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Please help, I have got a nympho

Bulldozer Dawn

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I read the first and last pages. I didn't fancy reading the other three because a lot of it would have been the same. Hope nobyd else said this.

But what the OP needs to do is learn ejaculation control so he can come and be ready for action again half an hour later. Build up those pubococcyx muscles!

Edited by Sarariman
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Viagra - quite available ... I cannot say anything else... just PM me... Having an assist like Viagra makes the act a whole lot less work - even when one does not need it... Also - a strange twist -- that back problem of yours... go down to the local pharmacy and get some Tramadol for it ... funny thing about Tramadol even at 50 mg. it causes a guy not to ejaculate ... So combine Viagra with Tramadol for your back pain and then you have it - prolonged sexual ability that will wear her out.. ... a matching sex machine.. .Throw in some Vitamin B Complex for energy and some Health food supplements and PROBLEM SOLVED... You may think I am joking -- but not...

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Interesting how you guys are telling me I have made a mistake. My good Thai girl was...well...good. I never had any problems with her but the sex was only ok. Yes...I changed girlfriends becase of the great sex. My new girl has a job, but no degree, and she is (so far) a pleasure to have in my home, she is loving and cleans my place every moring. I was comfortable in my old relationship...but not happy. Now I am very happy. And yes much of that happiness comes from the great sex. But why have the moral police posters arrived already. When you have worked hard all your life...why is it wrong to make choices that make you happy. Perhaps those choices and petulant and churlish, but they were made on the basis of seeking joy.

it's called envy,,, let it slide.

Interestingly, somebody did a study of the biggest regrets elderly men had : overwhelming reply was 'should have shagged more gals"

Wise words from my (late) Father:

Much better to look back & say Glad I did,

Rather than, Wish I had.thumbsup.gif

RIP Dad wai.gif

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My good looking work mate, young, had the same problem about 15 years ago. It ended in a complete nightmare. I had to help him out, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays if I could get out of the shopping.

It nearly cost him his job..she became a bit unstable..not surprising, everything became extreme..

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try thinking with your big head instead of letting your little head rule what you do. Understandable when you are younger and inexperienced with life in general but when older men do it it is an ego trip at best, the smart ones are those that have relationships built on love and trust in each other, not on the sex or the fact the girl is young enough to be their daughter. Too many farangs let their d*ck do all the thinking for them, pretty pathetic really, all the smart ones did that when they were at an age that allowed them to be able to actually fulfil the deeds, you have made your bed, accept it or buy her a toy that doesnt suffer from old age.

You think only farang men have the problem not being able to cope with their younger wives or girlfriends?

Are you a racist?

You are pathetic yourself if you think you are such a wise, smart, thinking man.

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What's a "gik"?

A secret f__k buddy with no romance, no attachments, and infrequent, but great sex. Every man needs at least two.

So slightly different than "mia noi" (some attachment) right?

Mia noi is much different. She's a minor "wife" ... and not just a mistress. Some Thai men that can afford them have two families with two homes and two sets of children. Usually the primary wife doesn't know about the minor wife, but the minor wife knows what's happening. Sometimes, the older primary wife knows and is OK with the younger minor wife taking on the burden (in her eyes) of sexually servicing the husband ... that is, as long as she doesn't know the details and her friends and family don't know. Very civilized arrangement, me thinks.

Mia nois are often portrayed in Thai soap operas.

Edited by HerbalEd
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What's a "gik"?

A secret f__k buddy with no romance, no attachments, and infrequent, but great sex. Every man needs at least two.
So slightly different than "mia noi" (some attachment) right?

Mia noi is much different. She's a minor wife ... and not just a mistress. Thai men that can afford them often have two families with two homes and two sets of children.

Interesting. I assumed it was just mistress. How accepted is it by the first wife?

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What's a "gik"?

A secret f__k buddy with no romance, no attachments, and infrequent, but great sex. Every man needs at least two.

So slightly different than "mia noi" (some attachment) right?

