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Does Britain have a jihadi problem?

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Do you actually know any Muslims? Have you ever worked with them? Had them work for you? Worked for them? Been down the pub with them?

I know a few Muslims. No complaints. One is a friend I visit in Burma. Some are farmers around here, others run restaurants and food booths. As far as I can see, they're all fine, friendly and honest. If any of their kids grew up to be jihadists, I would have a problem with that and I'd expect their parents to try and deal with it as dynamically as possible. Come to think of it, I haven't seen some of their boys (late teens, early 20's) in awhile. I hope they're not taking trips to combat zones in the M.East. Even so, whenever they see me (and I look farang, with pointy nose and dirty blond hair), they're gentlemanly. I reckon even Jack The Ripper was gentlemanly during his daily interactions with people. People in general have such a capacity for switching their mental state. One moment appearing decent, a second later, raving and blood-thirsty. These big brains with hormones coursing through our bodies are major factors. That mixed with hate/vengence-filled environment that so many Middle Eastern Muslims are saddled with.

In Britain and Europe, one of the first things they should do is outlaw Madrassas (religious schools for Muslims). Along with that, they should not allow any Sharia Law. Anyone who complains, fine, just yank their passport and give them $120 and a one-way plane ticket to the Dune State of their choice.

You live in denial and it is not a river in Egypt... look beyond your neighborhood -- look at the world - especially the Muslim world ... Do you think for an instant that someday ... that same Muslim / Islamist world far away will not come to visit you? And when it does all the namby pamby fuzzy wuzzies about your neighbors won't mean a damned thing...

Muslims have an allegiance and it is not toward nicey nicey Farlang neighbors... when Islamic push comes to shove.. your butt will not be important to them ... Islam is all and everything to them ... Naivety will not keep you alive.

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Do you actually know any Muslims? Have you ever worked with them? Had them work for you? Worked for them? Been down the pub with them?

I know a few Muslims. No complaints. One is a friend I visit in Burma. Some are farmers around here, others run restaurants and food booths. As far as I can see, they're all fine, friendly and honest. If any of their kids grew up to be jihadists, I would have a problem with that and I'd expect their parents to try and deal with it as dynamically as possible. Come to think of it, I haven't seen some of their boys (late teens, early 20's) in awhile. I hope they're not taking trips to combat zones in the M.East. Even so, whenever they see me (and I look farang, with pointy nose and dirty blond hair), they're gentlemanly. I reckon even Jack The Ripper was gentlemanly during his daily interactions with people. People in general have such a capacity for switching their mental state. One moment appearing decent, a second later, raving and blood-thirsty. These big brains with hormones coursing through our bodies are major factors. That mixed with hate/vengence-filled environment that so many Middle Eastern Muslims are saddled with.

In Britain and Europe, one of the first things they should do is outlaw Madrassas (religious schools for Muslims). Along with that, they should not allow any Sharia Law. Anyone who complains, fine, just yank their passport and give them $120 and a one-way plane ticket to the Dune State of their choice.

You live in denial and it is not a river in Egypt... look beyond your neighborhood -- look at the world - especially the Muslim world ... Do you think for an instant that someday ... that same Muslim / Islamist world far away will not come to visit you? And when it does all the namby pamby fuzzy wuzzies about your neighbors won't mean a damned thing...

Muslims have an allegiance and it is not toward nicey nicey Farlang neighbors... when Islamic push comes to shove.. your butt will not be important to them ... Islam is all and everything to them ... Naivety will not keep you alive.

That's pure Hollywood...nice try !


In Britain and Europe, one of the first things they should do is outlaw Madrassas (religious schools for Muslims). Along with that, they should not allow any Sharia Law. Anyone who complains, fine, just yank their passport and give them $120 and a one-way plane ticket to the Dune State of their choice.


No argument, but reportedly it's actually internet social media propelling ISIS recruitment to maybe as much as 3400 per month. CNN, CBS, Al Arabiya, print media all reporting it. These pin prick air raids represent no real threat to ISIS, and amount to little more than a propaganda tool for them. And just wait until the first non-combatant civilians are killed! Somebody better get a clue real soon, and realize there's a no-s#!t war on, or there'll be more than a few random beheadings to deal with... Turkey seems about ready to actually commit troops, but they waited until the warfare was literally on their doorstep. Is the rest of the world going to be that stupid?

