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Have We All Just Settled For Second Best?


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I hate to be a cynic, but in this case it's warranted.


How many of those Facebook happy marriages are really happy?




I for one don't believe anyone who posts on facebook is really that happy. People just want to show off.... kinda like keeping up with the joneses.






 So why do you believe anyone who posts on TVF, but not on Facebook ?  Do you think a young Thai wife /old farang husband is a really happy marriage ?.



Yes, its absolute heaven........!!!



Not heaven for the Thai wife of 42 with the farang husband at 82, Surely.


Had a neighbor.  Husband has a mia noi.  He is a handsome devil; good job, young, well spoken.  Did I mention he had a mia noi?  Ask his wife.  I did last night when she came to our house to cry for an hour.  Is this an isolated case?  Handsome Thai guy, money, well educated, nice car, nice house; well no it is not an isolated incident.  So do you really know?  Do I really know?  Everyone is different.  Best mind your own knitting. 


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I had all of that for over 60 years and now I want something different. Here my generosity has some real affect. Here I have a different experience. I may well return there one day because the infrastructure is more conducive to the physically challenged elderly. For now I am content to experience different food, different weather, different people and an entirely different culture. 

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Yeah its the outdoor stuff I miss the most I think..


None of this would of mattered to me if I didn't have kids...as a single guy I would say this is the best place on earth...but with family it changes the equation completely....i mean the life of a 44 year old single guy with a good job here compared to the life of a single 44 year old guy with a good job in Basingstoke!!! We are talking incomparable universes....but if you are talking about a 44 year old with 2 kids in the UK (or Australia) and the same in Thailand then the tables are changed dramatically..


I am happy with my life here and the choices I made but honestly being in a relationship here is definitely second best in my opinion...i think Cypress Hill summed it up perfectly about the difference between Envy and Pity...

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The only thing I miss about the US is Hawaii.  But I wasn't from there, anyway, and I've visited there more since I've been in Thailand than when I lived in the US.  It would be nice if it was easier to get shoes in my size.

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The three evenings started innocently enough: The cardiologist says he and a woman who introduced herself as a nursing student went to dinner and, on one occasion, a concert at Madison Square Garden.

They ended, he says, in a drug-induced blur.


Dr. Zyad Younan alleges his companion, Karina Pascucci, and three other women drugged him into a semi-conscious state and charged more than $135,000 to his credit card at the behest of the well-known New York City strip club Scores. 


The above is the West to me.  Is Dr Zyad envious of me? 


The West is not honest enough for me anymore.  A nursing student OMG.  They got the guy for almost 5 million baht.  I admit I've been drugged and robbed in Pattaya but never close to 5 million baht.

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The three evenings started innocently enough: The cardiologist says he and a woman who introduced herself as a nursing student went to dinner and, on one occasion, a concert at Madison Square Garden.

They ended, he says, in a drug-induced blur.


Dr. Zyad Younan alleges his companion, Karina Pascucci, and three other women drugged him into a semi-conscious state and charged more than $135,000 to his credit card at the behest of the well-known New York City strip club Scores. 


The above is the West to me.  Is Dr Zyad envious of me? 


The West is not honest enough for me anymore.  A nursing student OMG.  They got the guy for almost 5 million baht.  I admit I've been drugged and robbed in Pattaya but never close to 5 million baht.



It's NYC.  What do you expect?  Are any of those people even American citizens?

Edited by zydeco
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total crap their speaks a bitter man IMO my thai wife and kids have all in their names and have had for over 15 years Im not stupid but many think I am. However once i was sure my Thai wife was honest faithful and trustworthy I decided to start putting everything in her name and then when children came in theirs. That also applied to our (hers now) UK and USA assets. Sure their a lot of very sad stories by people who let their dicks rule their heads but theirs also a lot of very happy long term successful marriages here and age has little to do with it. Im over 80 and my wife is 40 years younger and while we've had ups and downs their is no doubt in my mind that like my first wife if we ever parted she would make sure i was ok. 




