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Post from UK not arriving .......


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I've been here a few years and never really had a problem with the post. But this year the following hasn't been delivered:

1. Amazon package containing 2 CDs

2. Birthday card from Daughter

3. Birthday card from Sister

4. Package with a tiny cycle part from small British cycle shop

5. 2nd package from same shop

6. Parcel containing 3 specialist books

7. CD of my daughter's wedding in a padded envelope

That's a lot of annoying stuff really. My local post office is Hang Dong.

Does anyone else have problems in this area? Is this local or national?

Who can I raise this matter with?

Thanks for your anticipated input!!!

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I had a little trouble in BWT, but I thought it was the combination of Section/Sub-section/soi/house number. I'm having great luck in my Suthep condo. My parents repackage for me. I use the POs website to make the label, and the customs form is integrated into the mailing label, and I get a 10% discount. My mom says they seem surprised that someone actually knows how to ship overseas and all she does it hand it to them. We gamble on no tracking once it leaves the US. Just had 8 pairs of cotton socks arrive in 9 days......unopened in BKK.

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Just had a mini pc delivered from UK, plus another parcel with the cables etc in

no problem, took 7 days, ordered some stuff from China,because it had batteries

in it was sent by Swedish post !, from China,that took about a month.

I would not be so quick to blame all the non delivery on Thai postmen/women,

as seen a program once about Royal Mail,and the people working there,lots

of them could not speak English ,never mind read it. I have had a couple of

birthday cards cut open and resealed ,that was Thai post,think the UK thieves

would just have took any monies and threw the cards away.

regards worgeordie

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Strangely I've never had a problem, it might sound smug but I haven't.

Some years ago I sent my address in Thai printed out with the wife's name, to people who might send things.

Fairly big writing and the people I know who are writing to me or sending stuff just stick it on with clear sellotape.

I've received stuff without problem from iHerb, Amazon and eBay, but obviously the address was in English.

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I generally find the post from the UK ok, I have recently had quite a lot by standard post, no tracking etc eg. baby clothes and stuff, no problem.

BUT my Mum does wrap the stuff appallingly, you wouldn't think there was anything of any value the way she wraps stuff! Even I am surprised it gets here at all!

The only good thing about the packages, is that I printed off a load of address labels for her and I ensure she covers the address (which is in English) with clear tape to make the address waterproof.

Edited by kjhbigv
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Any small packages (from anywhere, not just UK) no problems at all, but I'm afraid I have to report about a 50-50 chance of birthday and Christmas cards arriving. To be honest, it's probably less than 50%, people don't always let you know that they've sent them, and we never think to ask.

I did get a fantastic surprise recently though from my 10/11 year old niece - a hand-written 3 page letter! Not so much the letter it'self, just family gossip and something about her current favourite pop band, and a boy called Jonathan, but a letter. Written, not typed, very neatly I have to say. And only 1 spelling mistake and 2 grammatical errors! Maybe, just maybe all of those years of my subtle and not so subtle nagging has paid off. With so few mistakes, she must have been concentrating and trying really, really hard.

To say it made my day is the understatement of the year decade. Husband said 'I wonder why she didn't just send an email rather than going to the trouble and expense of sending a letter'. I suppose you either get it or you don't.

As an aside, I need to find a way to let a girl from the Boro know that 'yous' is not a word, I've tried a lot of things and nothing has worked so far. Her teachers obviously don't care, because I've seen her school books and it hasn't been corrected. Any hints?

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If you live in 'the sticks' it may be worth getting a P.O. box at your nearest large post office. I used to live about 30km outside Khon Kaen, in a very small village and often had problems with mail being delivered to the house, I got a P.O. box in Khon Kaen and (I think) I have not had a problem since. Costs 500 baht per year and I even get UK bank cards delivered without a problem.

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A post office box would be ideal for us, we don't a lot of mail mostly TOT bills Central telling us about special offers or events. Wouldn't hurt us to check it once a month, more regularly if we are expecting something. Can anyone tell me where the closest post office which offers this service to Rimping Condo is and how we go about getting a box please. I assume parcels and packages would be in the store room with a card in your box to let you know that something is there for collection, the same way they do it in Australia

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Everything from UK always seems to get here - just received two items today (UK-CM)....one of the reasons I try to order from sources there....HK & China are good too.....only place I've not had packages arrive from are the US.....go figure.....

Our address is in English & we use my wife's name as the first of the two showing with our family name hyphenated after that.....

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