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Is Thailand Safe?

BKK Blues Brother

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Im CM I knew 5 people who died in the last couple of years (before their time).

Dutch guy 38, died of liver failure, alcoholic.

Dutch guy 45, crashed m/c while drunk, not dead but vegetative.

Filipino drug dealer, fell in the shower.

Irish guy, fell in the shower.

Swedish guy, found dead at side of road, assumed hit and run.

(CM seems to have shower fallers, like Pattaya has balcony jumpers)

Back in the US, none apart from natural causes.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Not just about murders but also about road traffic accidents....

A recent study by the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute confirmed what many already know about Thailand: that being on the road there can be a treacherous business. Thailand ranked number two in the university’s study of road fatalities in the world, with 44 road deaths per 100,000 people. It was second only to Namibia, which had 45 road deaths per 100,000. Fatalities from road accidents made up 5.1 percent of Thailand’s overall deaths.sad.png

The Thais found an ingenious way of reducing the statistics recently - if you still have a pulse when you are taken off in the ambulance you are not a fatality, even if you die five minutes later. Hence some statistics on this subject show the numbers of fatalities decreasing in recent years when the reality is quite the opposite.whistling.gif w00t.gif blink.png


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I've felt safer in Thailand than I have in say London, Manchester, Sydney, Brisbane, Amsterdam.

The one and only time I haven't felt safe in Thailand was when I was traveling in a mini bus!

Brisbane !! you have got to be kidding. It is one of the most 'laid back' cities in the world, probably more known for its sleepiness after dark.

But then i guess you had to reel off a few places just to let us know that you have travelled..........Brisbane unsafe ! i can't stop laughing. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I feel very safe in Thailand.My 12 years here have seen me visit many parts of Central and northern Thailand, never been to The south islands as every time i read about phuket, khao Samui etc, there seems to be an unsavory element there, maybe south thailand people are more aggressive, not sure.Always seems to be a bigger Mafia element and corrupt cops.

Now, aggressive westerners,thats a different topic.

Nothing wrong with Koh Samui. i moved down here 8 years ago and love the place. When i go away i am always relieved to return home to KS. You should come have a look and make your own mind up.

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I was born and brought up in Poole. There are more murders of Brits per year in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year that Thailand over the last 5 years.

Strangely enough that is a holiday destination too.

Why do.people keep flogging this idea inspite of numerous statistics to prove it is untrue by a massive margin?

I wondered that too.

Home office claim 500-600 murders a year in the UK.

UN claim 5000-6000 murders a year in Thailand.

Maybe those figures are inaccurate, but not that inaccurate.

Very easy to google "murders in XXX" for yourself.

I originate from the Blandford area. On a visit back last year i was struck by the run down dismal depressing areas of the places you describe. No wonder there is so much crime, all topped off with the lack of sunshine. Nothing wrong with life here on Koh Samui

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Over the years I have traveled,Europe,US,Central,South America,Pacific islands,inc PNG

Oz,Africa and Asia,the only place i felt uneasy was in the Bahamas,but nothing happened,

you just have to be-aware of your surroundings,not advisable to go drinking with people

you do not know,its all about common sense,but that seems to be in short supply where

some people are concerned.

It also helps if you look like a mugger,people tend to leave you alone,25 years living here,

no problems really,just a couple of road rage incidents that were dealt with.the roads are

the most dangerous places in Thailand by far

regards Worgeordie

Port Moresby PNG has a reputation for its danger, where non native people have to live in guarded compounds.

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You know the OP, by his own admission, is domiciled in the UK and has not commented since starting this Thread ... whistling.gif

A Troll ... probably not.

Paid to post ... rolleyes.gif ... jut read his history.

Haha. What's your deal?biggrin.png

If a topic hits 5000 views or 100 replies you get a soapy of a mod of your choicethumbsup.gif

Welcome back BKK BB ... the thread was feeling light on without your effervescent musings.

Actually, I've never had a 'Soapie' ... may I ask you ... what are they like?


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Is Thailand "safe"?

No it is not by Western Standards.

And all these statistics everyone is posting don't mean a darned thing.

The simple fact is the vast majority of violent crime in the US that your statistics represent occurs in very specific neighborhoods that tourists do not ever frequent unless they are looking to score drugs.

