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Thailand beach murders: Hannah Witheridge and David Miller may have argued in bar with gangster

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Why would an English tourist follow a local gangster out of a bar to calm him down?

I would imagine that they were seen earlier in the evening and then followed to the beach by two people, they thought they could knock out the boyfriend and rape the girl but they didn't expect them both to fight back, they panicked and killed both of them.

Local gangsters wouldn't be leaving tourists's bodies on beach, the bodies would be on a boat and disappearing into the ocean. I don't think the local police are protecting anyone in this case as the stakes are simply too high and there is too much international media involved in the case now. The army would not let some little two bit island gangster get off with murdering two tourists I just don't see it happening in today's Thailand they would know the situation themselves and they seem to take enjoyment in embarrassing the police force at any opportunity.

I'm just not buying the weird conspiracy theories, I think it's fairly likely that a couple of low paid Thais or Burmese committed the act and have fled the island since and I believe that sooner or later someone will rat them out. The Thais ALWAYS rat each other out eventually.

The evidence now suggests the girl shared a cigarette with her killer, given the DNA match and lipstick traces. Therefore she had some form of social contact beforehand. Did the killer(s) coerce her out of the bar somehow? I don't believe there are no witnesses.

Would it not have been easy for them to stick the cigarette in her mouth to throw Police off the scent? Did she smoke ?

The cigarette butt was 20-30 metres from the body and without getting into the gruesome details too much just suffice to say i don't think they would have been able to put the cigarette in her mouth. Besides, why do that and leave the bloodied hoe?

Whether Hannah smoked should be easy to ascertain.

30-50 meters.

The likelihood of the accusers staging fake evidence to throw off an eventual DNA investigation?

Seriously? They left their DNA inside of her. These were not criminal masterminds.

Its likely just contamination from the crimelab processing the all the DNA evidence. Has anyone considered how many fags and containers are in a 100meter diameter of beach? This would have taken several days in a well-organized crime lab stateside and this Thai lab had results in a day? This is indicative of loose lab procedures that can indicate the likelihood of contamination.

Edited by ClutchClark
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This is when you find out what I suspect already about Resorts in Thailand, The locals look at the Tourists as lumps of meat with large wallets. If it is a "Local" who committed this crime then another local will know who it is , a local will know if someone has disappeared. So the question is will a Thai inform on a Thai for killing and diving away their bread and butter

Was that an unintentional slip? It seems that diving is the island's bread and butter income earner. The all night beach raves are the jam, served by gangsters and other opportunists.

Piss poor spelling unfortunately

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If this guy is a wealthy local I would be very surprised if he didn't have access his own or at least a family boat.

I would be checking the movements of all boats from the night of the murder, with special emphasis placed on any boat which uncharacteristically moved during the night or early morning on the day in question.

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IMHO, when it was not yet done, thoroughly(!?), the AC Bar, and the party there, should be investigated in detail, focussing on 'Asian' people. The staff working there must know the (nick-)names of all regular 'Asian' customers, people from the island, or residing there, or often visiting for business or so, make them 'spill the beans', interrogate each of the ones they name, and go further that way, paying special attention to named individuals who would NOT be on the island, and trying to 'locate' those a.s.a.p.. Also, ask on every possible international media (UK newspapers!), for anyone who has been at the AC bar, not only that night, to e-mail every picture they would have been taking in and around that place, with their possible comments about contacts with 'Asians' there! Further investigation of 'Asian' workers, 'Asian' fishermen and 'Asian' long(er) stay visitors can go on in parallel, but my 'gut feeling' is that at least one of the murderers/rapists were there at the AC bar after the victims arrived on Tao if not on that evening, and this were NOT 'opportunistic' murders, that, at least what the regretted young lady is concerned, there was/were previous contact(s) with at least one of the perpetrators, who would have been the instigator. It would in addition be extremely interesting to a.s.a.p. ask the victims' friends (in the UK now...) whether there was/were any 'Asian' person(s) they would remember to have met on Koh Tao, and, importantly, possibly would have also met previously on Koh Pha Ngan (where they were staying on before). After having become those informations, it might still be necessary to check at the places where they have been staying, eating, drinking on Pha Ngan, their local and transfer transportation, to gather additional evidence.

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....carry the ball guys ...by stating the obvious........for some dubious reason....I cannot post.....

...that will not change the facts of 'the state of affairs'......

....making it 'personal'........ imposing one's ego....is counter to the reason for forums.....

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This is not really surprising, but again the BIB then bring drugs into it, almost appears that they wish to tarnish the victims of this heinous crime. I've said from the start, it was someone connected, and this is a cover up. Nothing so far has led me to change this belief.

