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Why Do You Like Living in Thailand?


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My avatar is my girlfriend. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm staying. Any questions?

Yes that was my original reason for staying in Thailand also but my wife is willing to live in my home country and did so for 7 years. We have a house in the country and land in Phuket but my wife doesn't like it there. I could push her to build another house in Phuket but quite frankly I don't know if even I would like it there anymore myself.

I have an acquaintance that lived in Koh Samui until he found a Thai lady that he liked well enough to want to marry her and afterwards they moved to her home area and built a nice house amongst the rice fields and Palm trees. I guess the reasoning was that it was much cheaper there than Koh Samui. He's been living there for 2 years now and wonders if anyone might want to buy his house. He's bored crazy and even though he's still happy with his wife it's just not enough anymore.

Where are you living and how long have you been there for? Are you able to purchase familiar foods or are you satisfied with a Thai diet?

Have one or more of her rellies mind the ranch & go home. If you ahve sufficient income, come back 1x o more a year & you will have somewhere to live. Your circumstances are your own and have no bearing on others' lives & vice-a versa. Do what ever you want for you own reasons but realiize that your son will be living his own life before long, so don't do it just to follow him.

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There are a few reasons I don't like living here and Many reasons I like living here but I think the main reason i like is that I can go about my life and not be bothered. Thais seem to have a more live and let live attitude than other people around the world. Farangs here and in my home country are always judging and trying to push their beliefs on others. Thai people just live for the day and let you do same.

My avatar is my girlfriend. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm staying. Any questions?

Yes that was my original reason for staying in Thailand also but my wife is willing to live in my home country and did so for 7 years. We have a house in the country and land in Phuket but my wife doesn't like it there. I could push her to build another house in Phuket but quite frankly I don't know if even I would like it there anymore myself.

I have an acquaintance that lived in Koh Samui until he found a Thai lady that he liked well enough to want to marry her and afterwards they moved to her home area and built a nice house amongst the rice fields and Palm trees. I guess the reasoning was that it was much cheaper there than Koh Samui. He's been living there for 2 years now and wonders if anyone might want to buy his house. He's bored crazy and even though he's still happy with his wife it's just not enough anymore.

Where are you living and how long have you been there for? Are you able to purchase familiar foods or are you satisfied with a Thai diet?

Have one or more of her rellies mind the ranch & go home. If you ahve sufficient income, come back 1x o more a year & you will have somewhere to live. Your circumstances are your own and have no bearing on others' lives & vice-a versa. Do what ever you want for you own reasons but realiize that your son will be living his own life before long, so don't do it just to follow him.

There are advantages and disadvantages to be sure and each to his own. My son had made his choice and has his own life. However I personally think that one day he will marry and have children and it is good for family to be living in the same country. Having said that I would like to live where it is both economically feasible and offers quality of life and so must decide whether or not it is reasonable to achieve this here in LOS. I appreciate everyone's own personal opinion and experience and hope to gain some further insight.

I should probably have mentioned also that not only do I have to convince myself but my wife also. I know some responses have mentioned that they enjoy more freedom here than back home but sometimes that very freedom infringes on others quality of life.

Just to mention a few complaints from my wife as an example of a Thai person having experienced life abroad. First off my wife is happy to see that in my home country the vehicles passing by on the road come to a complete stop when she steps up to the curb to cross the street and it's not because she lifts her skirt LOL. Try to cross the street in Thailand when a vehicle is approaching and you might just get run over. In fact it happened to a foreigner not too long ago in Chiangmai.

Second the road that leads to our land in Phuket is so narrow because the owners of the land on either side of the road would not give up even 1 foot to make it passable even on the bend in the road that requires a five point turn to navigate until they received 100,000 bht. This caused my wife further anguish and disgust. It is primarily these kind of inconsiderate attitudes that are the reason for my wife to not want to live here even though she loves our home in the country and the village where she grew up yet at the same time detests the more populated areas.

Many beaches are almost inaccessible due to lack of parking areas or narrow access roads unless travelling by motorbike which is an inconvenience more so for my wife than for me.

