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Reaction to Loud Music


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For five days, our mooban and neighbors outside have been subject to extremely loud music starting at 4:00 AM and going on until 1:00 AM or so. Most of that was in preparation for a wedding, which was on Saturday. Sunday was blessedly quiet until about 4:00 PM when it all started again. The bass, in particular, was pounding through our house. I'd had enough, so I got in the car, drove around and found the house. There were about 15 people there, drinking and singing karaoke.

I rolled down my window, cupped my ear, and then used my hand to wave down, figuring they would realize what I was asking. One guy grabbed the mic, shouted "hello," then started wailing away. I watched for about 20 seconds, a disgusted look on my face, before shaking my head and starting off. My window was still open, and when I looked in my mirror, three guys were in hot pursuit, one fist raised to hit me through the open window. I stepped on the gas and he hit the rear of the car instead. I drove around the wat and to my house to get my passport so I could go to the police. As I was about to leave, security came and said there were a bunch of drunks demanding to be let in and to know where I lived. My neighbor told me not to leave, so he called the police.

The police came, and the guys scattered. A few minutes later the music stopped. The police came back to talk to me. At first, it was my neighbor, the security guard, and me with the police. Before long, though, there had to be 15 mooban neighbors there, all complaining to the police about the music. Some had left their houses on Friday and Saturday as the noise was too much.

The police gave me their phone number to call if anything continued, and that was about it.

What amazes me is that if so many people were upset, why didn't anyone call the police? I was gone on Friday and Saturday, or I would have called. But no one else tried to take any action until I did.

I hope nothing comes up from the incident. A woman at the offending house tried to stop the three guys from trying to attack me, so there were some cooler heads there. But the fact that people just put up with it since Wednesday is beyond me.

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… when I looked in my mirror, three guys were in hot pursuit ...

Which shoulder do you plan on looking over for the rest of your time living there?

Yeah, one of the worst things about this place is the total lack of respect or consideration for others, but maybe the neighbors, Thais themselves, did not complain because they have (legitimate) fear of the type attending the party, and knew better.

My neighbors don't complain because they know face has a long, long, memory.

When it happens in my neighborhood, I go into town for a few days and stay in a hotel. Hotels, in Thailand, are as cheap as life in Rhek Thum.

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What amazes me is that if so many people were upset, why didn't anyone call the police?

Very normal. Thai's seem to just tolerate anything even if it bothers them severely. There is a loud resort in my area that plays music outdoors at night. Most Thai houses here are not fully enclosed so the noise goes right in their bedrooms and everywhere. Kids can't sleep and have to go to school the next day. Parents can't sleep either. No one complains yet I sense everyone is miserable. But there it is--day after day, year after year no one complains. Could give countless more examples.

when I looked in my mirror, three guys were in hot pursuit

Come on admit it, you were annoyed and did something like flip them off to set them off on you. The story of what you did isn't enough to be believable. But the important thing is you need to learn the Thai way to resolve conflicts. Always have someone else as an intermediary versus going direct yourself. Neighbor would be best, then pyb.

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… when I looked in my mirror, three guys were in hot pursuit ...

Which shoulder do you plan on looking over for the rest of your time living there?

Yeah, one of the worst things about this place is the total lack of respect or consideration for others, but maybe the neighbors, Thais themselves, did not complain because they have (legitimate) fear of the type attending the party, and knew better.

My neighbors don't complain because they know face has a long, long, memory.

When it happens in my neighborhood, I go into town for a few days and stay in a hotel. Hotels, in Thailand, are as cheap as life in Rhek Thum.

I have to agree, not wise to complain when drunks are having party.. Specially if you are an alien.

A few times i felt like the OP, but i always bit my tongue, and chose to say nothing. A bit frustrating, but safe.

Totally disagree with "not to complain". Since I moved here, I have managed to stop numerous noisy neighbours, and there has never been a single problem.

However, I couldn't win against the local disco so I had to move. But yes, I have stopped noisy wedding parties, karaoke birthday parties, tv watching using huge speakers etc. I asked numerous noisy neighbours why the excessive noise come about and I have to tell you that they do not realize that their noise could annoy anybody but they think others probably enjoy it. Mind boggling a bit.

