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Will ISIS brutality backfire?


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Waking up to a beautiful, peaceful morning with a great view out my bedroom window and ready to enjoy another day in paradise, confident that I will be safe thought out the day and can enjoy a wonderful, safe and relaxing weekend with my family and friends. Have so many choices on food, entertainment and surrounded by happy, good hard working people. No complaints.

Why is this? Smart people in the US armed with full facts and knowledge (unlike those on here) make tough decisions everyday to provide the life I and Americans enjoy everyday. For that I am grateful and while I may not always agree on the means or the timing if the means, I agree on the ends.

Lol at those on here that follow every single thread arguably about US merely so you can bash the US. Incredibly sad to live with so much negativity or frustration.

All you are trying to do here is to spin this thread into a US bashing accusatory dungheap.

What you are saying is that if people dare to oppose the US and its allies attempting to bomb Muslims back to the stoneage, that we are anti American?

Grow the F up. The thread is asking for opinion and we are giving it.

The real facts are that you and a few other posters (thankfully the minority) are obviously US citizens who have swallowed up all the koolaid in gallons and are reacting the way your backward thinking administration intend. You couldn't get more sheep like if you tried.

Nice that you can look at your beautiful safe life because the US (and partners) kill and maim the children, wives husbands of others, but at least it is not your own..... eh?

99% of the people these thugs are hiding behind were just going about their daily lives until these murderers rolled in. They suffer mass daily executions, rape, plundering in the name of the Islamic State... they are unarmed and vulnerable as hell and as the other poster stated.. he would care less if the whole area was turned into a car park.... That is a pretty disturbing mindset and in my opinion even worse than the ISIS combatant can come up with.

If you think for one minute that if the US doesn't bomb and kill thousands of innocents that I am going to one day open my door to an arab with an AK47 then you are seriously deluded.... Obama would be very proud of you, you have swallowed his crap hook, line and sinker.

The US has failed EVERYWHERE it has gone and left the situation worse.




To name a more recent few.

The US has created a monster and they are running around chasing their tales trying to make it right again.... The US will be in a constant state of war for the next 100 years and still won't achieve a damn thing.

It is the US and UK administrations that have made it unsafe for non muslims.

Edited by 2befrank
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agreed 100%


Well it won't work, it has never worked anywhere else and it won't work here or in the future.

Relentless ariel bombing will just kill loads of innocent people, provide ISIS with all the propaganda pictures they want, US and coalition will lose support for the campaign and will only serve to drive many more muslims to fight against the infidel that is indiscriminately bombing poor innocent muslin women, children and elderly.

It will never work as long as Obama has a hole in his arse.

Criticism can be acceptable with a viable alternative?

Or are you one who would find reasons for doing nothing rather than finding reasons how to deal with the problem?

I already provided an alternative..... Ground invasion using a coalition of military of Islamic countries and freeze assets of Saudi and Qatar the two main funders of ISIS.

Not good enough for you????? So here is a second alternative.

Originally ISIS were fighting other arab states in the region. Not US or UK targets.... So they should have just said.. 'This is your problem, we are not going to get dragged into something that is not our business'. Then maybe US and UK citizens would not have been beheaded.

Leave the middle east to sort out its own problems, we have enough of our own.

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Anyone...with an ounce of common sense...knows ISIS brand of terrorism will not stand the test of time...there are more decent people in the world...willing to fight against oppression...than there are mindless, heartless, destructive radicals...

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If you want to have any chance of defeating ISIS you have to do it town by town and city by city.

You need ground troops and you need to push in from 3 sides forcing them to flee in the only available direction, then and only then can you pummel them with air strikes as they are fleeing in the open.

As each town is liberated, you leave a heavily armed security force.

But having said that, you can be pretty much guaranteed that as they flee, they will take women and children with them as shields. But it is still a better alternative than just flattening whole towns and cities and just getting a few of them, but a whole load of innocents.

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There is no doubt that brutality of Muslim Militants will backfire.

There is no doubt they understand this and they want this backfire.

Do not forget - they are fanatics ready and even eager to die. And let their women and children die.

They want a war against the rest of the world, against non-Muslims and against wrong-Muslims. In this we cannot stop them.

They will get their war. What they are doing is a deliberate provocation. Their aim is to involve all Muslims in their war.

