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I've had it!


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I know how you feel. I packed in teaching two months ago and I'm heading back to England for a year to get some cash together and come back to start my own company.

All of the contracts I've ever signed break Thai Labour laws but I acted dumb until I needed a get out clause and then pulled up the relevant laws to show my contract was invalid.

Considering the shortage of teachers, the vast majority of schools still think they can get away with too many teaching hours, low pay and zero benefits. It's time for them to wake up, as it is for n00bs coming over thinking teaching is a doddle. I'd advise everyone against coming to teach in Thailand. Yes, I'm a pessimist but too many schools have tried to take advantage of me and the students on the whole are useless as they know they'll get a Grade 1 from the director if you fail them. What sort of education system passes utter failures and then expects students to get better?

US schools do. It's SOP here.

See, no it's not though. I know it's really popular to say such things about America but I don't think that's the typical experience. Plenty of kids fail outta school. If you don't pass a subject you often have to re-sit it. I didn't pass algebra back in 8th grade (I was lazy on homework heh), guess what I had to do in 9th grade? You guessed it, algebra again...

Ok small edit, this was back in the nineties. I can't speak to today's environment. I know America has some challenges in education but I'm still not sure if we're pushing kids ahead in subjects when they fail the previous ones. They typically offered low level/remedial classes as needed, and with the math and science stuff there was always a bit of streaming being done. I suppose one CAN finish high school education by doing the bare minimum units required to pass, but that's not exactly the same as passing failing kids.

Edited by aarontendo
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I have only been in Mukdahan for 3 years but I see new foreign teachers every year. I do not recognise any familiar foreign teachers.

If your teaching credentials are up to snuff try the International schools in China. There are hiring fairs in London every year where new teachers have many choices for many different countries. I lived in Suzhou, China and there was an English International School, an American International school a non sectarian international school. There are 100's if not 1000's of these schools in China. Good facilities, good pay and eager and respectful students with an excellent work ethic and strong parental support.

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I'm living here in this area now for 12 years and even having some difficulties sometimes regarding the whole visa and work permit situation, troubles that can arise at school,etc it's still worth to live here.

But reading the OP's post again, I couldn't survive on 25 K, with family and car.

I don't need to drive a Mercedes Benz, nor do I need my own swimming pool. Just in my opinion, it's the way of life here that makes the big difference.

We don't have our own house, but we live quite a good life. No cold winters, able to communicate with locals does change a lot. Also at school.

I had a job lined up for the OP, but he didn't even answer my message. It's the way you see things. Do you want to be a biker, or be one?

I'm a biker and don't see all as complicated as some people here describe.

Who the Fluck gives a flying kangaroo about computers with viruses, or that the school van didn't take you to the labor and Immigration?

After such a long time working there, it's pretty easy to find a suitable Antivirus program, without blaming others for not doing what they supposed to do.

How should students who work there for free know much about computers and Anti virus programs?

I've met "teachers" here, who worked for MC Donald's in three shifts,, carpenters,electricians,etc but once in Thailand they acted like VIPs.

And it wasn't anybody else than yourself who'd signed the contract that wasn't for 12 months.

Why would you quit your job right before the midterm break, as you'd get paid through October and then change school.

Is it possible that it's not just the school that's pissing you off? Then it's time to go back where you came from. Good luck!!


I'm not a teacher I worked in Engineering for many years. I agree with you about guys that come to Thailand and act like they are VIP.

As for the OP I think there is allot more to the story. There has to be a reason the other teachers are allowed to use the van and he is not

and that they have minimal work and he has so much. Something is not right. I agree with you about the computer too, not hard to get a free antivirus program

and fix the computer himself. Maybe he has not lived in Thailand long enough to know that Thai's like to ignore problems hoping they will just go away.

Taking care of your work permit yourself is not a big deal, some guys just want everything done for them.

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I'm living here in this area now for 12 years and even having some difficulties sometimes regarding the whole visa and work permit situation, troubles that can arise at school,etc it's still worth to live here.

But reading the OP's post again, I couldn't survive on 25 K, with family and car.

