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ed-visa next extension denied

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You are right - it's not fair. Much of immigration never was fair. I'm sorry -- all I can say is you need to cope with it. The school I work for promised to take care care of everything, and I shelled out more than 10k baht to get a non-immigrant B they promised to handle for me. They missed a deadline I didn't even know about (last time I won't keep tabs on all the details).

TIT as many say. I sympathize with you, honestly.


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You are right - it's not fair. Much of immigration never was fair. I'm sorry -- all I can say is you need to cope with it. The school I work for promised to take care care of everything, and I shelled out more than 10k baht to get a non-immigrant B they promised to handle for me. They missed a deadline I didn't even know about (last time I won't keep tabs on all the details).

TIT as many say. I sympathize with you, honestly.


Thank you. You bring heart to this forum.

It gets depressing to hear from some other comments. I don't know why I started this topic??? I knew I would get negative comments from the wholly expat crew.

I think they just need to change their adult diapers. And suck on their beer bottle.

Edited by keithet
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Now I get money because I'm a casualty of war.

I'm married to a Thai too so ya I can and will change basses on marriage. But to do so I need a letter from school that I quit to show to immigration.

So then if I quit I don't go to school that I ALREADY PAID FOR!!!!

So there again I want and take very seriously learning Thai language so I can slightly understand the f@#*in family.

So I paid for the school I want the schooling. I don't want to pay More money and time at some country with a Thai embassy....

Does that awnser your questions???? He who wants or needs to know ALL!!!!!!!

Jasus!! No need to get your knickers in a twist Nancy, it was just a question.

I don't see why you are getting yourself so worked up. The way forward is simple, not sure why you need a letter from the school, but as you mention it I'll take it as needed. Just get the school to write you a letter saying you quit, you don't need to quit, get the extension based on marriage.. then carry on learning as before.. phew.. crisis averted!!

Btw, just the first answer would have been fine, I have no interest in your complicated life.

totster smile.png

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This is as strange as ordering a beer at a bar then to be charged again to finish it.

You have referred to loosing money several times. Could you confirm you are talking about application fees and not a loss of tuition? If the school is in fact refusing to return your tuition can you advise on the name of the school?

I'm sorry I was refuring to time and money to go to another country and pay for new visa, transportation, time, and maybe hotel room for the night. On top of what I already paid for with the school. This is what is required for me to do and pay because of immigration law.

I would do this next year if I choose. But I already started my classes.

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This is as strange as ordering a beer at a bar then to be charged again to finish it.

You have referred to loosing money several times. Could you confirm you are talking about application fees and not a loss of tuition? If the school is in fact refusing to return your tuition can you advise on the name of the school?

I'm sorry I was refuring to time and money to go to another country and pay for new visa, transportation, time, and maybe hotel room for the night. On top of what I already paid for with the school. This is what is required for me to do and pay because of immigration law.

I would do this next year if I choose. But I already started my classes.

I may be wrong, so hopefully someone can confirm.. I think that if you meet the requirements to extend for one year based on marriage you don't have to get another visa, you can just extend your current one.

totster smile.png

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This is as strange as ordering a beer at a bar then to be charged again to finish it.

You have referred to loosing money several times. Could you confirm you are talking about application fees and not a loss of tuition? If the school is in fact refusing to return your tuition can you advise on the name of the school?

Sounds like the school is using this as a chance to be shady, If they charge the same for the first year as they do for subsequent years they really already got paid to do the paperwork you need to go get the new visa. All you ought to be out is money to get to the border and apply for visa. maybe money later for the 4 months added to the 'school year'. If they are asking for a whol years worth of money up front again only 4 months in, they are trying to rip you off and using immigration as an excuse.

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Well my school sent out a email that if you are on your second or third year of study you will be denied 90 day extension and get 7 days to leave.

This hapened toOne of the students. He completed his first 90 days for.his 2nd year of study was accepted to study by ministry of education and paid the school and then to be denied by imagration because he exstend past the one year.

I wonder what this acceptance document to study by the Ministry of Education looks like, what it says. Do you, or does anybody else, have a copy and can scan and post it, after blurring out personal details like your name, address, passport details, etc.?

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For some (the majority I think?) the new rules are nothing new. It was always the case that you had to go out and reapply at the end of the year, and 1.9k every 90 days.

No, in the past students were only extending every 90 days, for a maximum of 3 years or so.

Depending on the local office many were also extending for one year each time

Edited by paz
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I think he said had the finances for retirement visa.

Additional, I think a retirement visa doesn't need to go to immigration every 3 months and an additional 1,900 baht.

This seems cheaper and easier and can continue his Thai courses.

If financially qualified, the visa by marriage to Thai seems a lot easier.

When finished with the lessons paid you might consider schools that don't give visa. These schools must survive on the quality of their teaching and more serious students.

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The attraction of Thailand has always been the ease of "flying under the radar", the beautiful women, cheap accommodations etc. It is now becoming more difficult with the tougher visa rules. It isn't so cheap anymore either. Well there's still the weather and the women. The Thais may be shooting themselves in the foot with even further restricting visas...don't they realize these people spend money? Maybe Burma, Laos or Cambodia will become the new hot spot.

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Back to basics, if you don't mind.

