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Australia launches anti-terror raids


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No wonder the bait of 72 virgins is so appealing, they certainly weren't getting much while they were alive.

I think the thing about 72 virgins just sums up Islam.

Most normal guys would prefer 72 coyote dancers or 72 Playboy bunnies? But these guys want virgins. Just shows the correlation between Islam and pedophilia.

I would personal go the playboy bunny.

I think the Catholic Priests cornered that market. Perhaps find another boogie man?

Muslims eat their children? Reading the Koran give you cancer?

Between you and jock, you've almost got an IQ which breaks 100. You've got to be able to come up with something better than that!

Now this is where you lose. My post contained nothing aimed at you. But you felt it necessary to flame both Jock and I.

Oh dear!

This is all he's really interested in, agro, morons are best ignored mate.

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Jacky54 Have I entered some kind of alternate reality? You are actually agreeing with me.clap2.gif

Hold on somebody will be along in a minute to claim the koran does not really say 72 virgins, the number was given in an hadith, and that it really means 72 raisins anyway, as if they had eyes and breasts and intact hymens! As if 72 raisins would be a reward for blowing yourself up!

Edited by jacky54
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No wonder the bait of 72 virgins is so appealing, they certainly weren't getting much while they were alive.

I think the thing about 72 virgins just sums up Islam.

Most normal guys would prefer 72 coyote dancers or 72 Playboy bunnies? But these guys want virgins. Just shows the correlation between Islam and pedophilia.

I would personal go the playboy bunny.

I think the Catholic Priests cornered that market. Perhaps find another boogie man?

Muslims eat their children? Reading the Koran give you cancer?

Between you and jock, you've almost got an IQ which breaks 100. You've got to be able to come up with something better than that!

Now this is where you lose. My post contained nothing aimed at you. But you felt it necessary to flame both Jock and I.

Oh dear!

Ya got me! I'm dying here. Boom! One for you. Dial 000.

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It would appear that numerous posters have completely lost the plot on this one.

The topic continues to go around in multiple never-ending circles.

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