I feel sorry for people like you who never trust and always think everyone is bad normally just because they stupidly fell for a bad one who was after all only with them for money and so become totally bitter and twisted all their lives. Ive seen lots of them over 30 years and they probably liker you are all IMO sad sad beings. 


I decided to put all here and in UK USA in my wife and thai children's names simply because it was easier for them when i go but then i did not really expect to last this long. 


I also know a lot of forang scared @#$#@ in case their wives take what they have and try all sorts of things to protect against that such as buying in company name and rest. Thats sad as well since i could never ever be with someone i could not trust 100% on at least financially. I was bitten done twice before  met my wife but not by huge amounts and it was worth it to see if they were honest or just gold diggers. Its simple really just first give small house and car and then wait a while the wrong ones will soon get bored and leave and thats a cheap price to pay (less than 5k gbp in my case twice but that was 30 year + ago). 


Then theirs those who try to give as little as they can and surprise surprise the wife feels he does not trust me very well ill take what i can. After all nearly all women need some financial security which does not mean they are gold diggers.


Anyway good luck to you with your bitter twisted views which will repay you greatly I'm sure. Better to die happy with someone who really cares for you than with huge millions. 


I also know many like you who boast about how many girls they have had and how great it is yet when drunk admit they would swap all that for one who they could love and who loved them. But they will never find that one since they are so afraid ofd being done again.



Mate, after being bitten by gold-diggers for the last 30 years, you married a woman more than 40 years your junior who is WAITING FOR YOU TO DIE and you've got the cheek to preach to others about life choices? 


You're making out that it's normal and "simple" to hand over a "small house and a car" to test if someone's not a gold-digger cheesy.gif 


Perhaps it's normal for you but maybe that's because you're an idiot when it comes to women.



As for my being "bitter", please let me know what - exactly - you think I'm bitter about?


The fact that I haven't gotten married to a local woman?


The fact that I've chosen to keep my investments and assets in my own name in jurisdictions benefiting from transparent and efficient corporate governance?


Perhaps the fact that I don't have to sign over everything I own for someone to give a toss about me?


You should spend what time you have left enjoying your delusion; not calling people bitter and twisted.


well good luck to you and my wife has waited a long time if that was her game she could have dumped be anytime in last 15 + years since all is in her name but each to their own. IIVe had 30+ years of people telling me I'm stupid and nearly every one in end has ended up bitter twisted and   poorer but if your happy with heroism up to you I'm just saying not all people are stuck with gold diggers


and i never had to sign over anything in fact she never asked it was purely my decision since in end she and our kids will get it all anyway. Same as my first wife i gave her nearly all for tax reasons and when we parted she gave 1/2 back. 


so mr know all why would a young very attractive 20 year old stay with some one 40 years older once they already had all assets without asking tell me mr know all 


in end your money will buy you nothing but a lonely end with no one caring a toss for you



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"everyone with the same colour skin and same culture" Haven't been back in quite a bit, I reckon! giggle.gif  I grew up in very white part of Oregon, USA. I love the fact there are folks from all over here, plus of course the locals. I had plenty of years of US culture (or what passes for culture). This place frustrates the heck out of me from time to time, as probably does most. But after a few weeks in USA once a year I am glad to head back to this whacky place.w00t.gif

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 "Happy long term successful marriages, and age has nothing to do with it "  and you are over 80 and your wife is 40 years younger. OK I will ask is there any  42 year old farang men that would be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?  I guess none





Just to point out, if I were 80, any marriage would have a good chance of lasting my remaining lifetime.





  My reply / question was " if you was a 42 year old farang would you be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?.    Now do you understand ?