But they miscalculated the outcome.

The backlash or backfire will take place. But it will strike at Islam.

The victims will be the good peaceful innocent Muslims around the world.

All the Muslims will be viewed as a threat. They will be displaced into the Muslim countries.

Nationality, citizenship, gender, age - all will be ignored. Nobody will see mercy, civility, humanity.

There will be not one mosque left standing outside Muslim countries. Islam will be forbidden.

It will be a total Armageddon ending in extermination. You can call it the last day of Islam.

I know the horror and ugliness of the picture I painted.

I am not calling to this course of action.

I wouldn't like it to happen.

But it will happen.

It is the only possible and logical outcome of today's brutalities we observe.

I know that many people believe that violence begets violence.

Believe me, it depends on the scope of violence.

I am afraid we are looking at violent extermination.

As to the norms, rights, fairness, legalities - forget it in a real backfire.

Please, don't label me Islamophobe. I am a non-believer.

I am a very tolerant person towards any Religion.

I do not hate Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists etc.

What I hate is being forced to believe, to be killed, to be not free.

And when it comes to a crunch I would rather kill than be killed - which is very human.

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I can't predict the future, but found this background piece about Jihadist brutality quite interesting:

Two factors should be encouraging: First, the West isn’t so exhausted that its halo of power has disappeared altogether; and second, most Muslim states (with little apparent public opposition) seem as disgusted by the ultra-violence of the Islamic State as the West — and ready to join a coalition to fight it.


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The thing is, this so called islamic barbarity is not even new. Al Qaeda were doing this 10 years ago... Daniel pearl and Ken Bigley to name just 2.

The Taliban in Afghanistan regularly do what ISIS are doing to villages and towns. They slaughter and execute fellow Afghans.

The western forces eventually turned their backs on it.

They will do the same here before the job is done because they will realize the job can't be done.

ISIS will not lose its wider support, the support will just increase if they can show women and children blown to smitherines by US air strikes.

Once again, the US gets it all wrong and goes in with the totally wrong approach.

Better to make sure you get all your support from Islamic countries in the form of ground troops and surgically remove ISIS.

The west can provide backup air strikes on ISIS once they are flushed out into the open. Hitting them on the retreat.

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Libya at this very moment is in turmoil, factions fighting for overall control, a nice reminder of a successful bombing mission by the U.K to protect civilians from Gaddafi.

You don't need to be much of a prophet to see where this current bombing mission is going to end.

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" do you think the brutality on display could prove counterproductive? Is ISIS actually sealing its own fate in the long term with this tactic?"

Just putting it out there, not really something I'd like to believe, but....The beheadings had a predictable result of outrage. It's well known that collateral damage is acceptable to governments, especially, it seems, the US. Doing the videos yourself (noone sees the actual death blow) and then quietly and humanely killing the victim somewhere else would be a great way to garner public support for an impending invasion that you have been planning for some time, and all it took was a few innocent lives and a video camera. Cheap at the cost.

Maybe ISIS didn't do it???

If it wasn't them, wouldn't they deny it?

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Call it a War, Campaign, Strategic Strikes, Anti terrorist Operations or any other fancy titles you want to apply.

You will not triumph unless you have boots on the ground.

Boots on the ground didn't help in N. Korea, 'Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...

I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil.

These guys don't have uniforms, blend in with and are therefore protected by the non-combatants. Allied soldiers are killed simply because they don't know who the enemy is. They can't flush out and kill the enemy, but the enemy can mount surprise attacks and put down explosives for the allies and their vehicles to trigger by passing over them.

Will we never learn?

Edited by NeverSure
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Those who think that hitting these Islamist will just make them worse are mistaken. Those who believe that hitting them will bring terror attacks to your own country are mistaken. That's propaganda.

They are already as bad as it gets and they already want to bring terror attacks to your country. Even China and Russia have terrorist problems.

Once again, despite all of the attacks on them by the US since 9/11, Thailand has had a greater number of terrorist attacks and more deaths from them than has the US, and that includes the deaths on 9/11. These people are just killers.

We need to find them wherever we can, kill them whenever we can, and never let up.

