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Thailand beach murders: Hannah Witheridge and David Miller may have argued in bar with gangster

Lite Beer

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The standard of posting and gobbed-up, self-inflated ideas and proposals, and irrelevent or even non-backed-up posting, in this particular thread just continues to get worse by the minute. Could we stop the totally non-based ideas, and post at least with some direct relevance and credibility, and references, please. Families are reading, still waiting for break throughs. If you want to pose irrelevent questions, or make insulting and biased passing remarks, please make a thread elsewhere from this site; preferebly on your own facebook blogs where you can interact with people on your own level.

Families are reading, and living in hope of closure. Please, please remember that.

No. It is a nice consideration...but its not going to happen.

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By the way, gangsters do not kill with wooden sticks or hoes. If they do, they don't leave them behind. Nor they leave semen or any traces that will lead to them. This wasn't a gangster. More of want to be a gangster.

Know all about gangsters do you? Know all about Thais as well?

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One thing that surprised me about Ko Toa is how late its bars shut. Walking home in the dark on a beach pitch black isn't a good idea. Why did they return to their hotel that way is there lit up areas on the beach now? I've been there twice and there was no lighting next to the beach. Also there is news reports of a second weapon a stick, can anyone confirm this? And the Chris Ware going home is to me strange, if it were my best mate from childhood killed I'd stay and try to help find out who did this to him. The gangster theory seems a little far fetched more over its a national vacationing on Ko To a who has returned home by now.

People like walking along the beach at night because it is a beautiful place. They certainly don't do it to get themselves raped and murdered.

Yes, the Chris Ware thing is strange - some people are strange. But the DNA testing appears to have cleared him.

The gangster theory is farfetched? Really? Why? They are everywhere in Thailand. A vacationing Thai? You think there are no gangsters on Koh Tao? That's a bit naive. Pick an island - any island - and it has a local mafia or three.. .and Koh Tao's is small and totally insular. You'd have trouble getting anyone to bear witness against such a person, unless the police jailed all of the guy's friends and all of his family.

The scenario that has been looming in my mind the whole time has been: Entitled youngster (that's 20s to me) of local mafia family - and one or two of his mates.... used to acting with total impunity, which, over the years, has made the little bastard into an egomaniacal bastard, capable of almost anything. Zipped on speed and booze - the world's best combination for having stupid ideas and actually following through on them. They decide to follow these two or happen upon them and decide to have a go at the girl, and things turn uglier and uglier. If there'd been an argument between the tourists and someone who fancies himself as a local "big dick" with an even more inflated (and falsely based) sense of pride than your average Thai male, that would make perfect sense - and explain the heights of the anger and cruelty. Speeding off his teats, he rounds up a mate or two to "teach them a lesson about who is important around here and showing "the proper respect." And, as always in his life... he gets away with it.

This was the first scenario dreamed up by most people who have lived here awhile... it was certainly the first guess of several people I know who lived in Koh Tao for extended periods. But these police clowns, keen not to implicate a Thai, in line with the nationalistic fantasies of their boss, (Quote: "I cannot believe a Thai person did this"), have been bungling about Keystone-style trying to blame migrant workers who normally wouldn't say boo to a mouse... aggressive Burmese migrant workers don't last long in places like koh Tao - they have no protection whatsoever, and as we have seen, are the first people to get blamed. Koh Tao would not be the place to be a Burmese criminal.

So finally they get on the right track... and it will be too late, and the guy will get away with it.

After 20 years on the islands I can say: Spot on.
It has here on the islands, many thai adolescents with rich parents.
Many do not work and some take all kinds of crazy drugs.
At night to come in conflicts with these groups of intoxicated mongoloids is dangerous.


So pretty much is being said here is that there's a good chance this is now a cover-up......which has been mentioned in several posts over the past few days......

I'de have to agree.....Koh Tao is small......everyone know what's happening.......

If correct.....it's a terrible indictment of Thai policing and government to allow this to go on!

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This is not really surprising, but again the BIB then bring drugs into it, almost appears that they wish to tarnish the victims of this heinous crime. I've said from the start, it was someone connected, and this is a cover up. Nothing so far has led me to change this belief.

The eyes of the world are on The BIB and so far they haven't disappointed in confirming their reputation.

Just speculation? I haven't seen anywhere that any drugs were found on or in victims bodies.

