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Why do I contribute to Thai Visa


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I ask myself why I get involved in the forum to the extent that I do.

Where is the profit?

What is the satisfaction?

It must be rationally because I am bored and with nothing better to do!

Am I am waiting to die

Yes it is a ridiculous statement to make but never the less a statement based on honesty if not intelligence!

You see ( we the participants and protagonist) are only looking for a cause or something that make us sit up and take notice.

When I think of the replies that I have made to some of the morons on here I cringe that I answered a post that I shouldn't have even thought about and therein lies the problem!

Why are we here, sitting in front of a PC screen getting involved in matters that dont really affect us, I say don't really affect us because if we have any brains at all we have manoeuvred ourselves away from the many problems that we see her in so much aplenty

Yes I know that the forum is a place that answers so many of the practical problems that atypical Farang has to face when trying to balance the irregularities and unfairness of the Thai regime but that isn't what I am talking about and you know what I am referring to its the mindless mind games that we get into as a member who anticipates in the cut and thrust of an argument that will never be resolved

So why do I contribute?

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So why do I contribute?

Is there a prize if we get the answer right?

A meaningful and sensible reply ( and I'm not saying that your isn't) would be helpful and educational to me and may well result in a meeting where we could set not only the world rights but ourselves in the process.

from little acorns great oak trees come!

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I think folks in general contribute to pass time. Some are clearly bored, lonely or obsessed( Their post count really reflects that I suspect). Others really have a question or a thought was spurred and they pose the question.

I do not think to this date I have ever started a thread (I did sell my NSR in the motorcycle section if we want to count that). With that said I consider myself a "responding" contributor and I guess "contributing" is a subjective word as the premise behind it would be it was helping something or someone. I do my best to assist whenever I feel I can. I do not respond to just respond. I am very selective when I post and I do not sit in front of my PC all day waiting for a new thread to hit. I am outside doing things with my wife. This is like a Newspaper/OJ deal for me and off I go. I never get into a pissing war and never flame on anyone. I see no need for it. Sadly most threads go to the toilet pretty quick.

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For me, TV is good source of information from people who have been there and done that, made the mistakes and are good enough to advise others and share their knowledge. It is also a place to read some very humorous posts but also where people with polar opposite views spout the same drivel and slag each others point of view.

Compared to some I am a relative new comer to LOS so I appreciate being able to read about others' experiences whether good or bad. I work in a pretty remote location so TV is also a way to pass the time. When I am in Thailand I am too busy enjoying myself to be online.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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well the rains woke me up so what do i do,

make some toast a cup of coffee check my emails, now im on bloody here waiting for it to get light so i can take care of the pigs,,lol

i must admit i like to read the experts on here trying to tell every one that there isnt a good thai lady in the whole of thailand, and you never be happy, never buy a house in your wifes name,

in fact never get married, they will kill you,

i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,

good morning every one


Why you worry so much about what other people write on here if it does not effect you ?

Just be happy that you are happy and pity the ones who, in your opinion, are not.

Edited by benalibina
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well the rains woke me up so what do i do,

make some toast a cup of coffee check my emails, now im on bloody here waiting for it to get light so i can take care of the pigs,,lol

i must admit i like to read the experts on here trying to tell every one that there isnt a good thai lady in the whole of thailand, and you never be happy, never buy a house in your wifes name,

in fact never get married, they will kill you,

i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,

good morning every one


Why you worry so much about what other people write on here if it does not effect you ?

please tell me were i said i worry,

another one who reads what isnt there,,

here we go

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i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,


Why you worry so much about what other people write on here if it does not effect you ?

please tell me were i said i worry,

another one who reads what isnt there,,

here we go


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well the rains woke me up so what do i do,

make some toast a cup of coffee check my emails, now im on bloody here waiting for it to get light so i can take care of the pigs,,lol

i must admit i like to read the experts on here trying to tell every one that there isnt a good thai lady in the whole of thailand, and you never be happy, never buy a house in your wifes name,

in fact never get married, they will kill you,

i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,

good morning every one


Morning Jake,

Sounds like you should have slept in a bit longer this morning....lol.

Good to see you are home again for a while....Now get into it, you only have 28 days to catch up, then back to work....gee this retirement is good.

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well the rains woke me up so what do i do,

make some toast a cup of coffee check my emails, now im on bloody here waiting for it to get light so i can take care of the pigs,,lol

i must admit i like to read the experts on here trying to tell every one that there isnt a good thai lady in the whole of thailand, and you never be happy, never buy a house in your wifes name,

in fact never get married, they will kill you,

i read them and think how f££king stupid you are, to believe all that you write,

unless there on one bloody big wind up,,

good morning every one


Morning Jake,

Sounds like you should have slept in a bit longer this morning....lol.

Good to see you are home again for a while....Now get into it, you only have 28 days to catch up, then back to work....gee this retirement is good.

morning mate,

i know what you meen,,lol,

well thats all the animals done, had a proper breakfest, now i think its of to big c,

the job im going on mate is 35 on and off when i get the bloody visa,

talk to you later,,


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"When I think of the replies that I have made to some of the morons on here I cringe t..."

Mornin' all. Mornin' Jake. Spot of rain last night. Yep, gave the veggie patch a good soakin'. Gonna need to fix that fence down by the Old Mill Run sometime today. So I'd better get these old bones a-shifting. Later, all.

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