3 kids, big house.... and of course plenty of Facebook photos to show their happiness. Yet that woman started making advances towards me and on the third day she blatantly said she wants to be f.%%#d by me. I tried to explain to her I am really not interested in married woman, but she was so persistent that in the end I just had to do it to get it over with :) then she became obsessed, but luckily it was my time to move to Thailand.


Now, I have been self employed for most of my life, so I don't really know what goes on in the office or work place. But from the stories she told me it seemed quite normal what she did since "half of the hospital staff" had broken marriages and were cheating.


I for one don't believe anyone who posts on facebook is really that happy. People just want to show off.... kinda like keeping up with the joneses.





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