They are hit and run cowards. If they weren't the US would have an attack every day. But they are afraid of the US and its citizens on the streets and there's almost never an attack. There is no correlation between playing hardball with them and getting attacked back, unless it's that hitting them relentlessly makes them afraid just like any other bully.

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You can not defeat terrorist tactics with conventional warfare tactics......Not my sayso, just a fact taken from history. the only terrorist action/insurgents, (communist in this case) to be stopped and reversed was by the British in Burma, The British move into the jungle and lived with the locals in small units....Stayed there, won hearts and minds and took on the 'bad guys' face to face.......Job done.

Unfortunately todays 'bad guys' have no scruples no sense of right and wrong, just there own warped view of what they want, and make no mistake. most of us don't fit into their world view!

So....Like it or not, and the squeamish won't, there is only one way to defeat an enemy that has stated and consistently re-enforces his want to extinguish all who do not believe his ideology...........

Grind these maggots into past before they have the capability to do it to you and your loved ones and our way of life........Is there anyone out there who still thinks we are in a negotiation phase with these <deleted>*kers?........Think again we ARE at war. The only reason you are not reading this post sat in some underground shelter is because THEY lack the destruction delivery capability at this time..................................................

As for collateral damage? You all have a say/choice.........You can carry on wringing your hands over the collateral damage in taking these maggots out........And saying "Oh won't someone think of the babies" ......and if you do...you best also stock up on bin bags for your loved ones body parts, because when these <deleted> manage to reach out to where you are, they will not give a shit about your liberal views. Or back the total annihilation of these <deleted>*kers......

There is no middle ground!

What do you propose we do with the 25 million who live in the US and Europe? I guess we could bring back the concentration camps. Or, do you believe that those 25 million have assimilated?

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This is what ISIS has inspired -- so yes ... as this kind of crazed brutality (link below) spreads because mentally unbalanced imitators want to emulate their spiritual leaders and heroes ... you can bet the American public will react. And Muslims in general will take the heat for this ... because once again this outrage will not even be commented upon by the leaderless so called 'moderate Muslims'....

Gruesome new details have been revealed regarding a woman murdered in Moore, Oklahoma, Thursday. According to local outlets, she was beheaded by a man who was reportedly in the process of converting to Islam.


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Call it a War, Campaign, Strategic Strikes, Anti terrorist Operations or any other fancy titles you want to apply.

You will not triumph unless you have boots on the ground.

Boots on the ground didn't help in N. Korea, 'Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...

I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil.

These guys don't have uniforms, blend in with and are therefore protected by the non-combatants. Allied soldiers are killed simply because they don't know who the enemy is. They can't flush out and kill the enemy, but the enemy can mount surprise attacks and put down explosives for the allies and their vehicles to trigger by passing over them.

Will we never learn?

Yes, NeverSure, we will learn.

You are right about uniforms, blending in and hiding behind the non-combatants.

This learning will be the time of backfire I was talking about in #35.

The Laws will change. The Political concepts will change. The Politicians will change.

And the scary numbers of 25 millions Pakboong mentioned will not be scary any more.

Bringing back the concentration camps is not an option. It is too cruel and too costly.

And the tactics mentioned by Tonto21 may be not so far from the Future reality.

I said and repeat that eventually the backfire will be directed against All Muslims.

Unfair? Sure. Inhuman? Sure. Illegal? Sure. Only by today's norms. But these will change too.

Militant Muslims bring to us war. The kind of war we cannot win. We must change the nature of this war.

Than we cannot lose and they cannot win.

But the one and only way to change the nature of this war is - get rid of All Muslims in all non-Muslim countries.

I am not talking murder. I am not talking Concentration camps. I am talking Displacement and ban on Islam.

This is why I believe that Militant Muslims bring backfire on All Muslims.

Do I want this to happen? No. Do we all want this war? No. It is forced on us. And we have to do what we have to do.

Anybody sees any alternative? Boots on the ground will not help. Bombings will not help. Change the nature of this war!

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So called guerrilla forces have been defeated militarily, but governments "lost the war" due to domestic political pressures. Where this was not the case was with the British and Commonwealth forces anti-communist campaign in Malaya and in Kenyan Mau Mau uprising. I assume there are other examples.

