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What do Thai women look for in a man and what kind of men turn off Thai women?


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I own a bar in Chiang Mai. Some of the bar girls have been around while others are very new. Ignore all statements that mention - it is all about the money. The ladies of Thailand are no different than anyone, anyplace else. Why would a woman want to hook up with a poor man, a cheap man, a loser, etc? If they do, then you and them are both sincerely stupid and will have a miserable life.

In other words, put yourself in their position. You want to marry a poor man.

Thai ladies are no different than any ladies in the world except they have fewer choices to make in men. Whoever they choose will cheat on them. They know that. They also know that many farangs are no good. They degrade the ladies, Thailand, Asia, etc. They think they are superior. The ladies no like.

Lastly, they need to make money. So if you go out with a 22 year old and your 65 then she is probably after getting paid for her services. You are a fracking customer. Got it!!!! A customer who gets what she gives, you take, you pay and then you have the ordacity to consider her lesser than you. Thai women hate men who think they are better, richer, more intelligent, etc. The ladies know who they are.

It is you stupid farangs who cannot see yourself outside of your culture.

Show respect. Be nice. Don't be cheap. Don't be demanding. and for gods shake get rid of the gold around you neck.

It is all about money.
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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Agreed we only see the gold diggers as the stand out. But lets not forget that ordinary hard working men find women who are on the same level financially and they are happily together.

So I guess the "no money no honey" could be only a stereotype. However I hear from some Thai educated women that they would prefer to date somebody who has a stable job which is understandable.

The same goes for any woman from any country, they want a stable, successfull man they know they can rely on. SECURITY.

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LOL on the comments section - thought this would be an interesting post.

OK so - what turns an american woman on / off, Australian, Burmese, Eskimo?

It depends on the person, her background, how can anyone answer such a general question?

Marry a bar girl and expect problems - find a nice girl, treat her well - lifes great :)

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

Too lazy and unintelligent to learn Thai and can never pronounce right... Hey, that's ME. OMG.

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You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

To the OP, money every time, as far as appearances go, if you have plenty of money coming in all the time, all the tattoos, the fattest belly, and facial hair will not matter a jot. Apart from that, they look for nicely dressed guys, well groomed, good hygene, good manners, but shorts are a no no at the beginning of a relationship.

" No Shorts " ???? lol I am outside in the sun every day walking or on a bicycle- There is no way I am doing all that in " long trousers " ...... ( bugger that just for " a sniff of romance "....) lol

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This is,of course, complete nonsense.

There are gold diggers in every culture and every country; men and women!

My wife knows exactly how much income and capital I have. Was this a significant factor in her decision to live with me? No.

What she said was: I see from the way you talk to people you are polite and have a good heart; you dress in a way that tells me you are a confident person; look after yourself; you use every means you have..dictionaries..internet..etc.to make sure we understand each other, so you are as clever as me! You look after your children in a way that no Thai man ever does, and that is the most important thing for me; and now you look after my children just the same way. Sure I am happy you have enough money for us to live, but I need to have my own money, not my family's and not yours.

My wife did not marry me until about four years into our relationship, by that time, I had bought the house, car, furniture etc, and was just a school teacher, she is university educated with her own income.

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You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

To the OP, money every time, as far as appearances go, if you have plenty of money coming in all the time, all the tattoos, the fattest belly, and facial hair will not matter a jot. Apart from that, they look for nicely dressed guys, well groomed, good hygene, good manners, but shorts are a no no at the beginning of a relationship.

" No Shorts " ???? lol I am outside in the sun every day walking or on a bicycle- There is no way I am doing all that in " long trousers " ...... ( bugger that just for " a sniff of romance "....) lol

If you have just started dating her, and are taking her to restaurants, cinema, maybe meeting her friends, long trousers is the way to go. shorts may be more comfortable, but they certainly do not look good on an adult male.

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You've been a TV member for over seven years and you've never heard, "It's all about money?"