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i often wonder myself how a wife my bags can be happy with someone 40 years oder but she is and from what i see a lot happier than a number of her friends married to partners their own age. Its a mystery but it does happen and i thank my luck it happened to me but then of course many will say I'm deluding myself even after 30 years together. People are strange aren't they. I have known men aged 20 totally in love with woman 60 or more and not just for perks

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The three evenings started innocently enough: The cardiologist says he and a woman who introduced herself as a nursing student went to dinner and, on one occasion, a concert at Madison Square Garden.

They ended, he says, in a drug-induced blur.


Dr. Zyad Younan alleges his companion, Karina Pascucci, and three other women drugged him into a semi-conscious state and charged more than $135,000 to his credit card at the behest of the well-known New York City strip club Scores. 


The above is the West to me.  Is Dr Zyad envious of me? 


The West is not honest enough for me anymore.  A nursing student OMG.  They got the guy for almost 5 million baht.  I admit I've been drugged and robbed in Pattaya but never close to 5 million baht.



It's NYC.  What do you expect?  Are any of those people even American citizens?



What difference would that make?  You can't get any more American than NYC, the big apple has always been home to immigrants (statue of liberty and all). 

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 "Happy long term successful marriages, and age has nothing to do with it "  and you are over 80 and your wife is 40 years younger. OK I will ask is there any  42 year old farang men that would be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?  I guess none





Just to point out, if I were 80, any marriage would have a good chance of lasting my remaining lifetime.





  My reply / question was " if you was a 42 year old farang would you be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?.    Now do you understand ?



Like  Joan Rivers?

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total crap their speaks a bitter man IMO my thai wife and kids have all in their names and have had for over 15 years Im not stupid but many think I am. However once i was sure my Thai wife was honest faithful and trustworthy I decided to start putting everything in her name and then when children came in theirs. That also applied to our (hers now) UK and USA assets. Sure their a lot of very sad stories by people who let their dicks rule their heads but theirs also a lot of very happy long term successful marriages here and age has little to do with it. Im over 80 and my wife is 40 years younger and while we've had ups and downs their is no doubt in my mind that like my first wife if we ever parted she would make sure i was ok. 




I feel sorry for people like you who never trust and always think everyone is bad normally just because they stupidly fell for a bad one who was after all only with them for money and so become totally bitter and twisted all their lives. Ive seen lots of them over 30 years and they probably liker you are all IMO sad sad beings. 


I decided to put all here and in UK USA in my wife and thai children's names simply because it was easier for them when i go but then i did not really expect to last this long. 


I also know a lot of forang scared @#$#@ in case their wives take what they have and try all sorts of things to protect against that such as buying in company name and rest. Thats sad as well since i could never ever be with someone i could not trust 100% on at least financially. I was bitten done twice before  met my wife but not by huge amounts and it was worth it to see if they were honest or just gold diggers. Its simple really just first give small house and car and then wait a while the wrong ones will soon get bored and leave and thats a cheap price to pay (less than 5k gbp in my case twice but that was 30 year + ago). 


Then theirs those who try to give as little as they can and surprise surprise the wife feels he does not trust me very well ill take what i can. After all nearly all women need some financial security which does not mean they are gold diggers.


Anyway good luck to you with your bitter twisted views which will repay you greatly I'm sure. Better to die happy with someone who really cares for you than with huge millions. 


I also know many like you who boast about how many girls they have had and how great it is yet when drunk admit they would swap all that for one who they could love and who loved them. But they will never find that one since they are so afraid ofd being done again.



Mate, after being bitten by gold-diggers for the last 30 years, you married a woman more than 40 years your junior who is WAITING FOR YOU TO DIE and you've got the cheek to preach to others about life choices? 


You're making out that it's normal and "simple" to hand over a "small house and a car" to test if someone's not a gold-digger cheesy.gif 


Perhaps it's normal for you but maybe that's because you're an idiot when it comes to women.



As for my being "bitter", please let me know what - exactly - you think I'm bitter about?


The fact that I haven't gotten married to a local woman?


The fact that I've chosen to keep my investments and assets in my own name in jurisdictions benefiting from transparent and efficient corporate governance?