I have always shown respect and asked them politely explaining what others and I feel and convinced them eventually.

But the face thing is true, My wife spoke to a dozen neighbours regarding to a noisy activity and they all were happy to complain and express their grief. But when it was the time to complain officially they all retracted and hid away. :-) Miracle Thailand.

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Come on admit it, you were annoyed and did something like flip them off to set them off on you. The story of what you did isn't enough to be believable. But the important thing is you need to learn the Thai way to resolve conflicts. Always have someone else as an intermediary versus going direct yourself. Neighbor would be best, then pyb.

Of course I did something to set them off. People just don't charge others with the intent to do them bodily harm without reason. I gave them my best scowl, staring them down for 15 or 20 seconds. I don't speak Thai well enough to get my point across, and I wanted them to know I was unhappy. Evidently, that was enough to set a couple of them off.

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Thais have no comprehension of the impact their noise has on others - that or they simply don't care - or both. They also have no 'stop' button in their head so parties and the like can go on and on until everyone gets bored - and as you found, they don't get bored easily. Just one reason not to buy property here. If you rent you can move on, if you own you're stuck until someone buys it.

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I used to wonder how the Thais outside my village put up with incessant dog barking all night. Then it occurred to me, this is something they've been listening to all their lives, no different than being raised close to a railway line or freeway. In fact, they'd probably have trouble sleeping if they couldn't hear the dogs barking. I just think Thais are immune to noise in general, just doesn't seem to worry them.

Edited by giddyup
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thais have no comprehension of the impact their noise has on others - that or they simply don't care - or both. They also have no 'stop' button in their head so parties and the like can go on and on until everyone gets bored - and as you found, they don't get bored easily. Just one reason not to buy property here. If you rent you can move on, if you own you're stuck until someone buys it.

Make you right Milwall, thats also because no amount of noise can wake them up

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Find about 10 teen gangsters. Tell them to meet you at bar for free drinks. Buy a couple of rounds and then leave. Within an hour there will be a fight requiring the Police who will be mad about being woken up and close the place.

Do this a few times and place will be shuttered.

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In my opinion, it's a combination of things that come together to allow this type of behavior to happen.

First you have the custom or tradition or cultural aspect of the Thai nature to avoid confrontations.

Secondly, it seems to be built into the Thai psych to want to play insanely loud music which for most all falang is way too loud and for many Thais as well, but they won't complain because of #1 above and the fact they have, if not accepted it for many, many years, they have at least endured it without complaint. It's just what many Thai people do. And these people are those that have zero consideration for anyone else, but themselves.

Lastly, you were treated to another reason many people do not complain. The people playing the loud music believe it is their God given right to play music anyway they want and don't you dare complain. I am not a bit surprised at the guys trying to attach you, because how dare you come tell them what to do. Throw in the fact you are a falang and that's a red flag.

But as you can see, all it took was one brave soul to complain and involve the police and then all the other people came out to complain with you. I was glad to hear how the policeman reacted.

Good luck.

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Something seems missing in your description. You merely indicated that the music was too loud, waited twenty seconds before departing during which you shook your head in discontent and this provoked them into violence?

You've obviously led a sweet sheltered life. wink.png

Just glancing let alone looking at a group of drunken guys can get you seriously killed - even in "civilized" Farang land


Edited by Daffy D
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Something seems missing in your description. You merely indicated that the music was too loud, waited twenty seconds before departing during which you shook your head in discontent and this provoked them into violence?

I wasn't there and have no reason to disbelieve what the OP stated.

Alcohol is a mysterious substance. A mere glance or gesture to those under its effect is often enough to provoke a violent reaction.

This is based on experience after responding to loud noise complaints involving alcohol and drunkenness.

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Next time counter with something obnoxious.....like burning a bunch of trash and tires so they will be uncomfortable also.

Retaliation often results in retaliation in kind by alcohol fueled creatures. Edited by Benmart
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