Apparently the police have done tests for drugs and are not releasing the results out of respect to the family?.......

Another drug that could potentially be involved is one of the date rape drugs, which are prevalent in Thailand as well.

If you ingest a little bit of a date rape drug, you can get a type of ecstatic high with total loss of inhibition ... if you ingest more, you can end up in a "walking blackout" where you are still active but have no inhibitions at all and no conscious idea what you are doing (the video in your brain shuts off--this is used by thieves to get people literally to go to ATMs and withdraw money without being aware of it, or rapists to get unknowing cooperation from their victims) and afterwards you pass out and wake up with zero memory of what happened...and if you ingest even more, it knocks you out cold and some people never wake up.

If the victims were offered a bucket drink or other drink laced with this drug, they could have been rendered helpless and unable to resist. This could explain how they could be overcome with no shouts or screams and little resistance.

And if the police have tested for and found a date rape drug is the victims' systems, they would not want to reveal that and tip people off (assuming someone is now thinking professionally and logically) because it would go a long ways towards pinpointing possible suspects---e.g. who was dealing and buying this drug, which would be a lot less people than yaba.

Yaba or something similarly crazy-making was likely involved on the killer's end, but it could have been a date-rape mickey on the victims' side.

You seem to know all about about how it could have happened... Perhaps the police should be talking to you.

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So "everybody" knows that yaba is available in certain bars? And why have the police not shut down or raided those bars? Is the police in Thailand even supporting drugs and narcotics? Is there no limits to how low they can sink?

many people have asked that question, and so far the answer always comes back as "not yet"

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This is not really surprising, but again the BIB then bring drugs into it, almost appears that they wish to tarnish the victims of this heinous crime. I've said from the start, it was someone connected, and this is a cover up. Nothing so far has led me to change this belief.

The eyes of the world are on The BIB and so far they haven't disappointed in confirming their reputation.

Just speculation? I haven't seen anywhere that any drugs were found on or in victims bodies.

Apparently the police have done tests for drugs and are not releasing the results out of respect to the family?.......

Another drug that could potentially be involved is one of the date rape drugs, which are prevalent in Thailand as well.

If you ingest a little bit of a date rape drug, you can get a type of ecstatic high with total loss of inhibition ... if you ingest more, you can end up in a "walking blackout" where you are still active but have no inhibitions at all and no conscious idea what you are doing (the video in your brain shuts off--this is used by thieves to get people literally to go to ATMs and withdraw money without being aware of it, or rapists to get unknowing cooperation from their victims) and afterwards you pass out and wake up with zero memory of what happened...and if you ingest even more, it knocks you out cold and some people never wake up.

If the victims were offered a bucket drink or other drink laced with this drug, they could have been rendered helpless and unable to resist. This could explain how they could be overcome with no shouts or screams and little resistance.

And if the police have tested for and found a date rape drug is the victims' systems, they would not want to reveal that and tip people off (assuming someone is now thinking professionally and logically) because it would go a long ways towards pinpointing possible suspects---e.g. who was dealing and buying this drug, which would be a lot less people than yaba.

Yaba or something similarly crazy-making was likely involved on the killer's end, but it could have been a date-rape mickey on the victims' side.

Maybe that is why David took all his clothes and shoes off, they were wacked out of their minds, since the clothes were still lying there when they were found.

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I would just mention that the notion that no Thai would do such a thing, and it must be foreigners - probably from Burma or Cambodia- is widespread among Thais, not just the BiB.

My adult stepson is currently in UK, and assures everyone that no Thai could have done this. He gets genuinely upset to think a Thai could have done it.

And he may shortly embark on a career with none other than the Royal Thai Police.......which I suspect will be an education to us both.

That is standard "denial". in thailand such denial is widespread due to face and nationalism and fear of accepting accountability/responsibility. Variants of it are no stranger even in well developed countries. subsets of people in denial/refusing to even ponder the idea that their own could have done such a heinous thing (even despite a wealth of highly credible scientific forensic evidence and analyses)

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someone surmised 'we know the woman shared a cigg with the killer.' We don't know that. She could have chucked the butt and he picked it up and took a hit. I've seen that happen.

Obviously by local gangster they mean a foreign criminal who lives locally, not a local man, not a THAI!! That would be impossible to imagine it would seem.