In response to a post above, the total deaths attributed to militant / insurgent attacks to date (around 3,000) in the deep South conflict in Thailand; therefore do not exceed total US and allied deaths from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In today’s news its mentioned that al Nusra, the most effective urban warfare fighters against Assad forces within Syria, have been attacked by air, leaving open the possibility of them putting aside their differences with IS and joining forces.

With IS there is no flexability to negotiate a political solution in parrallel to use of force. Currently looks like a long and bloody campaign to get rid of them wherever they and their sympathisers are located.

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Call it a War, Campaign, Strategic Strikes, Anti terrorist Operations or any other fancy titles you want to apply.

You will not triumph unless you have boots on the ground.

You can support the Iraqi army and the peshmarga by air.

If you had any experience of either. You would know how rediculous your statement is.

The Peshmarga will defend its territory and nothing more.

The Iraqi Army is as much use as t!ts on a fish.

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This is what ISIS has inspired -- so yes ... as this kind of crazed brutality (link below) spreads because mentally unbalanced imitators want to emulate their spiritual leaders and heroes ... you can bet the American public will react. And Muslims in general will take the heat for this ... because once again this outrage will not even be commented upon by the leaderless so called 'moderate Muslims'....

Gruesome new details have been revealed regarding a woman murdered in Moore, Oklahoma, Thursday. According to local outlets, she was beheaded by a man who was reportedly in the process of converting to Islam.


The man who shot him not only worked there, he was the COO (same as president) of the company. They list him as an off duty policeman, but he was a reserve officer part time. At this time he was at work as a civilian carrying. If he hadn't been, the perp would have killed the 2nd woman.

But will the headline read : "Chief of company saves employee's life with his concealed handgun by shooting a Jihadist in the work place."

Or will it read: "Off duty policeman shoots violent criminal."

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Western countries - at some point - in order to control the Islamic radicals may have to begin to use the option of Exile. Exile is little used today but it used to be an instrument of dealing with internal enemies. Western Governments could pass laws or update old ones or just declare an Emergency... and begin to forcibly exiling Islamic radicals to any country that will take them in. This includes those who hold citizenship in that country by nature of birth or by immigration. And it could progressively increase - going down the ladder of worst to just being non violent political dissidents. This could quickly increase to thousands of people exiled each year. Meanwhile any teachings of hatred and promotion of violence towards the host country would be forbidden and Mosques cleared cleared of teaching documents extolling hated and violence and even progressively closed. It could come to Islam and practicing Islam as a Muslim would have to be outlawed...

Of course only the most dire situation and scenario would have to be taking place before governments would resort to even the use of exile... But they will likely have to consider these things if ultra Radicals like ISIS keep on the march.

The whining liberals and crazy Leftist would have a field day with protesting and demonstrating -- and creating violence to get their way -- and they may have to be added to the exile list.

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Western countries - at some point - in order to control the Islamic radicals may have to begin to use the option of Exile. Exile is little used today but it used to be an instrument of dealing with internal enemies. Western Governments could pass laws or update old ones or just declare an Emergency... and begin to forcibly exiling Islamic radicals to any country that will take them in. This includes those who hold citizenship in that country by nature of birth or by immigration. And it could progressively increase - going down the ladder of worst to just being non violent political dissidents. This could quickly increase to thousands of people exiled each year. Meanwhile any teachings of hatred and promotion of violence towards the host country would be forbidden and Mosques cleared cleared of teaching documents extolling hated and violence and even progressively closed. It could come to Islam and practicing Islam as a Muslim would have to be outlawed...

Of course only the most dire situation and scenario would have to be taking place before governments would resort to even the use of exile... But they will likely have to consider these things if ultra Radicals like ISIS keep on the march.

The whining liberals and crazy Leftist would have a field day with protesting and demonstrating -- and creating violence to get their way -- and they may have to be added to the exile list.

Sounds great BUT that only shifts the problem and does not cut out this cancer.

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Western countries - at some point - in order to control the Islamic radicals may have to begin to use the option of Exile. Exile is little used today but it used to be an instrument of dealing with internal enemies. Western Governments could pass laws or update old ones or just declare an Emergency... and begin to forcibly exiling Islamic radicals to any country that will take them in. This includes those who hold citizenship in that country by nature of birth or by immigration. And it could progressively increase - going down the ladder of worst to just being non violent political dissidents. This could quickly increase to thousands of people exiled each year. Meanwhile any teachings of hatred and promotion of violence towards the host country would be forbidden and Mosques cleared cleared of teaching documents extolling hated and violence and even progressively closed. It could come to Islam and practicing Islam as a Muslim would have to be outlawed...

