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Key witness says foreigner kills British tourists

Lite Beer

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Honestly you couldn't write a bigger farce than this if you tried, reminds me of the Keystone cops and Buster Keaton all mixed in.... I wonder if this witness might be a Thai by chance, maybe even one of the head mans sons ? After all, i've never known a Thai lie ........ But then again i'm reminded of an old question i was once asked, " How can you tell if a Thai's telling lies ?, Answer, "Their lips are moving ! " (Boom boom) ...... Truly a sad situation, i can only imagine the grief their families must be feeling at this moment....... I've got a possible solution though, ( In spirit with the local logic) Divert a few Tornados from Iraq, and fckin napalm Koh Tao ! Bit of overkill admittedley, but i think they'd have a better chance of dealing out justice than the RTP Keystone/Keaton gang....... Just a thought....

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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Yes, what you say is what was reported by the local press and confirmed by the police.

Since then the police seemed to have changed their mind.



Who is really in charge of the investigation?

the case was solved days ago but then the big cheese stepped in and paid the bribe

The police have arrested a suspect in the murder of two British tourists in Koh Tao and are still hunting for a second suspect who has escaped into Bangkok.

Eighth Region Police Command commissioner Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen identified the first suspect as Mon.

He is the brother of a village headman in Koh Tao.

He was arrested after evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved, he said.

He also said another suspect is also a son of that village headman. But he has already to Bangkok.

He said both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders.

the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders

Mon refused to give DNA

when he did the results clearing him were done in less than 24 hours...impossible

the son in bkk was cleared on the say so of a couple of witnesses that say he was in bkk on the day of the murder even though the police originally said he fled the island on the morning after


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Who cares what anyone says anymore...The Royal Thai Police are a joke. I hear the PM has an idea for a new soap opera. With fodder produced by the fools he's employed to protect this country, it should be an easy plot.

Technically there is a difference between "the fools he's employed to protect this country" and the fools he's employed to protect its citizens. Who is more responsible?

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There are a lot of sick people on this forum judging by their posts. The word foreigner, in Thailand, means someone who is not Thai. Hey guys, farangs are not the only foreigners here. You are not the center of the universe here.

The report suggests that it is a non-Asian:

"But this latest disclosure, if confirmed, will be a significant turn of the probe which earlier focused only on locals and migrant workers after DNA testing revealed the mixed semen found inside Ms Hannah Witheridge belonged to Asians."

And anything non-Asian is a Farang (Causcasian, Hispanic, Latino, Black - all Farang!... although I have heard a few Thais refer to the latter as negro which clearly demonstrates the level of political correctness here in Thailand).

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This is just another example of the continuous and moronic crap that goes on here...I feel so bad for the families of the victims...and whats worse is the police actually think the public is going to fall for this load of BS...we are all supposed to just sit back and affirmatively nod our head up and down and believe this ...its just sickening..

Karma's a bitch...and the botton line is...whether brought to justice or not..the murderer(s) will pay...you can bet your arse on it!

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blame the foreigner game has started

even foreign DNA of mongolian men were found inside the poor victim....

everybody should BAN this ban island

Yeah let's all pretend that this corruption and incompetence is isolated to koh tao.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And the "key witness" didn't come forward until now because..................

They did not think he would be needed. Or they had not found someone who could repeat the story when asked. Or they simply have run out of new tit bits for the press. Who knows but this investigation will once again show just how inept the Thai Police are.

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I have been coming to Thailand for 23 yrs-I will never come here again. I will also be sure to treat Thai people in my country in the same way as foreigners are treated here and I will incite all my friends to do the same

That's right you get down in the gutter with them - that will show them.

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My wife read something yesterday that mentioned the Police had a witness to the murder and didn't come forward earlier because he/she was afraid for their life.

