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Tourist police, charity rescue German beggar

Lite Beer

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The guy would get any necessary treatment, even immediate financial help and all expenses paid by the government for a place to stay in Germany. Why the heck did he come to Thailand to beg on the streets? There is something more to his agenda- in my opinion the guy has something to hide...

Nothing to hide...

Probably was doing very nicely until those "do gooders" stuck their noses in, remember he told the to F-Off before they enlisted the help of the TP.

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Easy, he's German. lost his passport, money, and could not find his way out of a wet paper bag, let alone find his way to the German Embassy..Again, no return ticket to anywhere, but hey we all keep saying the new visa regs. are too harsh, B.S. ,deport his a@s.

He said Holse had arrived in Thailand on September 2 by a Chinese Eastern Airlines flight on a one-way ticket.

Less than three weeks in Thailand and he's already reduced to begging on the streets.

How did this happen ?

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He said Holse had arrived in Thailand on September 2 by a Chinese Eastern Airlines flight on a one-way ticket.

Less than three weeks in Thailand and he's already reduced to begging on the streets.

How did this happen ?

quote FROM THE ARTICLE "...his passport, wallet and other documents had been stolen..."

switch on brains before typing

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I wonder if the various "western" embassies are getting fed up with the number of their countrymen that get picked up in the streets with almost the exact same story every time. "Oh, my wallet/passport/plane tickets were stolen weeks ago and I never bothered to report it". Or the ever popular "A Thai girl tricked me out of my wallet/passport/plane ticket/life savings months ago and I never bothered to report it."

Usually followed by the classic "I don't have any money for a plane ticket back to my home country, and don't have any family or friends who can send me money" line.

Seriously. These stories are mostly bull. If you get robbed/tricked/swindled out of your (passport/wallet/plane ticket) you go to the police immediately, followed by a trip to your local embassy. Then maybe there's a chance that the police will be able to recover your stuff. Your embassy can cancel your passport and issue emergency travel documents and help contact friends/family back home if need be.

But of course, if you've cashed in your return air ticket, sold/pawned your passport and basically boozed and whored your way into being homeless and begging on the streets, you probably aren't eager for everyone to learn that, nor will you gain any sympathy for your plight. Now basically you're up "that" creek and your only hope is the same pity story that others before you have used over and over and over and over again.

The few I've met over the years that were pretty much at that point had burned so many bridges back home (and in Thailand) that nobody in the world was going to lend them a penny any more. One UK guy finally told his family that his liver was failing so that they would send him plane fare and he could get home and use the NHS (or whatever you Brits call your healthcare service). A year later I found out he'd managed to scrape enough money together to fly back to Thailand and continue where he'd left off.

Another guy would go home when the money ran out, get on Welfare (the "dole"), get a job for a couple weeks, get a bank loan and credit card, then max out everything and skip the country. He told me that when he ran out of money he'd hit the family up for plane fare, go home, declare bankruptcy and then do it all over again. Yet another guy would borrow money from one friend, then later borrow even more from another and use part of that to pay back the first guy. Then borrow even more from someone else and use part of that to pay the second guy back. Eventually they wised up to it (especially as many of them were all in the same social group). When the money well dried up the guy left (either to a new place or a different set of friends).

Another guy (I used to work with actually) blew through all his money, got another short contract, blew through all that money and ended up moving to a village in Isaan where he could live off his pension and whatever money his elderly mother can send him from her old age pensions. Without that he'd probably have ended up broke and homeless as well.

All of them are one short binge away from finding themselves begging on the street and no doubt if the police nab them, they'll all come up with a similar story.

I'd bet that if the police were to do a crack down and raid a bunch of the pawn shops in the touristy areas (Phuket/Pattaya/Bangkok) they'd probably find all sorts of "lost/stolen" passports. Similarly, if they check with the airlines they'd find that quite a few of those "lost/stolen" return tickets had in fact been cancelled/chased in by the same person that originally purchased them. I bet a lot of credit cards were miraculously maxed out through cash advances just before being "lost/stolen" as well.

I guess for a lot of people, being broke, homeless and begging on the streets of sunny, warm Thailand beats being in the same situation back in cold, wet, miserable (wherever).

Yeap, spot on. I just wanted to add another scenario, failed businesses, family but I think

you just covered the majority already, no real need to add anymore. thumbsup.gif

I just hope I will never fall into any of those groups as I know, how easy and quick that can

happen. To anyone, anywhere.

