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Man confronts a Pattaya mall's 'VIP' misuse of disabled parking (VIDEO)


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Not sure if I'm allowed to post links, but here we go http://www.businessinsider.com/rich-people-are-more-likely-to-lie-cheat-and-steal-candy-from-children-2012-2

It's an article about an experiment that shows that rich people are more likely to cheat, lie and steal candy from children. Not kidding.

Yeah, wealth breeds narcissism. It's called the <deleted> Effect.


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Good on this man. Need some system to identify cars that have disabled person. Also need to name and shame the people abusing the system, the ones parking in allocated spots for disabled and the places where it is happening. A notice stuck on the window of the car not allowed to park in space should be attached to a window of the car.

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Good on this man. Need some system to identify cars that have disabled person. Also need to name and shame the people abusing the system, the ones parking in allocated spots for disabled and the places where it is happening. A notice stuck on the window of the car not allowed to park in space should be attached to a window of the car.

At least A4 size and attached with molasses if you cannot find enough silicone glue.

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At least he got an apology from Central. A step in the right direction.

Amongst all the selfies and other narcissistic rubbish, it's great to see social media being used to effect positive change.

What was the apology ?

I guess it was, Oh we are so sorry Sir, and now <deleted> of retard.

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This is so typical for Thai drivers and their bad driving culture. They are so F...... Lazy and don't like to walk one meter. They rather park and break the law than have to walk 5 meter. If they could they drive right into the shop.

The Thais are so friendly and a positive people. But it comes to driving and parking, it's like Jekyl and Hyde.

Thailand is the 6. most dangerous country in the world to drive, only because of their attitude in traffic.


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On a similar subject.....along the road from the "Father Ray" establishment the council have now made a designated disabled only lane......but this obviously doesn't apply to the motor cycle taxis who still occupy part of the pavement (sidewalk) and it appears have no intention of moving

Today outside the 7/11, and right on the corner a food cart had located, he was serving his customer while a young disabled girl was forced to bypass him by going into the road which was full of traffic

Double standards ??? or couldn't give a hoot???

But good on the guy at Central.......although maybe he should have parked and locked his car in front of the cars in the disabled bay....and gone about his shopping

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Same in Central Phuket and at Tesco Kathu. No education and no respect from the local car owners and guards kiss the floor, when they see a middle class import vehicle, which at a European Club you would have to park in the back yard bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gifbah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gifbah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif

Central even has a Super Car parking area... never ever saw a real super car parked there, just average imports...

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I am disabled (paralyzedfrom the waist down)

A few weeks ago,my wife parked in disabled bay at tesco Khonkaen. I was in the car wife in the store Thai man stops, tells me he always parks in this spot, farangs cannot park here. Wife comes out of store,he starts mouthing of at her this is my parking bay. My wife went back in the store other drivers by now are not happy they cannot get passed.

A crazy situation caused by a selfish prat who did not want to walk a few meters.

If you were just sat in the car, and your wife was in the store, isn't this in itself a misuse of a disabled parking spot?! She has no need to park there, other than to abuse a privilege. What happens if a disabled driver genuinely needed that spot?

Just as selfish, in my opinion.

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At Villa Market , the Security guys are always curteous when we pull in and slide the sign over so we can park . As a wheelchair user I cannot believe how rude the people in the malls are as they walk into you, like its your fault.

On the cross-over roads in Pattaya from N.Pats rd. over to Central Pattaya Rd. there is a WC path with signs and pix that its for WC users , but as we drive down it every time ,I see people parking in the WC Lane...that is BS , they should be towed away , that is the only way they won't block WC users , so they have to veer out of the path ,into the traffic lane !

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should be like Australia where you are given a disability notice for your windscreen ...u have not one on display in a disability zone then you are fined around $250

the only way to get a disabled sticker is that a doctor has to examine you and sigh the form and transport has to interview person to make certain you are disabled

I have one because of motorcycle accident and use it here in Thailand...when security see the sticker they guide me into the disabled zone

Get real man this is not Australia, or had you not noticed, what do you find here in everyday life that is comparable to Australia, ????