A few days back, I began to think about everything I've read since this tragedy occurred and felt that their were 3 people involved in these murders...I remembered they spoke of 3 people playing guitar on the beach and then I remembered that one Farang who I will not name, but I'm sure all of you know who it is, plays guitar on the island. He lives on the island and knows all the local Thai's around the bar area etc... I'm sure he does drugs and from what I've read, loves to drink. Since this whole matter started, he has given conflicting stories to the press. It all began when he said that he was supposed to have met David that evening, but he was too hung over and slept in to making statements that his friend David was killed because he went to Hannah's defense against some locals who were harrassing her at the bar and David walked her back to the hotel when the attack occurred. Then you have the story that a bar girl the evening of the murders saw this Farang full of blood and his story was that he was involved in an accident or a fight...how could that be when he was hung over and in bed asleep? I thought of all this and kept thinking...I really believe this guy is involved, but the semen found was of two Asians...so how does he tie into it? Then I heard about the condom and that was the last piece to my puzzle. The Farang used the condom and the two Thai's did not. It sounds stupid, but when you are on drugs and alcohol you do stupid things and from this Farang's movements...two Thai's threatened to kill him etc... I put it that he is not just a once in a while drug user of Ya ba, but he is an addict and he was having anxiety attacks due to the use of drugs and doing something bad that was eating at him and how was he going to cover it up...too many things going on in his head to think straight. He's already a convicted perv from readings in the UK news, so who knows what else he has done that nobody knows about and had chosen to live his life in a tiny island at such a young age. His stories don't check out, but I do believe his life was threatened by these two Thai's that he took pictures of, but not because they were out to make him a patsy, but because the Farang was unstable and the two Thai guys were afraid that he would eventually open his mouth about what happened or contradict himself even more to the point where the Police would eventually realize that he is a prime suspect and during interrogations, he would rat out the two Thai guys...who are the two that he took pictures of and wanted to silence him to cover their own back sides. Then there's the sympathy notes from all the friends, including David's Farang friend on Koh Tao who seemed to be the best heartfelt note I read from all the friends...this tells me that he has deep issues and was so sympathetic and heartfelt because he did something so terrible.

Anyhow...these are just my thoughts and if I'm wrong in every way, I really hope to GOD that the Authorities don't move on my thoughts as they are just thoughts and I'm not the professional...just a bystander with deep sympathy for what happened to these two young souls and wants justice to the "REAL" animals who brought this tragedy to all of our lives. I just can't help but think and try and piece it together...maybe just to settle my emotions from this gruesome act.

These are just my thoughts...and not professionally so please no CSI jokes etc...I'm just venting out my own thoughts.

Would have been better had you just kept these thoughts to you and your wife/partner.........theories are all good.....but none of us here are in a position to make such judgements here.........

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I have been coming to Thailand for 23 yrs-I will never come here again. I will also be sure to treat Thai people in my country in the same way as foreigners are treated here and I will incite all my friends to do the same

That's right you get down in the gutter with them - that will show them.

Spite goes a long way.........hope you live in Iceland...not too many Thais there....

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blame the foreigner game has started

even foreign DNA of mongolian men were found inside the poor victim....

everybody should BAN this ban island

It was NOT DNA of Mongolian Men... it was DNA of Mongoloid, which means of Asian origin.

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another diversion to mislead the issue, with a self appointed newly released witness prior the Officials visit, but whom are the killers.

Pity so much time has been on purpose wasted and so many errors mostly voluntary, obvious lies with threats to meddle the case as much as possible.

It is sad nothing change with those islanders.....many cases before !

Once more Bangkok Police is inefficient, absolutely powerless and Island live goes on, the islanders know the culprits since day one explaining all this agitation.

So sad for the family, we all know by now to have to avoid those islands if not properly cleaned up of human danger.

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I have been coming to Thailand for 23 yrs-I will never come here again. I will also be sure to treat Thai people in my country in the same way as foreigners are treated here and I will incite all my friends to do the same

Another dramaqueen!giggle.gif So you joined the forum, just to tell us, that you won't be coming here on holiday anymore??

So during your 23 years of coming here, you never realized that the policeforce was corrupt?

As for your comments of your future attitude towards Thais in your homecountry really shows, what a small person you are!!sad.png

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A suggestion, at the risk of hearing "why don't you do it yourself:"

A compilation of what's known so far as well as what should be known, what is strange, suspicious, about this crime. Then comments that address or add information. Between the speculation, back-and-forth on OT topics, never mind the fantastical musings and inappropriate sarcasm, jokes and rants, the useful bits of discussion and info get buried. Censoring any of us (I've been guilty too) for running on is pointless, so perhaps a separate, moderated, good-info-dump thread.

If anyone has time and the motivation….

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