I didn't start this thread to complain but really just to try to discover all the positives that other people experience and see how it relates to my own experience.

I can appreciate that everyone comes from a different background and experience and so what may be a huge benefit to one may not have any bearing on another.

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Everything is different and I enjoy almost all these differences, both the big and small ones. The things I miss from back home are very, very minor, some foods and a few other little things. Most of all I enjoy the sense of freedom and that everything (almost) is easy and comfortable. Its also cheaper...

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I don't know why some of the regulars on here kick up a fuss if someone dares to ask a familiar question. &lt;deleted&gt; if you don't like the thread don't bother with it.

OP, I have made numerous stays in Thailand over many years, and like many with a Thai spouse wonder whether making a permanent stay would be the right choice. The examples you gave of road etiquette etc seem a bit trivial to be honest. Much depends on your chosen lifestyle and location.

For me a big negative is being farang. I am not bothered about the dual pricing (well it's annoying but not important) or the word, but I do feel your always the outsider, as is the case with all Asian countries. Those fluent in Thai might say they fit in well, but it's only amongst those they know. Always, initially, you're just another non-Thai. Another negative is the "culture" it seems to totally revolve around food, with little interest in the arts or international affairs or more serious topics. And my reference point is middle class Bangkok, I can't imagine what it would be like upcountry. I think "Western" is a more interesting and more participative existence if circumstances permit.

Not saying I won't end up spending some years in a Thailand. I love the weather (every drop of it) love the vibrancy of modern BKK, enjoy the affordability and luxury, and it's good to see a country growing and improving. My two cents.

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It suits my requirements for now.

Cheap cost of living, AMAZING cuisine.

Although I'm sure someone will be along in a minute saying how expensive it is now and how a squat, bald, elderly man can't get a "short time" for less than 500 baht any more, it's still a cinch to live reasonably well here on a couple of grand (USD) a month.

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There are a few reasons I don't like living here and Many reasons I like living here but I think the main reason i like is that I can go about my life and not be bothered. Thais seem to have a more live and let live attitude than other people around the world. Farangs here and in my home country are always judging and trying to push their beliefs on others. Thai people just live for the day and let you do same.

Before I left the USA for Thailand, if I met anyone new, I could almost see the internal calculus of: Can this person help me more than I can help him? And if the answer was NO they would drop you cold. Other than some Thai people here I don't bother meeting new people at all.

I found it the complete opposite. Outside of California and NY, Americans are actually very nice people. In fact, if Thais felt confident in communicating with you, I'm sure you would meet many thais like those people you met as well.

Edited by Time Traveller
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OP, if you left Thailand and you are not interested, ever, to come back, why do you care why others like living here?

And did you ever before read any threads on TV?

This is at least the 20th thread with the same subject.

Stay where you are, and let the rest of us, living here, enjoy Thailand.

Why can't the man ask a question, or do you have to be the only gay in the village??
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Gatherings of more than 5 people with political motivations will be arrested under martial law... Your nicked...

As far as I can see, only four faces at the front

The background could be a wallpaper

Therefore, this gathering is allowed ( mind you, they seem a bit ferocious )

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My dream country was Japan. I eventually made it in May 1988, after three years in South-Korea...hated it....left fifteen days later.
Going back to SK was not an option? One of friends suggested a holiday ( give some time to think it over ) to Thailand ( had never heard of it )
Of course, with some money in the pocket life was as good as it could get, but a year later, as cheap as it could be, I realised that I needed to make some more and went to Europe....but had got the virus + feeling different + being considered above average pushed me back here in 1992
Been here ever since
It was difficult to adjust at the beginning, compared to hard working people from South Korea or Hong Kong but easy life weighed more in the balance
It would be difficult for me to live in Europe

I can understand why you didn't like Japan. Quite a contrast between countries.

So what you're saying is that you live here because it's cheap and you're treated better as a person (considered above average) than you would be if you were to live in Europe?

Good reason to live there is because its cheap. And Europe is becoming a basket case...

How would you rate your quality of life considering the area where you are presently living, accommodation, diet and entertainment?

I'm not there just yet...

