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Ever noticed how things are completely reversed here?

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As for the walking around thing, I see Thais walking around all the time, all over freakin Thailand. If anything, there's a whole lot more out-of-shape farangs in Thailand than Thais. When I go workout, I see Thais all over the place. What the heck is the OP talking about?

The OP is saying that in US and Western countries that if you walk or ride your bike that you are being green or getting exercise and people actually respect that. He believes that in Thailand that if you are on a bicycle or walking that you are viewed in a negative light by being poor.

If I had never been to Thailand and know zilch about the Thai way, I may read the OP's remarks and ask "Gosh, really?" But I've been here a lot of years and know quite a few Thais, so I can certainly cite BS when I see it. And I've never heard or seen or read about any Thais looking down on those who walk or ride bicycles. You kidding me? It would take a seriously brain damaged individual to think that one up. Or at least someone who spends night and day trying to find negative things to say about the Thais. Which pretty much explains the OP.

Here is a polite way of getting your point across:

After being here for quite some time and speaking with many Thai friends, this has never come up in conversation. I do not think the Thais look down on people who walk or ride a bicycle. Where or how did you form this opinion?

Instead you have to fly off the handle for what reason? Is this how you converse with your Thai friends that you have from being here many years? is it possible that maybe the OP has friends that have differing opinions than yours? Nope...not possible at all! He must be brain damaged....so much so that his goal in life is to get on the internet and create ridiculous claims like Thai people think cyclists are poor! This will really mess with their minds!

The OP has stated SEVERAL times that he has observed things and just wanted opinions and other examples. He has not said anything negative and has not attacked anyone, even though many have attacked him.

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

Where is this "farangistan?"

Never been there or heard of it, so I have no idea what you are talking about

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Definitely flipped around here because the Thais have no logic. Here is an example. Thais will not question even the lowest of authorities when an obvious error has been made. A School secretary can dictate school policy because there is no school policy. My daughter was left out of English immersion because there was NO communication from the school concerning deadlines for exams or payments. My Thai wife would not question the authority of the school secretary. She was more or less ' " Oh well. " I was, " let's ask the principal" No No No - a decision has been made. In Farangastan several parents would be up in arms and allowances made for the school's obvious error in communication.

In Farangastan privacy of personal information is paramount. Here in Thailand everyone can see your info and tell others. Example during the recent Laos registration one woman who was NOT a government worker sat outside the office and looked at all the information of the registrants for 5 or 6 days through a window. The info was displayed on a computer screen. She sat on a chair and kept popping up and down to view the screen. No government worker even when it was brought to their attention did anything about it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes, they even drive on the other side of the road here. How weird is that? And they put many of their vowels before, above or below consonants. Crazy culture.

Actually, they drive on the correct side of the road. Its the weird ones that drive on the other side.

All about perception and where you come from.............................tongue.png

Edit: Can't argue about their vowel movements though! Should be easy for you Samran.

In Thailand flashing your headlights means you are coming through and not giving way to the oncoming driver!

In the UK flashing your headlights means you are giving way to the oncoming driver!


I think you've mis-understood that. In both cases, it's an acknowledgement of the presence of the other. Slowing down, or not slowing down, is the indication of whether they intend to give way.


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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?


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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?


The West lost millions in WWI; Thailand a couple of people. The West lost millions during WW II; Thailand a couple of thousand. Half the folks in the USA take anti psychotic medication; Thailand very few. Thailand, my family makes beer and whiskey and gives it to me for free; in West no way. Thailand has institutionalized mia nois and expects wealthy men to have a few. In the West that would create a scandal. In Thailand political leaders have children and are not married in the West that would create a scandal. You sure you want me to go on?

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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?


The West lost millions in WWI; Thailand a couple of people. The West lost millions during WW II; Thailand a couple of thousand. Half the folks in the USA take anti psychotic medication; Thailand very few. Thailand, my family makes beer and whiskey and gives it to me for free; in West no way. Thailand has institutionalized mia nois and expects wealthy men to have a few. In the West that would create a scandal. In Thailand political leaders have children and are not married in the West that would create a scandal. You sure you want me to go on?

Sure. Why not? It is completely in line with the thread. Although I do not agree with every point you made I find your opinion worth reading.