Mia noi is much different. She's a minor "wife" ... and not just a mistress. Some Thai men that can afford them have two families with two homes and two sets of children. Usually the primary wife doesn't know about the minor wife, but the minor wife knows what's happening. Sometimes, the older primary wife knows and is OK with the younger minor wife taking on the burden (in her eyes) of sexually servicing the husband ... that is, as long as she doesn't know the details and her friends and family don't know. Very civilized arrangement, me thinks.

Mia nois are often portrayed in Thai soap operas.

A spot on explanation of both terms. Except there is no limit on Mia Nois except ones finances.

If Bulldozer can't handle one woman not much chance of him getting a Gik and/or Mia Noi.

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Mia noi is much different. She's a minor "wife" ... and not just a mistress. Some Thai men that can afford them have two families with two homes and two sets of children. Usually the primary wife doesn't know about the minor wife, but the minor wife knows what's happening. Sometimes, the older primary wife knows and is OK with the younger minor wife taking on the burden (in her eyes) of sexually servicing the husband ... that is, as long as she doesn't know the details and her friends and family don't know. Very civilized arrangement, me thinks.

So slightly different than "mia noi" (some attachment) right?

Mia nois are often portrayed in Thai soap operas.

A spot on explanation of both terms. Except there is no limit on Mia Nois except ones finances.

If Bulldozer can't handle one woman not much chance of him getting a Gik and/or Mia Noi.

Indeed. Some rich men can have several mia nois ... or concubines, as they're called at the very top. And while some primary wives silently approve, I do read occasionally of a primary wife stabbing the mia noi, or vice versa. It makes great soap opera on TV and real life.

I'll stick with a few giks. It's much less complicated, and a lot cheaper.

Edited by HerbalEd
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I hope the post is a troll.

I just find it so sad when I see anyone leaving a decent girl for a "great sex".

It is your loss long term.

And if is is not a troll post, he will probably eventually join the ranks of those farangs men who have lost everything here.

Shall I hand out the Kleenex now so we can dry our tears?

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she is loving and cleans my place every morning.

seriously: if I was talking about a relationship (with potential future) the very fact that you even mentioned she cleans your home means that your priorities and 'needs' are different to mine. in many peoples eyes it looks like you are after an maid/slave. maybe that's an ego boost for you,, but its far far far from real love.

you did say some GOOD things about life and choices and your own happiness... yes, I agree with that.

but, on the issue of 'how you seem to view your gf', then I assume you are still at your stage in life where you want to be dating casually.

so maybe its a good thing that your old gf is now free.

i guess that 'telling everyone about your background' opened up a load of worms.

it would have been better to have just said that your current gf is wearing you down with sex. you would have had far less 'of a 'bashing' from sympathetic readers.


do you drink alcohol often? or not?

if you do, then TRY TO DRASTICALLY REDUCE your weekly drinking. - This in itself will help prevent your body feeling like it is getting depleted.

Add a LOT MORE fruit and vegetables to your diet... (junk food and processed food, fried food and cheap crappy meat will slow your body down and make you 'more old, more fast').

learn the benefits of drinking LOTS of water every day (instead of anything from the fridge section of 7-11).

if you drink coffee for daily energy,, then TRY TO STOP IT.. coffee is a loosing battle. same as cocaine etc.. it gives the temporary boots,, but it takes out MORE than it gives. eventually you damage your age-health. you will need more coffees per day,, leaving your body dried up.

finally,, aside from food,, on a fitness level, do some jogging (even if its on your mattress)... if you can do 10 - 15 minutes of jogging most days after work,, you will find your total body energy will RISE MASSIVELY.

she obviously knows you are tired sometimes.. so tell her also that you sometimes like to have slow sex.. (rather than crazy sex).

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try thinking with your big head instead of letting your little head rule what you do. Understandable when you are younger and inexperienced with life in general but when older men do it it is an ego trip at best, the smart ones are those that have relationships built on love and trust in each other, not on the sex or the fact the girl is young enough to be their daughter. Too many farangs let their d*ck do all the thinking for them, pretty pathetic really, all the smart ones did that when they were at an age that allowed them to be able to actually fulfil the deeds, you have made your bed, accept it or buy her a toy that doesnt suffer from old age.

Truest words ever spoken, guess he must wonder if she will like the new toy more than him...... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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