This is when you find out what I suspect already about Resorts in Thailand, The locals look at the Tourists as lumps of meat with large wallets. If it is a "Local" who committed this crime then another local will know who it is , a local will know if someone has disappeared. So the question is will a Thai inform on a Thai for killing and diving away their bread and butter

There are very likely some others (bartender, other locals) who have a strong idea who the killers are. In Thailand, it's not a crime to harbor a fugitive of a crime. It's also not a crime to lie to police or withhold key info. Lying is endemic. If you don't believe me, take a look at what a politician says. People who tell the truth or volunteer key info, are considered whimps, or worse. There's also the possibility that, the tough guys who did this crime are going to seriously harm anyone (particularly a local) who speaks out. That's a given. This is Asia.

The reward should be upped to 300,000 baht for info leading to a conviction. Perhaps T.Visa posters can donate to a fund.

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From day one I have begged the investigation team to look at Mafia/Gangters from the local Thai population.

A No Brainer actually.

I am certain they appreciate the insight and assistance from all the farang Sherlock Holmes types who were not witness to the crime stepping forward to tell them how to run their investigation.

The fact they have not arrested you for bothering them is a testament to the good nature and patience that Thai Police have towards farangs.

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So they have an argument in a bar and no one sees anything? The barman, security staff, other patrons? A local gangster? No one knows who this is? Selling drugs? No one knows who sells drugs there? Did the police not interview everyone from that bar immediately while the island was in lock down?

Local guy tries to chat up the girl, she rejects him, he gets angry,the guy steps in, local guy storms off, the girl follows to calm him down, shares a cigarette with him,the western guy sees she's gone and goes to look for her, finds the local guy raping her, intervenes and gets taken out by the local guy and his accomplice.

All these full moon parties and the drugs that go with them should banned forthwith.

Who could be involved in the drug trade there I wonder? You know, who would turn a blind eye for a share of the profits?

Regardless, the perpetrator is long gone but will probably return after this is all forgotten which will be in a couple of weeks when the police come up with nothing and the media find something else to tittilate the public with.

I would be very surprised if this gets solved but I hope it does.

I'm not sure why its the parties' fault. FYI the drugs are banned...and coincidentally, that's why gangsters sell them :). If they weren't banned they'd be available at the local "drug" store...gangsters would have to find something else to do.

As to the gansters involved, I can't imagine non-local gangters having free reign to do what ever it is that they do on someone else's island. So lets say, probably local. either to Koh Tao or Phaa Ngan. Definitely, someone knows on the islands...

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From day one I have begged the investigation team to look at Mafia/Gangters from the local Thai population.

A No Brainer actually.

I am certain they appreciate the insight and assistance from all the farang Sherlock Holmes types who were not witness to the crime stepping forward to tell them how to run their investigation.

The fact they have not arrested you for bothering them is a testament to the good nature and patience that Thai Police have towards farangs.

Dream on keyboard warrior. If you don't like the thread and reality...go read Dr. Seus.
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One thing that surprised me about Ko Toa is how late its bars shut. Walking home in the dark on a beach pitch black isn't a good idea. Why did they return to their hotel that way is there lit up areas on the beach now? I've been there twice and there was no lighting next to the beach. Also there is news reports of a second weapon a stick, can anyone confirm this? And the Chris Ware going home is to me strange, if it were my best mate from childhood killed I'd stay and try to help find out who did this to him. The gangster theory seems a little far fetched more over its a national vacationing on Ko To a who has returned home by now.

mate its dark at 7pm

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The PM should unblock the DM website and the police can learn who to speak to without having to actually having to do the hard work!

You mean Daily Mail -= DM Website?

Is not blocked in the moment, was once when I tried yesterday evening, but not now, whistling.gif

From Udon Thani in the countryside.


i live in Udon Thani and use True Hi-Speed Internet. The Daily Mail site is blocked as is any news item on Yahoo UK etc which is sourced to the Mail.