I don't need to drive a Mercedes Benz, nor do I need my own swimming pool. Just in my opinion, it's the way of life here that makes the big difference.

We don't have our own house, but we live quite a good life. No cold winters, able to communicate with locals does change a lot. Also at school.

I had a job lined up for the OP, but he didn't even answer my message. It's the way you see things. Do you want to be a biker, or be one?

I'm a biker and don't see all as complicated as some people here describe.

Who the Fluck gives a flying kangaroo about computers with viruses, or that the school van didn't take you to the labor and Immigration?

After such a long time working there, it's pretty easy to find a suitable Antivirus program, without blaming others for not doing what they supposed to do.

How should students who work there for free know much about computers and Anti virus programs?

I've met "teachers" here, who worked for MC Donald's in three shifts,, carpenters,electricians,etc but once in Thailand they acted like VIPs.

And it wasn't anybody else than yourself who'd signed the contract that wasn't for 12 months.

Why would you quit your job right before the midterm break, as you'd get paid through October and then change school.

Is it possible that it's not just the school that's pissing you off? Then it's time to go back where you came from. Good luck!!


You took the words right out of my mouth. Seems the OP just wants someone to feel sorry for him, sorry mate, not me. If your such a good teacher, check out sites for teaching overseas, as one TV said, oil companies hire teachers all over the world in locations where they are drilling for oil. It is part of all oil and gas exploration companies proposals to provide education not only for locals but for employees children. Saudi Aramco, ENI, Shell, etc. do a little digging you will find a whole new world of teaching positions, or just sit there pissin an moaning how bad you have it. BOO HOO

I have currently, 3 expat English teachers here in lets just say, "the Middle East", they are on $675 per day, 28/28 rotation, business class flights, full medical, etc.

Having worked for an oil company in Africa for the last 20 years I'm amazed at the daily rate you are quoting. The three British teachers in my company get nothing like that and there is no way they would get a 28/28 rotation as the courses they teach usually run for much longer than 4 weeks and the company doesn't want to switch teachers during the course.

I'm sure they would bite your hand off for contract like that.

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Then a visit to our financial department. Nope, won't get the cash for my work permit and visa reimbursed. Excuse me, what about my social security, I'm waiting for such a long time now?

You've missed the boat on SS.

Junta says NO for registering NEW foreigners in the scheme.

Nope, I didn't miss the boat, nor did I come on a banana boat to Thailand. I'd already paid in for almost ten years, my current school yet has to be registered.

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I'm living here in this area now for 12 years and even having some difficulties sometimes regarding the whole visa and work permit situation, troubles that can arise at school,etc it's still worth to live here.

But reading the OP's post again, I couldn't survive on 25 K, with family and car.

I don't need to drive a Mercedes Benz, nor do I need my own swimming pool. Just in my opinion, it's the way of life here that makes the big difference.

We don't have our own house, but we live quite a good life. No cold winters, able to communicate with locals does change a lot. Also at school.

I had a job lined up for the OP, but he didn't even answer my message. It's the way you see things. Do you want to be a biker, or be one?

I'm a biker and don't see all as complicated as some people here describe.

Who the Fluck gives a flying kangaroo about computers with viruses, or that the school van didn't take you to the labor and Immigration?

After such a long time working there, it's pretty easy to find a suitable Antivirus program, without blaming others for not doing what they supposed to do.

How should students who work there for free know much about computers and Anti virus programs?

I've met "teachers" here, who worked for MC Donald's in three shifts,, carpenters,electricians,etc but once in Thailand they acted like VIPs.

And it wasn't anybody else than yourself who'd signed the contract that wasn't for 12 months.

Why would you quit your job right before the midterm break, as you'd get paid through October and then change school.

Is it possible that it's not just the school that's pissing you off? Then it's time to go back where you came from. Good luck!!