Does Britain have a jihadi problem? Newsflash: the whole WORLD has a jihadi problem; a BIG one!

"Does Britain have a jihadi problem? Newsflash: the whole WORLD has a jihadi problem; a BIG one!"

And therein lies the answer to the question on this thread. Of course Britain has a jihadi problem and they aren't the only country that has one..

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The 2nd part of the video "My Brother the Islamist" is on BBC News World tomorrow I believe on 163. Replace Islamist with Terrorist in the title

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I present arguments and evidence to support my point of view.

Pointing out that they are full of nonstop, deceitful spin is not a "personal attack."

I present arguments and evidence to support my point of view.

You sometimes do, but then so does everyone else. But you are about the only one with a persecution complex that you will not let go. That's not an 'attack by the way, just an observation.


Still awaiting an intelligent, reasoned argument to refute my earlier post.

These two are obviously incapable of providing one; can anyone?


Liberal fallacy #165

What can happen is to let time dilute the influence of Islam on the population.

That may be true in the very long term but in the meantime you may get the Khalifate..then all bets are off.

Will be true, because it is aways that way. Romans and their Gods, once thought unstoppable are dust. and no you won't get a Caliphate they are military lightweights.

What are you some quavering old lady? We will obliterate them. You ought to simply be nicer to your immigrant neighbours, they are less likely to want to slit your throat, and more likely 'assimilate' then, stands to reason dunnit?

Liberal fallacy #39

They never bothered us anyway, until the blundering CIA pissed them off beyond all comprehension

You ignore the history of Islam.....Vienna, Tours, Constantinople...

Wheneve they left us alone it was a combination of lack of leaders/population/technology

All these are present today.

Islam is a triumphalist religion...no rest till the world turns muslim one way or another.

So was Christianity and the various Empires that 'claimed' it including incredibly, the Third Riech "Gott Mit Uns" all swept away. They make the half-baked sieges you mention look like the temporary annoyances they were.

Liberal fallacy #25

They will never convince us to become muslims

They don't have to ,...they will just outbreed you.

It's happening already

Do us a favour, use your vivid imagination to write for Disney Channel, will you? No adult is gonna believe this, not even your fans, vinnie. BTW i never wrote that one, so your credibility and what little respect i had for you is pretty much trashed.

,...they will just outbreed you.

in saudi it is normal for women to have 8 or more children/ at least it was in the last century.

i'm sure it is looked on as their duty to have as many children as possible.

At a point in time Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries did have high birth rates, but now averaging 2.x per female. The same very large drop in births per family in being experienced in many Islamic countries and has been a trend for years.

if that is true, i am happy to hear it.

perhaps they got tired of breeding so many children to be unemployed.


Quotes removed to comply with forum software and for clarity; the parts in bold were originally posted by me.

You, and all those of your mates who have made similar comments, obviously know absolutely nothing about the UK immigration rules; particularly how difficult, well nigh impossible, it is to get a settlement visa for an adult dependent relative.

Spend some time in the Visas forum, and have a read of the UK immigration rules.

but the government has tightened up this area.

i'll be happyt if it's more than lip service.

It is, as you would know if you paid any attention to current affairs in the UK.

Maybe you want the UK to return to the dark days when anyone who did not follow the official state religion was at best persecuted

lol. no, but i'd like to see a church in saudi before they can build a mosque in england.

So, as I asked before but you ignored, just because other countries don't have the same freedoms that the UK does, you want those freedoms abolished in the UK?

you do realise that a mosque is not necessary for the practice of islam, don't you? they can pray anywhere, so the lack of a dedicated building makes no difference to their ability to practice their religion, ie they still have religious freedom.

Mathew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

So, using your argument, Christians in Saudi don't need churches.

if you knew anything about Islam, you'd know that they don't need to have a mosque, anywhere, to practice their religion.

yes, christians don't need a special building, but if they got caught having a service in saudi, even in their own home, they would be in deep doo doo.


Ask your mate thaibeachlovers; he raised the issue!

He's not my mate, so why did you feel the need to reply to an off topic post? How about on topic issues such as how you think the Koran and life of the prophet get twisted, or otherwise by UK jihadists? and some suggestions about how to combat it?

I am leaving this topic, but I hope most of you are decent blokes, and all my argument has been all along is for a bit of humanity. And acceptance of what you can't change in the UK i.e don't descend into their totalitarian thinking.