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In Western countries we get the impression that in Buddhist and Hindu countries the people are beyond all the materialism, petty vanities and all the superficial aspects of physical existence that are so much part of life in Farangistan. It is not possible to be more wrong.

Not directed at you but this kind of thing sort of annoys me

We forego all kinds of religious hypocrisy but for some people we hold Buddishm up to some higher standard, like, muslims don't follow their deal, christians also BUT not the buddhist, tell me the buddhist aren't like every other faith in the world!!!

As in, individual people not mindless followers of 'the word'

The amount of time I have heard 'they're supposed to be buddhist' or something like that when something bad happens to someone. I don't know buddhists should ahere to their faith anymore than all the other people from other faiths that act however it suits them

Baffles me

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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?


The West lost millions in WWI; Thailand a couple of people. The West lost millions during WW II; Thailand a couple of thousand. Half the folks in the USA take anti psychotic medication; Thailand very few. Thailand, my family makes beer and whiskey and gives it to me for free; in West no way. Thailand has institutionalized mia nois and expects wealthy men to have a few. In the West that would create a scandal. In Thailand political leaders have children and are not married in the West that would create a scandal. You sure you want me to go on?

Sure. Why not? It is completely in line with the thread. Although I do not agree with every point you made I find your opinion worth reading.

Things are changing here and some of the reasons I came here are changing too. I'm one of those guys who dislikes Christmas and holidays associated with it. When I first got here no problem. No Christmas, Now there are girls dressed up in red costumes with devil horns singing and playing country Christmas songs with a stringed quartet to include a cello. Not really Christmas just weird.

If you like something do it - is Thai. One New year in the West in Thailand 3 New Years.

I like girls. Even the boys look like girls in Thailand. Did you ever see a drag show in the West? Scary.

Reversed? I've been every place and done everything - mostly twice and got the tee shirt. In the West I got bored. In Thailand? No never. So for me my life has been reversed from bored to excited.

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As for the walking around thing, I see Thais walking around all the time, all over freakin Thailand. If anything, there's a whole lot more out-of-shape farangs in Thailand than Thais. When I go workout, I see Thais all over the place. What the heck is the OP talking about?

The OP is saying that in US and Western countries that if you walk or ride your bike that you are being green or getting exercise and people actually respect that. He believes that in Thailand that if you are on a bicycle or walking that you are viewed in a negative light by being poor.

If I had never been to Thailand and know zilch about the Thai way, I may read the OP's remarks and ask "Gosh, really?" But I've been here a lot of years and know quite a few Thais, so I can certainly cite BS when I see it. And I've never heard or seen or read about any Thais looking down on those who walk or ride bicycles. You kidding me? It would take a seriously brain damaged individual to think that one up. Or at least someone who spends night and day trying to find negative things to say about the Thais. Which pretty much explains the OP.

Here is a polite way of getting your point across:

After being here for quite some time and speaking with many Thai friends, this has never come up in conversation. I do not think the Thais look down on people who walk or ride a bicycle. Where or how did you form this opinion?

Instead you have to fly off the handle for what reason? Is this how you converse with your Thai friends that you have from being here many years? is it possible that maybe the OP has friends that have differing opinions than yours? Nope...not possible at all! He must be brain damaged....so much so that his goal in life is to get on the internet and create ridiculous claims like Thai people think cyclists are poor! This will really mess with their minds!

The OP has stated SEVERAL times that he has observed things and just wanted opinions and other examples. He has not said anything negative and has not attacked anyone, even though many have attacked him.

Point taken. But you should recognize that some people "claim" to be asking questions and being objective when their comments are clearly a not-so-clever hidden agenda to criticize the Thais. I'm sure you noticed that all of the OP's comparisons put him in a positive light, while the Thais are all negative. Why is that you think?

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You buy that loose tobacco through choice? it's practically unsmokeable.

I took some home to the UK and couldn't give it away. Bear in mind 50g of tobacco in the UK is approximately 850 baht and I still had no takers.

On the plus side, you can have it for only 2 baht per bag if you like. It's only 3 years old now.