Are there any annoyances you have to deal with here that sometimes can be overwhelming such as traffic congestion including Thai driving style. Pollution such as reckless disregard for the environment including littering in sea/beach areas and on the street. Lack of general cleanliness for example buildings/homes that have never been painted and have turned blackish in color, yards that are not maintained and are full of weeds etc.

I hate traffic congestion so I'd be staying out of Bangkok. I don't mind Thai driving style actually. They did a lot of things I've seen to help notify other behind them of dangers coming up by flashing their hazards for example. I've no qualms with the driving style. Pollution is a problem, environment needs to be cared for indeed. This can improve in the future. I don't worry so much about others homes that have never been painted. I don't pry into their personal affairs like that. Perhaps they just don't have enough money or desire to do it but at the end of the day its their problem not mine. Same with the Weedy yards, I'm not a prying nosy neighbor so its their problem not mine. I actually find that to be a problem in Canada and the USA. People seem to think they should make it their business to worry about your property.

How do you feel about being discriminated against and being charged for goods and services the Falang rate which can sometimes be double or even more such as entrance fee to state parks etc.?

Its wrong. I'd probably boycott those types of places a little bit...

All in all do you feel that your reasons for being here compensate you enough to justify remaining in this country indefinitely as long as you have the resources to do so?

I'd be retiring early myself or getting setup to have some kind of income...

Are there any other reasons you want to live in Thailand that you did not mention such as having a Thai wife and Family?

I've a Thai wife in Canada with me now and she has Family over there.

You have been here for a long time, how do you spend each day and do you ever find that you're bored?

That would be the thing to figure out...

I appreciate your response to my questions because I am presently in Thailand with my wife and have to make a decision to either live here again or sell our property and go back to my home country. The difference this time is that our son is now an adult and has decided he would rather live in my home country and has gone back already. I agree with you that it is cheaper to live here but I have to consider that with all of the other inconveniences of this country is it worth it? I assume that probably a lot of the foreigners presently living here are here for the availability of Thai women but once you have found someone that you can trust and live with is it worth it to stay any longer?

It should be fun to go over there and retire early...

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I don't know why some of the regulars on here kick up a fuss if someone dares to ask a familiar question. <deleted> if you don't like the thread don't bother with it.

OP, I have made numerous stays in Thailand over many years, and like many with a Thai spouse wonder whether making a permanent stay would be the right choice. The examples you gave of road etiquette etc seem a bit trivial to be honest. Much depends on your chosen lifestyle and location.

For me a big negative is being farang. I am not bothered about the dual pricing (well it's annoying but not important) or the word, but I do feel your always the outsider, as is the case with all Asian countries. Those fluent in Thai might say they fit in well, but it's only amongst those they know. Always, initially, you're just another non-Thai. Another negative is the "culture" it seems to totally revolve around food, with little interest in the arts or international affairs or more serious topics. And my reference point is middle class Bangkok, I can't imagine what it would be like upcountry. I think "Western" is a more interesting and more participative existence if circumstances permit.

Not saying I won't end up spending some years in a Thailand. I love the weather (every drop of it) love the vibrancy of modern BKK, enjoy the affordability and luxury, and it's good to see a country growing and improving. My two cents.

Yes I agree with you regarding the road etiquette as being trivial. I have tried to convince my wife that she would get used to it like other issues. She complains that it is the whole mentality issue that she gets fed up with. It's all about being considerate to one another which is not too common here in Thailand. Many posts comment on Thailand having more freedom to just do what you want to do but sometimes at 3:00 a.m. in the morning when the speakers are blasting out loud music for 3 nights in a row and you just want to get some sleep it gets a little frustrating if not annoying. This doesn't happen all that frequently but does add to the list of activities that although are part of Thai culture can infringe on the rights of others and being quite inconsiderate at the same time.