And that while i do agree the west should not bend over backwards for these people, for example, I strongly support France banning a lot of muslim daftness like the full burqua, and quite right! It is France not bloody Saudi!

The UK may have been a 'soft touch' at one point but that is ending.

Lets not forget, we have a a responsibility as 'civilised' people to help others, and we'd hope for the same from our 'neighbours', if say, the UK was nuked, and we had to leave and be refugees in another country.

The Daily Fail paper is on historic record as being a fascist rag before WW2, and not much has changed, there are fascists here posting, they love hate, fear, and hysteria, it's the gate through which they access power, and then use these same terrors to crush us all, like the Jihadists, they are just as dangerous. Even more-so, since they look and act and sound and value much of what we all do, and mount seemingly powerful emotive arguments, based on extrapolating the deeds of Muslim criminals and nutters to whip up even more fear and demoralisation among their own kind. But the remarks often lack any actual facts to back them up, or are so twisted and amplified that they fail to pass rational muster, and that's where it falls apart for the reasonable man.

These are vile men of low human stature, and would take us back to the days of burning at the stake given half the chance. They call reasonable people apologists. Why would any reasonable western person apologise for the insanity that passes for what many muslims call 'law' I have no idea. It simply suits their warped worldview of fear and hate and totalitarianism, so why bother with reality?

Another reason I'm leaving the debate. Also, the standard of 'truth' here is so bad that when somebody actually posted a true story, not outright lies (my own posts were even twisted as a moderator has said, and no i did not go running to any mod, i can handle myself, thanks!)

I refused at first to believe it an actual true story thanks to the other lies and rubbish posted earlier, and if that is the quality of your debate, its just delusional and irrational, see a doctor, seriously.

We will prevail over jihad, they are effective at winding us up, and they swept through Iraq causing a panic, but they are ragtag, and lack cohesion even among themselves. The Iraqi army are likely no more than 'security guards' at this point, with fancy shooters. Most of their elite were dispatched during the invasions over the years. IS are a worry, but they are no Waffen SS, and we will wipe the floor with them.

Immigration is certainly part of the issue here, but it is being used by certain elements to push their hate agenda agenda.

If you clam to be 'superior' to them (not hard really, they are a lot of savages to be quite frank, in the main) then start acting like it. It's annoying to be called 'liberal' just for acting like a human being should, with intelligence and pragmatism and a little compassion.

Since that's the level of debate, good luck to you all, because if you can't find your peace in modern Britain, or leave for pastures new (Thailand etc.) you're going to die sad bitter old men. I'll see you all on the more 'rational' discussion threads. Cheers.

I strongly support France banning a lot of muslim daftness like the full burqua

i despair when i see western women wearing headscarves or more in the mistaken belief that it is Islamic dress. this is complete bs. that costume is cultural not religious. many muslim women don't wear headscarves- are they less 'real' in their beliefs?

it's time western politicians stop being cowards about it and ban the burqa. if they don't like that, they can go back to pakistan or whatever place they came from.

,...they will just outbreed you.

in saudi it is normal for women to have 8 or more children/ at least it was in the last century. i'm sure it is looked on as their duty to have as many children as possible.

At a point in time Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries did have high birth rates, but now averaging 2.x per female. The same very large drop in births per family in being experienced in many Islamic countries and has been a trend for years.

if that is true, i am happy to hear it. perhaps they got tired of breeding so many children to be unemployed.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

,...they will just outbreed you.

in saudi it is normal for women to have 8 or more children/ at least it was in the last century. i'm sure it is looked on as their duty to have as many children as possible.

At a point in time Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries did have high birth rates, but now averaging 2.x per female. The same very large drop in births per family in being experienced in many Islamic countries and has been a trend for years.

if that is true, i am happy to hear it. perhaps they got tired of breeding so many children to be unemployed.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

Perhaps you could provide a link to back this up ?

If you had said Western Countries I could have agreed with you. However, as you say Islamic Countries, I fear that you are incorrect.

At a point in time Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries did have high birth rates, but now averaging 2.x per female. The same very large drop in births per family in being experienced in many Islamic countries and has been a trend for years.

if that is true, i am happy to hear it. perhaps they got tired of breeding so many children to be unemployed.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

Perhaps you could provide a link to back this up ?

