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Son of Koh Tao Island Chief denies role In Britons' murder


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"Police have given conflicting statements about whether DNA samples of Mr. Warot and his father have been tested. "

Another proof that Thai police have no intention to solve this case.

Village chief and his son was prime suspect and person of interest why do they refuse to give DNA samples?

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From Chiangraitimes a week ago:

"Police questioned why Wiraphan’s son Warot, 22 quickly disappeared from the island shortly after the murders however he stated that his son was studying at a university in Bangkok and he was returning to study, not running as the police said."

This is the part where it appears the father knew his son had returned to Bangkok after the murders.

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The time-stamp in photo that the lawyer is holding is white. Whereas the time-stamp in second corridor photo is a mix of white and black.

They could be different cameras with different settings, however if it's the same building with a single CCTV system I would have thought the time stamp would be the same on all images.

They both look like they're taken from the same camera because you can see a box in the far left of the corridor when you zoom in.


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From the lawyers own statement -

"Mr. Attakorn said his client never went into hiding and that police never questioned Mr. Warot about the murder. He added that Mr. Warot is willing to cooperate with police if he is ever summoned for questioning."

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They have all the tools and proofs to solve this case, is a small Island with a very limit of people who can have done it.
They have DNA, murder weapons, finger prints, hair, shoe size, length and nationality group.
What i want to say a full complete dinner table for a investigator.

They have cctv of one suspect, who probably are involved in one way or maybe seen something.
He look very similar to one person who photos circulates in media. Hair style, body, color and body structure looks very similar.

Let some suspect run and walk same time in front of the camera and you will find out who it is and go from there.
They are also a limit of people who fits in the picture with similar body.
(they are many websites who have photos side by side to compare)

Treat everyone as a suspect and do a DNA test and case will be solved soon.
They manage to do 160 DNA test in a few days. So they have the manpower.

Like many say here on forums and media:
They do not want to solve this case or they can't of some reasons.

Who want to visit Koh Tao if they have a group of people who are capable of crimes like this.
Koh Tao needs to solve this for the islands reputation and respect of victim and there families.

Edited by Silents
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The time-stamp in photo that the lawyer is holding is white. Whereas the time-stamp in second corridor photo is a mix of white and black.

They could be different cameras with different settings, however if it's the same building with a single CCTV system I would have thought the time stamp would be the same on all images.

They both look like they're taken from the same camera because you can see a box in the far left of the corridor when you zoom in.

The photo shown in the news article and the (supposedly same) photo held up by the lawyer are different in several basic ways. Besides one is color and the other isn't, the time stamps vary on the numbers and colors. I would expect a 13 year old neophyte to be able to doctor photos better than that. Very low class. Plus the attorney is telling lies (son wasn't on island, even tho the punk's dad said he was), but no one is surprised by that. If you don't tell lies, you're not Thai.
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Mr. Warot's lawyer, Attakorn Onart needs to realize that students do not take classes and examinations on Saturdays and Sundays at any university. University documents that confirmed his class attendance and examination!!! it is going to be hard to convince a judge that one pupil attended a weekend class on his own with one teacher who is on the pay role. Now his hands have healed he comes forward.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let's suppose that somewhere along the line, a DNA match were to be found albeit unlikely. Then what would that prove? My simple view here is that it would show that sex took place! It doesn't necessarily point to who or whom were the murderers!! Maybe the police have evidence that we don't know about?
In no way am I a legal eagle but, if the police try and prosecute on the DNA alone then surely a half decent defense lawyer will get the case dismissed on the grounds that a DNA match does not prove murder.
One wonders what the police have done to establish murder???

I don't think police is interested in solving this case as long as the killer is proven to be a Thai male, possibly living on the Kho Thao island.

To bad the Royal Thai police just keep on making fools out of themselves in front of the whole world, shame on you!

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Sean may have known his time on the Island was over .

He knew too much .

Slipped got involved - even witnessed the horrendous crime and cover up.

""No Thai could have done this""


This case is looking like it not only has high level cover up .

But people connected high up ( family) may have committed it.

The kid in the photo looks a remorseful , scorned boy being rescued by a powerful Thai lord in his father.

With. The powers that be demanding no connection is made


Edited by Plutojames88
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Why are these important photos that allegedly give an alibi to the murder suspect, printed by a crappy inkjet with blocked jets? Surely they can deliver a digital copy. But even if they did, I would love to see another example of a video time code which seems to be randomly black and white. All white you would expect, black maybe but I have never seen it. Black and white? crazy.

If this guy was innocent. the easiest thing in the world would be a DNA test and a clip of the CCTV. Instead we get a lawyer and subterfuge.

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Very easy to fabricate a still image and create documentation if you have money to pay for it.

Police should investigate further and ask around his university and residence in Bangkok if he has been seen by anyone.

Also provide your DNA if your NOT guilty..... I understand he refuses to give DNA and instead insist on the so called evidence that he was in Bangkok at the time of the murders ?

