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Atheism - alive and well in Thailand?


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My Thai wife can't even say I'm Atheist. She keeps saying I'm muslim. It seems, having a religion (even if it is Islam!) better than not having one.

Everytime I hear "muslim" in her mouth, I correct it.

According to Islam I should be beheaded as leaving Islam's punishment is beheading / hanging, good thing I'm not from an Arab country lol :)

Indonesia insists you state your religion to stay there.

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I think maybe, probably, I am one of those if it means not believing in, basically anything or anyone, to salvage my life. I recall being a Catholic for about 50 years and praying, ( begging), for some bad things to go away and , you know, they didn't, they actually got worse so I quit.

I have discovered that although alcohol and excessive sex do not "make bad things go away" , they do take my mind off them, - bad things that is ! I recently read the comment of a person who survived a horrid crash and he said, " God saved me" but,....... if that were true, why didn't God save the other 34 people ?

You are the chosen one.

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I think maybe, probably, I am one of those if it means not believing in, basically anything or anyone, to salvage my life. I recall being a Catholic for about 50 years and praying, ( begging), for some bad things to go away and , you know, they didn't, they actually got worse so I quit.

I have discovered that although alcohol and excessive sex do not "make bad things go away" , they do take my mind off them, - bad things that is ! I recently read the comment of a person who survived a horrid crash and he said, " God saved me" but,....... if that were true, why didn't God save the other 34 people ?

Exactly. Why pray to a vindictive, baby killing, egomaniacal monster and refer to him as a loving god?? One other point to respond to the live and let live type comments. I do exactly that but, when the religion of others controls politicians who create laws based on religious texts that I am then required to follow or be punished, that is the opposite of live and let live. Take your religion out of my school, out of my laws and out of my life and then I will stop arguing the counterpoint.

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whistling.gif Personal opinion only, but the fact you have to join a group of those who proclaim they don't believe in anything tells volumes about your insecurity in just being yourself.

Seriously, why would you want to "join" a group of avowed non-believers anyhow.

And, also why would you "need" to assert your "non-belief" to others to try to convert them.

Frankly, non of it matters anyhow.

Why do you insist on proving you are right?

Think about it.

Why are you trying to start a non sense fight here?

An Atheist talking to Theist is like Duck talking to Cat, can't agree on anything as there is no logical common ground.

Atheists are usually feel discriminated among conservative religious people so just like you gather in church, it makes sense to socialize with other logical entities thinking the same way we do. Don't confuse thinking with belief. One requires logic, the other requires blind faith.

You are way off. Atheists and theists have plenty to talk about. For example: Often they go at the big question as to weather one can be a good and moral person if they do not have a god. You think that is nothing to talk about? Get back to me in a couple of years after you have scratched the surface. ;)
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I am a Catholic

Being married 26 years to a true Buddhist ( no superstition etc..) Thai wife I bless the day that she came into my life and I believe there will be a place in heaven also for her and her 84 year old mother.

For me, I associate believing in a heaven (and possibly a hell) and superstition. It's a belief that I don't know how to articulate. Just a belief that I haven't let go of!

It's because you were indoctrinated as a kid. Indoctrination is a powerful thing.

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I respect those who say the truth " I believe ...there will be a place in heaven" is fine. I used to believe in father Christmas. Now I do not because we all know he does not exist.

We also all know that there is not a shred of real evidence of either God's ( all 2000 of them) nor heavens or hell's or vitually anything claimed by any of major relgions.

And yet, as adults we still seem to want to cling to these.

I think the word 'faith' ( accepting something without any evidence) very dangerous.

Would you book a hotel on faith?

Buy a car on faith?

Find the best doctor for your loved one on faith?

No, you would use a logic chain as you do in every other area of your life to decide.

It will be based upon rationality which would weed out who/what is viable.You would not hear '

I choose XXX just because it was written 2000 odd years ago in an old book which can be read 1001 ways, is devoid of substantial evidence, but I was told to just "have faith' so to hell with the logic I apply to everything else, i choose XXX anyway"

Religon exists because is appeals to ones ego ( you are special and loved), allays the fear of death and provides the 'feel good factor" .