If you had said Western Countries I could have agreed with you. However, as you say Islamic Countries, I fear that you are incorrect.

Post removed to permit response.

Pew Research is usually accepted as a reasonable benchmark of social changes in the Islamic world. From a Pew research analysis summary published in an Israeli media outlet.

"The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries," it said, noting the birth rate is falling as more Muslim women are educated, living standards rise and rural people move to cities"


I just wonder how it slipped so far as to lose control of its borders, even the UK borders if you must, and start to get overrun by people who won't assimilate.

Never sure

3 Part answer.

1. Politicians with vested interests.

2. The EU.

3. Liberalism.

I just wonder how it slipped so far as to lose control of its borders, even the UK borders if you must, and start to get overrun by people who won't assimilate.

Never sure

3 Part answer.

1. Politicians with vested interests.

2. The EU.

3. Liberalism.

1960s Mill owning capitalists


Pew Research is usually accepted as a reasonable benchmark of social changes in the Islamic world. From a Pew research analysis summary published in an Israeli media outlet.

"The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries," it said, noting the birth rate is falling as more Muslim women are educated, living standards rise and rural people move to cities"

Simple 1

I would happily read, with an objective mind, any research regardless of who produced it.

I asked for a link to a list of which Countries this phenomenom was happening in.

The primary reason being " Fertility rates " which was not in your original statement.


Pew Research is usually accepted as a reasonable benchmark of social changes in the Islamic world. From a Pew research analysis summary published in an Israeli media outlet.

"The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries," it said, noting the birth rate is falling as more Muslim women are educated, living standards rise and rural people move to cities"

Simple 1

I would happily read, with an objective mind, any research regardless of who produced it.

I asked for a link to a list of which Countries this phenomenom was happening in.

The primary reason being " Fertility rates " which was not in your original statement.

Pedantic! Failing birth rates are strongly linked to education e.g. birth control methods. Although slavery is illegal in the UK, it still occurs. I am not your slave. Details on Islamic countries that have experienced signifcant declines in birth reates are easily available, do your research


Just a few suggestions.

1 If you want to live in our country, you have to get rid of your ridiculous headdress. This is Britain, and you must assimilate a little bit. This is a good place to start. Show us your hair, for Gods sake. Believe me, He will not be offended.

2. Learn the language. You will not be given any sort of residency permit, unless you are fluent in English.

3. We will stop offering you financial assistance. You are on your own. You are welcome to stay in our country, but you need to work, and the days of a safety net are over, as we simply cannot afford that anymore.

4. You will not be eligible for medical assistance, until you have paid at least 20,000 into the system.

5. Three strikes, and you are sent back to your country.

6. No preaching allowed. This is a deportable offense. Two strikes, and you are back on your homeland.

7. If you are charged with a terrorist offense, you are sent back to your country for punishment.

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Pew Research is usually accepted as a reasonable benchmark of social changes in the Islamic world. From a Pew research analysis summary published in an Israeli media outlet.

"The declining growth rate is due primarily to falling fertility rates in many Muslim-majority countries," it said, noting the birth rate is falling as more Muslim women are educated, living standards rise and rural people move to cities"

Simple 1

I would happily read, with an objective mind, any research regardless of who produced it.

I asked for a link to a list of which Countries this phenomenom was happening in.

The primary reason being " Fertility rates " which was not in your original statement.

Pedantic! Failing birth rates are strongly linked to education e.g. birth control methods. Although slavery is illegal in the UK, it still occurs. I am not your slave. Details on Islamic countries that have experienced signifcant declines in birth reates are easily available, do your research

Sorry Simple 1 it is not pedantic.

Your original quote.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

You then quote a Pew study that quite clearly shows that the primary reason is " Fertility rates " Granted it also goes on to say education and better economics are also a player.

Yes, I can read. Objectively. Here is another viewpoint

Accompanying this fertility decline is what Eberstadt calls a “flight from marriage,” described in a paper presented last month in Doha, Qatar.

The decline of marriage in Europe is well known but striking: The female marriage rate fell in Germany from 98% to 59% from 1965 to 2000; it fell in France over that period from 99% to 61%; in Sweden from 98% to 49%; in Britain, from nearly 100% to 54%.