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At Villa Market , the Security guys are always curteous when we pull in and slide the sign over so we can park . As a wheelchair user I cannot believe how rude the people in the malls are as they walk into you, like its your fault.

On the cross-over roads in Pattaya from N.Pats rd. over to Central Pattaya Rd. there is a WC path with signs and pix that its for WC users , but as we drive down it every time ,I see people parking in the WC Lane...that is BS , they should be towed away , that is the only way they won't block WC users , so they have to veer out of the path ,into the traffic lane !

Indeed. People seem to be attracted like a magnet to walking into a wheelchair whilst looking in the opposite direction to the one they're going or simply pretending it doesn't exist. Then scowl like hell when they make contact.

Tow very fashionably dressed women rushed to get in front of my son's wheel chair and then, IMO deliberately, slowed right down, I was pushing and made very light contact with their calves. One was obviously an actress the way she jumped in the air and the facial expressions, the other a footballer they way she hobbled around repeatedly clutching her calf in "sheer agony." Scowls my way, lots of mumbling until they thought they'd milked it and buggered off.

What chance is there of anyone here respecting the disabled parking spaces when they won't even let you in or out of a lift without a struggle?

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In USA, we have a phone app, to take picture of cars parked in disabled spots without disabled tags. I'm not sure if it goes directly to police or to a 3rd party, but the upshot is a multi-hundred-dollar fine. Of course, notifying the police in LOS could be problematic in itself.

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At Villa Market , the Security guys are always curteous when we pull in and slide the sign over so we can park . As a wheelchair user I cannot believe how rude the people in the malls are as they walk into you, like its your fault.

On the cross-over roads in Pattaya from N.Pats rd. over to Central Pattaya Rd. there is a WC path with signs and pix that its for WC users , but as we drive down it every time ,I see people parking in the WC Lane...that is BS , they should be towed away , that is the only way they won't block WC users , so they have to veer out of the path ,into the traffic lane !

Indeed. People seem to be attracted like a magnet to walking into a wheelchair whilst looking in the opposite direction to the one they're going or simply pretending it doesn't exist. Then scowl like hell when they make contact.

Tow very fashionably dressed women rushed to get in front of my son's wheel chair and then, IMO deliberately, slowed right down, I was pushing and made very light contact with their calves. One was obviously an actress the way she jumped in the air and the facial expressions, the other a footballer they way she hobbled around repeatedly clutching her calf in "sheer agony." Scowls my way, lots of mumbling until they thought they'd milked it and buggered off.

What chance is there of anyone here respecting the disabled parking spaces when they won't even let you in or out of a lift without a struggle?

Funny , but when we get on a lift or or go up a ramp , Thai people are the first to be helpful,

its the farangs that mostly are the "your in our way'' types ! I wont mention , yes I will , WoMeN !

Farangs are the woist !

Edited by TheWizardofRnR
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This is just pointless Thai bashing thread. I'd turn it around on my own USA. Every shopping center has rows of handicap spots, and 99 percent of the drivers have handicap stickers. They get them from a doctor because their knees and hips hurt. Their joints hurt and they can't move as they are bloated from sitting on their duffs their whole life. Then they waddle in WalMart and shop on a free electric cart, go home eat more crap, and get fatter still. Disgusting, there should be fewer spots reserved for the infirm and injured and truly disabled only. Fatties need the exercise.

By the way I had a Thai girlfriend complain "Why you park so far awaaay?" Two reasons. I dont like parking next to a jerk in a xxxxbox who will certainly bang my door. Secondly, even if you park in the furthest spot and walk a little you will be in the store and out of the parking lot more quickly avoiding all the people blocking traffic waiting for the close in spots. I'd rather put

knitting needles in my eyes than park in a Handicap spot without good reason by the way. Heartless ghouls they are, those who do this.

Edited by arunsakda
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The guard is from G4S as you can see from the back of the jacket at the end of the video. Central Festival paying over 20,000 per month for that guard to not do their job properly.

Someone should get fired for this!

She would probably get fired for not letting the VIPs park there

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