Without that one could not expect to see something so utterly flawed still in existence.

A sad statement upon mankind.

You are joking about no Father Christmas right

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whistling.gif Personal opinion only, but the fact you have to join a group of those who proclaim they don't believe in anything tells volumes about your insecurity in just being yourself.

Seriously, why would you want to "join" a group of avowed non-believers anyhow.

And, also why would you "need" to assert your "non-belief" to others to try to convert them.

Frankly, non of it matters anyhow.

Why do you insist on proving you are right?

Think about it.

Why are you trying to start a non sense fight here?

An Atheist talking to Theist is like Duck talking to Cat, can't agree on anything as there is no logical common ground.

Atheists are usually feel discriminated among conservative religious people so just like you gather in church, it makes sense to socialize with other logical entities thinking the same way we do. Don't confuse thinking with belief. One requires logic, the other requires blind faith.

You are way off. Atheists and theists have plenty to talk about. For example: Often they go at the big question as to weather one can be a good and moral person if they do not have a god. You think that is nothing to talk about? Get back to me in a couple of years after you have scratched the surface. wink.png

Bit of a stupid question, if you ask me. The answer is rather obvious.

In fact, atheists could claim the high ground.

Whereas it could be argued that religious people are moral due to the enticement of a heaven and a punishment of hell, atheists can be good without believing in being rewarded for it.

As an atheist I have no problems sleeping at night.

No need to wrestle with my conscious over such little trivialities as abortion, contraception, divorce, gay marriage, buying my way out of purgatory, holy water (please get real) or the cult of worshipping dead people (saint worship).

Why do atheists never appear at my door and try to convert me?

Why do those who claim to follow Christain values/rules have difficulty understanding believing in them?

Isnt there something written somewhere about bowing down to false idols/worshipping false gods?


Will the poor misguided/misinformed "lost souls" above be able to buy their way out of purgatory?

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I wouldn't mind having meetings or get-togethers with likeminded people, it doesn't actually have to be atheists but generally the people I like to discuss with tend to be atheists.

Sorry to say to those who are believers of sort or another, but having blind faith usually tends to limit the discussion a lot and tie it into circles around some religious book or belief.

I don't mind discussing for example the origins of pyramids or whether our mind affects matter. If there is something we can test and check these topics can be very interesting even though the original understanding I have right now could be completely wrong.

It's just that some topics are easier to get going with people who are not debating about what bible or other religious text somewhere says and can instead look into what we can find out, test and try right now and what kind of understanding we are building of this world based on the recent findings.

I love to have good discussions about our behaviour, whether we actually have a so called free will, how the brain works and how our behaviour is shaped, how things actually happen instead of believing in something written in a storybook.

If there is people who love these topics and like to read books like Blink, thinking fast and slow, outliers, righteous mind, or get captivated by the ideas in some thought provoking TED talks, documentaries or movies (for example I enjoyed watching "Her", just saw it last night for the first time) and share those with others, I'd be happy to join.

As I'm not in Bangkok area this would probably need to be online, maybe a Skype chatroom or something similar.

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The fundamental difference between different religions and Buddism is that Buddism is not regarded as a religion, it is a philosofy.

But it still embraces a lot of magical thinking. That's just as bad in my opinion.

I think it was Krishnamurti who correctly said

' one only need look as far as Thailand ( he was in india) to see how far removed the teachings of Buhhda have become from their original meaning to that which suits others. Buhhdism in thailand barely resembles the trues teachings"

Most locals have trouble with this and do not feel comfortable being told that Buhhda apparently said " never bow to any image of me, or all my teachings are lost' ( yet, most of them will "wai" when they pass a statue). " never think that paying moneys or gifts can atone for a karmic debt' ( which is of course one of the major industry's here)

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I meet with a group of people 3 or 4 times every week who have recovered from terminal illnesses through a belief in a power greater than themselves that could restore their health, because everything else had failed..... like the medical profession, family and friends and religion. We call that power whatever we like...words and names are just labels. We meet to show others, who are usually feeling the same as we used to...hopelessly demoralized ... and have the same illness...... how we came to find that power. Very positive meetings indeed and have saved millions of lives all over the world.