Why after so many day's only come forward with " evidence" to clear himself ? Hmm... obviously takes time to fabricate anything... doesn't it ?

Just a thought... whistling.gif

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Why are these important photos that allegedly give an alibi to the murder suspect, printed by a crappy inkjet with blocked jets? Surely they can deliver a digital copy. But even if they did, I would love to see another example of a video time code which seems to be randomly black and white. All white you would expect, black maybe but I have never seen it. Black and white? crazy.

If this guy was innocent. the easiest thing in the world would be a DNA test and a clip of the CCTV. Instead we get a lawyer and subterfuge.

It's probably to show that they can present any old &lt;deleted&gt; and still no further questions will be asked. They are laughing at the UK whilst sticking the middle finger up.

As much to say "what the &lt;deleted&gt; are you going to do about it"?!! "We are invincible"!!

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There are two brothers, what about the other one ?

One was the brother (of the chief) and one was the son. Yes, because all eyes are on this, Interpol should be doing a DNA on both.....suspects or not.

No, the chief has two sons, he is asked how many in interview and clearly says two both in bangkok.

Would they be twins by any chance?


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Let's just face it people there are "untouchables " in Thai society no matter what we all see.

This IS Thailand and if you want to live here you have to accept the rough with the smooth even though it galls everyone, but. NOBODY is going to be found in this case the money has already changed hands to make sure the true suspects will never see so much as a day inside a police cell.

The family if the victims will never have peace of mind, forget the PM's words about solving this one it ain't gonna happen, he knows this too as these connected "families" are more powerful than he is.

He has to live here and won't be PM forever but these powerful families have connections all the way to the top and there's nothing the PM can do about it but fall into line like a good little boy and forget the murders ever happened, which is what most Thais of influence want too.

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w00t.gif The son of a powerful local administrator on Koh Tao island w00t.gif

make up your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the last time in other post he was old chief of village....not even the actual chief...............so what happened? now he suddenly become a powerful local administrator????

who is giving the news?

what can we trust about all these news ?


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Easy to doctor images.. Is this what he did during his week in hiding? Find "paid" witnesses and create stories.

If he was innocent why didn't he surrender immediately.

Get the whole family DNA tested independently, not in Thailand.

Easy to doctor DNA results if they are not carried out by an independent body

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Let's just face it people there are "untouchables " in Thai society no matter what we all see.

This IS Thailand and if you want to live here you have to accept the rough with the smooth even though it galls everyone, but. NOBODY is going to be found in this case the money has already changed hands to make sure the true suspects will never see so much as a day inside a police cell.

The family if the victims will never have peace of mind, forget the PM's words about solving this one it ain't gonna happen, he knows this too as these connected "families" are more powerful than he is.

He has to live here and won't be PM forever but these powerful families have connections all the way to the top and there's nothing the PM can do about it but fall into line like a good little boy and forget the murders ever happened, which is what most Thais of influence want too.

Utterly depressing, but true!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Having worked with video production, including overlays for the past 30+ years, I have just one question:- Why would two different cameras have the same overlaid alpha-numeric data errors? (The overlaid data dips in the middle and changes between black & white overlay) Obviously, these video recordings have both been run through the same video overlay retro-actively.

The overlay unit has two problems: a data alignment error & data colour mix between black & white which has been copied on to both video clips. The chances of two separate cameras having one of the the EXACT same problems is so great its virtually impossible. Having both problems?... Well I think its pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain, this is clearly fabricated evidence.

If only the Thai police had some of your skills this case would be solved already and the killer(s) been behind bars waiting for their death sentence, instead they just keep on making fools out of themselves in front of the whole world.

Edited by bander
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Let's just face it people there are "untouchables " in Thai society no matter what we all see.

This IS Thailand and if you want to live here you have to accept the rough with the smooth even though it galls everyone, but. NOBODY is going to be found in this case the money has already changed hands to make sure the true suspects will never see so much as a day inside a police cell.

The family if the victims will never have peace of mind, forget the PM's words about solving this one it ain't gonna happen, he knows this too as these connected "families" are more powerful than he is.

He has to live here and won't be PM forever but these powerful families have connections all the way to the top and there's nothing the PM can do about it but fall into line like a good little boy and forget the murders ever happened, which is what most Thais of influence want too.

Utterly depressing, but true!

That's right, corruption among the BIB's make evidence disappear and DNA samples missing or not taken. Time to make pressure on Scotland Yard to "help" with the investigation if this case ever gone be solved.

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i hope this works

can anyone see the difference if so tell the police

Bit odd that the dates on the photo are lovely and clear when the rest of the picture quality is sh!te!! handy coincidence possibly though......

I'm no expert on CCTV images, but I want to believe that date and time will be in a straight line on one such picture?

I edited the images in Photoshop and got them a little clearer, and added a straight line (red) under the date and time.



where is the footage of him on Sunday the day of the murder?

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