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Recent move to Thailand Experience


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Let me re-itierate in order to attempt to displell some of the mis-information presented above. All the information that I have cited is from personal first hand experience. I was in Thailand on a regular tourist exemption when I applied for my initial Non-Immigrant O-A visa. I had all the required paperwork, including the US bank account documents that a Thai Consulate in a foreign country would require. However, Thai Immigration, in Thailand told me since I was applying in Thailand, which is acceptable, I must already have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank account for required 90 days. The same requirment that is required at the end of your initial year if you had received your initial O-A visa in your home country. Since I had not opened a Thai bank account as of yet I did not meet the "In Country" requirements of already having the money in Thailand. As stated above I don't know what would have happened if I had presented a letter showing guaranteed income endoresed/stamped/notorized (whatever you want to call it) by the US Consulate. So it is very clear that a person can obtain a Non-Immigrant O-A (Retirment) visa after entering Thailand with just a tourist passport. There is no prohibition from obtaining the Retirment visa in Thailand, not just an extension but the initial Non-Immigrant O-A (Retirement) visa. I took the same documents to the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles a few days later (except you do have the get the medical certificate in the country where you apply for the O-A visa) and the request flew thru. I actually handed the paperwork to the lady as she drove into the parking lot of the consulate and when the doors officially opened a about 30 minutes later the processing was already complete.

But you do have to jump through some hoops. As Phuketjock stated you have to be here for the required time amount so you have to turn your 30 day visa ememption into a 90 day Non-Immigrant visa in order to be in Thailand for the required time to submit the documents to obtain a Non-Immigrant O-A (Retirement) visa. In addition, I had a friend to the exact same as above so I have seen it done personally.

I should note the informaiton in my posts are not based based on the belligerent belly aching of idiots sitting around the bars complaining about why they didn't obtain some priviledge by the Thai government. Anyone who is going to live in Thailand needs to understand that the Thai people are very polite and will find ways to tell Farangs things in a way so as it won't be taken as a personal affront. If you go to Thai immigration in dirty cut off jeans wearing sandals and a stained wife beaterT-shirt and show that you have the required income however limited there is a good chance that you will be told that the visa can only be processed in your home country after you depart Thailand. The "depart Thailand" is the operative intent of the Thai immigration official. If you decide to go to Thai Immigration wearing respectable clothing, take a bath, shower, comb your hair, wear a collared shirt and have all your necessary documents with the required copies completed and correctly filled out you have a very good chance of obtaining the Thai priviledge that you are requesting.

It should be noted that the words "impossible" and "typically" are not antonyms and as were used in the context above are mutually exclusive for describing the procedure for which a person can and cannot receive a Non-Immigrant O-A (Retirement) visa. To spell this out a little further, as I originally suggested it behooves a person to obtain their Non-Immigrant O-A visa before entering Thailand, this is the "typical" way it is done and there is a very good reason for that. However, that being said, since it is only the "typical" way then by definition that would mean that there are some other way such as obtaining the visa in Thailand.

As a final note, I do not take the time and energy to try to change any posters mind, it is very evident that most people are very entrenched in their perceptions irrespective of the validity. However, I think it is important that the readers who are actively seeking information in order to make informed decisions to the extent possible be provided accurate information.

JX I am sorry but there is no such thing as a retirement visa, I think what you are refering to is a

one year extension to stay on the grounds of retirement, it is not a visa it is merely an extension

to stay and can be renewed annually on or before the anniversity of its expiry. It is initially issued

on the strength of the aforementioned non-immigrant category "O" visa but subsequentially all that is

required is a renewal of your one year extension to stay. There is no "visa" requirement from there on

in, unless you let your retirement extension expire, then you will have to start the whole process again

from the visa stage. I hope this helps you and others to understand the procedure better.

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the parts on electrics and TV standards are just hilarious!

Just why would anyone want to have 110V or NTSC inside their Thai home is beyond me...