Marriage is also plummeting in Asia: In Japan, the percentage of women between 30 and 34 who have never married rose from 7.2% in 1970 to 26.6% in 2000; in Burma, it rose from 9.3% to 25.9%; in Thailand, from 8.1% to 16.1%; in South Korea, from 1.4% to 10.7%.

Marriage rates in the Arab world are higher, but they’re moving fast in the same direction.

What’s “astonishing,” says Eberstadt in an email explaining his findings, is that in the Arab world this move away from marriage “is by many measures already as far along as was Europe’s in the 1980s — and it is taking place at a vastly lower level of development than the corresponding flights in Europe and developed East Asia.”


Sorry Simple 1 it is not pedantic.

Your original quote.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

You then quote a Pew study that quite clearly shows that the primary reason is " Fertility rates " Granted it also goes on to say education and better economics are also a player.

Yes, I can read. Objectively. Here is another viewpoint

Accompanying this fertility decline is what Eberstadt calls a “flight from marriage,” described in a paper presented last month in Doha, Qatar.

The decline of marriage in Europe is well known but striking: The female marriage rate fell in Germany from 98% to 59% from 1965 to 2000; it fell in France over that period from 99% to 61%; in Sweden from 98% to 49%; in Britain, from nearly 100% to 54%.

Marriage is also plummeting in Asia: In Japan, the percentage of women between 30 and 34 who have never married rose from 7.2% in 1970 to 26.6% in 2000; in Burma, it rose from 9.3% to 25.9%; in Thailand, from 8.1% to 16.1%; in South Korea, from 1.4% to 10.7%.

Marriage rates in the Arab world are higher, but they’re moving fast in the same direction.

What’s “astonishing,” says Eberstadt in an email explaining his findings, is that in the Arab world this move away from marriage “is by many measures already as far along as was Europe’s in the 1980s — and it is taking place at a vastly lower level of development than the corresponding flights in Europe and developed East Asia.”


Posts removed to enable reply.

If correct, another addition to the reasons behind declining birth rates, doesn't dispute birth rates are falling in Islamic countries; this is the statement you first questioned. Some more info...

"each Muslim woman today is having 2.6 fewer births than her mother. This is not only a decline but a decline faster than the rest of the world for the same period and masks some precipitous drops in individual countries"


Sorry Simple 1 it is not pedantic.

Your original quote.

Incorrect. Studies have shown lower birth rates in the Islamic countries is generally due to rising levels of education and better economic circumtance.

You then quote a Pew study that quite clearly shows that the primary reason is " Fertility rates " Granted it also goes on to say education and better economics are also a player.

Yes, I can read. Objectively. Here is another viewpoint

Accompanying this fertility decline is what Eberstadt calls a “flight from marriage,” described in a paper presented last month in Doha, Qatar.

The decline of marriage in Europe is well known but striking: The female marriage rate fell in Germany from 98% to 59% from 1965 to 2000; it fell in France over that period from 99% to 61%; in Sweden from 98% to 49%; in Britain, from nearly 100% to 54%.

Marriage is also plummeting in Asia: In Japan, the percentage of women between 30 and 34 who have never married rose from 7.2% in 1970 to 26.6% in 2000; in Burma, it rose from 9.3% to 25.9%; in Thailand, from 8.1% to 16.1%; in South Korea, from 1.4% to 10.7%.

Marriage rates in the Arab world are higher, but they’re moving fast in the same direction.

What’s “astonishing,” says Eberstadt in an email explaining his findings, is that in the Arab world this move away from marriage “is by many measures already as far along as was Europe’s in the 1980s — and it is taking place at a vastly lower level of development than the corresponding flights in Europe and developed East Asia.”


Posts removed to enable reply.

If correct, another addition to the reasons behind declining birth rates, doesn't dispute birth rates are falling in Islamic countries; this is the statement you first questioned. Some more info...

"each Muslim woman today is having 2.6 fewer births than her mother. This is not only a decline but a decline faster than the rest of the world for the same period and masks some precipitous drops in individual countries"


I'm not saying it is correct, I merely said it was another viewpoint. Which was contrary to your initial posting.

But, what is does do, in my opinion. Is perhaps highlight another reason for the ( unrest, problems ) whatever you want to call it, that is happening across Europe.

Namely, Muslim woman, being educated, and rejecting the traditional Islamic / Muslim ideology.