You took the words right out of my mouth. Seems the OP just wants someone to feel sorry for him, sorry mate, not me. If your such a good teacher, check out sites for teaching overseas, as one TV said, oil companies hire teachers all over the world in locations where they are drilling for oil. It is part of all oil and gas exploration companies proposals to provide education not only for locals but for employees children. Saudi Aramco, ENI, Shell, etc. do a little digging you will find a whole new world of teaching positions, or just sit there pissin an moaning how bad you have it. BOO HOO

I have currently, 3 expat English teachers here in lets just say, "the Middle East", they are on $675 per day, 28/28 rotation, business class flights, full medical, etc.

Having worked for an oil company in Africa for the last 20 years I'm amazed at the daily rate you are quoting. The three British teachers in my company get nothing like that and there is no way they would get a 28/28 rotation as the courses they teach usually run for much longer than 4 weeks and the company doesn't want to switch teachers during the course.

I'm sure they would bite your hand off for contract like that.

I'm a bit confused on why they're on a 28/28 rotation. I know the workers are but are the kids also to be in school only half the year? They usually just stay in their home country while the parent is away doing their 28/28

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Good luck finding someone who will do all this work for 25 grand!

Salary - ( Room & Electricity) = remaining amount

25,000 - (6,000 & 1,500) = 17,500

remaining amount / 30 days = daily allocation for transport, clothes, food, and all else.

17,500 / 30 = B 583.33

Daily allocation for transport, clothes, food, and all else = USD $ 18.15 -/- EUR € 14.00 -/- £ 11.25


Edited by RandomSand
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Good luck finding someone who will do all this work for 25 grand!

Salary - ( Room & Electricity) = remaining amount

25,000 - (6,000 & 1,500) = 17,500

remaining amount / 30 days = daily allocation for transport, clothes, food, and all else.

17,500 / 30 = B 583.33

Daily allocation for transport, clothes, food, and all else = USD $ 18.15 -/- EUR € 14.00 -/- £ 11.25


Okay, bathing in shame and remorse, I might as well share actual figures:

Rent: 1,500 B (dual use - the landlady is next door and operates a catering cum restaurant business, supplying a school with meals). At 5 am, there will be stuff inside my house, clammoring with metal plates. But they will also be subjected to the awful sight of my big belly when I'm staggering to the bathroom in a state of undress facepalm.gif

Rent a knackered Honda Wave for 500 B. The odometer stopped at 83,005 km. That was likely years ago.

Get a meal at a small restaurant for 25 B. And it's about 1.3 km to school. The school bike would suffice, if only those inner tubes wouldn't lose pressure... Ride a few km, gotta put air into them!

Am I smoking discarded cigarette butts and drinking whiskey meant for "spirit houses"? Not yet!

Seriously, would love to get a gig in some language school or something to complement the meagre income. But there are folks from African countries working hours a week for 2,000 B a month.

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I feel your pain. I've heard plenty of horror stories about these kinds of things before. And if done long enough I could easily see someone saying "stuff this"

However, I do believe that they represent the minority of cases, not the majority. But we hear about the minority cases far more often than the majority positive ones.

That's my take on it. It doesn't mean to condone it, but just to give it some perspective.

I think it all boils down to the relative hop you have with your school and more importantly, the key staff.

I've been lucky; my experiences have been excellent. Not without bumps along the way, but largely I have no doubts that the university and my departments director are on "my side"

Are there better places to teach? Is say yes- but I do think that this is dependent on what you value or how you define better.

I'm at the University level in a specialized English program and the one thing that keeps me coming back is my students.

I get to see them finish my program and get their certification and them get the job they dreamt about .. That for me is my "priceless" and why I'm willing to put up with some "crap" along the way.

But I do think that some basic teacher "logistics" planning and better communication, by both school and teacher, could go a long way in reducing or proactively avoiding problems.

@ New2here, thanks for your perspective. The kids are the best part of the job, no doubt. (although few are keen on learning English, TBH).

It takes two to tango. And if there's <bad blood> or some ill spirit, who can say it's not my fault?!

Moreover, mind that you are at a UNIVERSITY level. While many of my kids have special needs (but rich parents => a deaf mute would be welcome in class if she was paying the tuition). and cannot even read English. The l e a r n i n g itself is something each student must do himself. Like a coach, I might be screaming on the sidelines like a demented coach. But it's the players who gotta p l a y.

