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Sin Sod when parents have passed away


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One question for the OP, Chriso12, did you make your GF the part owner of the condo you mentioned?

I bought a condo 2 years ago. Now, I would like to make my girl friend (thai) as a joint owner of my condo. Is it possible to have 2 names (1 foreigner and 1 thai) on the chanote? If so: What would the costs be and what documents would be needed?



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One question for the OP, Chriso12, did you make your GF the part owner of the condo you mentioned?

I bought a condo 2 years ago. Now, I would like to make my girl friend (thai) as a joint owner of my condo. Is it possible to have 2 names (1 foreigner and 1 thai) on the chanote? If so: What would the costs be and what documents would be needed?



Nah...it devalued the condo so heavily as it would no longer be in foreign name if I understood it correctly...I would not have minded the fees and the hassle of going to land office. The place in this topic was a condo in Pattaya which is pretty nice. This great (not) investment is for sale as we speak! Getting rid of condos in Pattaya is not easy...and when you cant offer it in a foreign quota its even worse. That is why I stuck with falang name.

However as I am getting married I don´t have to worry about my assets after my death in Thailand anymore which was a slight worry for me. I hardly believe that any family member of mine can be arsed to search for my stuff across Thailand and battle with officials to get hands on all my assets. Now with the marriage coming up all assets will probably be taken from me anyway in a couple of years when wifey gets mad or classy suicide/ accidental falls from balcony! Take your bets!

Edited by Chriso12
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The guests at your wedding will likely bring envelopes that will help to defray the costs significantly. Don't forget to bring your own envelope to any future events! Money (and I think this is true throughout Thailand and in a great many other cultures) carries emotional as well as economic capital. Giving money, then is a way of showing affection, respect, etc. (so when a girl asks for money it may be something beyond pure greed). The money cycles around so that in the end nothing is lost--but the effect is some income redistribution toward the poorer members of the community.

I believe it when I see it! laugh.png As far as I heard there wont be in much for me except a couple of wais and smiles! Thanks for sharing the insight thou!

Edited by Chriso12
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I read most of the posts here, i think people (many of them) are not aware it is different culture before they arrive in Thailand. Most of them didnt visit before and look pictures and videos, speak with cute Thai lady and decide to go to Thailand marry there and stay long time. Fact is you cannot change culture since you are visitor and not somebody who is allowed to change something. If Sin sod is part of Thai culture ( and i dont see nothing bad in Sin sod because it is different everything from western countries, somebody must take care for family after marriage it is simple thing) i have nothing against it. I see many people say i will not pay this i will not pay that, no trust family no trust wife, i mean why you want marry with that lady in first place? And many say i want pay 30 baht for marriage 500 baht for suit and thats it. come on do you pay in western country for marriage 50 euros LOL last marriage i went for my friend it costed 20.000 euro ONLY marriage and it is not considered as expensiva marriage, many farang come and say i dont want pay "dowry" i see that big disrespect for Thai culture, would you like somebody come to your country and want change culture, something that is happening for hundred of years i think you wouldnt like. Many people want have beautiful Thai lady but not think that Thais are connected with family and culture too much. Many of them come barely to survive and want to stay there because life is cheap, girls are cheap. Funny people really. I have Thai girlfriend and her parents passed away but when we marry it should be still about that she say we will have money together from that, i will give to her it doesnt matter, i not want marry in some shithole pay 30 baht and thats it. Many of you want marry because of visa, and cheap life, but dont want accept culture. I really dont understand most of people here who post all that.

< i mean why you want marry with that lady in first place? >

You really don't know?rolleyes.gif

< last marriage i went for my friend it costed 20.000 euro ONLY marriage>

I'm sure a registry marriage wouldn't cost that- I KNOW a registry marriage wouldn't cost that. If you're mug enough to pay that cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The guests at your wedding will likely bring envelopes that will help to defray the costs significantly. Don't forget to bring your own envelope to any future events! Money (and I think this is true throughout Thailand and in a great many other cultures) carries emotional as well as economic capital. Giving money, then is a way of showing affection, respect, etc. (so when a girl asks for money it may be something beyond pure greed). The money cycles around so that in the end nothing is lost--but the effect is some income redistribution toward the poorer members of the community.

<the effect is some income redistribution toward the poorer members of the community.>

On that basis they should be giving ME money.

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congrats, at least you try to do the right thing..... The world is NOT America or England, and there are other cultures than these ones. To respect other people and their culture is never wrong, but to listen too much to some bitter unexperienced drunks here can be too much..


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congrats, at least you try to do the right thing..... The world is NOT America or England, and there are other cultures than these ones. To respect other people and their culture is never wrong, but to listen too much to some bitter unexperienced drunks here can be too much..


