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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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Thai women like men with lots of money that they can spend ad lib .

Thai women are turned off by tight fisted mean men , who control the spending ,

or men who simply don't have enough money . From my observation , aged , fat and ugly,

no problem for a young girl , as long as he has money to spend .

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thai women like a man (or men, multiple sponsors) that takes care of her, her family, her thai husband and children

thai men, hardly have any money , as the are poor, lazy , not the brightest in the bunch, even they are brought up that they are so special, like to gamble the family money away on booze & gambling

we call dawn syndrome children special

thai people call all their children special

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Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I have never met a farang who claimed his Thai wife was a virgin at the time they married, and will admit I am intrigued.

Any additional details you would care to share about your relationship with your wife would be appreciated.

I am curious about things like:

how old you and your wife were when you met.

how old you and your wife were when you married.

how you met.

the education level of your wife/your education level

your wife's socio-economic status at the time she met you

your socio-economic status at the time you met your wife

where you met (in Thailand or abroad? where in Thailand?)

how long you have been married

do you think financial gain played any role in your wife's decision to marry you.

the occupations of your wife's parents at the time you were married

a lot of questions Gecko...I will answer a some for you.

My wife was a university grad working in a bank in Thailand as a computer specialist when we met.

I was a university educated arborist/ horticulturist working in the US.

Neither of us had ever been married before and neither of us had planned to be married.

She was 34 and I was 48.

We have been married 13 years, have a 6 year old child and have lived together in both Thailand and the US.

My wife's father died when she was young and my wife has supported her mother since she graduated from the university.

Life is not always easy, we have had our ups and down, but I have a good wife and a good marriage.

The point I am trying to make is that the Thai woman I married is about a far from the money hungry, uneducated selfish play for pay Thai girls as you can get and I know there are many more like her.

I a man is looking for a good woman he needs to look at good women.....simple.

I think I am a lucky man.

I hope that satisfies your curiosity Gecko!

You must be a very very "hunsum" man.

She was 34 and virgin.

She had more money than you.

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Most ( but not all ) Thai Ladies are only interested in " The Money " and many are brainwashed into believing that all farang are rich.(although the farang are partly blamed for this too..) I always play the " poor farang " it sorts out who actually likes you for who you are! I like to socialize with all ladies but prefer the ones with normal jobs or who work on building sites or who just live a simple life.( just like myself ) I live in Thailand on a very small budget and live a very simple life spending my time outside walking and on the beach in the sunshine or riding my bicycle.But many Thai ladies are extremely materialistic which i find to be " a big turn off " and with many they constantly talk about " money " i switch off like a light and just walk away.(politely) I haven't been in a bar in Thailand for years ( i don't drink ) but it's not my thing and these types of ladies are there for business only ( which i fully respect )

Unfortunately the only test to see if the lady really likes you is just to " not mention money and not give her any money " if she is still in touch after 6 months then she likes you!

I find many Thai lades are very serious ( some smile but not all )

I enjoy life living alone,i have enjoyed being a " free spirit " for years.I have never had a Thai Girlfriend and to be honest i am not that interested.I like sunshine,very long walks,sunbathing,riding my bicycle,travelling by train and " acting a fool " ( something i have been doing for years ) Many of them just like to stay indoors all day and watch TV and play games on there mobile phones ( living with someone like that would " drive me absolutely nuts " )

When i was in Bangkok the other day and spotted a " huge queue of ladies " waiting to go into the " Louis Vuitton " Hand bag shop it made me realize why after 50 years in this world i am " still single " .........

F.J xwub.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think the police have turned over a new leaf and are going to pursue this case, no matter where or who it leads to. I believe it is because the army has their back; both to support them and to keep them on the straight and narrow path of righteousness.

If they can bring in the guilty parties and make a credible case against them (no matter who is their father), it will go a long way to restoring respect and confidence in the RTP.

You say the police have turned a new leaf regarding the case? Sure after nearly 2 weeks of trying to set people up, ignore the fact Thais could be involved, local enforcement probably covering things up, ignoring help from outside such as the FBI and having the entire world breaking their balls, good on them... alt=thumbsup.gif>

Sorry but I have no respect for them whatsoever, they handled this in a typical Thai manner, it was a circus and laughing stock, horrific images were leaked, the crime scene was a shambles with regards to how it was fenced off and investigated, the GENERAL and his outstanding bikini comment and who can forget blaming the victims friend on the grounds he was a potential homosexual. Yep, looks like Koh Tao and the rest of Thailand has a booming future

Anyone thats followed this case from the start, can clearly see the police did everything in their power to protect the killers and try to frame a scapegoat. Why anybody has any praise for this institution is quite beyond me. Considering that most reactions immediately after hearing of the crime location fingered the likely perps, the polices 2 weeks to get there and letting them run away isn't going to win any awards. Far worse than useless, and criminal charges must be brought against all the island police. life imprisonment for aiding and abetting murder, obstructing an investigation, hang em.

Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

That list covers ALL of us clap2.gif

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Agreed we only see the gold diggers as the stand out. But lets not forget that ordinary hard working men find women who are on the same level financially and they are happily together.

So I guess the "no money no honey" could be only a stereotype. However I hear from some Thai educated women that they would prefer to date somebody who has a stable job which is understandable.

Hmmm, an understandable job. Yeah, that does make a difference.

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From my experience Thai women want the same things in a man as most other women on the planet.

The worst gold digger I have ever experienced was Australian! She even demanded that I pay her $5000 to take full "custody" of MY DOG which I had before we were together.

My lady here has never asked me for a single baht.

It all depends on the individual.

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Hair face men.....they do not like hair face man..........Nah-grlee-it


Sometimes I sport a beard, sometimes I do not.

When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

The seem to like it.

My Thai wife prefers the beard.

She says " with no beard, you look like George Bush, and he is bad man!"

Smart wife!

Not always true. I had one Thai g/f that ask me to grow a beard. However, with the heat and humidity that was a non starter.

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Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I have never met a farang who claimed his Thai wife was a virgin at the time they married, and will admit I am intrigued.

Any additional details you would care to share about your relationship with your wife would be appreciated.

I am curious about things like:

how old you and your wife were when you met.

how old you and your wife were when you married.

how you met.

the education level of your wife/your education level

your wife's socio-economic status at the time she met you

your socio-economic status at the time you met your wife

where you met (in Thailand or abroad? where in Thailand?)

how long you have been married

do you think financial gain played any role in your wife's decision to marry you.

the occupations of your wife's parents at the time you were married

a lot of questions Gecko...I will answer a some for you.

My wife was a university grad working in a bank in Thailand as a computer specialist when we met.

I was a university educated arborist/ horticulturist working in the US

You were educated at university to be an arborist/ horticulturist?

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Q: What do Thai women look for in a man
A: Security, money, kindness.

Q: and what kind of men turn off Thai women?
A: Wife beaters, alcoholics and excessive smokers, drug bums, filthy men with hygiene issues, stingy men, men who think they need to apply strict rules and regulations to everything, control freaks...

Hope this helps.

Forgot - men with beards also are not very popular...

Edited by catweazle
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You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

Everyone wants sufficient money to have a reasonable life so that's no different to any other country. Why bother with someone who has a minimum income to live here, although I do know of instances where that has happened. It is easier to find an Expat or foreigner who does not gamble, smoke and drink most of their money away and have a mia noi too. You may have noticed that very few Thai girls smoke, at least the decent ones and are frequently teetotal!

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When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

Yes...and I'm sure that if you have a hairy back and a tail, they'd want to touch that as well. But it doesn't mean they like a man with a hairy back and a tail. Just saying....

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Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I have never met a farang who claimed his Thai wife was a virgin at the time they married, and will admit I am intrigued.

Any additional details you would care to share about your relationship with your wife would be appreciated.

I am curious about things like:

how old you and your wife were when you met.

how old you and your wife were when you married.

how you met.

the education level of your wife/your education level

your wife's socio-economic status at the time she met you

your socio-economic status at the time you met your wife

where you met (in Thailand or abroad? where in Thailand?)

how long you have been married

do you think financial gain played any role in your wife's decision to marry you.

the occupations of your wife's parents at the time you were married

OMG' Would Hate to be betrothed to any of your family in case I never met the criteria ...... Ok, the guys showing off no need to get so in-depth because -- WHO CARES !!!!!

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but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me ... yes a real virgin.

you, you should be in the record books. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. If what you say is true, I tip my hat to you.

I will say that I think many guys are revisionist historians when they recount how they met their wives.

If I invited everyone on Thai Visa who claimed to have met their girlfriend/wife outside of an "entertainment" venue to a free reception at the best Japanese restaurant in Bangkok, and at the last minute required them to pass a polygraph before entering the party, I think I would have a mountain of uneaten leftover sushi on my hands. Just saying...

I don't have an agenda; it's just that these claims conflict with a decade's worth of observations and anecdotal evidence.

P.S. Thanks for answering my earlier questions.

Edited by Gecko123
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Well I must say viewers if I met a snooty Thai lady in Bangkok with 2 houses,cars,speedboat but she was a materialistic snob and I met a Thai lady who sweeps the road for 300 baht a day.I would probably choose the lady who sweeps the road as it's about the person inside that counts! F.J x

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You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

To the OP, money every time, as far as appearances go, if you have plenty of money coming in all the time, all the tattoos, the fattest belly, and facial hair will not matter a jot. Apart from that, they look for nicely dressed guys, well groomed, good hygene, good manners, but shorts are a no no at the beginning of a relationship.

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