To the OP, money every time, as far as appearances go, if you have plenty of money coming in all the time, all the tattoos, the fattest belly, and facial hair will not matter a jot. Apart from that, they look for nicely dressed guys, well groomed, good hygene, good manners, but shorts are a no no at the beginning of a relationship.
" No Shorts " ???? lol I am outside in the sun every day walking or on a bicycle- There is no way I am doing all that in " long trousers " ...... ( bugger that just for " a sniff of romance "....) lol

If you have just started dating her, and are taking her to restaurants, cinema, maybe meeting her friends, long trousers is the way to go. shorts may be more comfortable, but they certainly do not look good on an adult male.

Yes but I was a Male Model in the late 1970's ( perhaps you could admire my honesty viewers...) and I quite like to show my legs off.... F.J x

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.

Yes, that does cover it, but I would say, and it's only an opinion, about 50% of Thai girls would go for guys with most of the traits you mention, if you look after her and her family financially, these would be the girls with no or low incomes.

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oh boy!

Here come all the usual TV negitive comments about money hungry Thai women!

Unfortunately it seems many many TV members never got out of the bars or massage parlors when looking for a woman.

Clue: If you are looking at women who want money for affection or sex...you will find women who's priority is money, money, money.

I and most of my farang friends here in Thailand are married to good, loving and respectable Thai women.

Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I know money is not why she is with me....thorugh the years we have hit some hard times and she has always stayed with and supported me.

In fact, when we first met, before we were married, she had more money in the bank than I did..she owned and still own a bit of property as well.

So, before you drowned in a sea of disgruntled, unhappy guys who more or less tried to buy a wife...remember there are quite a few of us out here who are very happy with our wonderful and loving Thai wives.

Back to your original question: What do they look for in a man? Love and respect are very important tomine.

Agreed we only see the gold diggers as the stand out. But lets not forget that ordinary hard working men find women who are on the same level financially and they are happily together.

So I guess the "no money no honey" could be only a stereotype. However I hear from some Thai educated women that they would prefer to date somebody who has a stable job which is understandable.

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Traits Thai women don't like:

  • hot-tempered (easily angered/annoyed)
  • overly talkative (long winded: takes 10 minutes to say something which could be said in 5 seconds)
  • overly intellectual/overly analytical (likes discussing theories, conceptual ideas, analyzing situations excessively)
  • chauvanistic (thinks his wife is his flunky/slave/maid/caregiver/housekeeper)
  • bossy (has a 'my way or the highway'/'Who pays the bills around here?' attitude.)
  • unsmiling
  • no sense of humor (finds nothing she says funny; Thai TV comedies are 'idiotic,' and 'moronic.')
  • chronically pessimistic (We are on the verge of a global financial collapse, WWIII, "we need to start prepping.")
  • cheap (esp. when accompanied by regular claims that you are 'loaded,' 'filthy rich' or 'have more money than you know what to do with.')
  • hates Thai food/hates her cooking/hates spicy food (plaa raa/nam prik is disgusting)
  • dislikes her children from prior marriage
  • dislikes everyone in her family (especially her mother)
  • too lazy or unintelligent to learn Thai (clueless that his pronunciation is atrocious)
  • smokers
  • heavy drinkers
  • morbidly obese or even just plain obese
  • suffers from ulcers/nervous stomach/mysterious gastro-intestinal disorders
  • loud snorer
  • shameless farter
  • has horrendous foot odor
  • pays poor attention to personal hygiene
  • never ever ever wants to go out and have fun
  • loves ice hockey or other winter Olympic sports
  • spends all day on TVF/watching English language TV
  • constantly says: "But that's not how I did it back home!"

I'd say that about covers it.


And this you got from her lawyer in her divorce petition?

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Hair face men.....they do not like hair face man..........Nah-grlee-it


Sometimes I sport a beard, sometimes I do not.

When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

The seem to like it.

My Thai wife prefers the beard.

She says " with no beard, you look like George Bush, and he is bad man!"

Smart wife!