I can't imagine a more negative act than a bunch of people meeting together on a regular basis to discuss the non-existence of something greater than themselves in all the universes and in all the galaxies.. Would I be forgiven for thinking that one of the requirements for membership would be to have one hell of a hugh ego..

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I meet with a group of people 3 or 4 times every week who have recovered from terminal illnesses through a belief in a power greater than themselves that could restore their health, because everything else had failed..... like the medical profession, family and friends and religion. We call that power whatever we like...words and names are just labels. We meet to show others, who are usually feeling the same as we used to...hopelessly demoralized ... and have the same illness...... how we came to find that power. Very positive meetings indeed and have saved millions of lives all over the world.

I can't imagine a more negative act than a bunch of people meeting together on a regular basis to discuss the non-existence of something greater than themselves in all the universes and in all the galaxies.. Would I be forgiven for thinking that one of the requirements for membership would be to have one hell of a hugh ego..

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I meet with a group of people 3 or 4 times every week who have recovered from terminal illnesses through a belief in a power greater than themselves that could restore their health, because everything else had failed..... like the medical profession, family and friends and religion. We call that power whatever we like...words and names are just labels. We meet to show others, who are usually feeling the same as we used to...hopelessly demoralized ... and have the same illness...... how we came to find that power. Very positive meetings indeed and have saved millions of lives all over the world.

I can't imagine a more negative act than a bunch of people meeting together on a regular basis to discuss the non-existence of something greater than themselves in all the universes and in all the galaxies.. Would I be forgiven for thinking that one of the requirements for membership would be to have one hell of a hugh ego..

again- very typical, very lame, very flawed.

1- any proof, even a shred that your meeting up is the reason for their recovery? I will answer that for you- NO! ZERO. NOTHING.

2-hang on, you said , all else failed, well, this secret little thing that you and you only claim to have, but can show no proof of must be something- right? and if its something that means you can show it.If you cannot it means the opposite- its nothing.

Can I come to your group and witness it for myself?

If you continue to insist upon this absurdity I would to send you somebody with a missing limb and see how long it takes your little group to help them re-grow it.

3-Millions of people- yet not a shred of evidence.What does that say? That really says a lot about how, we as species are still so utterly flawed

4- When athiests meet they sometimes discuss things you hate, but is responsible for the leading nations becoming leading nations, real progress in the world.

That is the issues of truth, proof, logic, evidence, rational thinking.

Again, your post perfectly demonstrates the need to expose those issues.

All this talk and you can prove nothing and yet talk as if you can and its established fact.

You may be a good person- yet see what blind faith has done to you.

Others are not so good and use your type of totally flawed logic to do bad things. War's, racism, sexism,etc, etc, ( and please, nobody bother coming back with Hitler, stain, Mao were atheists, that may well be, that does not ,mean atheism is to blame because you cannot do anything in its name, its a non - belief, they did these acts because they were bad people)

That is why all leading nations are secular,and that is why all religious nations sooooooooooooo far behind. Look at this nation.

We are not really smug, its just that you lot are so off mark we seem so.

You assert, we challenge, you are completely unable to give a reasonable response, just babble and so we have to become smug.

Fair enough.

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I meet with a group of people 3 or 4 times every week who have recovered from terminal illnesses through a belief in a power greater than themselves that could restore their health, because everything else had failed..... like the medical profession, family and friends and religion. We call that power whatever we like...words and names are just labels. We meet to show others, who are usually feeling the same as we used to...hopelessly demoralized ... and have the same illness...... how we came to find that power. Very positive meetings indeed and have saved millions of lives all over the world.