Of course only the most dire situation and scenario would have to be taking place before governments would resort to even the use of exile... But they will likely have to consider these things if ultra Radicals like ISIS keep on the march.

The whining liberals and crazy Leftist would have a field day with protesting and demonstrating -- and creating violence to get their way -- and they may have to be added to the exile list.

Sounds great BUT that only shifts the problem and does not cut out this cancer.

The other non option is genocide I suppose .... but yes - it gets them out of Western countries - let them seethe and whine and scream - somewhere else ...

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More followers of ISIS examples and their brethren and those who praise actions taught by ISIS...

Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading

Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.


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Never Sure

Boots on the ground didn't help in N. Korea, 'Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...
We need to find them wherever we can, kill them whenever we can, and never let up.

Sorry mate, but you lived up to your name there tongue.png

There is only one to find them, and thats boots on the ground.

LOL tongue.png You're cherry picking.

I want to find them from the air as we're doing now. I truly think that you can't defeat a guerilla army on its own soil.

BTW did I mention that I dip all of my bullets in bacon grease? biggrin.png

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Never Sure

Boots on the ground didn't help in N. Korea, 'Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...
We need to find them wherever we can, kill them whenever we can, and never let up.

Sorry mate, but you lived up to your name there tongue.png

There is only one to find them, and thats boots on the ground.

LOL tongue.png You're cherry picking.

I want to find them from the air as we're doing now. I truly think that you can't defeat a guerilla army on its own soil.

BTW did I mention that I dip all of my bullets in bacon grease? biggrin.png

I just found it a rather strange combination biggrin.png

I take the opposite view. The only way to defeat them is to go in on the ground. Repeated air strikes will only further their cause. Where boots on the ground have failed before, I believe was caused by political Interference. When Governments take the decision to commit troops, that should be there role finished. The role should then be handed over in total to the Military Commanders. You cannot expect an army to fight a battle when their hands are tied by Political Interference.

Bacon grease, you big devil biggrin.png I could not possibly commit to the cyberworld some of my, lets say pranks.

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Call it a War, Campaign, Strategic Strikes, Anti terrorist Operations or any other fancy titles you want to apply.

You will not triumph unless you have boots on the ground.

Boots on the ground didn't help in N. Korea, 'Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan...

I know of no time in history when a guerilla army was defeated on its own soil.

These guys don't have uniforms, blend in with and are therefore protected by the non-combatants. Allied soldiers are killed simply because they don't know who the enemy is. They can't flush out and kill the enemy, but the enemy can mount surprise attacks and put down explosives for the allies and their vehicles to trigger by passing over them.

Will we never learn?

Yes, NeverSure, we will learn.

You are right about uniforms, blending in and hiding behind the non-combatants.

This learning will be the time of backfire I was talking about in #35.

The Laws will change. The Political concepts will change. The Politicians will change.

And the scary numbers of 25 millions Pakboong mentioned will not be scary any more.

Bringing back the concentration camps is not an option. It is too cruel and too costly.

And the tactics mentioned by Tonto21 may be not so far from the Future reality.

I said and repeat that eventually the backfire will be directed against All Muslims.

Unfair? Sure. Inhuman? Sure. Illegal? Sure. Only by today's norms. But these will change too.

Militant Muslims bring to us war. The kind of war we cannot win. We must change the nature of this war.

Than we cannot lose and they cannot win.

But the one and only way to change the nature of this war is - get rid of All Muslims in all non-Muslim countries.

I am not talking murder. I am not talking Concentration camps. I am talking Displacement and ban on Islam.

This is why I believe that Militant Muslims bring backfire on All Muslims.

Do I want this to happen? No. Do we all want this war? No. It is forced on us. And we have to do what we have to do.

Anybody sees any alternative? Boots on the ground will not help. Bombings will not help. Change the nature of this war!

There is no way western leaders of today have the guts to do any of that ABCer..

If anything, they are facilitating the influx of more (muslim) migrants across the Med and elsewhere.

You are right.

