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I think there is also the education system which teaches you one way to do things. You cannot go out of the box. I found a shortcut that knocked 20 minutes off a regular journey we would make. My ex wife refused to take it when she drove. When I asked her why she told me, "I have always come this way". This was a mature woman with a masters!


Perhaps its the same with food. Old habits die hard.

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I live in the countryside, not Isaan either but surely it is a rare Thai house, that has a table and chairs. also, it is rare that they would have mattresses - most all have mats. Just a different way of living and it is also a needless expense. 

Many cultures prefer eating or socialising by sitting at floor level: Asian countries, Persian, Arabic, African, islander, Eskimo etc. some of it is likely to be due to cultural habit from the past where these cultures live In a more communal atmosphere I.e. Extended family congregating in homes with limited space.
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The OP is asking the wrong question.



The right question is - Why do Westerners eat while sitting on chairs at table?


The answer to which is, it is a Greek custom spread across the Greek empire and later Roman Empire.


Evidence of this can be found in the adoption of eating on chairs at table in Egypt after the Greek conquest and the use of chairs and tables in parts of Asia conquered by Alexander the Great. 


As an aside - The art of carving life like statues of the human form was also spread into Asia by Alexander's invasion. 


Thai table manners have evolved with later contact with Western culture, as observed in a 19th century book banned in Thailand containing observations on Thai table manners supported by diplomatic dispatches of the period. 


So why did the Greeks eat while sitting on chairs at a table?


the food - is not really on the floor, but on a mat. 


wifey uses the floor to chide me about the old farang knees, that I can't do it - but I insist on sitting at the same level...


Same thing in the Temple - if I move or flinch even a little, then it's used against me to show I'm not Thai, in front of her friends..."he old, he broken"


Sitting at floor level, the circle of eaters can more easily stretch themselves over the food array to reach the 'greener grass'. If they are sitting at a table, then they'd have to lose face and have to ask something be passed over - it draws attention to themselves, getting fatter.



But the bottom line is that; where but on the floor can you have a scorpion sidle up beside your bum while your feasting (on it's distant-relatives)


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I bet the majority of the world's population (think India, China, Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia), sit on the floor and eat with hands or sticks.   You might have to realize...people sitting at a table are definitely in the minority.  As well as eating with forks, knives and spoons! 



When they fly do they use the fold down tray or sit on the floor? Please...if they have a table why not use it?
They ALL have smartphones! This is not two thousand years ago.

because they are more comfortable on the floor. is that so difficult for you to understand?


I agree that they are more comfortable on the floor! Even when using a chair, many Thais  either fold their legs on the seat of the chair, or under their butt!


I'm a native Thai. I've never eat on the floor in my life. But I don't live in Issan, and my family live in big city. (Not Bangkok) So, maybe it's habit for some people. Still, I don't have any friends eating on the floor.

Well according to trainman post #7...."You won't learn much about Thailand by hanging around in Bangkok"....



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Silly boy, it's obvious why, they never had tables and chairs. Even if you go to a restraint, often they will sit cross legged on chairs. my solution for you is to get a small bench seat made, as wide as your ass, but only about 150mm high, this will make it easy for you to sit comfortably. I guess you must have had a childhood where you never went on a picnic, unless in a park where tables and chairs were provided....  There was life before tables and chairs, I guess your next question will be why don't they eat with knives and forks, but choose either chop sticks or a fork and spoon...seems you need a lesson in Thai culture.

AYJAYDEE, on 14 Aug 2014 - 08:47, said:


Costas2008, on 14 Aug 2014 - 08:36, said:

Good answers, Thank you.

One thing that I can't understand is that in Thai culture, you are not allowed to point your feet at somebody else.

But sitting down, everybody is very near to somebody else's feet.

Also not a very nice site to look at another's feet while you are eating.

the feet are pointed behind them or are under them and nearness has nothing to do with it.


There is no way to 100% avoidance to the "no pointing feet", this happens all the time, even in temples...like in all cultural traditions, there are exceptions... what is generally meant is no "deliberate" pointing of feet.

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geronimo, on 14 Aug 2014 - 09:11, said:geronimo, on 14 Aug 2014 - 09:11, said:

Oh and I forgot,

that is why we don't wear shoes indoors.

Leaving shoes outdoors is more towards leaving dirt from paddies, stock etc outside...


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




My BF didn't own a mattress until he was 23.

Yes, but ask him now to sleep on the floor, and I bet you he will not be able to close an eyelid all night.


On the contrary when he goes back to his Mum's place he sleeps on a concrete floor with a mat.


Purchased the best quality mattress set I could find when I moved here in 2010.  I find that I sleep as well when I go to the village on the floor as I do in that overstuffed, over-priced pad.   But I'm a prolific sleeper.  When it's time, I simply don't care.   


Some of my Wife's family do not have tables and chairs and i know a good many other Thai homes without them.  Some of you Guys need to sample village life where you will find many family's living in the old traditional ways.  You won't learn much about Thailand by hanging around in Bangkok.

Another answer could be tongue.png  : You won't learn much about Thailand if you don't know Bangkok by hanging around only in a small village whistling.gifPffff

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I suppose my question is are they watching TV at the time? I remember eating on the floor in the UK because it was closer to the TV, or it was cold and I wanted to be closer to the fireplace. Due to changing times I expect if the TV was closer to the table and chairs they may be tempted to move to the table so they can watch TV. There could also be the issue of having more people in the family than chairs at the table.

alien365, on 14 Aug 2014 - 13:21, said:

I suppose my question is are they watching TV at the time? I remember eating on the floor in the UK because it was closer to the TV, or it was cold and I wanted to be closer to the fireplace. Due to changing times I expect if the TV was closer to the table and chairs they may be tempted to move to the table so they can watch TV. There could also be the issue of having more people in the family than chairs at the table.

Obviously a very young person, who thinks television has been around "like" foreverrrrr...



alien365, on 14 Aug 2014 - 13:21, said:

I suppose my question is are they watching TV at the time? I remember eating on the floor in the UK because it was closer to the TV, or it was cold and I wanted to be closer to the fireplace. Due to changing times I expect if the TV was closer to the table and chairs they may be tempted to move to the table so they can watch TV. There could also be the issue of having more people in the family than chairs at the table.

Obviously a very young person, who thinks television has been around "like" foreverrrrr...


I'm quite young but I'm not ignorant. Costas was asking about why the family don't use the tables and chairs that they have now and my answer referred to the present.


I would suggest the reason stems from poor agricultural backgrounds and even historic where only the wealthy could afford or want what westerners consider basic furniture. The same applies to sleeping, many just sleep on the floor not in traditional beds as we know it. Thats an asian wide thing not just Thailand, in my experience.

 I am sure eating on the floor is more common in lower social economic stratas of thai society and probably more common in Isaan & perhaps other farming regions.    Having said that, many Thais like to sit on the floor at parties & festive occasions whether there is adequate furniture or not and it seems to have a different feeling to it from a regular meal. It's "party mode."  In many western countries where carpet is common, it is a condition of property rental that beds are used because the moisture of mattresses directly on the floor rots carpets.  Many Asian & Pacific Island people sleep on the floor from both tradition and choice. 



When they fly do they use the fold down tray or sit on the floor? Please...if they have a table why not use it?
They ALL have smartphones! This is not two thousand years ago.

because they are more comfortable on the floor. is that so difficult for you to understand?


Yes it is, its bloody uncomfortable for me I cant stand it, hate it, can't enjoy a meal. An advanced society uses chairs.

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