Wrong ! I've smoked roll ups all my life, back in the days i lived in the UK and Euroland always smoked the Dutch stuff, my favourite being Javaanse Jongens. Now, when i'm back in Ferangland on holiday, i have to bring my grown in Nong Khai Thai rolling tobacco with me. Can't stand Euro rollies. Thai rolling tobacco has zero additives, and is as fresh and clean and healthy as it gets, re tobacco. Bit of a misnomer, but...

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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?

Good points, of course. My Thai bank is even open on Sundays--imagine that happening in the USA/west. My dental appointments are in the evenings, after work. I can drive without having to worry about the police hiding behind billboards trying to slam me for any tiny infraction. And if you spill hot coffee on yourself, don't even think about trying to sue McDonald's for millions. Oh, and don't even get me started on the "logic" of lobbyists in America. Etc., etc.

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"Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior? "

True that but I don't think it's really logic, as in a planned-out system to get some desired result. It seems more practical and in-the-moment. I bet 100 years ago in the US (oh god I should not say this lest I be accused of bashing thailand) you would've seen the same. Now, to get at your price of the medicine example, what happened is some people started dying from taking the wrong medicine or having a bad reaction. Government stepped in to try to plan ways to avoid this, instituted all kinds of rules and regulations. The rules and regulations back-fired (as do all attempts to impose order) and now there is the ridiculous situation where in home country you have to go and pay several hundred bucks for a certified (with all the malpractice insurance) physician to write a piece of paper that says, say, acetaminophen is the medicine you need and you should not mix it with booze, even though the medicine itself costs a few cents and you can look up the contraindications online. Seems like this was an instance of where logic back-fired and the more practical, though alogical, stance works better (albeit surely there are plenty of cases of people dying here when they wouldn't have if it was more regulated).

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"Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior? "

True that but I don't think it's really logic, as in a planned-out system to get some desired result. It seems more practical and in-the-moment. I bet 100 years ago in the US (oh god I should not say this lest I be accused of bashing thailand) you would've seen the same. Now, to get at your price of the medicine example, what happened is some people started dying from taking the wrong medicine or having a bad reaction. Government stepped in to try to plan ways to avoid this, instituted all kinds of rules and regulations. The rules and regulations back-fired (as do all attempts to impose order) and now there is the ridiculous situation where in home country you have to go and pay several hundred bucks for a certified (with all the malpractice insurance) physician to write a piece of paper that says, say, acetaminophen is the medicine you need and you should not mix it with booze, even though the medicine itself costs a few cents and you can look up the contraindications online. Seems like this was an instance of where logic back-fired and the more practical, though alogical, stance works better (albeit surely there are plenty of cases of people dying here when they wouldn't have if it was more regulated).

I understand what you are saying and agree with you. There are States in the USA where they think their citizens are bright enough to decide whether or not to wear a motorcycle helmet. Those people would be at home in Thailand. Nanny Staters who don't have the brains to wear a motorcycle helmet or look up drugs in books or on the INTERNET need the regulation and restrictions that you are talking about.

Logic? You are getting a bit pedantic. Logic: a proper or reasonable way of thinking about or understanding something. If people want to go to the bank or doctors office after 5 PM or weekends it is logical for doctors and banks to open after 5 PM.

Unless you want health care costs to skyrocket (because of insurance costs) it is not logical to allow patients to sue for millions of dollars.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Point taken. But you should recognize that some people "claim" to be asking questions and being objective when their comments are clearly a not-so-clever hidden agenda to criticize the Thais. I'm sure you noticed that all of the OP's comparisons put him in a positive light, while the Thais are all negative. Why is that you think?

I don't know the OP and I have not researched his posts to see understand his feeling on different views. I do know that when I try and write something on a forum I know it can be interpreted many different ways as I may not state my opinion perfectly every time. I think that when he refers to the West first as "we" and Thai as "them" that this could be perceived to have a positive negative connotation. Maybe since you have been here so long you identify more with "we" as being Thai? Just a thought.

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I've noticed that they prefer potholes in their roads.

Maybe those give a sense of 'macho-ness' to the pickup driver when he can put it in 4 wheel drive to shoot over them.

You want to have some fun? Google, "the biggest pothole ___________ (insert your country).