Edited by JoeLing
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He said Holse had arrived in Thailand on September 2 by a Chinese Eastern Airlines flight on a one-way ticket.

Less than three weeks in Thailand and he's already reduced to begging on the streets.

How did this happen ?

simple. 19 days= 456 hours of short time = -456000 baht and a sore penis. thus the swollen lower torso and happy grin on his face.

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I don't get how he was allowed into the country without a return ticket. And if his passport was stolen how come he didn't go to the police???

Either he is a simpleton or he is doing it for a dare.

I have never been asked to show a return ticket, nor have I ever been asked to show funds.

This guy is a professional beggar. He was probably expecting to make a lot of money from other Western tourists wanting to help him out.

I bet he's pissed off that a bunch of do gooders stepped in and messed up his 'business'

on check in , they can see all your flight itenarity,

so they know it without asking you !!

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I would imagine that this guy is alienated in his own country because of his ailment and feels that he fits better in Thailand, as it's full of crocks, cripples and down and outs that wouldn't see him as a blot on the landscape.

What he probably needs is someone to help restore his pride and show him that this is not the way to cope with his disability.

"Crocks, cripples and down and outs"? "Blot on the landscape"?

Yep tell him that he's a proud member of those termed in such derogatory terms and I'm sure it'll will boost his pride no end.

and your point is Bluespunk?

He's not a cripple? He's not down and out? He's a proud man? Look up the meaning of the word derogatory. An example of a derogatory remark would be, " you're obviously pretty stupid as you've totally missed my point!2

My point is that you feel it's ok to use derogatory remarks about people as your last remark addressed to me proves. You are clearly insensitive and callous towards others. As for stupidity, its under s in the dictionary. Look it up.

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He said Holse had arrived in Thailand on September 2 by a Chinese Eastern Airlines flight on a one-way ticket.

Less than three weeks in Thailand and he's already reduced to begging on the streets.

How did this happen ?

Well it does say he had his stuff stolen!

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Every year there are tourists with mental issues arriving in Thailand on a cheap one way ticket. At home they take medicines to keep their condition in check, but once here they stop taking the meds. Their money might be stolen, but even more likely they just forgot it some place.

This German chap was an extreme case, ending up begging, but as a long time guest house owner I had to help a number of these people to go home, having their family transfer money to me for a ticket and other costs, booking the flight, and a few times even sending the person to the airport myself, staying with him till the check-in. You don't really want to do it, but if you don't, nobody else will.

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According to a retweet on Richard Borrow's Twitter feed, "People helped him get a new passport & also buy plane ticket home. But then he hired taxi to Pattaya & started begging again". There are pictures of him begging in Pattaya now as well. What a jerk!



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Just seen a video of him posted in the DS bangkok group on facebook. Some Thai's recognised him yesterday and started filming him as he walks around with a can of beer in his hand.

Apparently boasting he raised 40000b begging on Khao san.

They start saying no good, you begging etc etc, he walks off saying "he gonna go <deleted> a lady"

What a t0sser

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Yeah. This is a fine example why I don't have the time of day for all these supposed "down on their luck" people who "supposedly" had their (passport/ticket/wallet/bank card/etc) stolen or swindled.


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I would imagine that this guy is alienated in his own country because of his ailment and feels that he fits better in Thailand, as it's full of crocks, cripples and down and outs that wouldn't see him as a blot on the landscape.

What he probably needs is someone to help restore his pride and show him that this is not the way to cope with his disability.

"Crocks, cripples and down and outs"? "Blot on the landscape"?

Yep tell him that he's a proud member of those termed in such derogatory terms and I'm sure it'll will boost his pride no end.

and your point is Bluespunk?

He's not a cripple? He's not down and out? He's a proud man? Look up the meaning of the word derogatory. An example of a derogatory remark would be, " you're obviously pretty stupid as you've totally missed my point!2

My point is that you feel it's ok to use derogatory remarks about people as your last remark addressed to me proves. You are clearly insensitive and callous towards others. As for stupidity, its under s in the dictionary. Look it up.

Yep, looked it up Spunky, turns out that I was not so stupid after all. This piece of low life made a lot of people on here and elsewhere in Thailand look pretty stupid and he wont be the last will he!

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