Maybe you should ask the OP to write a dissertation on it cheesy.gif .

Edited by lapd
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If you decide to go to Thai Immigration wearing respectable clothing, take a bath, shower, comb your hair, wear a collared shirt and have all your necessary documents with the required copies completed and correctly filled out you have a very good chance of obtaining the Thai priviledge that you are requesting.

So I take a bath and then a shower or just one of those?

Good point about having necessary documents. I'm sure that will help a lot of people who don't realize that having the necessary documents is necessary. I always just take blank documents so your advice to fill them out is very helpful.

What if I don't have hair? Do I still use a comb? Please clarify.

Edited by lapd
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You cannot get a Non O-A in Thailand.

What probably happened is Imm converted your tourist visa to a Non O giving you 90 days and then you could gain the 12mths extension.

First I will ask you, what is the difference between a non O-A visa and a non-immigrant category O visa?

You do not need a visa to obtain a non-immigrant category O visa in Thailand, you can do as I did and

enter Thailand on a visa exempt 30 day entry stamp and obtain a non-immigrant category O visa at, in my

case, Phuket immigration office.

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You cannot get a Non O-A in Thailand.

What probably happened is Imm converted your tourist visa to a Non O giving you 90 days and then you could gain the 12mths extension.

First I will ask you, what is the difference between a non O-A visa and a non-immigrant category O visa?

You do not need a visa to obtain a non-immigrant category O visa in Thailand, you can do as I did and

enter Thailand on a visa exempt 30 day entry stamp and obtain a non-immigrant category O visa at, in my

case, Phuket immigration office.

The Non OA can only be got in your home country. Its a Long term 12 mths Visa. There are more hoops to jump thro to get it, medical police report etc, however a multi entry will get you 2yrs by exiting and returning just before it expires, so no need to show funds in Thailand for almost 2 yrs. Then its extensions anually

90 day reporting is required on the OA

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You cannot get a Non O-A in Thailand.

What probably happened is Imm converted your tourist visa to a Non O giving you 90 days and then you could gain the 12mths extension.

First I will ask you, what is the difference between a non O-A visa and a non-immigrant category O visa?

You do not need a visa to obtain a non-immigrant category O visa in Thailand, you can do as I did and

enter Thailand on a visa exempt 30 day entry stamp and obtain a non-immigrant category O visa at, in my

case, Phuket immigration office.

The Non OA can only be got in your home country. Its a Long term 12 mths Visa. There are more hoops to jump thro to get it, medical police report etc, however a multi entry will get you 2yrs by exiting and returning just before it expires, so no need to show funds in Thailand for almost 2 yrs. Then its extensions anually

90 day reporting is required on the OA

My 2 bahts worth is as most know there is a forum on visa's etc.

Over the years I have noticed from people posting in Phuket and Pattaya they seem to have, not laws as such but are able to go about doing things in different ways, in DLT's and Immigration offices.

Where I have to go for Immigration is Maesot and they wouldn't do what others have stated here.

I came here on tourist entry only and had to go to out of Thailand to Thai Embassy in Laos to get the non-imm 'O' visa to apply for my 1 year retirement extension.

This first time for my application, proof of 800,000 baht in a Thai bank is all that was required along with the forms and photocopies etc, it didn't have to be shown there for 3 months ( some provinces 2 months) until the next years application.

Non 'OA' is not something I need and 90 day reporting is required from all farangie aliens.

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I was about to make a new topic about how TV had become boring.

But now I can wait.

This has spiced things up.

OP: Are you an engineer, by any chance?

Anyway, best wishes for you your happiness in Thailand.


No answer.

Well, if not, perhaps you are a teacher?



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I could write a dissertation on 440v 3phases systems and the difference between 240v 3 phase Delta and Y systems with one of them having a high (208v) leg

Please don't....sad.png



Never heard of a 440v system before.. whats that bad boy used to run?

