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Can my cheating Thai wife get her boyfriend a visa ?

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Hi right where to start, my wife has been caught out cheating on me whilst she was supposed to be visiting family in thailand when me and our daughter where in the uk. What i would like to know is can she sponsor him to come over here ?? we are still married although will be seperating soon and she does hold uk citizenship, is there any way i can stop this from happening ? as i didnt just put 13 years of marriage in for some one to come and take over my shit !! i am still currently residing at the home as i think i havent done anything why should i move out !! and she doesnt give a hoot !! no sympathy, no feelings just stone cold emotionless !! and she thinks she can mess me and my daughters lives up for some high school sweetheart, Not happy !! Please Help !!

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She is a British citizen, speaking to immigration would be a waste of their time and yours. She has as much right to live in the UK, regardless of her marital status, as any other British citizen.

As a British citizen she also has as much right as any other British citizen to sponsor a visa applicant.

There is no reason why she cannot sponsor him for a visit visa, even before you divorce.

But, like any other visa applicant, he would have to satisfy the criteria for the visa applied for.

For a settlement visa they would need to show that he was one of the following:

  • her spouse,
  • her unmarried partner, i.e. they had lived together in a relationship akin to marriage outside the UK for at least 2 years, or
  • her fiancé, i.e. they will marry within 6 months of his arrival in the UK.

In addition, he will have to meet all the other requirements outlined in UK settlement visa basics and she would have to meet the financial requirement; i.e. she must have an income of at least £18,600 p.a. or together they must have cash savings of at least £62,500 or a combimation of these.

Franky Bear, her getting pregnant by this man would not change any of the above.

With regard to the divorce, child custody, division of assets etc; speak to a solicitor.

Cheers. It was something that popped into my head. I had no idea of the legalities of it.

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She is a British citizen, speaking to immigration would be a waste of their time and yours. She has as much right to live in the UK, regardless of her marital status, as any other British citizen.

Unless the OP has compelling evidence of her involvement in terrorism - which would be extremely unlikely. (Strictly, she has less right to remain British than most.)
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Sorry to hear this mate, whish you and your daughter all the luck in the next coming difficult time.

I would first freeze all bankaccounts which are in shared name to prevent her from gaining as much as possible from you.

You would know so and about how much money she has in her own accounts, does she work etc? Try to buy yourself some time by cutting of the finances (your finances in a legal way of course).

Change the locks from your house, I don't know about her mental state but with all the scaring recent stories of late, consider a different school for your daughter?

This could all be done today and tomorrow, see a solicitor/lawyer as others recommended and get try to keep your own life together.

Again, good luck.

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As far as I am aware in extreme cases your British citizanship could be withdrawn I do not think running off with another guy would warrant this. Divorce is always hard but it happens and you have done well to get to 13 years of being together, when it happened to me I looked at it as being the start of a new chapter in a book ,take a trip to a lawyer and file for a divorce for the sake of the children's happiness try and come to an amicable arrangement with your wife good luck for the future !

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You've failed to provide - and follow through -the obvious. How was she caught out? You were in the UK and she was in Thailand. If you have proof, why haven't you given it to your lawyer, who will protect your assets (meaning you have no fear as the cuckolded husband of the dirty deed doer)? Etc, etc, etc.

I smell troll. Same MO as a few months back.

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Hi right where to start, my wife has been caught out cheating on me whilst she was supposed to be visiting family in thailand when me and our daughter where in the uk. What i would like to know is can she sponsor him to come over here ?? we are still married although will be seperating soon and she does hold uk citizenship, is there any way i can stop this from happening ? as i didnt just put 13 years of marriage in for some one to come and take over my shit !! i am still currently residing at the home as i think i havent done anything why should i move out !! and she doesnt give a hoot !! no sympathy, no feelings just stone cold emotionless !! and she thinks she can mess me and my daughters lives up for some high school sweetheart, Not happy !! Please Help !!

Yeah, bring him over so you can beat him. Not serious of course. Like previously mentioned, get some legal advice.

Good luck to you.

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You need to focus on coming out of this as intact as possible.

You may also want to worry whether she can take you for everything you have got and that may include the daughters!

Sorry to hear of this but get organised protecting yourself, hard enough for a man in the UK!

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My sympathies, only here have I opserved kidness can b repaid with heartless cruelty. I doubt you can do much legally but I would start taking everything you can get your hands on here,

selling it and move to new location. Grab all you can from bank accounts, sell anything she owns etc.

Best of luck mate,


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is entitled to half or more of every thing you own, keep on her good side and sell everything before she gets it all, seen it happen to a Mate of Mine in the UK. Emigration can do Jack S%#t

Yep, this is the only way out, secret sale, hide the cash.

What cash? There is no cash. Only cash that ever was is the cash she took back to Thailand in that fake Gucci bag.

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Go to Thailand find him and have a serious hard fisted chat with him in the hardest language for him to understand or get a couple girls to seduce him take photos and present them to your wife. There are many ways to leave her with zero. Start that ball rolling way ahead of her. Sell out move.

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Go to Thailand find him and have a serious hard fisted chat with him in the hardest language for him to understand or get a couple girls to seduce him take photos and present them to your wife. There are many ways to leave her with zero. Start that ball rolling way ahead of her. Sell out move.

That will only make things worse...

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As I understand it is very difficult to get a UK visa . He might not speak English well , what job prospect has he got in Britain ?

As suggested , notify the British Consulate that his woman is married to you .

Given the circumstances of wanting another man , you might be able to have very favourable divorce terms .

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OP, IMHO don't try to force her to stop anything, she has her own will, she is a free person to do what she want unless its illegal. It would be the other way around if you felt that your marriage fell apart and you found a new woman first.

For your daughters sake, try to stay friends, try to accept that she is moving on, that is usually so much better that starting a fight no none can win.

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