I use TRUE Hi Speed Internet and is not blocked since yesterday, same I wrote in my mail. rolleyes.gif

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I'm not a 'profiler', but I imagine the instigator of the rape as a young (maximum thirties) 'Asian' 'macho-man', a well-known (personally, or family?), respected (feared?) individual, he is (excessively) proud and has a very strong ego (not accepting any contradiction), for whom violence is a normal way to express his dominance, he has a clean and well mannered appearance (education?), is able to come over as sympathetic (to the guys) and even charming (for the ladies), he speaks quite good English (for an 'Asian'). He has (at least) one 'friend' (follower, lieutenant, body guard?) who mostly accompanies him to 'serve' him (and add to his perceived 'importance'), and he is able to call in 'manpower' (other 'Asians') to give him a hand, available at any time, and on short notice (present in the surroundings). Ms Hannah could have (and maybe not for the first time) rejected him, and resisted him, 'leading' him to rape her, together with his 'friend', while the called-in two, or three, 'helpers' attacked the (strongly built) Mr David, who had answered Ms H's calls for help. They were prepared for a 'rough job' as they had brought some metal pipes/iron bars (many 'Asians' keep ready in their car/boat/bike), and the poor Gentleman succombed, hit hard and drawned. Was this murder planned? I'm not sure at all, but when 'Asians' meet any resistance and start fighting, there is nothing to stop them, all fuses blown. Was Ms H's murder planned? I don't think so, the idea must have come up after Mr D's death, because the brave Ms H (who was by then also probably aware something very wrong had happened to Mr D) did not surrender or give up, but at that time the weapons used to kill Mr D had already been cleaned and disposed of/stored, one of the four remembered to have seen a hoe closeby... All pure conjecture, but quite realistic IMHO.

But then why was David naked? He was either there already and had stripped down himself, or they stripped his body and left all his clothing and shoes there which doesn't make sense.

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From day one I have begged the investigation team to look at Mafia/Gangters from the local Thai population.

A No Brainer actually.

I am certain they appreciate the insight and assistance from all the farang Sherlock Holmes types who were not witness to the crime stepping forward to tell them how to run their investigation.

The fact they have not arrested you for bothering them is a testament to the good nature and patience that Thai Police have towards farangs.

Dream on keyboard warrior. If you don't like the thread and reality...go read Dr. Seus.

Quite to the contrary, I find the thread enlightening and the insights of so many of the members are truly enlightening...yours included.

Its quite fascinating to see the expectations that farang have here that they would never have back home.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'm not a 'profiler', but I imagine the instigator of the rape as a young (maximum thirties) 'Asian' 'macho-man', a well-known (personally, or family?), respected (feared?) individual, he is (excessively) proud and has a very strong ego (not accepting any contradiction), for whom violence is a normal way to express his dominance, he has a clean and well mannered appearance (education?), is able to come over as sympathetic (to the guys) and even charming (for the ladies), he speaks quite good English (for an 'Asian'). He has (at least) one 'friend' (follower, lieutenant, body guard?) who mostly accompanies him to 'serve' him (and add to his perceived 'importance'), and he is able to call in 'manpower' (other 'Asians') to give him a hand, available at any time, and on short notice (present in the surroundings). Ms Hannah could have (and maybe not for the first time) rejected him, and resisted him, 'leading' him to rape her, together with his 'friend', while the called-in two, or three, 'helpers' attacked the (strongly built) Mr David, who had answered Ms H's calls for help. They were prepared for a 'rough job' as they had brought some metal pipes/iron bars (many 'Asians' keep ready in their car/boat/bike), and the poor Gentleman succombed, hit hard and drawned. Was this murder planned? I'm not sure at all, but when 'Asians' meet any resistance and start fighting, there is nothing to stop them, all fuses blown. Was Ms H's murder planned? I don't think so, the idea must have come up after Mr D's death, because the brave Ms H (who was by then also probably aware something very wrong had happened to Mr D) did not surrender or give up, but at that time the weapons used to kill Mr D had already been cleaned and disposed of/stored, one of the four remembered to have seen a hoe closeby... All pure conjecture, but quite realistic IMHO.

"I'm not a 'profiler', but I imagine the instigator of the rape as a young (maximum thirties) 'Asian' 'macho-man' ..."

Someone on Thai Visa imagining the perpetrator (of any crime ever committed) to be a Thai man. How novel.

Imagination is a wonderful thing. For children it enables them to have hopes and dreams. For adults it acts as a substitute for their personal drab & dreary realty.

Peter Pan & Tinkerbelle ... not just for children anymore.

From day one I have begged the investigation team to look at Mafia/Gangters from the local Thai population.
A No Brainer actually.

A No Brainer actually.

You speak with a certain amount of authority then.

