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What is the Point of this topic?

If you don't like Thai driving style, then either don't drive here, or drive yourself directly to the Airport and get on the first flight out.


What's the point of this post?

If you don't like what you read here, stop visiting ThaiVisa, or go to the airport and get on the first flight out.


What is the Point of this topic?

If you don't like Thai driving style, then either don't drive here, or drive yourself directly to the Airport and get on the first flight out.


What's the point of this post?

If you don't like what you read here, stop visiting ThaiVisa, or go to the airport and get on the first flight out.

agreed ..sounds like a case of ''topic rage''...chill dude.


then theres:

not using indicators,

not using mirrors,

not obeying the road rules or even knowing them,

pulling out from the kerb, driveway etc wiithout checking traffic

overtaking on double lines and blind corners

turning from the wrong lanes

using a turning lane to go straight ahead

driving fast through shopping centre car parks

going the wrong way in car parks against the arrows

driving on the wrong side of the road

overtaking with oncoming traffic on that side of the road and flashing their lights expecting you to pull over for them

cutting across the front of your car on a bike when you are turning a corner

basically just about everythingw00t.gif

Do you not exaggerate somewhat ?

actually no, I see all this on a regular basis, just about every time I do any driving. Anyone that has not witnessed these things must drive with their eyes closed.

Driving with closed eyes.

You forgot that 1 in your list.


pure and simple Thai's are some of the worst drivers I have ever seen anywhere excluding Cambodian's!

I see a stark difference when I go to Lao, there they obey the rules, even the speed signs, the only thing they all do "wrong", they drive on the wrong side of the road.


then theres:

not using indicators,

not using mirrors,

not obeying the road rules or even knowing them,

pulling out from the kerb, driveway etc wiithout checking traffic

overtaking on double lines and blind corners

turning from the wrong lanes

using a turning lane to go straight ahead

driving fast through shopping centre car parks

going the wrong way in car parks against the arrows

driving on the wrong side of the road

overtaking with oncoming traffic on that side of the road and flashing their lights expecting you to pull over for them

cutting across the front of your car on a bike when you are turning a corner

basically just about everything:w00t:

Haha, Thats me !!


What is the Point of this topic?

If you don't like Thai driving style, then either don't drive here, or drive yourself directly to the Airport and get on the first flight out.

Another one off "if you don't like it, go home brigade"

But but....you just came back !


OP, I studied thoroughly your list and I can't really find any bad habits in there.

That's the way, I always drive, so can't see anything wrong.

The only point you missed is when I'm driving while I'm drunk.

I was told to integrate to the Thai culture and way of living, so that's what I've done.

See, by trying to develope your Thainess to match that around you are becoming a better person. Much easier than educating them in good habits.


Is 'More than 2 people on a motorcycle' necessarily a 'worst driving habit'?

My partner and daughter weigh a combined 72kg, add my 86kg, still under our bike's safe/recommended limit

A former farang neighbour was proud of his weight, 154kg; he and his (politely - 'solid') wife, maybe another 80kg+ also to be seen round town on a 110cc motorbike.

Who's right?

I know which motorbike still had spare seat room, and would stop quickest!

Thai law only says that 3 on a motorbike is illegal. 1 -2 -4 -5 plus is ok.


What is the Point of this topic?

If you don't like Thai driving style, then either don't drive here, or drive yourself directly to the Airport and get on the first flight out.

Another one off "if you don't like it, go home brigade"

But but....you just came back !

I only went for a holiday and to see friends and family.

Perhaps you would like to extend your thread to 10 worst driving habits in France, UK, US, Belgium, China?

I suspect the 10 worst in the UK would be far worse than Thailand!

No way, there is no possible comparison with Europe. Statistics speak for themselves, anyway. Take France and Thailand, for example, which have about the same population:

Average annual road death toll for France: 3000

Average annual road death toll for Thailand: 26000


I drive in The UK which is without a doubt has the best drivers in the world (sorry USA but it's true). I have zero problem with Thai drivers. Traffic flows well, the drivers are alert, often courteous or at least cooperative. Parking is good. The only things I would fault are the use if mobile phones and lack of seat belts, but otherwise well done Thailand.

I don't know what you smoke but it must be good stuff.


I drive in The UK which is without a doubt has the best drivers in the world (sorry USA but it's true). I have zero problem with Thai drivers. Traffic flows well, the drivers are alert, often courteous or at least cooperative. Parking is good. The only things I would fault are the use if mobile phones and lack of seat belts, but otherwise well done Thailand.

what a load of crap, here are a few.

lane jumping.

tail gateing.

using the straight through lane to turn left instead of sticking to the left turn lane.

totally ignoring zebra crossings.

want any more?


How about driving without lights on at night? Does that not qualify as stupid and extremely dangerous? And while doing this on a motorcycle, almost always wearing dark clothes. Then again it very well could be some sort of death wish, Another weird practice I can witness all day long from my balcony which overlooks a big intersection, Thais have obviously never been taught what to do if a vehicle is behind them with siren wailing. They make no attempt to move over and if at a red light they merely try to outrace them when light changes to green. I've seen situations where an ambulance is held back for a very long time when with diligence by the driver in front of it the ambulance could be minutes on down the road. I suppose having a phone to ones ear maybe sort of covers in the way of an excuse for stupidity!