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Why 20 lesson plans a week? You teach 20 different lessons with no repeats?? And why do your colleagues only do two?

25K isn't much, but seems typical for up country schools. I can tell you schools are allocated a LOT more than this, for foreign teachers, by the government. Salaries haven't changed much in these schools for 15 years. I was getting that in 2000 - but no lesson plans, no grading, not even a curriculum, and no books! It seems the more 'organised' the school get, the more paper work there is. I wouldn't do my current job for 25K, not in a million years. Living costs have skyrocketed ut salaries haven't changed much. Greener pastures means going overseas, or to a big international school here.

Good question. Am the o n l y one teaching this special program. when you have 6 different age groups and see each class a few times a week, you gotta do more than deliver "1 lesson a week" as the other foreign teachers do with only 2 age groups and classes they see once a week.

As for the issues with computers, the one with viruses was just an example. TBH, I sourced speakers for one class, bought audio cables for another. And had my memory stick get infected. ** Would they appreciate me messing about with the PC? Besides being a likely bad teacher, I'm also not good with computers. Putting an anti virus program on a stick. Yeah, I can do that. Then what? But there's some truth: am I a waffler, or a doer? A doer would just do it (or give it his best shot).

They have unpaid IT professionals from the local university. It was meant to show that there is not the support I'd like. (In case this would be a too lowly a task for some Khun Kru Somchai).

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Three words. - Vodka Coke Ice

Three more words: Be a biker.

My big bike was stolen sad.png Now I'll be renting one during the holidays. DS in KK rents Ducati. Last time I rode one of those Monsters was in the Yorkshire Dales. Glorious sound, but the seat would make a masochist weep with pleasure (after more than 5 hours in the saddle).

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I work in a private school, prepare all my lessons on my PC/Printer at home, take them and my own creative teaching aids, including my own whiteboard pens in a bag and bring them home with me.

The owner who spent 15 years in SoCal looks in but understands very little and knows for sure he cannot duplicate what I do.

My style never stops changing and i can "wing it" if needs require.

The money is c..p, the school provides only students and an aircon building with signs outside,

BUT the kids and adults are all keen and great fun.

Wow, come and let's swap jobs for a day! My M2s have smart phones and lots to talk about among themselves... TBH, I wouldn't call 10% of my students <keen>. Just saying. and this might be a reflection on me, that's quite likely.

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I work in a private school, prepare all my lessons on my PC/Printer at home, take them and my own creative teaching aids, including my own whiteboard pens in a bag and bring them home with me.

The owner who spent 15 years in SoCal looks in but understands very little and knows for sure he cannot duplicate what I do.

My style never stops changing and i can "wing it" if needs require.

The money is c..p, the school provides only students and an aircon building with signs outside,

BUT the kids and adults are all keen and great fun.

Wow, come and let's swap jobs for a day! My M2s have smart phones and lots to talk about among themselves... TBH, I wouldn't call 10% of my students <keen>. Just saying. and this might be a reflection on me, that's quite likely.

Good to see that you've a sort of "recovered." Will let you know which school's looking for a teacher for the second semester, making more than 30 K.

Buy a second hand bike, let's say a Yamaha with 110 cc, pretty cheap and reliable. Ours is 11 and still the first engine, piston rings etc...

You'll find a decent one for about 5-8 K. Don't buy Scooters, they're not worth to pay money for it. Too many problems. Cheers.-facepalm.gif


Edited by lostinisaan
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I completely understand the OP, after teaching here in northeast for 10 years. But even here in the Isaan are greener pastures.

I'd sent you a private message, as i do know school who hire now and directly. A bigger city in the Isaan, 12 months contract.At least 5 K more.

"Be a biker" was a good one. I was the one at my former school who fixed five computers and maintained them for 3.5 years, besides teaching, holding seminars, hiring foreign teachers, etc.....

And if I have to see the labor department on my own, I'm more than happy to have the day off.

Best of luck and don't give up that easy.