The eyes of the world are on The BIB and so far they haven't disappointed in confirming their reputation.

Just speculation? I haven't seen anywhere that any drugs were found on or in victims bodies.

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there were already posts on the early first day,

that the couüple hve argued with some " Thai - or Asien " man in the bar,

why police didn't listen to that for 1 week ??

jut now when all other opportunities are gone,

they start to trace what the pair did on that evening,

very late - might be too late?

And szre the barr keepers and stuff did know which where this guy with might be the

" Yaba pills ";

But on some last post it was mentioned, that all this bar stuff employees have also gone;

They did know why they gone, not just as reason of work permit,

they fear to widness against this drug gangster gang !

As many says on this forum, the locals sure for 100% know who is behind !

Seal of the iland for any business, no income no money for this widnesses and benefiters of drug parties

on this Iland;

And for sure early or later will come out and sing like a canarian !!

( propably you have also to put this police forst in an " inactive " post in the south;

There they will learn to fight for the own " arsch " !!

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This is not really surprising, but again the BIB then bring drugs into it, almost appears that they wish to tarnish the victims of this heinous crime. I've said from the start, it was someone connected, and this is a cover up. Nothing so far has led me to change this belief.

The eyes of the world are on The BIB and so far they haven't disappointed in confirming their reputation.

Just speculation? I haven't seen anywhere that any drugs were found on or in victims bodies.

Apparently the police have done tests for drugs and are not releasing the results out of respect to the family?.......

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Presumably the British tabloid journos have certain Police on a retainer so these stories will continue to appear so they can prolong this as much as possible.

Seems a reasonable assumption. CCTV footage and test results should not be getting into the public domain because they can undermine or compromise the investigation. The British tabloids in question have behaved in a way that they just would not be allowed to at home and they have done so to enhance sales of the paper and views on their website. I don't think that there is any altruistic motive involved. Who can get the most lurid and sensational headlines is what counts. Makes you proud to be British - not.

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My feeling is that the local BIB are seriously trying to cover up and protect an island hi-so, and in the process, blaming everyone EXCEPT a Thai. That was evident from the statement about how no Thai could every do something like this. Oh, really? Must not read the paper or watch the news much, as Thai are killing and raping Thai every day of the week.

First it was blamed on Burmese - always the first target.

Then on the friends of the victim - sure, why not. Oops, that didn't pan out so well for them.

Now the focus is on the Rohinga - Next?

Aliens did it? Most likely, but in their minds, it just COULDN'T have been a wonderful, Buddhist loving Thai.

And the list of scapegoats grows…coffee1.gif

In descending order:







Thai Fishermen

Pu Yai? Naaa…. wai2.gif wai.gif

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The PM should unblock the DM website and the police can learn who to speak to without having to actually having to do the hard work!

You mean Daily Mail -= DM Website?

Is not blocked in the moment, was once when I tried yesterday evening, but not now, whistling.gif

From Udon Thani in the countryside.


i live in Udon Thani and use True Hi-Speed Internet. The Daily Mail site is blocked as is any news item on Yahoo UK etc which is sourced to the Mail.

I invested in a VPN when I was in China as even facebook is banned in China, kept the subscription going so I could BBC iPlayer etc, (and the DM website!!)

you dont need to pay but this cant be discussed

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Police are probing claims a drug called ya ba - pill available in certain bars on the island - may have been involved in the murder.

Looks like another attempt of the BIB to put more afford into finding any reason to blame the victims for their murder than to seriously investigate the case.

Nobody is blaming the victims...the police have not blamed the victims.

And Yaba was most certainly involved.

Edited by ClutchClark
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So "everybody" knows that yaba is available in certain bars? And why have the police not shut down or raided those bars? Is the police in Thailand even supporting drugs and narcotics? Is there no limits to how low they can sink?

Yes the police know.

And ask them why they allow it and they say that the farangs like it and without it the farangs won't visit.

Yet it is known as a Thai drug of choice but "they have to accept the foreigners ways. " I have been told this by police in Bangkok in regards to the ya ba manufacture and sales.

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Seems to me that one of the first things we should be assessing is that murder weapon. You don't get garden tools littering the beach so somewhere not too far away from that crime scene this tool belonged to someone. If it belonged to the establishment these kids where drinking then the law of average says someone who was in this establishment is the person/s they are looking for, and knew exactly where to look for the tool they used. Whomever this tool belonged to will now be short of a hoe and sooner or later they will need to replace it. Most crimes are solved if the murder weapon is found, in this case they left it there. Not very smart, we just need an expert on murder weapons to come in and start piecing together how this weapon was obtained. Someone knows who and where this hoe came from this is a fact and this should be the direction this investigation should be heading, not footprints in the sand for Christ sake.