Perhaps the fact that I don't have to sign over everything I own for someone to give a toss about me?


You should spend what time you have left enjoying your delusion; not calling people bitter and twisted.


well good luck to you and my wife has waited a long time if that was her game she could have dumped be anytime in last 15 + years since all is in her name but each to their own. IIVe had 30+ years of people telling me I'm stupid and nearly every one in end has ended up bitter twisted and   poorer but if your happy with heroism up to you I'm just saying not all people are stuck with gold diggers


and i never had to sign over anything in fact she never asked it was purely my decision since in end she and our kids will get it all anyway. Same as my first wife i gave her nearly all for tax reasons and when we parted she gave 1/2 back. 


so mr know all why would a young very attractive 20 year old stay with some one 40 years older once they already had all assets without asking tell me mr know all 


in end your money will buy you nothing but a lonely end with no one caring a toss for you




additional reply obviously i hit a raw nerve so my guess was right bitter from a failed relationship and yes for successful people a car and house here is nothing and obviously I'm such an idiot with woman I've failed to have in my life 2 wonderful marriages and a few mia noise who were welcome to what i gave and whenever i started a new relationship between marriages i always stayed in very cheap condos and acted as if i had very little. Of course those who thought they had got all i had then left as i expected but to be honest i thought they would and did not begrudge small change house and car which was far far cheaper than renting high class whores Strangely those who did me were all from quite well of families and one i found to be totally true and honest came form opposite background. 


dont worry if you get over it you to can have a meaningful relationship and might then understand money is meaningless.


If I was ever in need my first wife would always throw me a hundred thousand gbp as would my current wife but its unlikely ill ever need it 


just lucky i guess or as you say stupid 

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i often wonder myself how a wife my bags can be happy with someone 40 years oder but she is and from what i see a lot happier than a number of her friends married to partners their own age. Its a mystery but it does happen and i thank my luck it happened to me but then of course many will say I'm deluding myself even after 30 years together.



 So if you are 82, and your wife is 42, and you have had 30 years together, what age was she when you married her. 12 ?

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total crap their speaks a bitter man IMO my thai wife and kids have all in their names and have had for over 15 years Im not stupid but many think I am. However once i was sure my Thai wife was honest faithful and trustworthy I decided to start putting everything in her name and then when children came in theirs. That also applied to our (hers now) UK and USA assets. Sure their a lot of very sad stories by people who let their dicks rule their heads but theirs also a lot of very happy long term successful marriages here and age has little to do with it. Im over 80 and my wife is 40 years younger and while we've had ups and downs their is no doubt in my mind that like my first wife if we ever parted she would make sure i was ok. 




I feel sorry for people like you who never trust and always think everyone is bad normally just because they stupidly fell for a bad one who was after all only with them for money and so become totally bitter and twisted all their lives. Ive seen lots of them over 30 years and they probably liker you are all IMO sad sad beings. 


I decided to put all here and in UK USA in my wife and thai children's names simply because it was easier for them when i go but then i did not really expect to last this long. 


I also know a lot of forang scared @#$#@ in case their wives take what they have and try all sorts of things to protect against that such as buying in company name and rest. Thats sad as well since i could never ever be with someone i could not trust 100% on at least financially. I was bitten done twice before  met my wife but not by huge amounts and it was worth it to see if they were honest or just gold diggers. Its simple really just first give small house and car and then wait a while the wrong ones will soon get bored and leave and thats a cheap price to pay (less than 5k gbp in my case twice but that was 30 year + ago). 


Then theirs those who try to give as little as they can and surprise surprise the wife feels he does not trust me very well ill take what i can. After all nearly all women need some financial security which does not mean they are gold diggers.


Anyway good luck to you with your bitter twisted views which will repay you greatly I'm sure. Better to die happy with someone who really cares for you than with huge millions. 


