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Thai PM Bemoans Divisive Soap Operas, Offers to Write Better Ones

Lite Beer

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I have ordered that scripts be written, including plays on reconciliation, on tourism and on Thai culture,” Prayuth told reporters."

“They are writing plots at the moment and if they can't finish it I will write it myself,” he said of a team of government-appointed writers."

Propaganda 101.

​The guy is drunk with power. wai2.gifwai.gif

“In our country, television dramas make people fight..."


Did you know, General, there are two very easy solutions to your viewing habits.

And they are located right there on your remote:

1. On/Off

2. Switch Channel

Oh yeah, and perhaps get to some real priorities instead of sitting in front of the boob-tube... blink.png

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We all know they are absoulute tripe, a cross between a pantomime and Benny Hill of the 1960's. I give him some kudos for saying that are a load of rubbish, mind you the UK has a load of tripe on as well, so many channels with time to fill, does anyone care? Well here the PM seems to so I wish him well with trying for an upgrade.

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They've restricted freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of press, and academic debate. None of this was enough so they're moving on soaps. Of course all this is for the best, one can't have "Thai style" democracy without "Thai style" freedom of speech.

You never watched Thai soaps I guess, or did you and think that all that was perfectly acceptable, even in your own country?

I'm confused, are you suggesting that it's a good idea for Prayuth to write the soaps?

I think maybe you should ask him to write your posts!!!

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I cannot physically watch these soaps. There is some eye candy to oogle at but that's it. The stories are all the same, the acting is terrible and it's all about filthy rich high sos.

They should be pulled. They are dumbing down the nation.

I don't think that is actually possible is it?

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This is truly amusing...I suppose the soap characters will call in the benevolent military to solve all the soaps stabbings, shootings, and beat downs...

I am beginning to believe the PM is suffering from the Superman Syndrome...or is it Mighty Mouse...?

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You confuse easily, don't you ?

I'm only suggesting that Thai soaps are awful and that I have no doubts that in the free Western World we would have various (different) protest groups agitating against such stereotype like depiction.

There's awful television in my own country, and I assume in all countries. However only countries with totalitarian regimes insist on writing the scripts, and then the television is even worse. So, once again, do you think it's a good idea for Prayuth to write the soaps?

There's a difference between 'awful" and 'full of prejudice and stereotypes".

In the Western World we accept the "awful" but would protest against the 'prejudice and stereotypes'. It would seem that nowadays even the 1927 musical "Showboat"" cannot be broadcasted without the need for talkgroups explaining how to see it in the light of 'those times' and how much we have evolved since.

Funny, I didn't see anything in the OP about prejudice and stereotypes, just objections to 'violence and division in society'.

You are again dodging the question, and trying to go off-topic. Do you think it's a good idea for Prayuth to write the soaps? That's what the topic is about.

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To the PM, Sir:

You have a national treasure in entertainment media at MUIC Mahidol University Salaya in a department of that name. I started the educational curriculum and it has graduated about 20 superior students for over eight years now, most of whom could be in touch with the younger audience to write and produce the message you seek. Take a look at their Senior Project films/tv. Some are world quality-- outstanding.

I retired from my professorship and administration position there, but know two teachers there now to help get in contact with student graduates. A lot of these Thai citizens are well taught and ready to help, I am sure. Give these idealistic young adults a chance ... start them on the task and smile because they are very creative and will work hard for you.

--Ph.D. professor of Entertainment Media, retired first Head of Program.

P.S. Contact the two teachers, NOT the Dean and not the MU President; I know what I am talking about. wai.gif

teachers Dr. P.C. and Dr. S.

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You have to admit that Thai TV is full of violence, guns, rapes, disrespect for social values, and is just not real Thai behavior. But stupid people seeing this crap think it is real and act out the parts. A free press is important but responsible TV broadcasting should be something that the government should push for. It is no wonder these Thai kids sitting in these video computer shops playing shoot up games are going out on the street and killing people. Monkey see monkey do ....

It is good to hear our new PM cares and is talking about this...

Monkeys eh? You obviously have a high opinion of the Thai people. Tell me, in your mind, are monkeys more or less advanced than buffaloes? Edited by JAG
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To the PM, Sir:

You have a national treasure in entertainment media at MUIC Mahidol University Salaya in a department of that name. I started the educational curriculum and it has graduated about 20 superior students for over eight years now, most of whom could be in touch with the younger audience to write and produce the message you seek. Take a look at their Senior Project films/tv. Some are world quality-- outstanding.

I retired from my professorship and administration position there, but know two teachers there now to help get in contact with student graduates. A lot of these Thai citizens are well taught and ready to help, I am sure. Give these idealistic young adults a chance ... start them on the task and smile because they are very creative and will work hard for you.

--Ph.D. professor of Entertainment Media, retired first Head of Program.

P.S. Contact the two teachers, NOT the Dean and not the MU President; I know what I am talking about. wai.gif

teachers Dr. P.C. and Dr. S.

Is this a copy of a letter containing this information that you have already sent to P.M. Prayuth?

I doubt he has time after supper to view TVF.

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I sense somebody who thought he was qualified for the job is going into mental breakdown.

Most of us complaining about the Thai soaps , Thai people are very sensitive on what is on telly , may it be commercials or soaps. The General has a good point to interfere with domestic telly because most Thais watch them and they are no a reflection of the real life in the LOS .

The General knows exactly whats going on in the country .

Give him the time and freedom to clean up the mess thats build up for decennium .

I salute him and wish him good luck .

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To the PM, Sir:

You have a national treasure in entertainment media at MUIC Mahidol University Salaya in a department of that name. I started the educational curriculum and it has graduated about 20 superior students for over eight years now, most of whom could be in touch with the younger audience to write and produce the message you seek. Take a look at their Senior Project films/tv. Some are world quality-- outstanding.

I retired from my professorship and administration position there, but know two teachers there now to help get in contact with student graduates. A lot of these Thai citizens are well taught and ready to help, I am sure. Give these idealistic young adults a chance ... start them on the task and smile because they are very creative and will work hard for you.

--Ph.D. professor of Entertainment Media, retired first Head of Program.

P.S. Contact the two teachers, NOT the Dean and not the MU President; I know what I am talking about. wai.gif

teachers Dr. P.C. and Dr. S.

In the UK, a degree in Media studies is known as the dossers degree, i,e far from being an achievement anybody can get one,for minimum effort! and I can't believe it's worth anymore in Thailand!

And yes i'm sure the PM could write better scripts!

Edited by MAJIC
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Being gay...can I requests gay theme lakorns like about soldiers making out with other soldiers.....they will be no violence or rape scenes or even diviseness...instead just soldiers from different backgrounds and provinces simply falling in love with each other and making love (not war!)

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