Furthermore, the video presented in the first page of the farang getting a beatdown by 5-6 locals on a busy street full of open businesses and pedestrians.

Americans do not group up and randomly gang attack a tourist or anyone else...and if, for the sake of argument, it did occur. Other pedestrians would be flooding 911 emergency services phonelines with calls and the police would be on scene in minutes and they would be making arrests. A paramedic team would be on site waiting for the police to issue an "all clear". If the attackers had escaped then detectives would be reviewing all CCTV available and arrest warrants issued and acted on.

It's inane to try and compare the personal security and safety aspects of Thailand and the US, as many like to remind us, one is a first world country and the other, a third world country. That having been said, I personally feel safer here than in the US or UK, not because both have 911 and rapid response armed police etc but because of the culture of the people, if you mind your own business here and are polite, you will not have a problem.

And the man in the video who got a good kicking: he deserved at least part of what he received, the video was taken years ago off Soi 5 in Lower Suckie, the man was very drunk and had seriously bad mouthed and been abusive to some local stall holders. Yes of course they went too far and the pack always forms in those situations, but hey, if the guy would have acted reasonably in the first place....!

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I was born and brought up in Poole. There are more murders of Brits per year in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year that Thailand over the last 5 years.

And how many Thais are murdered in Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset per year, or anywhere in the UK?

What a stupid remark! It's already been adequately demonstrated that Thailand is quite a dangerous place for Thai's whilst by comparison, the UK is a reasonably safe place for Brits, ergo, the UK is far safer for Thai's than is Thailand!

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It looks safe -- everyone is smiling and happy, right -- but truth is things can quickly descend into third world madness whether you're a seasoned visitor/expat that thinks they know it all or not. I no longer recommend it to people.

If you do not recommend to people, you really have no idea of what you are talking about... facepalm.gif Tourists come here by the hundreds of thousands have a great time, many come back year after year.... it's usually ones those that get mixed up in booze and drugs that have problems.... easily avoided... coffee1.gif

I agree with Oldsailor35 comments...^ thumbsup.gif

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It looks safe -- everyone is smiling and happy, right -- but truth is things can quickly descend into third world madness whether you're a seasoned visitor/expat that thinks they know it all or not. I no longer recommend it to people.

If you do not recommend to people, you really have no idea of what you are talking about... facepalm.gif Tourists come here by the hundreds of thousands have a great time, many come back year after year.... it's usually ones those that get mixed up in booze and drugs that have problems.... easily avoided... coffee1.gif

I agree with Oldsailor35 comments...^ thumbsup.gif

From the news reports I have read, none of the tourists ever murdered in Thailand appear to have been drunkard druggies.

The two in KT seemed like perfectly ordinary and respectable young couple, the lady murdered by the drunk didn't seem to have either of those problems, the couple shop by the policeman .... seems to me you are in denial.

Your post insults the memory of many innocent murdered tourists in Thailand.

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It looks safe -- everyone is smiling and happy, right -- but truth is things can quickly descend into third world madness whether you're a seasoned visitor/expat that thinks they know it all or not. I no longer recommend it to people.

If you do not recommend to people, you really have no idea of what you are talking about... facepalm.gif Tourists come here by the hundreds of thousands have a great time, many come back year after year.... it's usually ones those that get mixed up in booze and drugs that have problems.... easily avoided... coffee1.gif

I agree with Oldsailor35 comments...^ thumbsup.gif

From the news reports I have read, none of the tourists ever murdered in Thailand appear to have been drunkard druggies.

The two in KT seemed like perfectly ordinary and respectable young couple, the lady murdered by the drunk didn't seem to have either of those problems, the couple shop by the policeman .... seems to me you are in denial.

Your post insults the memory of many innocent murdered tourists in Thailand.

That is why I used the word "usually", .... I am not it denial at all, in the real world sadly bad things happen in every country....

It was not just a comment about the unfortunate, particular case....or any other murder or attack on people here... it happens...

Generally speaking Thailand is a safe place... but things happen here, as they do everywhere...including the UK, US etc etc....

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Is Thailand "safe"?

No it is not by Western Standards.

And all these statistics everyone is posting don't mean a darned thing.