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Has it really taken them a week to find out what many expected from the start. I am sure half of koh Tao knows exactly who did it. I would also be sure the local police know exactly who did it.

How they can keep this under wraps is shocking, especially now bkk police are involved.

Things need to change Thailand, the eyes of the world are on you.

So sorry for the 2 souls, and the family they were taken from.

yes few tourists understand this or realise that these are like backwood little communities with their own secrets that they visit and party in. I'm sure European tourists are nice people but to give an analogy of how inappropriate some of their behavior and the places they are visiting is, imagine a couple of black people visiting a Southern white bible belt town in the 1950s to party and dance. On the surface people are polite - albeit with their racial slurs used in front of them - but there are always some others that want to do harm to them.

Why people would go to a dive resort island to get drunk and drugged is their own choice, but don't forget they really are putting themselves into danger, bikini or no bikini, male or female, young or old, asian or farang.

Edited by Time Traveller
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A local gangster huh, known to the local police no doubt. So what happens next, something, nothing.

In line with the usual process of these threads I will continue to speculate.

So the police will now shut down all the scams and activities of the local underworld until the person of interest is grassed. As is the usual method employed when the crooks over step the mark, in other countries. Things maybe different and usually are in Thailand.

Business will resume when said person is interviewed and charged if guilty.

Edited by Oziex1
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So they have an argument in a bar and no one sees anything? The barman, security staff, other patrons? A local gangster? No one knows who this is? Selling drugs? No one knows who sells drugs there? Did the police not interview everyone from that bar immediately while the island was in lock down?

Local guy tries to chat up the girl, she rejects him, he gets angry,the guy steps in, local guy storms off, the girl follows to calm him down, shares a cigarette with him,the western guy sees she's gone and goes to look for her, finds the local guy raping her, intervenes and gets taken out by the local guy and his accomplice.

All these full moon parties and the drugs that go with them should banned forthwith.

Who could be involved in the drug trade there I wonder? You know, who would turn a blind eye for a share of the profits?

Regardless, the perpetrator is long gone but will probably return after this is all forgotten which will be in a couple of weeks when the police come up with nothing and the media find something else to tittilate the public with.

I would be very surprised if this gets solved but I hope it does.

This case will not get solved. Don't be surprised if on the end they will find a scapegoat and he will be shot for resisting arrest.

Script writers? rolleyes.gif

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One thing that surprised me about Ko Toa is how late its bars shut. Walking home in the dark on a beach pitch black isn't a good idea. Why did they return to their hotel that way is there lit up areas on the beach now? I've been there twice and there was no lighting next to the beach. Also there is news reports of a second weapon a stick, can anyone confirm this? And the Chris Ware going home is to me strange, if it were my best mate from childhood killed I'd stay and try to help find out who did this to him. The gangster theory seems a little far fetched more over its a national vacationing on Ko To a who has returned home by now.

People like walking along the beach at night because it is a beautiful place. They certainly don't do it to get themselves raped and murdered.

Yes, the Chris Ware thing is strange - some people are strange. But the DNA testing appears to have cleared him.

The gangster theory is farfetched? Really? Why? They are everywhere in Thailand. A vacationing Thai? You think there are no gangsters on Koh Tao? That's a bit naive. Pick an island - any island - and it has a local mafia or three.. .and Koh Tao's is small and totally insular. You'd have trouble getting anyone to bear witness against such a person, unless the police jailed all of the guy's friends and all of his family.

The scenario that has been looming in my mind the whole time has been: Entitled youngster (that's 20s to me) of local mafia family - and one or two of his mates.... used to acting with total impunity, which, over the years, has made the little bastard into an egomaniacal bastard, capable of almost anything. Zipped on speed and booze - the world's best combination for having stupid ideas and actually following through on them. They decide to follow these two or happen upon them and decide to have a go at the girl, and things turn uglier and uglier. If there'd been an argument between the tourists and someone who fancies himself as a local "big dick" with an even more inflated (and falsely based) sense of pride than your average Thai male, that would make perfect sense - and explain the heights of the anger and cruelty. Speeding off his teats, he rounds up a mate or two to "teach them a lesson about who is important around here and showing "the proper respect." And, as always in his life... he gets away with it.