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Seems to me that one of the first things we should be assessing is that murder weapon. You don't get garden tools littering the beach so somewhere not too far away from that crime scene this tool belonged to someone. If it belonged to the establishment these kids where drinking then the law of average says someone who was in this establishment is the person/s they are looking for, and knew exactly where to look for the tool they used. Whomever this tool belonged to will now be short of a hoe and sooner or later they will need to replace it. Most crimes are solved if the murder weapon is found, in this case they left it there. Not very smart, we just need an expert on murder weapons to come in and start piecing together how this weapon was obtained. Someone knows who and where this hoe came from this is a fact and this should be the direction this investigation should be heading, not footprints in the sand for Christ sake.

No. No. No.

And then No.

Every hotel along every beachfront in the islands has garden hoes for disposing of the seaweed that washes up on shore nightly.

This topic has been exhausted days ago and it really just brings up an even larger question:

Are farang people really so oblivious to manual labor today that they don't even see all the tools and efforts of the locals who perform these duties daily?

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My feeling is that the local BIB are seriously trying to cover up and protect an island hi-so, and in the process, blaming everyone EXCEPT a Thai. That was evident from the statement about how no Thai could every do something like this. Oh, really? Must not read the paper or watch the news much, as Thai are killing and raping Thai every day of the week.

First it was blamed on Burmese - always the first target.

Then on the friends of the victim - sure, why not. Oops, that didn't pan out so well for them.

Now the focus is on the Rohinga - Next?

Aliens did it? Most likely, but in their minds, it just COULDN'T have been a wonderful, Buddhist loving Thai.

where is the statement that a thai would never do something like this??? please post link.

It's been in all the press for the past week......google!

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Seems to me that one of the first things we should be assessing is that murder weapon. You don't get garden tools littering the beach so somewhere not too far away from that crime scene this tool belonged to someone. If it belonged to the establishment these kids where drinking then the law of average says someone who was in this establishment is the person/s they are looking for, and knew exactly where to look for the tool they used. Whomever this tool belonged to will now be short of a hoe and sooner or later they will need to replace it. Most crimes are solved if the murder weapon is found, in this case they left it there. Not very smart, we just need an expert on murder weapons to come in and start piecing together how this weapon was obtained. Someone knows who and where this hoe came from this is a fact and this should be the direction this investigation should be heading, not footprints in the sand for Christ sake.

And they believe there is a second weapon so figuring out what that was should also help.

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what's next? Santa Claus was seen at the scene but has already taken off?

Next is that the RTP offer their expert help to investigate the disappearance of the Malaysian airliner which went off radar over Koh Tao a few months ago and they forgot to tell anyone....

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This is not really surprising, but again the BIB then bring drugs into it, almost appears that they wish to tarnish the victims of this heinous crime. I've said from the start, it was someone connected, and this is a cover up. Nothing so far has led me to change this belief.

The eyes of the world are on The BIB and so far they haven't disappointed in confirming their reputation.

Just speculation? I haven't seen anywhere that any drugs were found on or in victims bodies.

Apparently the police have done tests for drugs and are not releasing the results out of respect to the family?.......

Another drug that could potentially be involved is one of the date rape drugs, which are prevalent in Thailand as well.

If you ingest a little bit of a date rape drug, you can get a type of ecstatic high with total loss of inhibition ... if you ingest more, you can end up in a "walking blackout" where you are still active but have no inhibitions at all and no conscious idea what you are doing (the video in your brain shuts off--this is used by thieves to get people literally to go to ATMs and withdraw money without being aware of it, or rapists to get unknowing cooperation from their victims) and afterwards you pass out and wake up with zero memory of what happened...and if you ingest even more, it knocks you out cold and some people never wake up.

If the victims were offered a bucket drink or other drink laced with this drug, they could have been rendered helpless and unable to resist. This could explain how they could be overcome with no shouts or screams and little resistance.

And if the police have tested for and found a date rape drug is the victims' systems, they would not want to reveal that and tip people off (assuming someone is now thinking professionally and logically) because it would go a long ways towards pinpointing possible suspects---e.g. who was dealing and buying this drug, which would be a lot less people than yaba.

Yaba or something similarly crazy-making was likely involved on the killer's end, but it could have been a date-rape mickey on the victims' side.

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