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Anybody else excited about this body? I am not a huge gear head, I have an old body and like to upgrade only every 8 or so years. It is about time though. I shoot DX now but this new Nikon full frame looks like it could be pretty good, could last me 10 years smile.png

It is supposed to be announced in the next couple of days. If initial reports are good I may jump on it. I like the fact that you can shoot either 10mp dx or 24 mp fx...... all my dx lenses will function on it well. I want to start doing some remotely controlled shoots with the ability to adjust camera setting remotely, so I am really hoping it had built in wifi like the canon 6D. My D90 fails me many times when needing to focus on moving objects too, so I would really look forward to that added ability there.


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I don't know what to think of this, Is it just speculation or not?

How much DX glass have you invested in, or will you list the lenses?

There's some well versed photographers on here and the more info you give the better feedback you will get.

At the end of the day for the price of a D750 versus the price of a D7100, you may be better off with the D7100 with a wifi adapter on it, that is unless you have future plans of buying decent FX glass, which will shrink your pockets, but would be a better alternative in the long run maybe.

Hang about, there's some very knowledgeable people on here, this will be a good thread hopefully and you may get advice from non nikonians swearword too. smile.png


I don't know what to think of this, Is it just speculation or not?

How much DX glass have you invested in, or will you list the lenses?

There's some well versed photographers on here and the more info you give the better feedback you will get.

At the end of the day for the price of a D750 versus the price of a D7100, you may be better off with the D7100 with a wifi adapter on it, that is unless you have future plans of buying decent FX glass, which will shrink your pockets, but would be a better alternative in the long run maybe.

Hang about, there's some very knowledgeable people on here, this will be a good thread hopefully and you may get advice from non nikonians swearword too. smile.png

I don't have much invested in glass. The usual (cheap) suspects, haha. I have been wanting to go full frame for a while for reasons I wont go into too much, mainly for better quality glass at the wide end. I was thinking D610 but the timing isn't right yet, then I saw this.

But yes this is the real deal, it will probably be released tomorrow or today...... Thursday the 11th US time. Nikon rumors are very reliable, and when their predictions are that solid, they are usually right.

In any case, I am definitely anxiously awaiting. I may be a few thousand dollars lighter soon here smile.png I really like this Tokina 16-28 lens as well, so much bang for the buck.

If nikon does not add the integrated wifi, along with a solid app to control the camera from a smartphone, there is always the camranger, which i have been looking into. But it is 300 bucks. Quite up there in price but I really want the ability to remotely control the camera settings on my next body, so I am praying they integrate the wifi and create a better app smile.png Their current app for this just lets you snap a photo, without ability to adjust camera settings. Not good enough nikon, haha.


I see there is a new update already smile.png seems it does have the integrated wifi.... or will have...... who knows though...


This camera sounds amazing. Really. It sounds like the video controls will be improved over the D610, control of the aperture for example. The specs are just so juicy. If this is under 3000 I am game almost for sure. I normally don't get excited about this stuff either, but the timing is just right for me on this one I suppose.


"Built-in Wi-Fi Professional Wireless communication via UT-1 and WT-5"

In other words, no built in wifi until you buy an add on? Confusing terminology. I suppose that is what you get when reading these rumors. BluRay manufactures do this too though, they kinda play with you and say "wifi ready", even though it's not ready for wifi until you buy something, ha.


Meand, I know this will draw fire from Nikonites but have a look at mirrorless full frame and wait until Sony announcements at Photokina.

From what I've read they have a new one coming out in the new year that's got both extreme resolution and fast autofocus.

As it seems you're in no rush I'd hang on a bit because once Sony crack this in my opinion (as a Pentax K-3 and Sony A7r user) DSLR will be on the way out.

The size and weight alone made the upgrade to the A7r worth it for me. It's just so light and not cumbersome like the K-3 let alone a full frame DSLR.

Just sayin' is all.


Thanks, I am never going to change from Nikon though, being such a hopeless romantic and all smile.png Been with her only 15 years, but she's been good to me :)

I will definitely check it out though, as you say it is coming out today or tomorrow, but I wont be purchasing soon.


Thanks, I am never going to change from Nikon though, being such a hopeless romantic and all smile.png Been with her only 15 years, but she's been good to me smile.png

I will definitely check it out though, as you say it is coming out today or tomorrow, but I wont be purchasing soon.

I used to say that about Pentax. Honestly, have a look around at the options out there, you'll be surprised. Olympus, Fuji and Sony.


"exposure preview & aperture control in Live View mode"

. . . is a good film makers spec' for this body. Believe the D800/810 have it, but it's omission on the lower 600/610/7100 & below, was rather bad.


@ Goshawk....That's just it G....Niks omissions are not by accident...it is a great marketing ploy.

For example...shortly after the 800 was released out popped the 800E. Was it worth t? I have

both so that answers the question IMO. Soon I'll have the 810 & D4s while the 700 & 800 gets

sold. However...

Instead of playing the "lets put this inside here and see what happens & how many we can

sell" I wish Nik would really get back to their older ways when they released their TOTL bodies

that had all the bells & whistles in them....vice a new "model" (term used very loosely) every

few months...just for $$$$ sake.