1. You said you're married to a Thai and you're keen to stay long term: get an extension based on marriage

2. You want to study Thai: under the extension based on marriage you can study whatever you like for the time you like

Just my 2 cents


You are right - it's not fair. Much of immigration never was fair. I'm sorry -- all I can say is you need to cope with it. The school I work for promised to take care care of everything, and I shelled out more than 10k baht to get a non-immigrant B they promised to handle for me. They missed a deadline I didn't even know about (last time I won't keep tabs on all the details).

TIT as many say. I sympathize with you, honestly.


Thank you. You bring heart to this forum.
It gets depressing to hear from some other comments. I don't know why I started this topic??? I knew I would get negative comments from the wholly expat crew.
I think they just need to change their adult diapers. And suck on their beer bottle.
Edited by Fab5BKK
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Sorry don't see the logic behind...

"I'm married to a Thai too so ya I can and will change basses on marriage. But to do so I need a letter from school that I quit to show to immigration" Why?

"So then if I quit I don't go to school that I ALREADY PAID FOR!!!!" WHY do you want to quit?

You're married to a Thai? Get an extension of stay!

You want to study Thai? You can do it under the extension of stay!

Why this rant???

Silly question... why not just extend based on retirement then?

totster smile.png

I'm 41

Now I get money because I'm a casualty of war.
I'm married to a Thai too so ya I can and will change basses on marriage. But to do so I need a letter from school that I quit to show to immigration.
So then if I quit I don't go to school that I ALREADY PAID FOR!!!!
So there again I want and take very seriously learning Thai language so I can slightly understand the f@#*in family.
So I paid for the school I want the schooling. I don't want to pay More money and time at some country with a Thai embassy....
Does that awnser your questions???? He who wants or needs to know ALL!!!!!!!

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It seems that your mileage can vary a lot based on who you are dealing with, where you are and possibly what school you are going to. The biggest issue is: why due diligence isn't done when the visa / extension is given!? Why can you obtain permission from one group and be denied by another. If one group gives permission to stay, say the Education Department, then Immigration should respect that. It would be good if all the checks where done when a visa / extension was asked for in the first place. I'm sure this will eventually happen and lots of other little scams will be put to rest.

The introduction of a new passport solves a lot of problems for some people but with all the biometrics (photos and hand scanners) being brought into play lots more loopholes will (probably) be closed.

I don't know why these language (and other) schools don't create respectable courses that can be given both the Eduction and Immigration's Departments stamp of approval.

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90 day extensions are up for review every 90 days - you had no further permission to stay. You do not need to apply/refuse/have 7 days - if school qualified you can obtain paperwork for new visa and re-entry using that and start study/extensions again.

I understand what you are saying. Thank you.

I'm going to school to learn Thai and also to stay here with out having to go to a another country to get new permission.

I was granted permission by ministry of education to start my 3rd year of study before this new law. I should be grand fathered in.

If a new student wishes to start a new year he or she would know of this new law and sign the papers. I signed my papers 4 months before this law.

I hope my view on this makes sense. Nothing can be changed but for people who already started there should be a very simple clause like "grandfather in"

Like I said earlier why pay more with money and time for what you already paid for months before this.

You didnt get given a 3rd year unless you got a 1 year extension of stay (strangely these were still being given to language students in Phuket just last week).

You were given a additional 90 days. Thats all.

Any other promises are down to you and your school.. Immigration didnt make them.

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I think the Op is saying he got a new 1 year extension based on learning Thai 4 months ago. But they are applying the new rules to him .. but I might be wrong!



If he had the 1 year extension he would simply have a 90 day report..

He had a 90 day extension.. and that is now past the 1 year point and must go get a new visa as per the rules.. Expecting anything else is strange, these rules have been made very clear.

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I don't know why I even shared this topic. I wanted to let people know if they already started a 2nd yr or more their next visit to immigration will be denied.... No grandfather in no understanding. Just past go and go to the nearest embassy and pay money and time.

Yes thats exactly what immigration have been saying, what was warned, and what was implemented..

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Silly question... why not just extend based on retirement then?

totster smile.png

I'm 41

Now I get money because I'm a casualty of war.

I'm married to a Thai too so ya I can and will change basses on marriage. But to do so I need a letter from school that I quit to show to immigration.

So then if I quit I don't go to school that I ALREADY PAID FOR!!!!

So there again I want and take very seriously learning Thai language so I can slightly understand the f@#*in family.

So I paid for the school I want the schooling. I don't want to pay More money and time at some country with a Thai embassy....

Does that awnser your questions???? He who wants or needs to know ALL!!!!!!!

Really ??

You cant simply let the extension get close to expiry and apply under the basis of marriage ??

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I don't know why I even shared this topic. I wanted to let people know if they already started a 2nd yr or more their next visit to immigration will be denied.... No grandfather in no understanding. Just past go and go to the nearest embassy and pay money and time.

Now this topic is stereotyping people for abusing the system. I agree many!!!! People are doing this but it could be resolved by showing proof of funds. Just like retirement.

I'm over this forum with the wholly than you people giving their stereotypical view on others and life.

no harm to you mate but you opened that bucket of worms yourself by passing comment about retired or married people on extensions - you shouldn't have mentioned it, it is not your business and is not part of the topic being discussed here - take it on the chin move on and watch what you say and who you are pointing your nosey finger at - most of the people on this thread offering help are likely married or on retirement extensions - keep the feet for dancing thumbsup.gif

Edited by smedly
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