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"I don't know the OP and I have not researched his posts to see understand his feeling on different views. I do know that when I try and write something on a forum I know it can be interpreted many different ways as I may not state my opinion perfectly every time. I think that when he refers to the West first as "we" and Thai as "them" that this could be perceived to have a positive negative connotation. Maybe since you have been here so long you identify more with "we" as being Thai? Just a thought. "

Yes certainly was not my intent to bash people, well "east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet, 'til earth and sky meet again at G*d's great judgment seat" Kipling put it, that seems truer by the day but I was looking for more examples of this, how things are completely reversed here.

Another example: I used to see a man sitting at the same concrete table by the side of the road, day after day after day, outside his house, just watching the world go by with a blank non-thinking sort of look, as if totally non-perturbed by anything. That would drive me freakin' nuts, who knows maybe there are people back in Farangistan who would be content just sitting there, but everyone I know is full of ambition, always trying to work towards some future goal.

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??
Would you prefer he listed every example - for there are many. About as many as is the reverse meaning cheap things have many examples as well.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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"I don't know the OP and I have not researched his posts to see understand his feeling on different views. I do know that when I try and write something on a forum I know it can be interpreted many different ways as I may not state my opinion perfectly every time. I think that when he refers to the West first as "we" and Thai as "them" that this could be perceived to have a positive negative connotation. Maybe since you have been here so long you identify more with "we" as being Thai? Just a thought. "

Yes certainly was not my intent to bash people, well "east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet, 'til earth and sky meet again at G*d's great judgment seat" Kipling put it, that seems truer by the day but I was looking for more examples of this, how things are completely reversed here.

Another example: I used to see a man sitting at the same concrete table by the side of the road, day after day after day, outside his house, just watching the world go by with a blank non-thinking sort of look, as if totally non-perturbed by anything. That would drive me freakin' nuts, who knows maybe there are people back in Farangistan who would be content just sitting there, but everyone I know is full of ambition, always trying to work towards some future goal.

Not everyone can live in Germany.wink.png

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"I don't know the OP and I have not researched his posts to see understand his feeling on different views. I do know that when I try and write something on a forum I know it can be interpreted many different ways as I may not state my opinion perfectly every time. I think that when he refers to the West first as "we" and Thai as "them" that this could be perceived to have a positive negative connotation. Maybe since you have been here so long you identify more with "we" as being Thai? Just a thought. "

Yes certainly was not my intent to bash people, well "east is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet, 'til earth and sky meet again at G*d's great judgment seat" Kipling put it, that seems truer by the day but I was looking for more examples of this, how things are completely reversed here.

Another example: I used to see a man sitting at the same concrete table by the side of the road, day after day after day, outside his house, just watching the world go by with a blank non-thinking sort of look, as if totally non-perturbed by anything. That would drive me freakin' nuts, who knows maybe there are people back in Farangistan who would be content just sitting there, but everyone I know is full of ambition, always trying to work towards some future goal.

5555, classic youth, perhaps particularly American- everyone I know is full of ambition, always trying to work towards some future goal.

OP, there are plenty of people, all over the world, watching the world go by. I'd rather be an old man in Asia sitting outside watching everyday life than be an old man in a nursing home in the west, looking at 4 walls and a TV and wondering when my children will next visit.

In the West, the old, the sick, the lonely are hidden behind hospital and council walls. We never see the dead, the suffering.

In Asia, perhaps due to the weather, everything is much more open.

As for ambition-just look at the development in Thailand over the last 30 years- phenomenal.

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Definitely flipped around here because the Thais have no logic. Here is an example. Thais will not question even the lowest of authorities when an obvious error has been made. A School secretary can dictate school policy because there is no school policy. My daughter was left out of English immersion because there was NO communication from the school concerning deadlines for exams or payments. My Thai wife would not question the authority of the school secretary. She was more or less ' " Oh well. " I was, " let's ask the principal" No No No - a decision has been made. In Farangastan several parents would be up in arms and allowances made for the school's obvious error in communication.

In Farangastan privacy of personal information is paramount. Here in Thailand everyone can see your info and tell others. Example during the recent Laos registration one woman who was NOT a government worker sat outside the office and looked at all the information of the registrants for 5 or 6 days through a window. The info was displayed on a computer screen. She sat on a chair and kept popping up and down to view the screen. No government worker even when it was brought to their attention did anything about it.

Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?

Those late banking hours are only at the malls. The rest of them do seem to close around 4 or 5 here, plus you can do almost anything on the internet in the US completely circumventing the need to go into a bank. In fact, my best account, the Schwab brokerage/checking, they dont even have a branch, you just do everything you need online or by way of prepaid (ie good customer service) envelopes.

Things are whack here, let's all face it. They have computers, yet everything is compartmentalized for some odd reason, as if the computers do not exist.

I wont go tit for tat for every point you make, but I will say in general that I have been growing ever more fond of the regulations we have in the West. For example, there are geological survey requirements before a building goes up. Kinda a pain, yes. Guess what, they can't build anything here without it falling apart in less than a year. I don't hear about many buildings falling, but the status quo just seems to be build crap, patch it up, repeat.

One ting that has really been driving me crazy here is when I have a problem at a bank for example, and they can't take care of it (yet someone can of course), they seem to refuse to call the person that can take care of it for you. They tell me to go to that branch! They have phones and fax machines. Another opposite. Not only would I not be told to go to another branch in the west, I probably would never have to do anything than say my mother's maiden name. For me this is the core, the lack of service here. Maybe I am just a homesick, raving lunatic. I have never been homesick in my life though.... truth.

Anyway, nice to see different points of view.

Edited by isawasnake
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes, they even drive on the other side of the road here. How weird is that? And they put many of their vowels before, above or below consonants. Crazy culture.

Actually, they drive on the correct side of the road. Its the weird ones that drive on the other side.

All about perception and where you come from.............................tongue.png

Edit: Can't argue about their vowel movements though! Should be easy for you Samran.

In Thailand flashing your headlights means you are coming through and not giving way to the oncoming driver!

In the UK flashing your headlights means you are giving way to the oncoming driver!


I think you've mis-understood that. In both cases, it's an acknowledgement of the presence of the other. Slowing down, or not slowing down, is the indication of whether they intend to give way.


I didn't think my quote was difficult to understand,maybe ask an Englishman and a Thai for their opinions?

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The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

I wanted to help out here, because 2 people brought up the same, meaningless point smile.png

When people say "everything" and "everybody", they aren't necessarily talking about every thing on earth, or every human being on the planet. Examples for your enlightenment......

"Everybody has a cellphone"..... this commonly used phrase does not mean that every baby, mother and child from the deepest depths of Africa, to the Aborigines in Australia have cell phones.

"Everything is ok"...... this very common phrase does not mean that every single aspect and molecule in the entire cosmos is somehow in a state of being "ok."

I hope you can now be on your way to a better understanding of how human beings communicate smile.png

Edited by isawasnake
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Cycling and wearing casual clothes...it's like holding a big sign saying you are poor and cannot afford a bike.

There is a reason thais wear these ridiculous lycra outfits when cycling...they wwouldn't want to send the wrong signal..facepalm.gif

There are a number of ways to look at this subject. You pick where Thai people belong.

1). You are a nobody, you look like nobody. You are nothing

2). You are a nobody, you look like somebody or something. You are something

3). You are a somebody, you like a somebody. You are something

4). You are a somebody, you look like a nobody. You are probably the happiest of them all.

I would choose 4) , if I can. Where would you fit?


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I think I could take it if Thai women put lightening makeup on their face, but they end up putting powder, another opposite other cultures want to go darker/flesh tones...... but my point is it looks absolutely hideous. The powder face look is so disgusting. Granted younger generation seems better about this, but the powder look has got to go.

I also notice Thai girls disinclination to wear bikinis. Another opposite, and a very troubling one at that.

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"5555, classic youth, perhaps particularly American- everyone I know is full of ambition, always trying to work towards some future goal.

OP, there are plenty of people, all over the world, watching the world go by. I'd rather be an old man in Asia sitting outside watching everyday life than be an old man in a nursing home in the west, looking at 4 walls and a TV and wondering when my children will next visit."

OK maybe ambition is the wrong word. In Farangland the old man is staring at the walls wondering when his children will next visit. I've been to these nursing homes before and they are not happy places, stink of piece, stacked with bodies piling up, with alarms in the doors to alert for escapers. In contrast the old man along the side of the road seemed quite c
content, not full of thoughts, just sitting there. Your example is a perfect illustration of my point.