@ Goshawk....That's just it G....Niks omissions are not by accident...it is a great marketing ploy.

For example...shortly after the 800 was released out popped the 800E. Was it worth t? I have

both so that answers the question IMO. Soon I'll have the 810 & D4s while the 700 & 800 gets

sold. However...

Instead of playing the "lets put this inside here and see what happens & how many we can

sell" I wish Nik would really get back to their older ways when they released their TOTL bodies

that had all the bells & whistles in them....vice a new "model" (term used very loosely) every

few months...just for $$$$ sake.

[Bangs drum] Sony, Sony, Sony, Sony . . . .

A99 MkII on it's way if you need DSLR.


M....Committed to Nik.

I'll bring my toys down next time I'm over. A7r still isn't a speedy DSLR and not really as flexible, but the next iterations should be stunning.

Thing is I can now be uncommited to anything. Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 MkII is going on it next. It's great being able to select the best glass across any mount (with the exception of RF Leica-M, doesn't work well below 50mm).

I'll stop now.


I, very pathetically I might add, waited just about all day by the computer for this announcement. I am exaggerating a little for effect. I have a feeling some of these rumors are going to be a little off. And who knows they may not announce tomorrow so as to continue the torture.

Marketing this type of product has changed so much though. I remember my first camera, which was actually my dads, and we both used that damn thing for a good 15 years. I think he still uses it as a light meter when he shoots film, ha. Marketing now is a lot more about turnover on what I view as already perfectly acceptable bodies. Companies like nikon are holding back, not giving people exactly what they want, perhaps wisely so. It is interesting to watch such a shift in consumerism though.


@ Goshawk....That's just it G....Niks omissions are not by accident...it is a great marketing ploy.

Companies like nikon are holding back, not giving people exactly what they want, perhaps wisely so.

True . . . and it's not just Nikon. Canon are seriously dragging their heels too. Both of them seem to not want to upset their loyal (and lucrative) DSLR base, while Pano & Sony are sort of striding ahead without the mirror box. I do however expect the 'big two' to eventually regain full captaincy of the digital camera market again, but in the meantime these small incremental updates are bloody annoying . . . (the 7D Mk2 also is looking ok, but unremarkable thus far - if we believe the recent 'leaks')


It's a solid FX camera no doubt, and the price is certainly right. I can't believe the price actually.

I am crossed now. I need to go FX, and will see how the price of the D610 drop. I really don't need a fast camera, or a million focus points. I suppose if I can save 4 or 500 bucks and go with the 610 I will do that. I'll miss the built in wifi and the added video features.

The articulating screen on the 750 is great, but I just have this feeling it will have durability issues, which would have been one of the reasons I would go for the 750. It just seems like an accident waiting to happen. So I have mixed feelings about it.




The articulating screen really isn't that necessary at the end of the day IMO and yes, durability of it

may be questionable. Perhaps it's nice to have but to me they're a gimmick.

I like to not use the term FX, better tu use 35mm full frame equivalent. You should realise the

only a few yeras ago everybody was "DX" in one form or another.

Now...you mentioned that you have run of the mill DX lenses and that's OK by me. I have a couple

also...one is Niks 18-55...very cheap and very sharp throughout the zooms focal length with minimal

distortion anywhere. It is on par with my 17-55 @ 2.8...which costs a very much more than around the

hundred USD that the 18-55 does. It also compares to my 17-35 @ 2.8 as well when in that focal range.

Full rame 35mm equivalent framed cameras and their lenses, especially the lenses are VERY expensive

and even though one can use DX lenses on them...it's almost a waste of time but still better than nothing

at all. Have a gander at FF Equiv lenses recently? A couple good primes and a couple good zooms will

set you back nearly 10K USD. And if you chose say Niks 14-24 @ 2.8...you cannot use any filters on it

as the objective element (bit of glass up front) protrudes out so much filters are a no go...not even a UV

to protect that piece of glass. This fantastic lens will set you back 2K USD....and you can't "protect" it.

An element change will set you back a hefty sum too...around a grand....half the cost of the lens.

And it is a lens that almost everyone who uses Nik Pro kit owns...we just hope the fateful repair day never

shows up.

That said...Niks 12-24 @ 2.8 for DX allows the attachment of filters of 77mm in diameter!

FF 35mm Equiv is very expensive...I can't stress that fact enough. But hey...if you have the $$$$

for the lenses you'll need/desire....then by all means go for it.

On another note...If I were you...instead of this 750 why not grab an 800E or the 810 instead?

  • Like 2

Thanks. Yeah I won't be purchasing for several months so it is nice to have this option, along with the potential price reductions.

I will look at the 810 a little. It's probably overkill for my needs, but still in the running (d610, d750 and now d810 haha).

I really only need wide glass to start, and the tokina 16 28 I think will really suit me well. I agree that putting my glass on the full frame is not ideal. I also have that 18 55 by the way and have always loved it :) I also like the 16 to 35 nikon lens, and I think it will hold its value better to. I really only need wide glass as an essential part of my kit for starters though, which is somewhat comforting.