I agree with you on all your other observations also. I have spent enough time in Thailand to be able to speak Thai well enough to get around but when I'm with my wife and engaged in a conversation with a Thai I do feel like the outsider also. I'm sure there is also a big difference between living in Bangkok versus the country. That's why I have tried to convince my wife to build a house in Phuket and after a while she would get used to the chaos (if I might call it that.) LOL.... I am willing to give it a try but alas my wife is hard to convince. She's more critical on her own country than I am having now experienced living in a country that has 3 cities ranked in the top 10 most livable cities in the world coming in at number 3, 4, and 5th. place. One might wonder why we even bothered coming back to Thailand and the answer to that is because I took early retirement and want to stretch our savings out as far as I can given life expectancy these days is expected to be 85 years plus. So I guess I'm here for economic reasons but with all the changes that have taken place since the last time I was here I wonder if the trade off is worth it?

I am enjoying reading others reasons for being here and hopefully will find a convincing enough reason to present to my wife but so far the majority of reasons being freedom, affordability, and even weather are outweighed by the negatives. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to live in either country and the deciding factor to move here again was the idea that Thailand would offer a higher standard of living than back home due to the cost factor but alas again I did not contemplate the changes and the effect it has had on my wife's attitude. Having said that my wife is a wonderful and very hard working person and so in the end I must find a compromise that satisfies her.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My dream country was Japan. I eventually made it in May 1988, after three years in South-Korea...hated it....left fifteen days later.

Going back to SK was not an option? One of friends suggested a holiday ( give some time to think it over ) to Thailand ( had never heard of it )

Of course, with some money in the pocket life was as good as it could get, but a year later, as cheap as it could be, I realised that I needed to make some more and went to Europe....but had got the virus + feeling different + being considered above average pushed me back here in 1992

Been here ever since

It was difficult to adjust at the beginning, compared to hard working people from South Korea or Hong Kong but easy life weighed more in the balance

It would be difficult for me to live in Europe

I can understand why you didn't like Japan. Quite a contrast between countries.

So what you're saying is that you live here because it's cheap and you're treated better as a person (considered above average) than you would be if you were to live in Europe?

Good reason to live there is because its cheap. And Europe is becoming a basket case...

How would you rate your quality of life considering the area where you are presently living, accommodation, diet and entertainment?

I'm not there just yet...

Are there any annoyances you have to deal with here that sometimes can be overwhelming such as traffic congestion including Thai driving style. Pollution such as reckless disregard for the environment including littering in sea/beach areas and on the street. Lack of general cleanliness for example buildings/homes that have never been painted and have turned blackish in color, yards that are not maintained and are full of weeds etc.

I hate traffic congestion so I'd be staying out of Bangkok. I don't mind Thai driving style actually. They did a lot of things I've seen to help notify other behind them of dangers coming up by flashing their hazards for example. I've no qualms with the driving style. Pollution is a problem, environment needs to be cared for indeed. This can improve in the future. I don't worry so much about others homes that have never been painted. I don't pry into their personal affairs like that. Perhaps they just don't have enough money or desire to do it but at the end of the day its their problem not mine. Same with the Weedy yards, I'm not a prying nosy neighbor so its their problem not mine. I actually find that to be a problem in Canada and the USA. People seem to think they should make it their business to worry about your property.

How do you feel about being discriminated against and being charged for goods and services the Falang rate which can sometimes be double or even more such as entrance fee to state parks etc.?

Its wrong. I'd probably boycott those types of places a little bit...

All in all do you feel that your reasons for being here compensate you enough to justify remaining in this country indefinitely as long as you have the resources to do so?

I'd be retiring early myself or getting setup to have some kind of income...

Are there any other reasons you want to live in Thailand that you did not mention such as having a Thai wife and Family?

I've a Thai wife in Canada with me now and she has Family over there.

You have been here for a long time, how do you spend each day and do you ever find that you're bored?

That would be the thing to figure out...

I appreciate your response to my questions because I am presently in Thailand with my wife and have to make a decision to either live here again or sell our property and go back to my home country. The difference this time is that our son is now an adult and has decided he would rather live in my home country and has gone back already. I agree with you that it is cheaper to live here but I have to consider that with all of the other inconveniences of this country is it worth it? I assume that probably a lot of the foreigners presently living here are here for the availability of Thai women but once you have found someone that you can trust and live with is it worth it to stay any longer?