Thanks again for your PM, Alex. Apologies for not having replied earlier. Would a UK degree suffice, or would they want a NES? (More and more job ads now allow "Europeans" to apply as well). Genetically, half of all Brits are of Germanic origin anyhow giggle.gif

I'm still here, feeling obligated to end the semester and tie up any loose ends.

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My "friend" just quit teaching in Africa for an oil services company where he was making $560 a day for 28 days and then got the free flight back to Thailand for 28 off days.

He's almost 60 and wants to enjoy all the money he saved rather than continue the "rat race"

My face is green with envy. Alas, they will want some top notch NES teacher, not someone who had a different career and who isn't a native speaker. I would settle for this as a weekly salary with free housing thrown in wink.png

Would buy a big bike - one can ride a ZZR-1400 or something like a big cruiser with > 105 cubic inches of displacement? Am tired of the 100 cc Wave. coffee1.gif Will start by looking at the www.couchsurfing.org webseite. But guess it's populated by men wishing to meet the ladies.

Those who have lived there,how' the dating scene? Just wondering.

As tempting as a Rum on the rocks would be, I'd rather not be risking some public bastonade (flogging)! w00t.gif

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With their cultural differences, envy and jealousy of foreigners it’s more or less hopeless. Thai’s effectively have their foot in the face of their own economic progress. For a skilled farang from a first world economy to work for the pocket change offered at schools in Thailand is a gift to the Kindom, instead of learning from us they are full of envy and jealousy, they just don’t seem to comprehend how to even master the skill of business.

I taught English for a few years there for something to do, I was exposed to the Thai way and after that experience I believe they will never advance to a first world economy. They certainly don’t understand the most important business and service economic skill sets they need to master. And who’s going to teach them?

Hear, hear!

Take their priorities. They just spent big bucks for a huge Sony TV complete with a fancy cable package by TOT. Now Thai content is blasted at all hours. No BBC, no Bloomberg - where some might get some exposure to English.

I was at a school which was lacking chairs and tables. The library wouldn't have a budget for books. But they installed many new air conditioners in that library. and the tiny English Dept. got a fancy PC and a monster TV. Students PCs? Not one was working!

Being a biker, I spent thousands of Baht, ordering missing RAM memory, Linksys USB devices for wifi etc. Try running a PC under Windows with only 256 MB RAM! facepalm.gif

TBH, the parts were misused. and my own notebooks were stripped of the brand new Crucial RAM sourced on Amazon.com and replaced with some 1 GB modules by the guy who ran the IT Dept. and also owned a computer shop.

They fired the American when I came along, working for 5 k less. Then they found some guy who woduld work for 5 k less than me. Overnight, I was deemed "not qualified". Fast forward, now they have o n l y teachers from Cameroon.

What's their TOEIC score? I would accept a score of > 950 as a condition for a job offer. Just saying. But then, fools believe a school exists (over here) to provide a service to its customers...

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I'm living here in this area now for 12 years and even having some difficulties sometimes regarding the whole visa and work permit situation, troubles that can arise at school,etc it's still worth to live here.

But reading the OP's post again, I couldn't survive on 25 K, with family and car.

I don't need to drive a Mercedes Benz, nor do I need my own swimming pool. Just in my opinion, it's the way of life here that makes the big difference.

We don't have our own house, but we live quite a good life. No cold winters, able to communicate with locals does change a lot. Also at school.

I had a job lined up for the OP, but he didn't even answer my message. It's the way you see things. Do you want to be a biker, or be one?

I'm a biker and don't see all as complicated as some people here describe.

Who the Fluck gives a flying kangaroo about computers with viruses, or that the school van didn't take you to the labor and Immigration?

After such a long time working there, it's pretty easy to find a suitable Antivirus program, without blaming others for not doing what they supposed to do.

How should students who work there for free know much about computers and Anti virus programs?

I've met "teachers" here, who worked for MC Donald's in three shifts,, carpenters,electricians,etc but once in Thailand they acted like VIPs.

And it wasn't anybody else than yourself who'd signed the contract that wasn't for 12 months.

Why would you quit your job right before the midterm break, as you'd get paid through October and then change school.