Buying the glass does not scare me too much because of the resale value. I suppose it's a question of the availability of money. But yes, as stated things will no doubt keep getting more and more expensive. Again though I'm always comforted by resale, it's almost like buying a bar of gold, hell perhaps better haha with say the 14 to 24.


^^^^ The only other bad thing about using the 14-24 is one shouldn't use it close to

cliffs, roads with heavy traffic, construction equipment & excavation works plus any

other hazardous places. UWA's have a tendency to make one forget to always

check their footing. The DX version (12-24) is almost as bad! Good luck with whichever

Nik you buy...or other make.

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It looks ok, from what i've seen so far. Jared Polin likes it too . . . says it 'may be the best all round Nikon DSLR ever made'

£1800 GBP body only.

  • Like 1

The articulating screen really isn't that necessary at the end of the day IMO and yes, durability of it

may be questionable. Perhaps it's nice to have but to me they're a gimmick.

they're handy to have in certain stills scenarios . . . but for the videographer/filmaker, they are pretty much a mainstay these days. Pleased to see Nikon finally adding it to a decent high-end DSLR.


^^^^ The only other bad thing about using the 14-24 is one shouldn't use it close to

cliffs, roads with heavy traffic, construction equipment & excavation works plus any

other hazardous places. UWA's have a tendency to make one forget to always

check their footing. The DX version (12-24) is almost as bad! Good luck with whichever

Nik you buy...or other make.

I can affirm that sunshine, I nearly stepped off a cliff face with my 10.5 fisheye earlier this year.


The articulating screen really isn't that necessary at the end of the day IMO and yes, durability of it

may be questionable. Perhaps it's nice to have but to me they're a gimmick.

they're handy to have in certain stills scenarios . . . but for the videographer/filmaker, they are pretty much a mainstay these days. Pleased to see Nikon finally adding it to a decent high-end DSLR.

On a DSLR they're not really a necessity IMO but then again...that's just my opinion.

The folks I know who use DSLR's for video always use 3rd party VF's since they're

much better and larger.And many of the folks who shoot video on regular video cameras

also use the flip out monitor whether it's articulated or not. My Pana HPX 250 has one but

I still prefer the eyepiece VF instead because it renders a much sharper view....better

for focus! I have had to edit monitor only videos in the past and I only wished the

camera operator used the eyepiece monitor instead...plenty of instances where the

scene shot just wasn't sharp enough & had to be shit canned. That's not good if it's

a once only event...such as news. All that said...the LCD monitors are getting better

as each new camera model hits the market. And again...it all boils down to personal



^^^^ The only other bad thing about using the 14-24 is one shouldn't use it close to

cliffs, roads with heavy traffic, construction equipment & excavation works plus any

other hazardous places. UWA's have a tendency to make one forget to always

check their footing. The DX version (12-24) is almost as bad! Good luck with whichever

Nik you buy...or other make.

I can affirm that sunshine, I nearly stepped off a cliff face with my 10.5 fisheye earlier this year.

Do you have any idea just how huge a Terex Titan quarry truck is?!

It's this big...


I was almost flattened by one of these while shooting on PNG with

my 14-24. Just a tad bit closer.....hah! Thankfully here was a safety

minder with me who grabbed me by the belt and yanked me back

towards him just in time. The guys who drive these behemoths can't

stop the beasts on a dime. It was a scary situation...


Heres a marketing video on the use of the flip screen, among other things. It's pretty convincing. At the very least it's.a very well done piece. I am becoming a believer in the flip screen. At first I was put off by it. I hated the idea of video on my d90 when I bought it too,and now I use that all the time.

The thing I like about the screen is it seems like they built it in a very durable way. I am defitely leaning toward this 750 btw, I suppose I am buying into all this marketing, but hey, at least is some very good marketing that's manipulating me haha.

Edit, here is the thing though, it is lighter than the 610, more durable than the 610, outperforms the 610 and definitely opens some doors.


Edit, here is the thing though, it is lighter than the 610, more durable than the 610, outperforms the 610 and definitely opens some doors.

Many also saying it's a 5Dmk3 killer too . . . i tend to agree. If i were jumping to FF (have a D7100 now) this would be the one without doubt . . maybe in the new year.


Heres a marketing video on the use of the flip screen, among other things. It's pretty convincing. At the very least it's.a very well done piece. I am becoming a believer in the flip screen. At first I was put off by it. I hated the idea of video on my d90 when I bought it too,and now I use that all the time.

The thing I like about the screen is it seems like they built it in a very durable way. I am defitely leaning toward this 750 btw, I suppose I am buying into all this marketing, but hey, at least is some very good marketing that's manipulating me haha.

Edit, here is the thing though, it is lighter than the 610, more durable than the 610, outperforms the 610 and definitely opens some doors.

My last bit of advice...when you go to buy, bring your laptop and shoot some frames in the camera

shop and outside if they will allow it (outside the shop) if it meets you're expectations & I presume it

surely will...grab it!

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