It should be fun to go over there and retire early...

Quote "I've a Thai wife in Canada with me now and she has Family over there....."Quote".....being considered above average pushed me back here in 1992"

Been here ever since" end Quot.... I'm sorry, I thought you said you were living in Thailand at this time?

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Gatherings of more than 5 people with political motivations will be arrested under martial law... Your nicked...
As far as I can see, only four faces at the front

The background could be a wallpaper

Therefore, this gathering is allowed ( mind you, they seem a bit ferocious )

Na, he's a farang. Nip that one in bud sharpish and get a good photo opportunity, nick him...
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It's always hot/ warm and the girls are oh so pretty. Plus it's cheap and not much PC or over regulated.

Yeah it's great innit?

You can call a woman a "slag", an Asian, a "slant" and a white a "farang" without being shouted down by those PC do-gooders

Oops hang on; sorry, my bad.

The last one's WAY over the line because it's too offensive.

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I came here a few years ago, on vacation, met some fantastic people, did many things i´d never done in my life, partied hard, sh@gged my brains out , and forgot all my many problems of a messed up life i had back home, the sh!!t job, bad relationships, drink, football, trouble, and other stuff wink.png I was feeling a bit stale and needed a change of life, i´d been living in skandinavia for a few years working my naenaes off and getting taxed to hell, ...having not much to show for it, then an opportunity came up out of the blue of a new job and offered a place in Phuket to stay , grabbed this chance and been enjoying life ever since... I love the fact that after a few weeks hard graft away, i can come home to my beautiful girlfriend, eat some fantastic food, walk out my back door into the pool, and the weather... I´d also suffered a lot with rheumatism and arthritis while in the cold, but since i moved over here , my body feels 100 times better and healthier.. most of the people i´ve met here in phuket, ex-pats and thais have been welcoming, made we feel at home...and best of all, their knowledge and advice has helped me settle in a lot...I haven´t had much problems here, with corruption or being ripped off , if someone does try to get a bit wide i laugh at them and walk away...changed days

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  1. The cheap and tasty food everywhere

  2. The fact I can pay someone to do my laundry, cooking, and cleaning and it costs peanuts (I hate household chores etc)

  3. The low cost of living allowing me to live a lifestyle I couldn't back home (eat out every night, live in nice pad with a pool, nights out and dating 3-4 nights a week etc)

  4. The cute, slim, feminine women,

  5. The great value for money you get living in BKK. It's a word class city but prices are super low for apartments etc.

  6. That every day is interesting and even though you think you've seen it all something happens that surprises you.

  7. That people mind their own business and leave me alone unless I don't want to be left alone

  8. Thai street life - there's always something going on. In the West the streets are too tame and sterile. It's boring.

  9. The bar culture - sit and spend the night tucking into spicy food, drink some jugs or towers or beer, or share a bottle of whisky with friends whilst listening to some live music, (I mean Thai style bars not the farang / tourist / bar girl places - do not like)

  10. The 7/11 and the fact it never closes and you can always get something to eat there.
Edited by TheSpade
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  1. The cheap and tasty food everywhere

  2. The fact I can pay someone to do my laundry, cooking, and cleaning and it costs peanuts (I hate household chores etc)

  3. The low cost of living allowing me to live a lifestyle I couldn't back home (eat out every night, live in nice pad with a pool, nights out and dating 3-4 nights a week etc)

  4. The cute, slim, feminine women,

  5. The great value for money you get living in BKK. It's a word class city but prices are super low for apartments etc.

  6. That every day is interesting and even though you think you've seen it all something happens that surprises you.

  7. That people mind their own business and leave me alone unless I don't want to be left alone

  8. Thai street life - there's always something going on. In the West the streets are too tame and sterile. It's boring.

  9. The bar culture - sit and spend the night tucking into spicy food, drink some jugs or towers or beer, or share a bottle of whisky with friends whilst listening to some live music, (I mean Thai style bars not the farang / tourist / bar girl places - do not like)

  10. The 7/11 and the fact it never closes and you can always get something to eat there.

I can't disagree with a single word.

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