I am nooooooo drunk giggle.gif , and my eyes are wide open to stuff which I pass on here.............smile.png

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congrats, at least you try to do the right thing..... The world is NOT America or England, and there are other cultures than these ones. To respect other people and their culture is never wrong, but to listen too much to some bitter unexperienced drunks here can be too much..


I am nooooooo drunk giggle.gif , and my eyes are wide open to stuff which I pass on here.............smile.png


Respecting another culture of course is right, most people do. Sin Sod is all about respect.

We all want to do the right thing all the time, but that's a 2 way process.

But there have been to many occasions when the foreigner thinking he is respecting the culture has been taken advantage of.

When you see it happen so often it does get tiresome..why not mention on here..

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congrats, at least you try to do the right thing..... The world is NOT America or England, and there are other cultures than these ones. To respect other people and their culture is never wrong, but to listen too much to some bitter unexperienced drunks here can be too much..


I am nooooooo drunk giggle.gif , and my eyes are wide open to stuff which I pass on here.............smile.png

I know a Thai lady that has a village wedding with sinsot and a different foreigner every year.

Yes I heard that story probably at the very same place that you heard it...Outside a seven/11 in Pattaya at that stonetable there...

Ignorance towards people is easy to have when you never see them in real life..


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I know a Thai lady that has a village wedding with sinsot and a different foreigner every year.

Yes I heard that story probably at the very same place that you heard it...Outside a seven/11 in Pattaya at that stonetable there...

Ignorance towards people is easy to have when you never see them in real life..


No, I know the lady and her recent husband, he's a TV forum member.

He didn't want to know the truth.

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I know a Thai lady that has a village wedding with sinsot and a different foreigner every year.

Yes I heard that story probably at the very same place that you heard it...Outside a seven/11 in Pattaya at that stonetable there...

Ignorance towards people is easy to have when you never see them in real life..


No, I know the lady and her recent husband, he's a TV forum member.

He didn't want to know the truth.

AOA, I have worked beside them, farangs who were more Thai than the Thais, even the Thais told the farang, this girl is no good, never mind his girl was different, you can guess the rest.

Check out Bulldozer man from Buriram for details, that dammed near killed him emotionally and financially.

The guy resigned in shame and headed back to farangistan, he had lost all face and respect he ever had, once its gone, you NEVER get it back in the eyes of the Thais and your work colleagues.

Too many others to mention, believe me, they walk and live amongst us, heck some of them even work alongside us.

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congrats, at least you try to do the right thing..... The world is NOT America or England, and there are other cultures than these ones. To respect other people and their culture is never wrong, but to listen too much to some bitter unexperienced drunks here can be too much..


I am nooooooo drunk giggle.gif , and my eyes are wide open to stuff which I pass on here.............smile.png

I know a Thai lady that has a village wedding with sinsot and a different foreigner every year.

Yes I heard that story probably at the very same place that you heard it...Outside a seven/11 in Pattaya at that stonetable there...

Ignorance towards people is easy to have when you never see them in real life..


You may call me a lier, but I know "someone" who has FIVE house's, four supplied by ex's........Guess where these ex's came from...........whistling.gif

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English tradition is we do not have Sin Sod, so we had English style agreement 0 baht. It does not always have to go the Thai tradition way, It seems the only Thai tradition they want. After that its all farang style. So it would be a no from me, if its an issue with her then its not a marriage for the right reasons anyway.

I did go through all the visa crap and expense to ILR stage and she earned enough in UK to buy her own new house etc.

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I read most of the posts here, i think people (many of them) are not aware it is different culture before they arrive in Thailand. Most of them didnt visit before and look pictures and videos, speak with cute Thai lady and decide to go to Thailand marry there and stay long time. Fact is you cannot change culture since you are visitor and not somebody who is allowed to change something. If Sin sod is part of Thai culture ( and i dont see nothing bad in Sin sod because it is different everything from western countries, somebody must take care for family after marriage it is simple thing) i have nothing against it. I see many people say i will not pay this i will not pay that, no trust family no trust wife, i mean why you want marry with that lady in first place? And many say i want pay 30 baht for marriage 500 baht for suit and thats it. come on do you pay in western country for marriage 50 euros LOL last marriage i went for my friend it costed 20.000 euro ONLY marriage and it is not considered as expensiva marriage, many farang come and say i dont want pay "dowry" i see that big disrespect for Thai culture, would you like somebody come to your country and want change culture, something that is happening for hundred of years i think you wouldnt like. Many people want have beautiful Thai lady but not think that Thais are connected with family and culture too much. Many of them come barely to survive and want to stay there because life is cheap, girls are cheap. Funny people really. I have Thai girlfriend and her parents passed away but when we marry it should be still about that she say we will have money together from that, i will give to her it doesnt matter, i not want marry in some shithole pay 30 baht and thats it. Many of you want marry because of visa, and cheap life, but dont want accept culture. I really dont understand most of people here who post all that.