440 very common in indiustrial buildings and applications

And with guys who can write dissertations but have never wired a house.

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I could write a dissertation on 440v 3phases systems and the difference between 240v 3 phase Delta and Y systems with one of them having a high (208v) leg

Please don't....sad.png



Never heard of a 440v system before.. whats that bad boy used to run?

440 very common in indiustrial buildings and applications

And with guys who can write dissertations but have never wired a house.

a guy that can write dissertations on industrial power sytems has a better chance of being able to wire a house than vice versa

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Thanks JXcutter for all the info. I am not - thank Buddha and all the other gods ! - in the situation anymore as to obtain a retirement extension. However I want to say I did mine the "typical" way. I don't see why anyone would want to circumvene the "typical" road and try to convert to a Non-Imm-OA in Thailand and then have to navigate a few reefs in order to get to Tipperary. But each on his/her own, and the information JXcutter shares with us, might be helpful and will be helpful just in case somebody trips over it in the search of the golden grail.

To JXcutter personally, why ONLY a university education is so magnificently beneficial for us, remains a mystery. I apprenticed a technically exclusive field, I earned myself a license for dental techology summa cum laude. To highlight the idocracy in Certificates and Honoratios, I decided to skip a dental career completely, and ventured into a more animated obsession, into arts and design. 32 years ago I founded a company, which still exists to this day, spouting out my retirement necessities. Careers are not only made by university degrees and so called education, but also by freebooters with a passion to live and go to limits, and a dream to follow. Imagination is more important than knowledge ( Albert Einstein)

...on the use of the word "fuse". I am german, in our language a 'safe T cut' is also called fuse. I meant a quick (flink in german) reaction safety cut 16 amps . .sorry for calling it simply a "fuse" . . . anyways that's what modern "XYZ" is . . .

Carpe Diem everybody

*** P.S. the best and the most loved and mostly important - in hindsight - education was the one I received from my Dad and my Mum ! Mostly my Dad gave me all his positives. He was such a great man of his time.

Edited by crazygreg44
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Thanks JXcutter for all the info. I am not - thank Buddha and all the other gods ! - in the situation anymore as to obtain a retirement extension. However I want to say I did mine the "typical" way. I don't see why anyone would want to circumvene the "typical" road and try to convert to a Non-Imm-OA in Thailand and then have to navigate a few reefs in order to get to Tipperary. But each on his/her own, and the information JXcutter shares with us, might be helpful and will be helpful just in case somebody trips over it in the search of the golden grail.

To JXcutter personally, why ONLY a university education is so magnificently beneficial for us, remains a mystery. I apprenticed a technically exclusive field, I earned myself a license for dental techology summa cum laude. To highlight the idocracy in Certificates and Honoratios, I decided to skip a dental career completely, and ventured into a more animated obsession, into arts and design. 32 years ago I founded a company, which still exists to this day, spouting out my retirement necessities. Careers are not only made by university degrees and so called education, but also by freebooters with a passion to live and go to limits, and a dream to follow. Imagination is more important than knowledge ( Albert Einstein)

...on the use of the word "fuse". I am german, in our language a 'safe T cut' is also called fuse. I meant a quick (flink in german) reaction safety cut 16 amps . .sorry for calling it simply a "fuse" . . . anyways that's what modern "XYZ" is . . .

Carpe Diem everybody

*** P.S. the best and the most loved and mostly important - in hindsight - education was the one I received from my Dad and my Mum ! Mostly my Dad gave me all his positives. He was such a great man of his time.

buddha was a man, not a god

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a guy that can write dissertations on industrial power sytems has a better chance of being able to wire a house than vice versa

Clearly someone who brings NTSC equipment to Thailand will have a leg up in the common sense dept. Surely they will make that 440v work for them even if they have to write multiple dissertations and visit every industrial park in Thailand scavenging equipment in order to do it.

Edited by lapd
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