I can't imagine a more negative act than a bunch of people meeting together on a regular basis to discuss the non-existence of something greater than themselves in all the universes and in all the galaxies.. Would I be forgiven for thinking that one of the requirements for membership would be to have one hell of a hugh ego..

I'm happy to hear that you guys overcame your illnesses, that's fantastic. However, I don't see how a huge ego would be connected to not believing in a higher power … at all. Shame, really - your post started off in a positive manner only to turn into a judgmental piece of thrash with your last two sentences.

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whistling.gif Personal opinion only, but the fact you have to join a group of those who proclaim they don't believe in anything tells volumes about your insecurity in just being yourself.

Seriously, why would you want to "join" a group of avowed non-believers anyhow.

And, also why would you "need" to assert your "non-belief" to others to try to convert them.

Frankly, non of it matters anyhow.

Why do you insist on proving you are right?

Think about it.

>>>don't believe in anything: we trust in logic and science, we have no need to "believe"

>>>insecurity: ??? quite the opposite, no need for a god to give us security

>>>convert / non of it matters: Yes it matters, religion has caused so much suffering - not only religion of course, but ALL BELIEVES, such as communism, free market, racism, male superiority, nationalism, militarism.

I detect a great deal of insecurity in atheists. Somewhat like the fundamentalist religionist they disdain, they seem to feel the need to parade their militant disbelief. I see this more and more now, with people like Christopher Hitchens (R.I.P.). Richard Dawkins, and Bill Maher. OK, you REALLY don't believe in any sort of power greater than yourself. But you have created a religion of your own.

Live and let live.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am an American agnostic atheist. IF there was evidence provided meeting scientific criteria for proof of God, I would accept that. Highly unlikely, but I would not cling to disbelief in face of evidence. Given none has been presented to date, you could say I am 99.9% atheist.

" What has science ever created?" was asked. Was he serious? I don't know of any religious book with instructions on how to make computers, internet and all that technology that allows poster to ask such a question. Mind boggling. The universe as being discovered and figured out by science is far more awe inspiring than any simple myth story. I wish the religious would only use technology from the time their holy books were written. Riding camels into Twin Towers would have caused no problem. Technology plus fanatics is just too dangerous a combination given they have no limits as to what they will do because their god supposedly tells them to do it.

"Only a typically brainwashed American could attribute an epithet such as "Give me a child until he's seven years old, and I'll have him for life." to a ridiculous right-wing fellow countryman who made a fortune out of religious televangelism whilst deriding Labor Unions, the Anti Apartheid Movement, Gays, and almost every other cause. The phrase most likely originated with St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. " Ah, had to work that American bashing in somewhere.... I wish it were true only Americans could be this brainwashed, but seems to be all too common around world.

Look at hot spots, places people getting killed in numbers in current world. All except Ukraine seem to have major religious component to them.

I strongly suggest book by Chris Hitchens "God is not Great: How religion poisons everything". Also lots of him and Richard Dawkins on youtube.

None of the items you mentioned were "created"...they were fashioned from raw material that already existed...Scientist are unable to "create"...just manipulate the elements...

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Atheists make a lot of good points in their arguments. And they do love to argue. Even though I have a personal (private) belief in a power far greater than my insignificant "self", I am happy to give respect to others for whatever they believe. I also believe in a 100% secular state, with absolutely no religious influence on government. Freedom of religion, and freedom from religion. And while we're at it, tax the churches. (And the wats.)

Religion and religious differences have caused endless problems (to say the least) throughout human history. This is something atheists are always quick to point out, and they are correct. I just don't care for the overbearing smugness displayed by some prominent atheists when they get "on stage." It seems little different from the hypocritical piety displayed by zealots of different faiths.

No matter what we believe, or don't, sooner or later we get what's coming to us.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am an American agnostic atheist. IF there was evidence provided meeting scientific criteria for proof of God, I would accept that. Highly unlikely, but I would not cling to disbelief in face of evidence. Given none has been presented to date, you could say I am 99.9% atheist.