So how many other of their cultures do they hang onto, certainly not the precepts of Buddhism. What our culture? When i married it had to be at the Ampour office like it or not and it was not a shit hole. Shorts and shirt, not about the money.

1. I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing. Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. 2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given. Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. 3. I undertake the training rule to avoid sexual misconduct. Kāmesumicchācāra veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. 4. I undertake the training rule to abstain from false speech. Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi. 5. I undertake the training rule to abstain from fermented drink that causes heedlessness. Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.[6]
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Check out Bulldozer man from Buriram for details, that dammed near killed him emotionally and financially.

The guy resigned in shame and headed back to farangistan, he had lost all face and respect he ever had, once its gone, you NEVER get it back in the eyes of the Thais and your work colleagues.

I tried to find that member and hence the OP.

I searched 'Bulldozer' ... and there is only member with that name in it, and he is a re-listing of the member FatDrunkandStupid.

A link to the OP if there is one?


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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

No sin sod is required. If your wife to be doesn't yet have a car buy her one. If you can't afford a car, buy her a new motorbike. Sin sod is all about face. Give her some. You can even buy her a big gold chain and then sell it back to the goldsmith after the wedding. Give her something to show.

May your marriage be a long and happy one!

note: you can drive the motorbike or car you bought for her after the wedding. :-)

'That marriage visa is the only option for me'

Doing it for love then?

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Check out Bulldozer man from Buriram for details, that dammed near killed him emotionally and financially.

The guy resigned in shame and headed back to farangistan, he had lost all face and respect he ever had, once its gone, you NEVER get it back in the eyes of the Thais and your work colleagues.

I tried to find that member and hence the OP.

I searched 'Bulldozer' ... and there is only member with that name in it, and he is a re-listing of the member FatDrunkandStupid.

A link to the OP if there is one?


I would like to see that link! That story does not ring a bell!

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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

No sin sod is required. If your wife to be doesn't yet have a car buy her one. If you can't afford a car, buy her a new motorbike. Sin sod is all about face. Give her some. You can even buy her a big gold chain and then sell it back to the goldsmith after the wedding. Give her something to show.

May your marriage be a long and happy one!

note: you can drive the motorbike or car you bought for her after the wedding. :-)

'That marriage visa is the only option for me'

Doing it for love then?

Nice, so it seems we switching now from questioning the intentions from my fiancee (that rips my heart out, eat it and then will take all my assets - dirty Thai lady!!!) to the evil farang that only marries because of his opportunistic intentions. That is an improvement!

I do things the legal way. If I want to stay in a country without abusing its visa laws by doing those visa runs bazillion times a year, the marriage visa option is the proper way of doing it. I want to stay with my love and as Thailand is now commencing a visa crack down they basically have given me the option: Marry your girl friend or else face troubles staying here. It would be the same thing in Austria. (just in case the guys now join the party that cry their hearts out because Thailand is so mean to them visa wise) If you don´t have a proper reason to stay in a country, eventually you cant stay there forever.

So really: Shove those comments up your ass dude!

Edited by Chriso12
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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

No sin sod is required. If your wife to be doesn't yet have a car buy her one. If you can't afford a car, buy her a new motorbike. Sin sod is all about face. Give her some. You can even buy her a big gold chain and then sell it back to the goldsmith after the wedding. Give her something to show.

May your marriage be a long and happy one!

note: you can drive the motorbike or car you bought for her after the wedding. :-)

'That marriage visa is the only option for me'

Doing it for love then?

Nice, so it seems we switching now from questioning the intentions from my fiancee (that rips my heart out, eat it and then will take all my assets - dirty Thai lady!!!) to the evil farang that only marries because of his opportunistic intentions. That is an improvement!

I do things the legal way. If I want to stay in a country without abusing its visa laws by doing those visa runs bazillion times a year, the marriage visa option is the proper way of doing it. I want to stay with my love and as Thailand is now commencing a visa crack down they basically have given me the option: Marry your girl friend or else face troubles staying here. It would be the same thing in Austria. (just in case the guys now join the party that cry their hearts out because Thailand is so mean to them visa wise) If you don´t have a proper reason to stay in a country, eventually you cant stay there forever.

So really: Shove those comments up your ass dude!

Wow you are hateful to those who are trying to help you.

I now have to pray for you

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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

No sin sod is required. If your wife to be doesn't yet have a car buy her one. If you can't afford a car, buy her a new motorbike. Sin sod is all about face. Give her some. You can even buy her a big gold chain and then sell it back to the goldsmith after the wedding. Give her something to show.

