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Can someone explain if this is normally in most countries that you need "financial requirements" to be able to stay with your wife or children .

the UK for one...wink.png

I see this some hot news in UK.


and putting this into a Thai persepctive thats nearly THB 1.0m/yr income required in the UK, Thailand only requires THB 400k

so maybe the Thai requirements not so bad ?...

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Can someone explain if this is normally in most countries that you need "financial requirements" to be able to stay with your wife or children if you are a foreigner and never be able to get PR? I just checked malaysia visa situation in the last few days. If you have a spouse over their you get 5 year extension if you are married or having a child in Malaysia. And they make absolutely no difference if you are male or female. Also you are able to get work permit with just a very minimum restrictions... founding a company and work for yourself is also possible.

But then you have to live in Malaysia... bah.gif

And convert to Islam, if your intended spouse is a Muslim.

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Can someone explain if this is normally in most countries that you need "financial requirements" to be able to stay with your wife or children .

the UK for one...wink.png

I see this some hot news in UK.


and putting this into a Thai persepctive thats nearly THB 1.0m/yr income required in the UK, Thailand only requires THB 400k

so maybe the Thai requirements not so bad ?...

Thailand average Income 13200THB (about 250 GBP) http://www.tradingeconomics.com/thailand/wages

UK average income about 2100 GBP (110.000 THB) http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/ashe/annual-survey-of-hours-and-earnings/2013-provisional-results/stb-ashe-statistical-bulletin-2013.html

I would more say that into a Thai perspective this should be more like 100k THB if you compare the benefits of getting a 1 year thai extension and a visa for living in the UK.

And one more important thing is that in UK the UK part needs to have the income proof to allow the foreign citizen to stay which seems in my eyes more realistic because the financial requirements are based on the UK income. But in Thailand the requirements are based on a sum which is nearly 4x times higher then the average income.

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Because they want the 500K Baht.

Doesn't matter how much you spend for your household, they know you will carry on doing that.

So answering your question........never.

I'm amazed that you haven't grasped the Thai mentality after all these years being here.

Is "Thai mentality" so much different than "farang mentality" ?

If you've grasped it, maybe you would like to share your insights.

Serious question.

Sure it is..if the farang is from Western countries. Very different, but some are very good and for the best in my opinion.

Edited by umbanda
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SO...when do they realise that, if they can do it so easy for anyone they want to, WHY isnt this available to us who are married to a Thai and supporting most of the family as well

lets put another persepctive on "easy" shall we, some who is married can put 400k in the bank and have an annual extension of stay for the rest of their natural life, therefore the married option this is cheaper and one could argue easier than paying 500k for 5 years and at the end of 5 years having to pay again, so over the long term TE is more expensive and BTW everyone does 90 day reports even the TE holders...wink.png

Yeah, I'm not married and I have no plans to ever get married, especially not for a visa.

I'm going to earn a load more money over the next 20 years or so and I plan to keep hold of it for myself, there will be none of that 50/50 crap for me.

but do not forget that you can not take your load of money to another life so sharing with a nice woman is actually a good thing but you might find the wisdom later in your life :)

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Funny how everyone wants the immigration rules to suit their own personal circumstances and if it isn't done, then immigration are are stupid and/or short-sighted and the country will "suffer".

Better than reading the funnies with my cup of Java in the mornings......

I for one, dont see this as my personal circumstances....

But I raised this thread/Topic, to highlight what others need/or would like to see. The reality I feel, is that if your married and LIVING here, why do you need to renew your visa yearly and report every 90 days ?....5 yrs is a good idea for people like that....dont you think?

Edited by weegee
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Funny how everyone wants the immigration rules to suit their own personal circumstances and if it isn't done, then immigration are are stupid and/or short-sighted and the country will "suffer".

Better than reading the funnies with my cup of Java in the mornings......

I for one, dont see this as my personal circumstances....

But I raised this thread/Topic, to highlight what others need/or would like to see. The reality I feel, is that if your married and LIVING here, why do you need to renew your visa yearly and report every 90 days ?....5 yrs is a good idea for people like that....dont you think?

If you are married and living here the visa is not the only option. You can become a citizen (not an easy process I know but not impossible).

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Dear Santa,

Please reduce the price of that 5 year visa deal....and change it to include no reporting.

In return, the scheme will take off like a rocketship with hyperspace drive. I would pay 150,000. It would not make sense to pay more.

I would even subject myself to legal/monetary scrutiny. I am a laid back, non-working, sixtyish guy with no negative reports since living in Thailand. Most be a bunch of us willing to buy into this.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Dear Santa,

Please reduce the price of that 5 year visa deal....and change it to include no reporting.

In return, the scheme will take off like a rocketship with hyperspace drive. I would pay 150,000. It would not make sense to pay more.

I would even subject myself to legal/monetary scrutiny. I am a laid back, non-working, sixtyish guy with no negative reports since living in Thailand. Most be a bunch of us willing to buy into this.