I also know many like you who boast about how many girls they have had and how great it is yet when drunk admit they would swap all that for one who they could love and who loved them. But they will never find that one since they are so afraid ofd being done again.



Mate, after being bitten by gold-diggers for the last 30 years, you married a woman more than 40 years your junior who is WAITING FOR YOU TO DIE and you've got the cheek to preach to others about life choices? 


You're making out that it's normal and "simple" to hand over a "small house and a car" to test if someone's not a gold-digger cheesy.gif 


Perhaps it's normal for you but maybe that's because you're an idiot when it comes to women.



As for my being "bitter", please let me know what - exactly - you think I'm bitter about?


The fact that I haven't gotten married to a local woman?


The fact that I've chosen to keep my investments and assets in my own name in jurisdictions benefiting from transparent and efficient corporate governance?


Perhaps the fact that I don't have to sign over everything I own for someone to give a toss about me?


You should spend what time you have left enjoying your delusion; not calling people bitter and twisted.


well good luck to you and my wife has waited a long time if that was her game she could have dumped be anytime in last 15 + years since all is in her name but each to their own. IIVe had 30+ years of people telling me I'm stupid and nearly every one in end has ended up bitter twisted and   poorer but if your happy with heroism up to you I'm just saying not all people are stuck with gold diggers


and i never had to sign over anything in fact she never asked it was purely my decision since in end she and our kids will get it all anyway. Same as my first wife i gave her nearly all for tax reasons and when we parted she gave 1/2 back. 


so mr know all why would a young very attractive 20 year old stay with some one 40 years older once they already had all assets without asking tell me mr know all 


in end your money will buy you nothing but a lonely end with no one caring a toss for you




additional reply obviously i hit a raw nerve so my guess was right bitter from a failed relationship and yes for successful people a car and house here is nothing and obviously I'm such an idiot with woman I've failed to have in my life 2 wonderful marriages and a few mia noise who were welcome to what i gave and whenever i started a new relationship between marriages i always stayed in very cheap condos and acted as if i had very little. Of course those who thought they had got all i had then left as i expected but to be honest i thought they would and did not begrudge small change house and car which was far far cheaper than renting high class whores Strangely those who did me were all from quite well of families and one i found to be totally true and honest came form opposite background. 


dont worry if you get over it you to can have a meaningful relationship and might then understand money is meaningless.


If I was ever in need my first wife would always throw me a hundred thousand gbp as would my current wife but its unlikely ill ever need it 


just lucky i guess or as you say stupid 


sorry mate just read your pathetic reply I've been married to my wife for 30 years or rather we've been together for 30 years i was done mildly before that cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif you think id marry someone 40 years my junior if id been done for 30 years cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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I am happy with my life here and the choices I made but honestly being in a relationship here is definitely second best in my opinion...i think Cypress Hill summed it up perfectly about the difference between Envy and Pity...

I've found relationships here to be trickier than back home.

For a man who prefers a demure woman who, first & foremost, looks good, defers to her man, doesn't stick her nose into everything and knows her place, this place is simply WITHOUT EQUAL.

For the guy who doesn't necessarily insist on traditional male/female roles and likes intelligent discourse, shared cultural foundations and a more financially balanced union, it's a challenge.