May your marriage be a long and happy one!

note: you can drive the motorbike or car you bought for her after the wedding. :-)

'That marriage visa is the only option for me'

Doing it for love then?

Nice, so it seems we switching now from questioning the intentions from my fiancee (that rips my heart out, eat it and then will take all my assets - dirty Thai lady!!!) to the evil farang that only marries because of his opportunistic intentions. That is an improvement!

I do things the legal way. If I want to stay in a country without abusing its visa laws by doing those visa runs bazillion times a year, the marriage visa option is the proper way of doing it. I want to stay with my love and as Thailand is now commencing a visa crack down they basically have given me the option: Marry your girl friend or else face troubles staying here. It would be the same thing in Austria. (just in case the guys now join the party that cry their hearts out because Thailand is so mean to them visa wise) If you don´t have a proper reason to stay in a country, eventually you cant stay there forever.

So really: Shove those comments up your ass dude!

You are hateful to ones trying to help you. Nothing will help you except our lord I pray for your soul and money

Edited by harryfrompattaya
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Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

No sin sod is required. If your wife to be doesn't yet have a car buy her one. If you can't afford a car, buy her a new motorbike. Sin sod is all about face. Give her some. You can even buy her a big gold chain and then sell it back to the goldsmith after the wedding. Give her something to show.

May your marriage be a long and happy one!

note: you can drive the motorbike or car you bought for her after the wedding. :-)

'That marriage visa is the only option for me'

Doing it for love then?

Nice, so it seems we switching now from questioning the intentions from my fiancee (that rips my heart out, eat it and then will take all my assets - dirty Thai lady!!!) to the evil farang that only marries because of his opportunistic intentions. That is an improvement!

I do things the legal way. If I want to stay in a country without abusing its visa laws by doing those visa runs bazillion times a year, the marriage visa option is the proper way of doing it. I want to stay with my love and as Thailand is now commencing a visa crack down they basically have given me the option: Marry your girl friend or else face troubles staying here. It would be the same thing in Austria. (just in case the guys now join the party that cry their hearts out because Thailand is so mean to them visa wise) If you don´t have a proper reason to stay in a country, eventually you cant stay there forever.

So really: Shove those comments up your ass dude!

You are hateful to ones trying to help you. Nothing will help you except our lord I pray for your soul and money

His mrs is probably praying to her Budda right now for the exact same LOL.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why do you want to give money away...?

Thousands of falangs give away billions of baht every year. Look how many threads are started here and how many posters defend the paying of sinsod.

How many clowns do you know that pay sinsod for their wife who has previously been married or has children?

I can immediately think of six............

... seven if you count the one where the children didn't come out of the woodwork until months after the wedding smile.png

oh lord!

out of the 7 marriages how many were for true love? you know what i mean.

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I am in the exactly same situation as you, were my girlfriend parents also passed away before I met her. We are planning to get married within the next 1-2 months and there will be no Sin Sod or payment of any kind to anyone. We will just go and sign the papers needed and then have a small party for the closest family members.

My girlfriend has brothers and sisters who also never have asked me/us for any money at all. We all meet about once or twice a year and when we do, we all share the costs of whatever we are doing. Actually, they have helped me more, than I have helped them.

The way I see it, is that my girlfriend, after her parents passed away, looks at only our family, as what she has left. Sin Sod is therefore irrelevant. So in your case I would be surprised if some of the relatives come up with that idea. And should they do, then I would not pay as much as 1 THB if I was you. Worst case, then do a "for show" thing, if you are having a traditional wedding.

My girlfriend and I once joked about the Sin Sod thing and she said I had to pay a lot of money for her. After negotiation, we ended up with a 999 THB fee, which I think I will give her, just for fun, when we get married :-) She can then take me to MK and we are even :-)

Edited by khunpa
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Married a long time ago without even considering paying a Sin Sod.

Even my wife said that Sin Sod is a old fashion thing and would never considering it.

please excuse lack of capitals- i am typing with one finger due to fractured hand.

when i got married, my wife asked me to give her mother sin sod as a sign of respect, but i got it back after.

if it makes them happy, why not? as long as it's just for show.

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Married a long time ago without even considering paying a Sin Sod.

Even my wife said that Sin Sod is a old fashion thing and would never considering it.

please excuse lack of capitals- i am typing with one finger due to fractured hand.

when i got married, my wife asked me to give her mother sin sod as a sign of respect, but i got it back after.

if it makes them happy, why not? as long as it's just for show.

I only explained my situation and our opinion about Sin Sod.

I respect all others decisions and as you say whatever makes you happy.

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