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Prayuth takes responsibility for his comments 'as a gentleman'

Lite Beer

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"You have to join us in being responsible and accountable because these conflicts stem from false or corrupted information. Please don't force us to use more laws, as it will inconvenience everybody," he said.

In other words, "do as your told, tow the line laid out or else"

Sounds like threats to me, seriously this is a good and positive message, really? blink.png

Western media won't buy it

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Another inflammatory political commentary has been removed, along with a reply quoting it.

Please take a few minutes to read the forum rules and also this notice here before posting again. Thai Visa takes inflammatory posts of this nature seriously and along with removal, suspension may be given for continued posts

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I think he is the best leader Thailand has presented to the world thus far

I was hoping so too, but have lost all respect for the bloke after his typical Thainess comments regards the Koh Tao incident. He may have apologized in part for his comment upsetting 'some' people, but the damage is done, you know what he's thinking. He could only be the 'best leader' due to his army status and forcing his way in. IMO the most rounded, down to earth leader Thailand could ever hope to have is Mark, but unfortunately this country is just not ready for that quality of statesman. Edited by daveAustin
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""You have to join us in being responsible and accountable because these conflicts stem from false or corrupted information. Please don't force us to use more laws, as it will inconvenience everybody," he said."

I guess, it could be said, he is using the 'carrot and stick' approach!

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"You have to join us in being responsible and accountable because these conflicts stem from false or corrupted information. Please don't force us to use more laws, as it will inconvenience everybody," he said.

In other words, "do as your told, tow the line laid out or else"

Sounds like threats to me, seriously this is a good and positive message, really? blink.png

Maybe a lot of pats on the back are from shock at someone in his position accepting responsibility since saying the right thing isn't always the done thing depending on who you are.

If the general didn't already know he must have learned in the last week that as a country's leader you have to be careful what you say as ridiculous and insensitive comments from the BIB, tourist officials and his own rang around the world in a very negative light.

Maybe the local media can be controlled but the international version is a different matter unless of course they are blocked or banned which just gives them an even bigger story.

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I think he is the best leader Thailand has presented to the world thus far

I was hoping so too, but have lost all respect for the bloke after his typical Thainess comments regards the Koh Tao incident. He may have apologized in part for his comment upsetting 'some' people, but the damage is done, you know what he's thinking. He could only be the 'best leader' due to his army status and forcing his way in. IMO the most rounded, down to earth leader Thailand could ever hope to have is Mark, but unfortunately this country is just not ready for that quality of statesman.




O Polo?

Marky Mark?

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As usual, at first I like this approach, which seems as much naive as kind. But then, you never know if it is for real or it is calculated. I had 20 terrible years of Berlusconi's government and he used this method of throwing something to the media and then in some case say he was sorry. It can be also a technique (the message arrives but you are not to blame). Very hard to know the true (not in the case of Berlusconi, he always applied techniques, but with the Thais at that level).

But maybe we can pretend it is true, some of these peculiarities make Thailand so lovely w00t.gif

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OK, after the recent insensitively worded comments he's made, I'm very pleased to see a public apology made now. That's at least one small step in the right direction. He's learning "how" you say something is just as important as "what" you say which is something I really didn't expect a Thai at this level to change their stance on much.

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It's good he admits he was stupid, but for me that doesn't make it all good.

The comment showed what he thought and it's despicable (even after the apology , which is very much appreciated).

He apologised. Have you never said something off the cuff only to realise soon after you made a mistake? What he said was stupid at worst and niave at best. He knows this and stood up to it.

Those in glass houses and all that spring to mind. I am neither a fan of his nor am I against him. It takes a huge loss of face for a Thai to admit they were wrong. Hats off to him and move on.

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His comments were hugely insensitive but the world needs strong robust leaders, not liberal apologists. " Telling it like it is " will not win him a huge amount of admirers or friends, but he doesn't need too many of those anyway. What he needs is respect for the job that he is doing and respect to follow what he says. Military Men seldom sugar coat things - but they do lead from the front and they do tend to get things done. I can forgive him for his inappropriate comments, the best thing he can do now is to bring in the right quality of resources and get this case solved. We all have " limitations " and it takes a strong man to understand, recognize and accept when additional help is required. Some respect will be restored for Thailand once this case is resolved - no one will give a sh*t what equipment / resources were key in catching these perps - just as long as they are brought to justice and not allowed to slip through the net !!

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General now The Thailand new P.M. Pryuth is a Gentleman, not scare to ( asian old style ) lose face when quoted wrong out of context, enabling him to admit his error ( was it is one ? obviously taken out of context, misinterpreted in UK, as P.M. Prayuth is right there are places for bikinis wearing and places for not wearing them to avoid animal basic educated or not male instincts with alcohol added to be triggered ), apologize for it and thinking forward looking for with the next issue !

Congratulations to the P.M.to be who he is with his appreciated wisdom !

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look he said the wrong thing 100% - but most of us know what he was getting at even though it was in appropriate

Thailand as a major tourist destination should be providing a safe environment for tourists as a number one priority - they have had long enough to perfect it and yet it remains a challenge, considering it is a major/critical part of the economy here they need to do better, if I was running a company and a particular sector was 10-15% of my revenue then I'd be right on top of it

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"You have to join us in being responsible and accountable because these conflicts stem from false or corrupted information. Please don't force us to use more laws, as it will inconvenience everybody," he said.

In other words, "do as your told, tow the line laid out or else"

Sounds like threats to me, seriously this is a good and positive message, really? blink.png

Western media won't buy it

Well, The Western Media are hardly a benchmark given their behaviours and bias.

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I don't understand why posters have an issue with a Thai politician who immediately upon realizing that something he said required an apology and clarification, and THEN GAVE IT openly and humbly would have a problem with this?

He has set a great example of taking responsibility for his own actions

something that TV posters scream bloody murder about Thai's not doing as a culture,

this is a great step forward for Thailand, for anyone with a forward looking thinking process

It wasn't that long ago you was slating Thailand in another post, telling everyone on tv you would not be returning anytime soon from the USA. Pray tell me, how did you completely change your whole itinerary so quickly and became so passionate for Thai life ...

Mind Boggles ??????

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