Dear slipperylobster,

I would like to only charge 150,000 baht but Thailand applies import, excise, and VAT taxes which raise my costs greatly. And since Thailand is a Buddhist country they don't believe in me.



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Dear Santa,

Please reduce the price of that 5 year visa deal....and change it to include no reporting.

In return, the scheme will take off like a rocketship with hyperspace drive. I would pay 150,000. It would not make sense to pay more.

I would even subject myself to legal/monetary scrutiny. I am a laid back, non-working, sixtyish guy with no negative reports since living in Thailand. Most be a bunch of us willing to buy into this.

Dear slipperylobster,

I would like to only charge 150,000 baht but Thailand applies import, excise, and VAT taxes which raise my costs greatly. And since Thailand is a Buddhist country they don't believe in me.



Then a lump o coal will be it. Another bad Xmas. Bah..humbug.

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Just wondering about it....

Didnt know you still had to do the 90 days. The way i read it you only have to report once a year...guess I read it wrong.

you have to exit/enter the kingdom once per year. Whilst you are here it is 90 day reporting.

So what makes it Elite at 500,000 baht?

Sounds like a mugs card.

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Just wondering about it....

Didnt know you still had to do the 90 days. The way i read it you only have to report once a year...guess I read it wrong.

you have to exit/enter the kingdom once per year. Whilst you are here it is 90 day reporting.

So what makes it Elite at 500,000 baht?

Sounds like a mugs card.

Or instead of coming across like a mug you could read post #15 by Paz which explains how the visa works.

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Is the investment visa buying a 10 million baht condo for rent or can be for own use?

Is the visa for only one year or valid as long as I own the condo?

Their is no investment visa. It is a one year extension of stay you get at immigration that has to be renewed every year.

You can own the condo or lease it for 3 years. The 10 million baht does does not have to be solely invested in a condo it can be a mixture of fixed term accounts and government bonds with the condo.

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Is the investment visa buying a 10 million baht condo for rent or can be for own use?

Is the visa for only one year or valid as long as I own the condo?

This visa, according to sunbelts write up on here, has some strange requirements:

Investment visa and extension

If you invest 10 million baht in the Kingdom you may be eligible for a one year investment visa.

You can be eligible for a one year extension of stay (so is that 2 years max??) based on investment if you make an investment of 10 million baht or more in the Kingdom.

The Investment can be a combination of the following, but must have been held in the Kingdom for at least 3 years:

  • 10 Million Baht deposited into a Term Savings account with an approved government Bank.
  • 10 Million Baht invested into government bonds.
  • Or a combination of investment in a savings account and government bonds.
  • Proof of investment to purchase or rent for a period not less than 3 years at a price of not less than 10 million baht.
  • Proof of money transfer is required.

It is commonplace to apply for this type of visa with an existing non-immigrant (B) visa, but a change of visa can be easily executed once the appropriate evidence of investment is supplied.

When using the condo option the following documents are required:

  • Passport
  • Title deed
  • Tax receipt
  • Sales Contract

So, if I read it right, your 10mil+ condo has to be 3 years old before you can get a visa for it???

And its not clear how long you can renew, based on this investment.

Maybe someone from Sunbelt could clarify?


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This is what clause 2.5 of immigration order 327/2557 has in it.

B. Investment of no less than Baht 10 million:
The alien:
(1) Must have been granted a non-immigrant visa (NON-IM).
(2) Must have evidence of transferring funds into Thailand of no less than Baht 10 million.
(3) Must have evidence of investing in the purchase or rental of a condominium unit for a period of no less than 3 years issued by a relevant agency or government, at a purchase or rental price of no less than Baht 10 million: or
(4) Must have evidence of investing in the form of a fixed deposit of no less than Baht 10 million with a bank which is registered in Thailand and has Thai nationals holding more than 50 percent ;or
(5) Must have evidence of investing in the purchase of government or state enterprise bonds of no less than Baht 10 million; or
(6) Must have evidence of making an investment as set out in Criteria (3), (4), or (5) with a total value of not less than Baht 10 million
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I have faith in thailand to get this right one day because money is involved. People leave this country and take their money with them when they have to report or run out of the country every 90 days. The thing they luckily have going for them is all the 911 related security checks making it a huge pain to get the hell out of here. Sheer serendipity for them I'm sure.

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A retirement extension of stay is so easy and fast...Bt1900 application fee...super simple application..just prove you have Bt800K in annual income or Bt800K in a Thai bank seasoned 2 or 3 months before application submittal and in less than an hour you have another yearly extension. Easy.

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I don't understand why some people here staying on the extension of stay for spouse/family always complain. You pay 1900 baht a year. And you have to show a monthly income of 40k or 400k in the bank. It's very small money to qualify, compared to nearly everyone else.

And then complain when comparing with people that pay 500k for five years when you pay less than 10k for those 5 years !!!!

Edited by larsjohnsson
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