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Have been a long term stayer in Thailand, and I have been outraged by the latest nonsense going on there with the farcical murder investigation.

Generally I think Thailand is relatively safe, but certain areas have various stuff going on. The Southern Islands have always been pretty mafia controlled and not a place to mess with the locals.

So should Westerners boycott Koh Tao to put pressure on the local authorities and The BIB to clean up this corruption by hitting the local mafias where it hurts and getting real answers?

Would you go?

Still disgusted by the The Investigation.

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How do you know Thailand is safe, are there any reliable figures from the Thai government. For Muggings Robbery's, murders and Suicides on British people let alone any other nationality. You know as well as i do Thailand is corrupt, biased and racist, now tell me Thailand is safe

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i didnt enjoy these islands 20 years ago and wouldnt go again ,too rudimentary and basic and no lighting .you could be jumped anywhere which is what happened here .theres a lot of petty theft there any ways


How do you know Thailand is safe, are there any reliable figures from the Thai government. For Muggings Robbery's, murders and Suicides on British people let alone any other nationality. You know as well as i do Thailand is corrupt, biased and racist, now tell me Thailand is safe

No country is safe, some more than others. My experience is that it is relatively ok most of the time, but certain tourist areas aren't good. Walk down the centre of many towns and Cities in the UK at night, all sorts of shit going on as well.

Not arguing the point, as I agree with what you are saying as well; I am certainly not a Saffron Tinted lad.

Would you go to KT now?

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Would still go but would not go walking along the beaches at night. Think the Prime Minsters statement last week answered the question, not safe but be careful and respectful. British Government reported nearly 400 British Nationals died in Thailand year ending March 2013, after Philippines more requests for consular help than any other country. Officially 11 Brits murdered in Thailand since 2011.

Obviously most deaths are "natural" causes like the elderly couple in Chiang Mai found dead in the morning in their room, both had heart attacks same night.


How do you know Thailand is safe, are there any reliable figures from the Thai government. For Muggings Robbery's, murders and Suicides on British people let alone any other nationality. You know as well as i do Thailand is corrupt, biased and racist, now tell me Thailand is safe

precisely, thats why some guys started the farang exits website to list all the dead farangs in thailand.

now theyre on facebook


I like Thailand I have extended Thai family in quite a few places, I am not Thai knocking, But Thailand is not a safe place for westerners. Falan/farang,


There is only one person who can sort the 3 x family mafia control of Koh Tao and its police force, but he is busy being PM. So i guess it will stay that way.

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So should Westerners boycott Koh Tao to put pressure on the local authorities and The BIB to clean up this corruption by hitting the local mafias where it hurts and getting real answers?

I guess the only real way for people to effect change in Thailand is to hit the "one true god" money, one of the really disgusting things, in addtion to the conduct of the BIB, is the constant articles and announcments by various goverment agencies that these murder's will not affect tourism or it will be only short term, in other words they are not interested in change or catching any killers, only worried about the prospect of it hitting their pockets.

Agreed SP, so far as from what I can see the announcements are more about protecting business interests. I saw some other reports were KT bars are effectively taking the piss out of the whole thing, and making it seem irrelevant . Can't link here cos not allowed. Time that some of these places IMO got hit were it hurts, otherwise they have no reason to change their criminal ways.


So should Westerners boycott Koh Tao to put pressure on the local authorities and The BIB to clean up this corruption by hitting the local mafias where it hurts and getting real answers?

I guess the only real way for people to effect change in Thailand is to hit the "one true god" money, one of the really disgusting things, in addtion to the conduct of the BIB, is the constant articles and announcments by various goverment agencies that these murder's will not affect tourism or it will be only short term, in other words they are not interested in change or catching any killers, only worried about the prospect of it hitting their pockets.

There is no way, short of war, that you are going to get the young back packer community who are on their trip of a lifetime, from having that diving experience, even though there is very little to see once you have paid our money and entered the water. They will just keep coming. Ideally, they should save their money and dive the Gt Barrier Reef where the Coral and marine life is protected.


I think a boycott only works if you want something, the proprietor understands what you want, you boycott, the proprietor loses money and knows it is because you did not get what you wanted.

Pretty much none of those circumstances will be satisfied here. I think the Thai frame of mind is just so different that a boycott would not even result in the desired result here.


I holiday on Koh Tao every single summer with my family and have for more than 10 years. I have always hated the loud clubs there. There are a lot of crazy things going on but if you stay out of that scene you are safe (relatively). My family's only gripe is that they have to speak English on the Island as there aren't any Thais. Kind of a shame that Thai people have to speak a foreign language to get a hotel room or a meal there.

Funny thing for me is that in all the years Ive been going to Koh Tao, I have never seen a police officer. The roads are very dangerous. Locals as well as tourists drive like nut jobs.

I think that Thailand is safe overall but there is danger to be found. Going in crowds is the way to go if you are out late.