The simple fact is the vast majority of violent crime in the US that your statistics represent occurs in very specific neighborhoods that tourists do not ever frequent unless they are looking to score drugs.

Furthermore, the video presented in the first page of the farang getting a beatdown by 5-6 locals on a busy street full of open businesses and pedestrians.

Americans do not group up and randomly gang attack a tourist or anyone else...and if, for the sake of argument, it did occur. Other pedestrians would be flooding 911 emergency services phonelines with calls and the police would be on scene in minutes and they would be making arrests. A paramedic team would be on site waiting for the police to issue an "all clear". If the attackers had escaped then detectives would be reviewing all CCTV available and arrest warrants issued and acted on.

It's inane to try and compare the personal security and safety aspects of Thailand and the US, as many like to remind us, one is a first world country and the other, a third world country. That having been said, I personally feel safer here than in the US or UK, not because both have 911 and rapid response armed police etc but because of the culture of the people, if you mind your own business here and are polite, you will not have a problem.

And the man in the video who got a good kicking: he deserved at least part of what he received, the video was taken years ago off Soi 5 in Lower Suckie, the man was very drunk and had seriously bad mouthed and been abusive to some local stall holders. Yes of course they went too far and the pack always forms in those situations, but hey, if the guy would have acted reasonably in the first place....!

Thanks for such a good chuckle.

So every post on here that compares how they feel safer in Thailand than their 1st world home countries is acceptable but as soon as I contrast the differences then any comparison is inane?


I am not certain where you are from but in the US when someone is drunk or mentally challenged and starts to badmouth an American, we don't all gang up and kick the living ,!.$:'s out of them.

But you keep telling yourself whatever you need to.

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not sure but i live part time on koh phangan and have no concerns

Do you walk the beaches at night?

My wife and I stayed on Koh Samui for 3 months each of the previous two years. I am old and am back home from dining by 9:00 each evening but typically practice yoga or go for a run on the beach at 4:00 to 6:00 each morning.

I have had some confrontations at those pre-dawn hours. A group of farang hooligans through a couple beer bottles, but a few occasions local Thai drinking in a group on the beach have attempted to intimidate me.

The good thing is by that hour the dregs on the beach are quite intoxicated.

All of the Thai people my wife knows insist she should not allow me to go to the beach at that hour because of the risk of danger--the local Thai people give this warning.

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The simple fact is the vast majority of violent crime in the US that your statistics represent occurs in very specific neighborhoods that tourists do not ever frequent unless they are looking to score drugs.

Swap drugs for prostitutes and you've summed up the situation here.

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It looks safe -- everyone is smiling and happy, right -- but truth is things can quickly descend into third world madness whether you're a seasoned visitor/expat that thinks they know it all or not. I no longer recommend it to people.

If you do not recommend to people, you really have no idea of what you are talking about... facepalm.gif Tourists come here by the hundreds of thousands have a great time, many come back year after year.... it's usually ones those that get mixed up in booze and drugs that have problems.... easily avoided... coffee1.gif

I agree with Oldsailor35 comments...^ thumbsup.gif

From the news reports I have read, none of the tourists ever murdered in Thailand appear to have been drunkard druggies.

The two in KT seemed like perfectly ordinary and respectable young couple, the lady murdered by the drunk didn't seem to have either of those problems, the couple shop by the policeman .... seems to me you are in denial.

Your post insults the memory of many innocent murdered tourists in Thailand.

That is why I used the word "usually", .... I am not it denial at all, in the real world sadly bad things happen in every country....

It was not just a comment about the unfortunate, particular case....or any other murder or attack on people here... it happens...

Generally speaking Thailand is a safe place... but things happen here, as they do everywhere...including the UK, US etc etc....

OK, so point me to a news story where a drunk drugged tourist was murdered in Thailand?

Just one?

(PS predictive text is getting out of hand, last post "drunk" = "monk", "shop" = "shot", I gotta work out how to turn it off)

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OK, so point me to a news story where a drunk drugged tourist was murdered in Thailand?

Just one?

(PS predictive text is getting out of hand, last post "drunk" = "monk", "shop" = "shot", I gotta work out how to turn it off)

I witness a drunk Russian get beaten to death. I contacted the news but nothing was printed.

O yea, the drunk Russian was causing trouble and was handcuffed when they attacked and bashed his head in.

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