This was the first scenario dreamed up by most people who have lived here awhile... it was certainly the first guess of several people I know who lived in Koh Tao for extended periods. But these police clowns, keen not to implicate a Thai, in line with the nationalistic fantasies of their boss, (Quote: "I cannot believe a Thai person did this"), have been bungling about Keystone-style trying to blame migrant workers who normally wouldn't say boo to a mouse... aggressive Burmese migrant workers don't last long in places like koh Tao - they have no protection whatsoever, and as we have seen, are the first people to get blamed. Koh Tao would not be the place to be a Burmese criminal.

So finally they get on the right track... and it will be too late, and the guy will get away with it.

After 20 years on the islands I can say: Spot on.
It has here on the islands, many thai adolescents with rich parents.
Many do not work and some take all kinds of crazy drugs.
At night to come in conflicts with these groups of intoxicated mongoloids is dangerous.


So pretty much is being said here is that there's a good chance this is now a cover-up......which has been mentioned in several posts over the past few days......

I'de have to agree.....Koh Tao is small......everyone know what's happening.......

If correct.....it's a terrible indictment of Thai policing and government to allow this to go on!

And who exactly is going to stop 'allowing' this to go on? And how? And when?

There is no possible good outcome to this case. Killer(s) will still be around, tourists will continue staying on the island. Life, except for the victims, goes on.

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This is the generals moment .

He can become "internationally credible " If he has the stomach to crucify the criminals" not literally , but figuratively tough….

Even if protected - arrest them…..

If he transcends the red tape and give "US westerners "" our justice he will indeed be able to deem himself "an arrival on the world stage""

But execution is very necessary to heal these deep wounds ….

You can become very believable if you arrest and kill these bastards

Fully agree, nice tactic. Say something then retract it .Then say something else, retract it again.

Make that a few weeks and people will not know what was said and what not. Soon, soon

people lose interest, the case could quietly be adjusted to ???? and once a culprit is found

everyone is just happy the case is closed. bah.gif

Although I am entirely against capital punishment. I agree with you. Some serious, broadcasted

trials with international observers would demonstrate the international community how serious

the government is in combating corruption and restoring safety to the country for everyone here.

Although the executions would immediately cause international condemnation, Thai people would

maybe take notice and realise very quickly - a new Daddy is in town. A smack on the fingers,

a wai, mai pen arai and goodbye doesn't work anymore. goof.gif

Now I wonder, why has a company in Singapore made the DNA testing and not the FBI?

Could it be, that "private" labor tests are easier to lose than if the FBI would have samples? sick.gif

I hope people don't suddenly think there could be some very, very powerful people with some

real spoiled kids here on the island under the protection of even bigger friends higher up

tampering with evidence? Don't think things like that couldn't happen, now could they? coffee1.gif

Edited by JoeLing
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Yet another press release.......this is investigation/trial by media and just serves to give an even stronger impression of how little the police seem to know about conducting an investigation of this nature

Well sometimes police press releases do serve a useful purpose.

LONDON — British police apologized Wednesday for using a stun gun to subdue a blind stroke victim they wrongly thought was carrying a samurai sword, a bizarre case of mistaken identity that left the man fearing for his life.


Speaking of stronger perceptions of ineptitude, the Brits are miles ahead of Thai police and probably have a whole department solely for alerting the public to their latest cockup.

Edited by Suradit69
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So they have an argument in a bar and no one sees anything? The barman, security staff, other patrons? A local gangster? No one knows who this is? Selling drugs? No one knows who sells drugs there? Did the police not interview everyone from that bar immediately while the island was in lock down?

Local guy tries to chat up the girl, she rejects him, he gets angry,the guy steps in, local guy storms off, the girl follows to calm him down, shares a cigarette with him,the western guy sees she's gone and goes to look for her, finds the local guy raping her, intervenes and gets taken out by the local guy and his accomplice.

All these full moon parties and the drugs that go with them should banned forthwith.

Who could be involved in the drug trade there I wonder? You know, who would turn a blind eye for a share of the profits?

Regardless, the perpetrator is long gone but will probably return after this is all forgotten which will be in a couple of weeks when the police come up with nothing and the media find something else to tittilate the public with.

I would be very surprised if this gets solved but I hope it does.

This case will not get solved. Don't be surprised if on the end they will find a scapegoat and he will be shot for resisting arrest.

My money would be on the scapegoat hanging himself with the strings from his flip-flops.

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