Is it possible that it's not just the school that's pissing you off? Then it's time to go back where you came from. Good luck!!

Mmm, you remember the part with the unpaid holidays? ** I had had a 30 k job before, but then the director let all foreigners go in Februray, as to avoid paying them for March. In the same spirit, they wouldn't begin to advertise until the new school year had already begun. why do you think that was?!?

Granted, I had a choice to walk out in a huff back then.

TBH, there is money in recruiting. And when they place another guy with a TOEIC score of <600, someone can make money. All without the angst that comes with dealing with Caucasians coffee1.gif


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My "friend" just quit teaching in Africa for an oil services company where he was making $560 a day for 28 days and then got the free flight back to Thailand for 28 off days.

He's almost 60 and wants to enjoy all the money he saved rather than continue the "rat race"

Where do I sign up? Is that USD per day?

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  • 2 weeks later...

People need to understand that things are very different here. You need to be very flexible and tolerant of many things.But above all you need to go with the flow just like Thai people do. Otherwise the anger festers beneath and you need to leave..This happened to me. I left...Now I'm back again and realise that I need to accept that I will never change anything here. And I don't want to either.If you want things to be done the same way as back home why are you here.Collect your pay check at the end of the month and smile!!!

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  • 3 months later...

Some interesting thoughts here. My advice in a nutshell is to read your contract carefully and if it is possible finish it at the start of the next break (March 2015). That way you should have your salary paid, your notice period is easier to navigate and nobody loses out (in theory) as the classes have been taught, the school has time to replace you, and best of all you can get out of Thailand, have a little break outside Thailand while looking for more suitable jobs.

Some places have a habit of cancelling your papers if you piss them off, can land you in immigration detention so try and keep it as smooth as possible because once you're outside Thailand you are scot free and also have a leg to stand on in terms of contractual fulfillment

Good schools do exist in Thailand, ones that have a solid language department with many foreign language instructors generally offer the best experience. Sadly in Thailand the vast majority of state and private schools still have the problem of corruption (skimming money / favours to suit specific parties rather than the majority / general mismanagement) at the middle to upper management levels. The level of entitlement doubled with any real sense of accountability create that.

It will take generations to eradicate. and even now I can't even envisage even small changes. Money is number 1 here & as huge amounts of swirl around in the coffers of those privileged few it aint gonna change.

Salary wise Thailand is not as compettive as other Asian countries. But the potential to save a lot of money easily while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle is there. 35k a month should be minimum salary for westerners. Thai govt puts provision at around 50k per month per teacher. But TIT, we will never see that other 10-25k unfortunately. Directors wouldn't be able to afford their cars / mansions otherwise would they

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Some interesting thoughts here. My advice in a nutshell is to read your contract carefully and if it is possible finish it at the start of the next break (March 2015). That way you should have your salary paid, your notice period is easier to navigate and nobody loses out (in theory) as the classes have been taught, the school has time to replace you, and best of all you can get out of Thailand, have a little break outside Thailand while looking for more suitable jobs.

Some places have a habit of cancelling your papers if you piss them off, can land you in immigration detention so try and keep it as smooth as possible because once you're outside Thailand you are scot free and also have a leg to stand on in terms of contractual fulfillment

Good schools do exist in Thailand, ones that have a solid language department with many foreign language instructors generally offer the best experience. Sadly in Thailand the vast majority of state and private schools still have the problem of corruption (skimming money / favours to suit specific parties rather than the majority / general mismanagement) at the middle to upper management levels. The level of entitlement doubled with any real sense of accountability create that.

It will take generations to eradicate. and even now I can't even envisage even small changes. Money is number 1 here & as huge amounts of swirl around in the coffers of those privileged few it aint gonna change.