I have read this kind of nonsense so many times in so many different countries. Cyprus, Malta, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. (To name but a few)

I ask the contributors to ponder the following question.

If you had been brought up in a country which has a questionable education system, zero driver training, no driving test worthy of the title and incompetent law enforcement, what kind of driver would YOU have turned out to be?


Most annoying to me are slow cars and trucks blocking the fast lane, slow cars pulling out into the street but not accellerating, cars driving without lights through torrential rain, at dusk and on dark park decks, as well as bikes driving against traffic on highways to avoid u-turning, and finally the Wai Loon f\/c|<ers on their pimped up Clicks cutting through traffic without watching out for any oncoming traffic at all...


When traffic is backed up to do a u turn, the dick who drives past everyone so he can go to the front of the line, hate the bastards.


Actually don't mind the driving too much- it's a bit like a race track.

My pet hate is large gentlemen of a certain age ( not Thai as you might have guessed ) who seem to think they can drive their small motorbikes the wrong way- in car parks etc

Last week pulling up to park in front of a restaurant - nearly had this guy go over the front of the car- total idiots.


according to TV finest resident "experts"

Thailands top 3 worst driving habits are lifting their windscreen wipers when not driving, straightening their wheels when parallel parking and the worst of all ....reverse parking into parking bays...w00t.gif

What is wrong with these people...rolleyes.gif


... Would cheap wiper-rubber really melt like a hershy bar in the hot sun?blink.png

of course not... basic chemistry for those TV members who never finished high school tells us the vulcanised rubber does not have a specific melting point, it reaches a certain temperature and decomposes and starts falling to bits. thumbsup.gif

Wiper rubbers are not rubber! The material used these days is neoprene.


Perhaps you would like to extend your thread to 10 worst driving habits in France, UK, US, Belgium, China?

I suspect the 10 worst in the UK would be far worse than Thailand!

No way, there is no possible comparison with Europe. Statistics speak for themselves, anyway. Take France and Thailand, for example, which have about the same population:

Average annual road death toll for France: 3000

Average annual road death toll for Thailand: 26000

The death rate/100,000 in the UK is 11.3, in the USA it is 3 times that number and in Thailand 3 times the the fatalities in the US. However, most drivers in Thailand have never been taught any road rules or taken a proper driving test. My wife has no idea about many road rules and only yesterday I found out that she did not know that you're not supposed to cross double lines in the middle of the road to overtake. She is now very good but it will take a few more years to get her really up to speed.

One habit I find extremely annoying and is not dangerous, is people who slow right down when approaching a green traffic light, consequently holding up everyone else. Dangerous habits have to be taken in context for the reason mentioned above. However, there is no excuse whatsoever for expats or any farang from the West, for doing the same things.


according to TV finest resident "experts"

Thailands top 3 worst driving habits are lifting their windscreen wipers when not driving, straightening their wheels when parallel parking and the worst of all ....reverse parking into parking bays...w00t.gif

What is wrong with these people...rolleyes.gif


... Would cheap wiper-rubber really melt like a hershy bar in the hot sun?blink.png

of course not... basic chemistry for those TV members who never finished high school tells us the vulcanised rubber does not have a specific melting point, it reaches a certain temperature and decomposes and starts falling to bits. thumbsup.gif

Wiper rubbers are not rubber! The material used these days is neoprene.

I didn't know thatthumbsup.gif Why do some people lift their wipers when the car is not driving?


Thais were driving as they do long before most farangs showed up and they will be driving like they do long after we are all dead......best advice is learn to drive EXTRA defensively, don't get angry, don't get into confrontations, don't get in a hurry, don't think for one minute that most Thais give a crap what you think of their driving....and hopefully don't get killed.

I wouldnt say that...

I normally wind down the window and give the nutters the finger... That lets everyone know... They lose face and that is shameful... Sure I have had a few get riled up and pull over to the side of the road, expecting me to do the same, but I just flip them again and continue my journey.... Its nice to give back that sense of frustration they inflict on me smile.png

Beeping the horn is useless... thats just a game for them

Yeah keep shooting them the bird until someday you shoot it to some "nutter" on ya ba who is having a bad day and doesn't like farangs and has a gun or machete under the seat....see how that works out for you.


I too agree with Tacoguy to some extent. I'd say 90% or so if the drivers drive really well and carefully. It's that other 10% that drive like psychopaths and force the 90% to drive really carefully..

Careful drivers in thailand just drive because it's green. They first look to see that there's no psychopaths coming in driving against red in high speed..

This has a upside.. if you make an honest mistake, 90% around u will be prepared for it. Because everyone are constantly reminded that a lot of crazy shit happens. In other words its easy to get away with doing something crazy.


To all you guys complaining about people slowing down to a green light or not going immediately on green.. you are very brave. Atleast here in Chiang mai that behavior is suicide. People's always run red lights here, often at high speeds.

The fist 3-5 seconds of green light is very dangerous and most Thais wait to see that there's no "runners" first

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