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This is just an excuse to bash the thais again from the usual suspects ...makes me sickbah.gif

How exactly? I'm certainly not a Thai basher, and a few other responses aren't either.

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I never go to tourist areas these days. It's a taxi from Swampy to Don Muang onto Roi-Et and home. Too much to do there than deal with all that tourist trap hassle.

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No, I will not go. I will not go on holiday anywhere in Thailand anymore.

Thailand and Thai-people should be deeply ashamed of their police force, who must belong to the Top 3 of most corrupt in the world and no. 1, when it comes to making themselves look just as stupid, as they are. So no way I am going to spend any holiday money here and will also tell everybody I know to stay away and have their holiday elsewhere.


I personally don't feel threatened traveling anywhere in Thailand, although knowing the turf and bit of the culture helps keep out of trouble... On the other hand, a naive, beautiful young lady traveling in the company of friends is at 100x greater risk than a gnarly old cretin like me... If someone I knew personally were to ask me if Thailand were safe for a holiday and they weren't well traveled, I would advise them to go elsewhere... Too many other places to visit without all the grief you get in Thai tourist areas these days...


So should Westerners boycott Koh Tao to put pressure on the local authorities and The BIB to clean up this corruption by hitting the local mafias where it hurts and getting real answers?

I guess the only real way for people to effect change in Thailand is to hit the "one true god" money, one of the really disgusting things, in addtion to the conduct of the BIB, is the constant articles and announcments by various goverment agencies that these murder's will not affect tourism or it will be only short term, in other words they are not interested in change or catching any killers, only worried about the prospect of it hitting their pockets.

Yes, only way for them to understand anything is for them to lose money. The society is so corrupt, that they understand nothing else. For Thailand the past 30 years or more, has been easy years with money just rolling in. Now its going down and that is actually good for this country. Let them suffer and learn that you have to treat tourists nicely or they will simply go away.

I know we have seen multiple reports of the tourist numbers going up. But look around. The fact is they have already lost a lot of tourist and the numbers keep falling. And they can only blame themselves for this.


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I think, on another thread, I said: Close Koh Tao down. No business. No money. Clean the place up. Hit the pocket. Who is going to do that? Actually I don't like it there very much. Been there and Phanghan maybe 10 times.Plenty of more pleasant island "getaways", but you have to shift yourself to organise it.Of course I am not a backpacker. I am glad to say I have no clue what they want. My family want, for a seaside vacation, a decent bungalow, a clean..jellyfish free beach, somewhere to eat, absence of ear splitting music at 04.00 am. I know it sounds boring but with young children you keep them happy and safe, no? Not sure this can be found any more in Thailand.We once lived in Phuket. Lovely little village by the sea.Look at it now. You would have to pay me to go there..and I suppose the greed and graft will send the rest of the country the same way. Never mind; if the sea level rises 10 meters the coasts and Bangkok will be drowned:)

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How can anyone be accused of bashing Thais. Seems like the guilty pair were members of a local influential family.

Anyone who has ever visited any of the Southern Islands including Phuket know that they are run as personal fiefdoms.

I say well done to the cops for not accepting the lavish incentives that were probably offered to make this go away.

Of course the litmus test will be what happens next.

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How can anyone be accused of bashing Thais. Seems like the guilty pair were members of a local influential family.

Anyone who has ever visited any of the Southern Islands including Phuket know that they are run as personal fiefdoms.

I say well done to the cops for not accepting the lavish incentives that were probably offered to make this go away.

Of course the litmus test will be what happens next.

That will be the big test, a lot of money at risk. The best thing though is to get this solved properly, and get a solid conviction as opposed to a fit up. Still highly sceptical, especially as it is in The South.

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Just for some info, this is not a Thai bash.

Wrong info ... You are always bashing one ,you are sick!bah.gif

If you think this is a Thai bash you are sick. Most Thais don't want to go to the South because it's lawless and I'm not talking about the Muslim Provinces.

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I think, on another thread, I said: Close Koh Tao down. No business. No money. Clean the place up. Hit the pocket. Who is going to do that? Actually I don't like it there very much. Been there and Phanghan maybe 10 times.Plenty of more pleasant island "getaways", but you have to shift yourself to organise it.Of course I am not a backpacker. I am glad to say I have no clue what they want. My family want, for a seaside vacation, a decent bungalow, a clean..jellyfish free beach, somewhere to eat, absence of ear splitting music at 04.00 am. I know it sounds boring but with young children you keep them happy and safe, no? Not sure this can be found any more in Thailand.We once lived in Phuket. Lovely little village by the sea.Look at it now. You would have to pay me to go there..and I suppose the greed and graft will send the rest of the country the same way. Never mind; if the sea level rises 10 meters the coasts and Bangkok will be drowned:)

I go to my best kept secret somewhere in Prachuap at New Year. Bungalow on the nice beach and hardly anyone else there....no crowds, no lound music. Very nice. I have absolutely no interest in backpacker touristy type places, and even less so now.

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