I've seen guys land, take out a lease on a condo and move a local hottie in as a girlfriend WITH keys in 7 days flat. No thanks
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hey, we knew where we were going right? i think the second best thing is kinda the idea isn't it. would so many of us be here if ciggies and beer were the same price back home, if we had to pay big rents for fairly crappy surrounds. if food, clothing, odds and ends cost the same as we all escaped. we are also somewhat in another class here, there may be some stigmas associated with being seen as the typical 'perverted drunk' farang but the bar is set so low for us that if you learn to speak, read and write it opens so many doors socially, while amazingly professionally it remains unrecognised as a skill needed to reside here and work here. the thais tolerate so much while imposing so little on us socially. maybe that is what is most frustrating, almost needed by the farang is the inteference by the state, the constant watching to see if you're doing it right. arai gor dai can drive you mad. i miss home and many of the already set standards, but there is nothing truly rogue and wild left in society, it is all accounted for and appropriately taxed. here the working class man still has his finger in the pie if he has a few bob for baksheesh. we lost that in the 80's. second best is what you make of it, because back home it's the same, it's what you make of it. in my country i would have a girlfriend of equal social, physical and intellectual skills that may not push all my buttons but would keep me honest and well in line. in this country, should i choose to partake in the upkeep, i could have a freakin' supermodel woman, socially and intellectually not my equal, but physically light years ahead, someone i would unlikely even approach publicly in my hometown for fear of rejection. she may be able to be heard eating som tam and pork rinds from two rooms away but one tolerates because the physical aspect is what likely drives the attraction. these girls are with us why? do they believe they are second best, or do they just suspect that's what we think? i am not even sure what thai's really think of their identity in comparison to us. maybe we are entirely responsible for the idea of second best in the first place. facebook is for first-besters to show off to the second-besters to make them feel shit and the whole world is catching on. i often think if i had a nice place back home and had all my nicely arranged bits and pieces and trendy stuff and new stuff and expensive stuff and socially-agreed-upon girlfriend and constantly burning away my weekly pay on life and trying to keep up with the jonescorp, would i be as happy as i am here? probably not, because all that other stuff like riding motorbikes and buying gruesome stuff at the open-air market and if your mate comes over maybe buy some fireworks or go to a girly bar where there is zero male security presence and the testosterone levels are placated so you can let yourself out. all that stuff our interests injected here. we built so much of what it is to be a farang in thailand that for us to live here as second best, we have to conciously make it second best, and its easy to do if you focus on what life here doesnt have. if you try to find all the things that can be found only here, the social culture, the lively streets and marketplaces, spend time around productive hardworking thai's and watch how they attack life, you will find that second best is what you make of it.


im leaving after 7 years here and would like to thank leo beer for the above paragraph of rant.

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 "Happy long term successful marriages, and age has nothing to do with it "  and you are over 80 and your wife is 40 years younger. OK I will ask is there any  42 year old farang men that would be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?  I guess none





Just to point out, if I were 80, any marriage would have a good chance of lasting my remaining lifetime.





  My reply / question was " if you was a 42 year old farang would you be happy with a 82 year old Thai wife ?.    Now do you understand ?



Is she filthy rich?


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OP, not necessarily. Scratch beneath the surface and all those perfect lives are a P45 away from the gutter.


NB: Your perfect life may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or any other debt secured on it

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I am happy with my life here and the choices I made but honestly being in a relationship here is definitely second best in my opinion...i think Cypress Hill summed it up perfectly about the difference between Envy and Pity...

I've found relationships here to be trickier than back home.

For a man who prefers a demure woman who, first & foremost, looks good, defers to her man, doesn't stick her nose into everything and knows her place, this place is simply WITHOUT EQUAL.

For the guy who doesn't necessarily insist on traditional male/female roles and likes intelligent discourse, shared cultural foundations and a more financially balanced union, it's a challenge.

I've seen guys land, take out a lease on a condo and move a local hottie in as a girlfriend WITH keys in 7 days flat. No thanks


Sometimes when I read his stuff and how most everyone else is deluded (except him, of course), I think he must have a very hardened soul, mate.

Edited by JLCrab
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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?





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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?





my step daughters moved to the west after your supposedly sub par thai education in a thai public school, got straight A's in high school and college when they got here. folks just love to blame the schools for the lack of success of their brats

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I've hit the jackpot with my wife and kids.

The only thing that bothers me is that the kids don't look like me.

Small price to pay for a healthy, intelligent family.


arent you the same BKK Blues Brother than stated his wife dissapeared with all the famly money, and was partying it up for Songram,


and you were left eating cat food?

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