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We need jobs, 200 beach operators tell Phuket governor

Lite Beer

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In relation to harsh economic times resulting in an increase of crime, I was talking global.

I was then relating that to harsh economic times in the local Phuket economy, also resulting in an increase in crime on the island.

"Actually I've been quite surprised how well Phuket has been holding up during this global recession." - sure, but I am predicting a downturn in the local Phuket economy. Call it a Phuket recession, if you like.

Crime aside, how well do you think it will hold up, and why?

Like yourself, I have no business, property or emotional ties here, so I can leave tomorrow as well, no problem.

As all of us that have lived here for years, know there is and has been a changing demographic. Some businesses adapt, those who don't fail. There is a lot of investment going on in Phuket. Those lame assed underpasses aren't cheap! The same corporation that is building them, built the Suvanrnbhumi Airport and own the Amari Hotel chain. Club Med is renewing their 30 year contract. The airport is finally under going some renovations. The new government is trying to see if they can clean up one of the most corrupt provinces in Thailand. There is a lot a stake here now and they need to actually follow through with what they have started and not back peddle into the same old same old mai pen rai attitude...

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Let's look at the figures on the island. Supposedly a total of 1000 jobs were lost out of a total working force of how many tens of thousands on the island? How many jobs in the hospitality industry are now taken by non Thais due to the locals not wanting to actually work? If the locals that supposedly lost their job applied for these positions, why wouldn't a local hotel or hospitality company hire them over Burmese if they had the same work ethic? All hospitality places are due to begin hiring for the next high season and if these local lazy beach sellers wanted to work as hard as the Burmese, they could easily get the job, sending the Burmese back to Burma. Problem lies in these lazy beach vendors don't want to work, but want to use illegal ground that they don't pay rent nor taxes on to make their living.

As always you post your ill informed opinions as if they are fact.

The reality is that even if all of these business folk that have been pushed out of their livelihoods find employment, they will be back on to the 300 THB per day wage. Less if they are forced to complete with the Burmese for jobs. Most of these people will not be able to survive on the 300 THB per day and so Iceman's concerns regarding a spike in crime still hold true. As I have posted elsewhere, I am also expecting a spike in drug related offences as bored and depressed people turn to ya ice.

What part of my post is an opinion and not fact, Mr BTB, the king of ill informed opinions? The part about the number of jobs supposedly lost, the part about locals being lazy not wanting to apply for a job, or maybe the part about hotels would hire, locals over Burmese? Well, as NKM says and I admit, all hospitality venues prefer Burmese, not because of the cost, but because of the actual work output. NEXT.

BTB thinks that people without money will turn to ya ice an expensive drug. Wonder why not now as the only thing they did before was sitting on the not really working.
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Nice to hear from everybody sitting in their ivory towers giving their heart warming comments

It's an internet forum that what folk do....

Yes, it's good to see such much empathy
its because many of us are not so naive when it comes to the squealing of fake scammers
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They should have every vendor make a list of their lost salaries to get an understanding of how much money these poor people are losing. Once they get the numbers, tax the SHIT out of them for evading taxes for the past years and then tell them go cry somewhere else.

Have they evaded tax, you know that? Maybe their income was below the threshold for paying tax?

So people usually fight to save jobs that do not even bring in emough money to be in the tax paying income bracket...get real, these concessions go for millions of Baht...why when you infer they do not earn enough money to feed their families ??

Please wake up to the real world & stop apologizing for illegal behaviour.

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They should have every vendor make a list of their lost salaries to get an understanding of how much money these poor people are losing. Once they get the numbers, tax the SHIT out of them for evading taxes for the past years and then tell them go cry somewhere else.

Have they evaded tax, you know that? Maybe their income was below the threshold for paying tax?

So people usually fight to save jobs that do not even bring in emough money to be in the tax paying income bracket...get real, these concessions go for millions of Baht...why when you infer they do not earn enough money to feed their families ??

Please wake up to the real world & stop apologizing for illegal behaviour.

Yes, because most of the people affected are just normal employees and not the big bosses having the contracts.

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What is preventing these people from just going out and finding a job? Thailand has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. What they are really saying is that we cannot find work that pays as well as the illegal franchises they had. We cannot make 100,000, 200,000, or even 300,000 per month, like we used to make, at a normal job. You took away our extraordinarily good livelihoods, and we are upset. We liked the arrangement we had with the local mafia punk, and we can no longer just deal with him. We want everything to be the same as before. You rocked the boat. Make our lives be the same as before, please.

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