"As for ambition-just look at the development in Thailand over the last 30 years- phenomenal."

True, but how did this come about - from cutting-edge developments at home, or from applying and adapting innovations from elsewhere to the market here? Not to bash Thailand as its development is impressive, especially when you look at the surrounding countries like Camb/Laos/Myanmar, it's far ahead of those in terms of basic security, infrastructure, etc.

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Thai Logic examples. USA doctor's office open when people are at work 9 -5. Thailand doctor's office open 5 - 9. USA banks close at 5PM when people get off work. Thailand banks close 8 PM giving people a chance to bank after working hours. Some examples of Thai logic. The doctor tells me what kind of medicine I need over the phone. I go to the pharmacy and get it. USA can't do. They want me to pay an extra couple of thousand baht for the doctor to write a prescription. Western logic; get frustrated - take a pill. Thai logic; get frustrated - visit a go go. Do you want me to go on about examples where Thai logic is superior?

Those late banking hours are only at the malls. The rest of them do seem to close around 4 or 5 here, plus you can do almost anything on the internet in the US completely circumventing the need to go into a bank. In fact, my best account, the Schwab brokerage/checking, they dont even have a branch, you just do everything you need online or by way of prepaid (ie good customer service) envelopes.

Things are whack here, let's all face it. They have computers, yet everything is compartmentalized for some odd reason, as if the computers do not exist.

I wont go tit for tat for every point you make, but I will say in general that I have been growing ever more fond of the regulations we have in the West. For example, there are geological survey requirements before a building goes up. Kinda a pain, yes. Guess what, they can't build anything here without it falling apart in less than a year. I don't hear about many buildings falling, but the status quo just seems to be build crap, patch it up, repeat.

One ting that has really been driving me crazy here is when I have a problem at a bank for example, and they can't take care of it (yet someone can of course), they seem to refuse to call the person that can take care of it for you. They tell me to go to that branch! They have phones and fax machines. Another opposite. Not only would I not be told to go to another branch in the west, I probably would never have to do anything than say my mother's maiden name. For me this is the core, the lack of service here. Maybe I am just a homesick, raving lunatic. I have never been homesick in my life though.... truth.

Anyway, nice to see different points of view.

People go to a bank to get money. People go to the doctor to get healed. You can't get money from an ATM or online with a bank book. You can't get a broken arm set on the INTERNET. I don't use free standing ATMs because of safety issues.

I agree with you about the branch thing. It makes no sense to me. They charge you money to withdraw at a branch of the same bank but not your branch. Makes no sense to me.

For me the lack of doctors office hours at convenient times, the prescription required for simple drugs and the lack of a real person to talk to at the bank after 5PM is the core. The lack of service in the West got to me and I came back to Thailand. Minor auto repairs, tire changes, getting my knob polished; small things maybe but expensive big deals in the West.

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I think I could take it if Thai women put lightening makeup on their face, but they end up putting powder, another opposite other cultures want to go darker/flesh tones...... but my point is it looks absolutely hideous. The powder face look is so disgusting. Granted younger generation seems better about this, but the powder look has got to go.

I also notice Thai girls disinclination to wear bikinis. Another opposite, and a very troubling one at that.

The great majority of the world wants lighter skin. You are in a definite minority. Poems praising women's fairness can be traced back as early as the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). In women's early bid to lighten up, Chinese doctors discovered several kinds of traditional medicines possessing the functions of skin whitening. "A white complexion was seen as noble and aristocratic,

The powder look is far more Burmese than Thai. How can you be a rational adult and call a fashion trend among millions of women, "absolutely hideous?" Ignorant ethnocentrism run rampant. Check the history of your own people.

noun: parasol; plural noun: parasols; noun: parasol mushroom; plural noun: parasol mushrooms
  1. 1. A light umbrella used to give shade from the sun..
    Asian people got the idea from Europeans. Skin care products, plastic surgery, growth hormones, clothes and makeup? Asian people have a major inferiority complex and they all want to look like Western people from Victorian England. .


Edited by thailiketoo
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