" What has science ever created?" was asked. Was he serious? I don't know of any religious book with instructions on how to make computers, internet and all that technology that allows poster to ask such a question. Mind boggling. The universe as being discovered and figured out by science is far more awe inspiring than any simple myth story. I wish the religious would only use technology from the time their holy books were written. Riding camels into Twin Towers would have caused no problem. Technology plus fanatics is just too dangerous a combination given they have no limits as to what they will do because their god supposedly tells them to do it.

"Only a typically brainwashed American could attribute an epithet such as "Give me a child until he's seven years old, and I'll have him for life." to a ridiculous right-wing fellow countryman who made a fortune out of religious televangelism whilst deriding Labor Unions, the Anti Apartheid Movement, Gays, and almost every other cause. The phrase most likely originated with St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. " Ah, had to work that American bashing in somewhere.... I wish it were true only Americans could be this brainwashed, but seems to be all too common around world.

Look at hot spots, places people getting killed in numbers in current world. All except Ukraine seem to have major religious component to them.

I strongly suggest book by Chris Hitchens "God is not Great: How religion poisons everything". Also lots of him and Richard Dawkins on youtube.

None of the items you mentioned were "created"...they were fashioned from raw material that already existed...Scientist are unable to "create"...just manipulate the elements...

Absolutely not the case!

Big Bang etc does all that.....

You should read "Well That About Wraps it Up for God" by Oolon Colluphid .

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all Buddhists are atheists by definition.

Does that include Thai buddhists?

Buddha was not a God...in any form of the religion.....

Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a God.

Agnostic is someone who "doesn't know" therefore isn't sure.

If you believe in animism or another religion e.g. Christianity, you could still technically be a buddhist.

I see little evidence of pure Buddhism is Thailand, it reminds be of irish Catholicism - obscured by fetish, myth and superstition

PS - As dyslexic, insomniac, agnostic is someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.

Edited by wilcopops
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My atheist friends always seem to gravitate to science as the answer to all man's problems...forget religion...it is for dreamers...

Yet...none seem to have an answer when presented the question...what has science ever created...?

Scientists fashion and manipulate resources which are already created...they can create nothing...which begs the question...who did create all substance and matter...?

Secular humanism...no God...humans are the center of the universe...is their answer...REALLY?

I love it when a poster really nails it like this. CHECK MATE ATHEISTS!!! 555

Fun those religious nuts thinking they have the truth nailed.

Religion says that what we cant explain we will make up and call it faith and maker creator.

Science and atheist, say either we don't know it yet so we cant say ( i mean why make up a fairy tale without proof if you don't know something). That is science admitting you don't know something and looking for answers and proof instead of taking the easy way out.

Remember the Church for a long time stated that earth was the center of the universe. Science proved them wrong there. Actually science always proofs religion wrong as they just have no proof.

Saying the creator made it is just like saying the great spaghetti monster in the sky did it.. there is no proof for either.

What has science created... computers the internet ect, sure its not made out of nothing. But who says the universe was made out of nothing. What has god ever created that you can prove ? Please tell me about dinosaurs in the bible ?

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I respect those who say the truth " I believe ...there will be a place in heaven" is fine. I used to believe in father Christmas. Now I do not because we all know he does not exist.

We also all know that there is not a shred of real evidence of either God's ( all 2000 of them) nor heavens or hell's or vitually anything claimed by any of major relgions.

And yet, as adults we still seem to want to cling to these.

I think the word 'faith' ( accepting something without any evidence) very dangerous.

Would you book a hotel on faith?

Buy a car on faith?

Find the best doctor for your loved one on faith?

No, you would use a logic chain as you do in every other area of your life to decide.

It will be based upon rationality which would weed out who/what is viable.You would not hear '

I choose XXX just because it was written 2000 odd years ago in an old book which can be read 1001 ways, is devoid of substantial evidence, but I was told to just "have faith' so to hell with the logic I apply to everything else, i choose XXX anyway"

Religon exists because is appeals to ones ego ( you are special and loved), allays the fear of death and provides the 'feel good factor" .

