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Man confronts a Pattaya mall's 'VIP' misuse of disabled parking (VIDEO)


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Good on the guy for making the video and I hope Central Festival makes a honest effort to make sure it does not happen.

I really hope they don't revolve the issue by converting the Handicap spots into VIP spots. Sad, but I could see it happening here.

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should be like Australia where you are given a disability notice for your windscreen ...u have not one on display in a disability zone then you are fined around $250

the only way to get a disabled sticker is that a doctor has to examine you and sigh the form and transport has to interview person to make certain you are disabled

I have one because of motorcycle accident and use it here in Thailand...when security see the sticker they guide me into the disabled zone

I'm sure that the drivers of the very expensive BMW's Merc's Range Rovers etc etc could afford the $250 AU fine. which = 7500 Bhat Better off towing them away and make them pay for towing plus the fine. Maybe ??? that might make them think twice before abusing the disabled parking bays.

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Yep there is that class-separation and the rich's sense of entitlement, Pricks...

Yes there is "rich entitlement class" as well as many many more from all levels of society that jump queues and do many many inconsiderate impolite things to other people. Today i was in queue with a number at the post office. a girl that didn't look classy or rich at all entered, took a number from the machine and simply went to the counter and did her transaction. This simply is consistent with society' general disregard for rules/ laws.

I approached he as her queue number was on the counter (i already knew mine was before hers) she crumpled it so i couldnt see.

It is no wonder it take a military coup and threat or serious repercussions to simply make taxi drivers follow their own rules.

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The guard is from G4S as you can see from the back of the jacket at the end of the video. Central Festival paying over 20,000 per month for that guard to not do their job properly.

Someone should get fired for this!

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I have had numerous fights with ignorant drivers (not in Thailand, in other countries), I have chased numerous drivers away. I am physically challenged myself, would be allowed to park in those spots but no, I rather park in other areas. But it annoys the living daylight out of me when completely ignorant people just park there. One way to solve this? Put the number plates on social media and hope their employers see it (especially if they work for multinational companies). I once found a very senior manager from Heinecken believing that his security guards should park in handicapped parking, he regretted that big time! And it cost the company a nice donation to charity!

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Why do I not find it surprising that people that are not disabled are parking in the disabled only parking places. Just last week their was a article in the Bkk Post about a driver complaining that the parking attendants at the Emporium Mall on Sukhumvit would only let drivers of expensive cars (Mercedes, BMW etc) park in certain areas and not allow lower priced cars to park there.

The term 'handicapped' is very 20th century.

In this day and age, it is correctly referred to as you say, by the term 'disabled'.

Maybe it's the news reporter/translator who needs to be told.

Sounds like some VIP folk are right up themselves if they feel than can park in a reserved parking space for others not as mobile as themselves. A few fines or even better, wheel clamping, might get the message across.

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You know what I do not understand about all this is as these "Western" ideas and regulations start to infiltrate the Thai systems at some point costs will go up to manage them. Its just a matter of time before all the "westerners" living in Thailand get what they wished for, "Just like Home" The downside, they will complain even more than they do now about how costs are rising so much. Management of these systems are not free.

In the US the "Disabled" parking spots are the most abused parking place. In fact most stores here have 20-30 of them out front most places. All people do now is swap placards from car to car. Just lazy people and quite honestly seldom do you see a truly disabled person using them. Most are fat over weight people that got a doctors note to say "Handicapped". What should really happen is they park far away and walk and drop a few damn pounds.

I will say I am glad this is only happening in places like Pattaya and BKK. Keep those deals away from me. I have to ask, before these were put in place, what did people do? Personally I think they should be eliminated. I know I may appear insensitive but there are other ways to manage this without adding an entire "Handicapped" system.

To the point of this OP, I agree the guy should have had a parking place available for him being they are currently designated but again this goes back to my statement, if you eliminate them then its all moot.

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RAM hospital:

h/c parking always blocked by huge SUVs or oversized pickups. They have guards, they don't care.


h/c parking spot always occupied. They have a guard with a whistle. He only knows two English words: "full" and "go". 'When I confront him that I am h/c and he didn't protect my spot (in Thai) he just turns around and walks away. WHAT A SURPRZIE.

BigC Extra (former Carrefour):

Six or eight, maybe ten h/c spot in front to the entrance where SCB is. Full. Same same RAM hospital.

And the list goes on and one.

As I side note. I have an offical Thai h/c decal and it seems I am the only one.

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bah.gif Yep, I was wedged in at Big C extra in handicapped parking by a non handicapped space jumper in disabled parking and could not get in the car. I have two placards, a walker and use a cane. Bas***8ds have no brains at all and should not be allowed to drive.Security is either ignorant, gets money from the 'jumpers' or simply does nothing but stand there and watch.wai2.gifwai.gif

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RAM hospital:

h/c parking always blocked by huge SUVs or oversized pickups. They have guards, they don't care.


h/c parking spot always occupied. They have a guard with a whistle. He only knows two English words: "full" and "go". 'When I confront him that I am h/c and he didn't protect my spot (in Thai) he just turns around and walks away. WHAT A SURPRZIE.

BigC Extra (former Carrefour):

Six or eight, maybe ten h/c spot in front to the entrance where SCB is. Full. Same same RAM hospital.

And the list goes on and one.

As I side note. I have an offical Thai h/c decal and it seems I am the only one.

Security has no excuse; they stand right there. Perhaps just stupid. totally disabled person here

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Troll posts removed, a post advocating damaging cars removed and a couple of posts denigrating Thai people removed.

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should be like Australia where you are given a disability notice for your windscreen ...u have not one on display in a disability zone then you are fined around $250

the only way to get a disabled sticker is that a doctor has to examine you and sigh the form and transport has to interview person to make certain you are disabled

I have one because of motorcycle accident and use it here in Thailand...when security see the sticker they guide me into the disabled zone

I'm sure that the drivers of the very expensive BMW's Merc's Range Rovers etc etc could afford the $250 AU fine. which = 7500 Bhat Better off towing them away and make them pay for towing plus the fine. Maybe ??? that might make them think twice before abusing the disabled parking bays.

This is Pattaya, you wouldn't get towed for double parking for 30 minutes and completely blocking Klang!

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Maybe they can get tow truck operators to make money off of this situation. Call Towing when they see a non-handicapped vehicle and leave a calling card! Feel sorry for the real handicapped people having to put up with this. Here in the states, some places do have signs saying their cars will be towed, and amazingly, even other customers who see this happening will call the police or notify the store manager of the infraction.

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Have you seen the sidewalks in Bangkok? No wheelchair can ever use these. Handicapped are a sort of people to be kept away in Thailand. And the pricks of expensive cars don't care less.

Thailand move on PLEASE!!!!

Pedestrians of any sort have it bad in all of Thailand.
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Lets look at this the hi so cars did not park here by them selves the staff moved the signs for them and then help them to park there BMW in that spot hoping for a big tip.

Blame the staff for not saying to the BMW op pai = go away

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