And this may well fit in with the well documented fact, that it is the 2nd and 3rd Generation Muslims that are causing the problems.


Well I have to say that 2nd part of "My Brother the..." was thought provoking. It confirmed for me a long held belief. The likes of Anjerm Choudary need locking up, and they need to be isolated from others. Our troops serving abroad need to behave more responsibly. When you see the reports on mainstream media, imagine what is available on the internet. It seems that a lot of converts were outsiders in there own pier group, and that is something that could easily addressed.


A British-accented jihadist has released a video urging Muslim men in UK to rise up and "cause terror in the hearts" of the British people.

Cause terror in their hearts is a direct quote from a sura in the koran that is followed by instructions to behead them. Yet the deluded will still deny these Muslims are influenced by the 'Holy Koran' while of course all the others not actually carrying out murder still believe in the Koran.

He says they love death more than we love life. I can think of a win win solution. They die, we live. I am amazed they didn't think of it first.

Of course they do as life under an Islamic state is not much fun is it, i'd rather be dead as well than live under that life hating, women hating, Jew and Christian hating gang with very possibly music banned, as well as booze and generally not being allowed to enjoy yourself. Islam is the cult of misery and intolerance, who wants it?

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Just a few suggestions.

1 If you want to live in our country, you have to get rid of your ridiculous headdress. This is Britain, and you must assimilate a little bit. This is a good place to start. Show us your hair, for Gods sake. Believe me, He will not be offended.

2. Learn the language. You will not be given any sort of residency permit, unless you are fluent in English.

3. We will stop offering you financial assistance. You are on your own. You are welcome to stay in our country, but you need to work, and the days of a safety net are over, as we simply cannot afford that anymore.

4. You will not be eligible for medical assistance, until you have paid at least 20,000 into the system.

5. Three strikes, and you are sent back to your country.

6. No preaching allowed. This is a deportable offense. Two strikes, and you are back on your homeland.

7. If you are charged with a terrorist offense, you are sent back to your country for punishment.

1. Many people cover their heads; some for cultural reasons, others for fashion. Ever seen the head coverings worn by many Christian women from West Africa? What about the hats worn by Hasidic Jewish men? Sikh men and their turbans? Women at Ascot on Ladies Day?

2. For family immigration, a basic language test is required for the initial visa, and there is the knowledge of life and language in the UK requirement for indefinite leave to remain.

The same for other categories; except the language test for the initial visa is harder.

3. Immigrants, family or any other category, cannot claim public funds until they have indefinite leave to remain; which takes at least 5 years residence to obtain. Their British family can claim any and all to which they are entitled, but cannot claim any extra due to the immigrant family living with them.

4. What about your Thai partner, if you have one and ever decide to move back to the UK?

All UK residents are entitled to NHS treatment. Even if the immigrant themselves has not yet paid any taxes themselves, their British family member will have done so.

Before you say "what if the sponsor is unemployed?" they must have been working in order to meet the financial requirement to enable them to sponsor the visa, or be well enough off not to need to work.

Plus, of course, the immigrant themselves will be paying tax, even if not working, via the VAT on nearly everything they buy.

5. Three strikes? What strikes?

6. The UK has religious freedom. But if this became a rule would you want it to apply to all non Christians; Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists etc.?

If you mean preaching hate or inciting violence, this is already a criminal and a deportable offence. Muslims have been imprisoned and deported for so doing; as shown earlier in this topic.

7. Letting them off lightly, you mean?

At present, an immigrant found guilty of a terrorist offence in the UK is imprisoned and at the end of their sentence deported.

If they have indefinite leave to remain, that is cancelled and at the end of their prison term they are deported.

If they have naturalised as British, they are stripped of their British nationality and at the end of their prison term they are deported.


Alan Henning’s Murder a Despicable Act, Offensive to Muslims

Statement from Dr Shuja Shafi, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain:

“This reported murder is a despicable and offensive act, coming as it does on the eve of the Muslim festival of Eid Al-Adha. It is quite clear that the murderers of Alan Henning have no regard for Islam, or for the Muslims around the world who pleaded for his life. Alan was a friend of Muslims, and he will be mourned by Muslims. In this period of Hajj and this festival of Eid, Muslims remember the mercy of God and the emphasis God places on human life. Alan Hennings murderers have clearly gone against that spirit of Islam. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family.”

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