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Woman beheaded in London attack


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The more details emerge, the more it becomes obvious that Salvadore's religious beliefs, whatever they are, had nothing to do with his motives for carrying out this horrendous murder.

Come on. He may indeed be a lunatic - a lot of Islamic radicals are - but if he is indeed a Muslim convert, it is pretty obvious why he is going around beheading infidels. He also tried to attack a couple that got away.

Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.


Wasting your time talking to 7x7, this religion is noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo problem to other folk in his eyes, why, perhaps 7x7 is a lawyer for them. Of course I don't know but after reading a zillion of his posts on the subject I have my suspicions..........whistling.gif

Agreed, but pointing out the never-ending, dishonest spin is always rewarding. A recent Muslim convert runs around London whacking people's head off and it has nothing to do with his Islamic beliefs. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Do you both condemn this?

Tragic PhD student Nahid was stabbed 16 times 'for being Muslim' police fear

Probably not, as the victim in this case was a Muslim!

Your attitude that Muslim equals murdering scum deserving of whatever happens to them is doubtless shared by the perpetrator of that crime!

Edited by 7by7
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RIP Ms Silva.

The report makes it clear that nobody yet knows if he is a Muslim or not, and also makes it clear that the motive is unknown. But people will jump to conclusions and start mouthing off.

Some residents of the area, in Edmonton, north London, claimed last night that the suspect was a local man who had converted to Islam last year, but those claims could not be verified. Detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.

Stick to the facts.

<Detectives said they had ruled out terrorism as a motive for the killing.>

Of course they did. The British police are contaminated with PC, IMO. The fix was probably in as soon as the word Muslim was heard in connection with him.

Terrorism, by it's very definition, requires a message to be promoted. What was the murderer's message?

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ed necks, old farts, and frustrated people.

The problem with this observation is none of those threads are on TV. TV posts are related to real events declared or suspected to be associated with palpable islamist acts. In any event, if your observation were true, this would suggest the issue regarding "islamists" is causing a great deal of concern to those who will be affected. Why on earth would this issue be news if not because of real or "perceived" association with islamist jihad? Perhaps, instead of threads and posters, you should direct your incredulity to the news services.

This post- your post- is what I refer to when describing an Islamist Apologist; because your post can only seek to obscure and cloud palpable facts.

An old lady having her head chopped off would be news in the UK. Lets wait and see if there is a religious link in the future eh...

Well its in the papers this morning that he is a Muslim convert. Let's wait to see how strong or definite the Muslim issue is.

I have a feeling its pretty likely there will be a faith issue in thus story somewhere.

Huh? Is there a separate process whereby someone's strength in belief is measured? If I say I blow men is there a reason for you to suspect otherwise? Do I need to be led to a restroom to prove my point? Sitting at the bar, might you say "let's see if there is a penis link in the future." No! You assume I enjoy a good dick after a long day at the office. If he says he is a muslim convert or he otherwise is, than that is that is that! Gosh, this is why were are like mooing cows lining up at the slaughterhouse. Yes, yes, yes... there is a faith issue in this story.

No, no, no....not at least until it is confirmed. So far he has not said anything, just neighbours claiming. So far, predictably, the media (and other prone-to-hysteria people) are zeroing in on it, obviously in light of recent events that do have religion intertwined.

Your analogy of you stating that you blow men is not apt as Salvadore has stated nothing.

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Doesn't explain why he had a machete at his disposure.

Looks like he had an agenda though, not normal to own a machete in London is it?

No evidence, yet, of who the machete belonged to; him or one of his flatmates.

There may be a legitimate reason for owning it; clearing an overgrown garden for example, but, unfortunately, knife crime is a problem in London.

Met Police arrest 450 in London-wide knife crime crackdown

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Doesn't explain why he had a machete at his disposure.

Looks like he had an agenda though, not normal to own a machete in London is it?

No evidence, yet, of who the machete belonged to; him or one of his flatmates.

There may be a legitimate reason for owning it; clearing an overgrown garden for example, but, unfortunately, knife crime is a problem in London.

Met Police arrest 450 in London-wide knife crime crackdown

cheesy.gif , it was his mums perhaps............cheesy.gif

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The message of this brutal murder?

Drink and drugs can drive you crazy; especially in excess and when mixed.

Another message?