Look at line 4 of my post. It will have to be changed. And it will.

We will see many more headless people first.

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This is what ISIS has inspired -- so yes ... as this kind of crazed brutality (link below) spreads because mentally unbalanced imitators want to emulate their spiritual leaders and heroes ... you can bet the American public will react. And Muslims in general will take the heat for this ... because once again this outrage will not even be commented upon by the leaderless so called 'moderate Muslims'....

Gruesome new details have been revealed regarding a woman murdered in Moore, Oklahoma, Thursday. According to local outlets, she was beheaded by a man who was reportedly in the process of converting to Islam.


The man who shot him not only worked there, he was the COO (same as president) of the company. They list him as an off duty policeman, but he was a reserve officer part time. At this time he was at work as a civilian carrying. If he hadn't been, the perp would have killed the 2nd woman.

But will the headline read : "Chief of company saves employee's life with his concealed handgun by shooting a Jihadist in the work place."

Or will it read: "Off duty policeman shoots violent criminal."

Oh and please add the soon to be called for knifes to be banned as that is what the perp used... But as is always said by the gun haters ... 'guns are just more accessible ' ... more accessible than knives?... oh well ... some of the gun haters will be against the COO shooting the perp as it was not nice or something... never mind one person - a victim is alive because of a gun.

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So called guerrilla forces have been defeated militarily, but governments "lost the war" due to domestic political pressures. Where this was not the case was with the British and Commonwealth forces anti-communist campaign in Malaya and in Kenyan Mau Mau uprising. I assume there are other examples.

In response to a post above, the total deaths attributed to militant / insurgent attacks to date (around 3,000) in the deep South conflict in Thailand; therefore do not exceed total US and allied deaths from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In today’s news its mentioned that al Nusra, the most effective urban warfare fighters against Assad forces within Syria, have been attacked by air, leaving open the possibility of them putting aside their differences with IS and joining forces.

With IS there is no flexability to negotiate a political solution in parrallel to use of force. Currently looks like a long and bloody campaign to get rid of them wherever they and their sympathisers are located.

Total deaths in Thailand from Muslim terrorist attacks since 2000: 5,352 killed.
Total Deaths in the USA from Muslim terrorist attacks (almost all 9/11.) 3,000 killed.
Deaths, combat troops, Afghanistan War 2001–present 1,742
Deaths, combat troops, Iraq War 2003–2011 3,527
So anyway you shake it, playing nice has not kept Thailand safe from terrorists. It has had more killed by terrorist than the US has at home, or than the US has in both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.
Playing nice is not the answer, even though playing hardball is tough too.
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Doesn't really matter if it will back fire or not.

They should soon be confined to the history books as deleted from the earth, extinct.

It's not hard to do, just have to pound them relentlessly 24/7 and without mercy.

Not really that easy... They just use the Hamas tactic of using innocent people as shields. These ISIS will simply hide among the population of the towns they have captured to make it nigh on impossible to pick them out and destroy them... The coalition will literally have to take on massive numbers of 'collateral damage' that will eventually infuriate the entire Muslim world.

ISIS aint stupid. It is24/7 indiscriminate bombing that will in fact backfire on the US.

This has to be done with ground troops with full help from the Islamic countries providing ground troops to flush them out one by one and execute them without mercy or trial.

Remember Falluja??...... It worked there and only took 3 days and not a single Iraqi terrorist was left alive. So it works, but better if the soldiers are Islamics to minimise backlash..... Also choke the ISIS funding by boycotting all oil from Qatar and Saudi Arabia because they are the main backers and funders of ISIS. This can be done by blocking all their ports, and freeze all Qatar and Saudi bank accounts in the west.

You are correct in the fact that ground troops will be needed, however the problem comes when considering where ground troops will come from. ISIS brutality is not random, they can and do cite passages in the Koran to justify their actions, Muslim states know this and to fight ISIS directly risks a backlash from their own populations.

Returning to the question, will the brutal behavior of ISIS backfire? Well it certainly may do for stealth Jihaddists busy trying to undermine the West from within seeing as the contents of the Koran are laid bare, despite the best efforts of Western politicians to disguise this. in a sense insane absolutist ideologies always backfire in the end as there is no coherent end point to achieve, just a never ending spiral of violence.

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