Salary wise Thailand is not as compettive as other Asian countries. But the potential to save a lot of money easily while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle is there. 35k a month should be minimum salary for westerners. Thai govt puts provision at around 50k per month per teacher. But TIT, we will never see that other 10-25k unfortunately. Directors wouldn't be able to afford their cars / mansions otherwise would they

Some interesting thoughts here. My advice in a nutshell is to read your contract carefully and if it is possible finish it at the start of the next break (March 2015). That way you should have your salary paid, your notice period is easier to navigate and nobody loses out (in theory) as the classes have been taught, the school has time to replace you, and best of all you can get out of Thailand, have a little break outside Thailand while looking for more suitable

Just my five baht to it. Once you've worked here longer than a year, just resign after you've received your April salary. There’re definitely too many rip off schools trying to screw anybody working there.

Seems that you’re not aware of the actual situation, when teaching in Thailand, You’re usually not making enough money to save to have a little break somewhere. Especially when having a family. .

Some places have a habit of cancelling your papers if you piss them off, can land you in immigration detention so try and keep it as smooth as possible because once you're outside Thailand you are scot free and also have a leg to stand on in terms of contractual fulfillment’s

That’s really complete rubbish. Did a friend of a friend's friend tell you that? Living here for 12, working for 10 years and never heard of somebody in my area who “went through that”, without having some “foul apples” when starting “teaching.” Maybe being on the run, trying to have fun? A “real Khao San rd. degree,perhaps? Quite a few "blokes had free food for many many moons, just before they "found" an agency, that couldn't fill a teaching position.

Good schools do exist in Thailand, ones that have a solid language department with many foreign language instructors generally offer the best experience. Sadly in Thailand the vast majority of state and private schools still have the problem of corruption (skimming money / favours to suit specific parties rather than the majority / general mismanagement) at the middle to upper management levels. The level of entitlement doubled with any real sense of accountability create that.

There must be “some good schools in Thailand, considering TVF members' posts. Some of them are just “too good” to be true. All those “World Class Standard Schools ( take the Cl away, please) with loads of AK 47 teachers can’t be wrong. Have you ever thought about that even in more civilized countries are always ways to get what you want by paying the right amount of money? Money rules this world.

It will take generations to eradicate. and even now I can't even envisage even small changes. Money is number 1 here & as huge amounts of swirl around in the coffers of those privileged few it aint gonna change.

Please take a look at more developed countries like America. Once you've got enough cash, several houses and three Christmas trees, nobody and I mean nobody’s asking you where your money came from. Money obviously rules this world, wherever you are. Would you come to Sisaket and I just wouldn't like you, I could hire somebody to send you to heaven for 15 K. Your rests will never be found. And the same goes for all the other countries, besides Thailand ( Not sure if there’re more, yet.) Is it possible that money doesn't stink, after washing it properly????

Salary wise Thailand is not as compettive as other Asian countries. But the potential to save a lot of money easily while still maintaining a comfortable lifestyle is there. 35k a month should be minimum salary for westerners. Thai govt puts provision at around 50k per month per teacher. But TIT, we will never see that other 10-25k unfortunately. Directors wouldn't be able to afford their cars / mansions otherwise would they

Where did you get your information from? Ever heard of that Google’s your best friend? Do you know how much they pay foreign English teachers in Laos and Cambodia, etc…???

35 K for a guy who filled up the Ketchup bottles at some Burger Kinds, while spitting on your onion rings, should be mandatory for “Westerners” in your opinion? I’m from a more civilized country and have to disagree, when foreign English teachers don’t know much about their own language.

Would you pay 25 K for the education of your child for one term, knowing that a 20 year old “Loch Ness” teacher’s teaching your kid computer lessons, but he doesn't even know how to book an online flight from Ubon to Bangkok, because his mom did that for him before he “became” a teacher?

Please post a link, or anything else that proofs that the government puts 50 K on the last supper table for foreign teachers. It’s an old weird story that’s just not true.

Please back up your statements and let’s discuss it without getting upset. You wrote the post and if my school would really receive 50 K/month, paying me 33 K, I’d go for it. Would that be true, I wouldn't go to school on Monday and show them the finger next to my ring finger. Not more.

Happy New Year.

Or what my former director who became a good friend of mine, not the usual bow down type when you see him, god i miss him a lot, always said around New Year's Eve:

"Happy Mia Noi." Up to you.-facepalm.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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