There are sick people on this board who will find any excuse to advance their prejudice; even the tragic murder of an old lady by a drink and drug fuelled mad man.

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The message of this brutal murder?

Drink and drugs can drive you crazy; especially in excess and when mixed.

Another message?

There are sick people on this board who will find any excuse to advance their prejudice; even the tragic murder of an old lady by a drink and drug fuelled mad man.

But you readily dismiss a religious link as impossible..........rolleyes.gif .............facepalm.gif

eeeeeeeeer, a Muslim convert just happens to cut the head off an old farang lady............rolleyes.gif

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The message of this brutal murder?

Drink and drugs can drive you crazy; especially in excess and when mixed.

Another message?

There are sick people on this board who will find any excuse to advance their prejudice; even the tragic murder of an old lady by a drink and drug fuelled mad man.

But you readily dismiss a religious link as impossible..........rolleyes.gif .............facepalm.gif

eeeeeeeeer, a Muslim convert just happens to cut the head off an old farang lady............rolleyes.gif

All the evidence, from eyewitnesses and those who know him, shows that his religion, whatever it actually is, was not a factor.

The only possible link is that the news of the recent brutal beheadings by IS somehow influenced his drug crazed mind.

A drug crazed man cuts the head off two cats, some rose bushes and then an old lady, after first threatening his flatmates.

Jihadist? Only to the prejudiced who will leap on any excuse to advance their prejudice.

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Terrorism, by it's very definition, requires a message to be promoted. What was the murderer's message?

The Cats stole his lighter


The goal is to terrorisze infidels but also coerce other muslims. Islamic terrorist killing also has a practical nature- to further islam by removing non believers from the planet (one of three choices, generally).

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No one seems that there is an obligation to the law of the land. If someone starts preaching to someone to break the law of the land, you HAVE TO REPORT IT.

Silence is breaking the law. By being silent and not reporting this stuff, you are complicit.

Which statute makes such silence a crime? Much to my surprise, in general there is no legal obligation to report a crime. I'm not sure what the legal position is if the police ask one about the matter.

Staying silent about money laundering and terrorism is a different matter, though I get the impression that you don't have to report terrorist activities if so doing won't prevent terrorism.

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The message of this brutal murder?

Drink and drugs can drive you crazy; especially in excess and when mixed.

Another message?

There are sick people on this board who will find any excuse to advance their prejudice; even the tragic murder of an old lady by a drink and drug fuelled mad man.

But you readily dismiss a religious link as impossible..........rolleyes.gif .............facepalm.gif

eeeeeeeeer, a Muslim convert just happens to cut the head off an old farang lady............rolleyes.gif

All the evidence, from eyewitnesses and those who know him, shows that his religion, whatever it actually is, was not a factor.

The only possible link is that the news of the recent brutal beheadings by IS somehow influenced his drug crazed mind.

A drug crazed man cuts the head off two cats, some rose bushes and then an old lady, after first threatening his flatmates.

Jihadist? Only to the prejudiced who will leap on any excuse to advance their prejudice.

cheesy.gif , you carry on........................coffee1.gif

So 7x7 knows the bloke was on a drug high but did NOT influence or provide courage to do what a certain religious do to unarmed folk...........coffee1.gif ..........sad.png

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Huh? Is there a separate process whereby someone's strength in belief is measured? If I say I blow men is there a reason for you to suspect otherwise? Do I need to be led to a restroom to prove my point? Sitting at the bar, might you say "let's see if there is a penis link in the future." No! You assume I enjoy a good dick after a long day at the office. If he says he is a muslim convert or he otherwise is, than that is that is that! Gosh, this is why were are like mooing cows lining up at the slaughterhouse. Yes, yes, yes... there is a faith issue in this story.

No, no, no....not at least until it is confirmed. So far he has not said anything, just neighbours claiming. So far, predictably, the media (and other prone-to-hysteria people) are zeroing in on it, obviously in light of recent events that do have religion intertwined.

Your analogy of you stating that you blow men is not apt as Salvadore has stated nothing.

Fair enough.

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The more details emerge, the more it becomes obvious that Salvadore's religious beliefs, whatever they are, had nothing to do with his motives for carrying out this horrendous murder.

Come on. He may indeed be a lunatic - a lot of Islamic radicals are - but if he is indeed a Muslim convert, it is pretty obvious why he is going around beheading infidels. He also tried to attack a couple that got away.

Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.


The Evening Standard's weasel words "is believed to be" are only surpassed by your non sequitur "it's pretty obvious that". This whole thread about a psychopath's murder has been allowed to turn into a Muslim hatefest by the usual culprits. If this site is based in UK it should be prosecuted for wantonly stirring racial/religionist hatred.

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The more details emerge, the more it becomes obvious that Salvadore's religious beliefs, whatever they are, had nothing to do with his motives for carrying out this horrendous murder.

Come on. He may indeed be a lunatic - a lot of Islamic radicals are - but if he is indeed a Muslim convert, it is pretty obvious why he is going around beheading infidels. He also tried to attack a couple that got away.

Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.


The Evening Standard's weasel words "is believed to be" are only surpassed by your non sequitur "it's pretty obvious that". This whole thread about a psychopath's murder has been allowed to turn into a Muslim hatefest by the usual culprits. If this site is based in UK it should be prosecuted for wantonly stirring racial/religionist hatred.

Religion has nothing to do with race chap....

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Terrorism, by it's very definition, requires a message to be promoted. What was the murderer's message?

The Cats stole his lighter


The goal is to terrorisze infidels but also coerce other muslims. Islamic terrorist killing also has a practical nature- to further islam by removing non believers from the planet (one of three choices, generally).

Ok, so if this murder was terrorism, there has to be a statement or "message" to say "Look out infidels" or "look out moderate Muslims". We do not have this.

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The more details emerge, the more it becomes obvious that Salvadore's religious beliefs, whatever they are, had nothing to do with his motives for carrying out this horrendous murder.

Come on. He may indeed be a lunatic - a lot of Islamic radicals are - but if he is indeed a Muslim convert, it is pretty obvious why he is going around beheading infidels. He also tried to attack a couple that got away.

Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.


The Evening Standard's weasel words "is believed to be" are only surpassed by your non sequitur "it's pretty obvious that". This whole thread about a psychopath's murder has been allowed to turn into a Muslim hatefest by the usual culprits. If this site is based in UK it should be prosecuted for wantonly stirring racial/religionist hatred.

Religion has nothing to do with race chap....

Semantics has nothing to do with his message.

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All the evidence, from eyewitnesses and those who know him, shows that his religion, whatever it actually is, was not a factor.

The only possible link is that the news of the recent brutal beheadings by IS somehow influenced his drug crazed mind.

A drug crazed man cuts the head off two cats, some rose bushes and then an old lady, after first threatening his flatmates.

Jihadist? Only to the prejudiced who will leap on any excuse to advance their prejudice.

While my first thought was that this was basically a copycat crime, it occurs to me that there is something in Islam that might encourage beheading as a manner of 'execution'. The prescribed sequence of amputations for repeated theft is right hand, left foot, head. Of course, beheading by a hand-wielded weapon has been the standard method of execution in many cultures. English history doesn't quite count, as beheading was a privilege. Oiks were hanged.

If the nutter thought of himself as in combat, then you will probably recall decapitations in the Lord of the Rings, so it might just be a coincidence. (I'm not looking up the references, but for the very least recall that Gimli's axe got notched by an orc's iron collar.)

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The more details emerge, the more it becomes obvious that Salvadore's religious beliefs, whatever they are, had nothing to do with his motives for carrying out this horrendous murder.

Come on. He may indeed be a lunatic - a lot of Islamic radicals are - but if he is indeed a Muslim convert, it is pretty obvious why he is going around beheading infidels. He also tried to attack a couple that got away.

Details have begun to emerge about the man arrested for the murder of a great grandmother beheaded in her back garden.

He was named locally as Nicholas Salvadore, a 25-year-old would-be cage fighter who is believed to be a Muslim convert, who had been living a few doors from 82-year-old Palmira Silva.


The Evening Standard's weasel words "is believed to be" are only surpassed by your non sequitur "it's pretty obvious that". This whole thread about a psychopath's murder has been allowed to turn into a Muslim hatefest by the usual culprits. If this site is based in UK it should be prosecuted for wantonly stirring racial/religionist hatred.

Religion has nothing to do with race chap....

Hence the "/" ...doahh! Learn to read. He's black and you are spouting Islamophobic vitriol.

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