She's obviously never seen Gordon Brown.
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For the poster who never heard of Thai virgin at marriage. I also foundy university educated medically checked virgin. Married 5 years now. Met online and in person 1 year later. For the poster who stated other educated Thai women look down on Thai women westerners. My wife nearly died of laughter when I told that. She said that's a load of rubbish. They are all jealous. She also said that educated Thai women waiting to marry a wealthy Thai man will be waiting to their grave to meet him because rich Thai men run in Circles these women would need oxygen to reach.

Edited by poweratradio
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Face it guys

, since the beginning of time,all over the world,

every female looks for the male who can provide the most for her and her offspring

The monkey man who consistently brought home the biggest chunk of meat got the sexiest cave woman every time,

no matter how fat and ugly he might be!

It's the same now, but in today's terms it's the biggest paycheck or savings account that can be used to buy the meat.

Just as man have always looked for the woman who looks best suited to breed and feed babies for him..big hips and butt for easy delivery and big boobs to feed with.

We are still monkey men and women looking for the same things.

It's basic biology.


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Face it guys

, since the beginning of time,all over the world,

every female looks for the male who can provide the most for her and her offspring

The monkey man who consistently brought home the biggest chunk of meat got the sexiest cave woman every time,

no matter how fat and ugly he might be!

It's the same now, but in today's terms it's the biggest paycheck or savings account that can be used to buy the meat.

Just as man have always looked for the woman who looks best suited to breed and feed babies for him..big hips and butt for easy delivery and big boobs to feed with.

We are still monkey men and women looking for the same things.

It's basic biology.


I guess that I am " stuffed " then....

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Hard to believe for the bar guys and sexpats, but my wife had never had a boyfriend before me...yes a real virgin.

I have never met a farang who claimed his Thai wife was a virgin at the time they married, and will admit I am intrigued.

Any additional details you would care to share about your relationship with your wife would be appreciated.

I am curious about things like:

how old you and your wife were when you met.

how old you and your wife were when you married.

how you met.

the education level of your wife/your education level

your wife's socio-economic status at the time she met you

your socio-economic status at the time you met your wife

where you met (in Thailand or abroad? where in Thailand?)

how long you have been married

do you think financial gain played any role in your wife's decision to marry you.

the occupations of your wife's parents at the time you were married

a lot of questions Gecko...I will answer a some for you.

My wife was a university grad working in a bank in Thailand as a computer specialist when we met.

I was a university educated arborist/ horticulturist working in the US

You were educated at university to be an arborist/ horticulturist?

My cousin is also an Arborist and obtained her degree at Bristol University and worked for the Foresty Commission in the UK and National Trust, she is one of the UK's leading experts. What is your point?

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Hair face men.....they do not like hair face man..........Nah-grlee-it


Sometimes I sport a beard, sometimes I do not.

When I do have a beard, it is not uncommon for women and children to ask me if they can touch it!

The seem to like it.

My Thai wife prefers the beard.

She says " with no beard, you look like George Bush, and he is bad man!"

Smart wife!

Not always true. I had one Thai g/f that ask me to grow a beard. However, with the heat and humidity that was a non starter.

So no hipsters then? Leo your new beard is out!

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Here's something for you. Two Western men are standing together, with the same amount of money in the bank, and the same amount of money coming from their home country every month.

Both are tall and slim, both have a full head of hair, one has facial hair and is wearing shorts, the other is clean shaven, and wearing long trousers, they are both wearing dress shirts.

There are lots of beautiful Thai girls going to take their pick. Which guy is going to attract the most girls?

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Total crap, depends 100% on the class and style of the westerner. Your comment is ill informed and stupid.

Most decent Thai women would not be seen dead with a westerner, They tend to keep to there own , Asian, they look down on Thai women with western men , they keep to there own big money people,

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Most decent Thai women would not be seen dead with a westerner, They tend to keep to there own , Asian, they look down on Thai women with western men , they keep to there own big money people,

Does anyone agree with this comment?

I don't.

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Most decent Thai women would not be seen dead with a westerner, They tend to keep to there own , Asian, they look down on Thai women with western men , they keep to there own big money people,

Does anyone agree with this comment?

I don't.

No they don't. That's your stupid xenophobic opinion which makes you post a comment like that. You sir shouldn't breed with opinions like that.

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