Without that one could not expect to see something so utterly flawed still in existence.

A sad statement upon mankind.

You are joking about no Father Christmas right

Even if there's no Santa, we still have the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy – don't we?

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all Buddhists are atheists by definition.

Does that include Thai buddhists?

Buddha was not a God...in any form of the religion.....

Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a God.

Agnostic is someone who "doesn't know" therefore isn't sure.

If you believe in animism or another religion e.g. Christianity, you could still technically be a buddhist.

I see little evidence of pure Buddhism is Thailand, it reminds be of irish Catholicism - obscured by fetish, myth and superstition

PS - As dyslexic, insomniac, agnostic is someone who lies awake at night wondering if there's a dog.

Most Thai buddhists, and even the Dalai Lama believe in ghosts.

Ghosts are primitive gods with limited powers, but nevertheless, they are gods.

In more evolved religions the ghosts turned into proper gods.

Atheists do not believe in gods, not even in small ones.....

Therefore most buddhists are not atheists.

But maybe you refer to the original philosophy of buddha?

How can anybody know what buddha said? After how many years were his teachings written down?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am an American agnostic atheist. IF there was evidence provided meeting scientific criteria for proof of God, I would accept that. Highly unlikely, but I would not cling to disbelief in face of evidence. Given none has been presented to date, you could say I am 99.9% atheist.

" What has science ever created?" was asked. Was he serious? I don't know of any religious book with instructions on how to make computers, internet and all that technology that allows poster to ask such a question. Mind boggling. The universe as being discovered and figured out by science is far more awe inspiring than any simple myth story. I wish the religious would only use technology from the time their holy books were written. Riding camels into Twin Towers would have caused no problem. Technology plus fanatics is just too dangerous a combination given they have no limits as to what they will do because their god supposedly tells them to do it.

"Only a typically brainwashed American could attribute an epithet such as "Give me a child until he's seven years old, and I'll have him for life." to a ridiculous right-wing fellow countryman who made a fortune out of religious televangelism whilst deriding Labor Unions, the Anti Apartheid Movement, Gays, and almost every other cause. The phrase most likely originated with St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. " Ah, had to work that American bashing in somewhere.... I wish it were true only Americans could be this brainwashed, but seems to be all too common around world.

Look at hot spots, places people getting killed in numbers in current world. All except Ukraine seem to have major religious component to them.

I strongly suggest book by Chris Hitchens "God is not Great: How religion poisons everything". Also lots of him and Richard Dawkins on youtube.

None of the items you mentioned were "created"...they were fashioned from raw material that already existed...Scientist are unable to "create"...just manipulate the elements...

You don't even need to be a scientist to create gods... and manipulate the masses! tongue.png

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I respect those who say the truth " I believe ...there will be a place in heaven" is fine. I used to believe in father Christmas. Now I do not because we all know he does not exist.

We also all know that there is not a shred of real evidence of either God's ( all 2000 of them) nor heavens or hell's or vitually anything claimed by any of major relgions.

And yet, as adults we still seem to want to cling to these.

I think the word 'faith' ( accepting something without any evidence) very dangerous.

Would you book a hotel on faith?

Buy a car on faith?

Find the best doctor for your loved one on faith?

No, you would use a logic chain as you do in every other area of your life to decide.

It will be based upon rationality which would weed out who/what is viable.You would not hear '

I choose XXX just because it was written 2000 odd years ago in an old book which can be read 1001 ways, is devoid of substantial evidence, but I was told to just "have faith' so to hell with the logic I apply to everything else, i choose XXX anyway"

Religon exists because is appeals to ones ego ( you are special and loved), allays the fear of death and provides the 'feel good factor" .

Without that one could not expect to see something so utterly flawed still in existence.

A sad statement upon mankind.

You are joking about no Father Christmas right

Even if there's no Santa, we still have the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy – don't we?

Except the Tooth fairy is the Bogieman (v. T Pratchett - Hogfather)

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