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Police detain three migrant workers on Koh Tao for DNA test


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The Facebook profiles of thie family.

Woraphan (วรพันธ์ ตู้วิเชียร) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003939306416

Worat (นมสด ดิโด้) https://www.facebook.com/dodo.vt?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab

Worat's Sister Immy https://www.facebook.com/immars.toovichien?fref=ts

Montriwat (มนตรีวัฒน์ ตู้วิเชียร) https://www.facebook.com/immymumu?fref=ts and https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005018081870

Montriwat's Son https://www.facebook.com/Intouch.Toovichien?fref=ts

Montriwat's Daughter https://www.facebook.com/suchana.toovichien.5?fref=ts and https://www.facebook.com/suchana.toovichien?fref=ts

Very close family member that looks like Worat and Montriwat's son. WHO? https://www.facebook.com/ddjazper

Very close family member, unsure who https://www.facebook.com/mayakohtao

Wife of above fmily member https://www.facebook.com/bowwi.alert

Sanlaya Toovichean https://www.facebook.com/sanlaya.toovichean

Photo from Montriwat's profile


I've been looking at their facebook pages almost since the start, and some others that seemed interesting when certain comments etc had been posted (let's just say some of them and their friends did not seem that upset about this incident), but I didn't want to mention many profiles here.


This was the one I wasn't sure about. I thought maybe it was an alternative son to Worat as this is also Worat's page, no?


Intouch lists mayakhotao as his uncle

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Collected DNA from 300 Burmese workers. Then find a discarded item bought from a convenience store which matches something near the crime scene what three Burmese bought and hey presto!

Shouldn't there DNA match the cigarette but too?

I don't see the relevance of DNA on a cigarette butt....to the murder of 2 innocent people. Just because a person was on the beach having a smoke with friends at midnight.....doesn't make them a murderer at 4am.

Wasn't there a report of 2 different samples of Asian semen found, wouldn't that be a much better way to convict a rapist / murderer than something that was found discarded from a shop or on a cigarette butt.

Then a story about 2 or 3 locally connected family members who refused DNA samples....although the head man offered 1m baht to saying it was proof they were innocent....wouldn't a quick DNA test to 'prove' they were not the perps, have saved the family from parting with a million baht. This whole scenario is like something from an Inspector Clouseau storyline.

Unless these migrant workers were taking drugs at the time, then i highly doubt that they would attack and murder 2 x western tourists for no reason

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Collected DNA from 300 Burmese workers. Then find a discarded item bought from a convenience store which matches something near the crime scene what three Burmese bought and hey presto!

Shouldn't there DNA match the cigarette but too?

I don't see the relevance of DNA on a cigarette butt....to the murder of 2 innocent people. Just because a person was on the beach having a smoke with friends at midnight.....doesn't make them a murderer at 4am.

Wasn't there a report of 2 different samples of Asian semen found, wouldn't that be a much better way to convict a rapist / murderer than something that was found discarded from a shop or on a cigarette butt.

Then a story about 2 or 3 locally connected family members who refused DNA samples....although the head man offered 1m baht to saying it was proof they were innocent....wouldn't a quick DNA test to 'prove' they were not the perps, have saved the family from parting with a million baht. This whole scenario is like something from an Inspector Clouseau storyline.

Unless these migrant workers were taking drugs at the time, then i highly doubt that they would attack and murder 2 x western tourists for no reason

Well they originally said that the DNA on the cig butt matched the semen inside Hannah.

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Really feel for the 3 who are being brought in, a confession will be extracted guilty or not.

I am sure the big boss has said end it now it is dragging on to long and to many heads will roll if I goes on any further.

This has happened several times when foreigners have been murdered, it always seems to be Burmese fisherman or Cambodian construction workers. They are interrogated in Thai with no competent translator made available and lo and behold a confession is extracted.

Either the Thai police have no leads or they are protecting an influential family. Same story repeated again and again nobody is going to believe it this time either.

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I am so sick and I really hope that I am proven wrong in what I think. The main consolation for me is that I stayed in Europe with my family and cancled my move to Thailand in August. I pondered many times had I made the correct decision but now I know I have. But thats no good to the poor deceased or the horrors their families are going trough.

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Kee kwai!

I am so glad I upped sticks and left the madness of Thai Disneyland. I've not looked back.

This whole case stinks, the Police stink, the 'investigation stinks, and this case has highlighted how unsafe the whole country is and how lawless society is with corruption at every turn.

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Innocent men executed while killers protected ?

I believe three innocents were executed some 68 years ago within the Kingdom. More commonly, since those times, an innocent is convicted, placed in jail, and then quietly released a few years later.

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Mr Soe was charged with illegally entering the country after police took tissue samples from him for DNA testing...

Of course no ones mentioned that these guys supposedly and probably have been DNA checked already being on the island since day 1 ... after all the RTP made a huge thing about doing it.

So until the RTP got a lucky break and swooped on one when leaving the Island they havnt interviewed them and if they did hadnt taken DNA as routine long ago ? BS

Wait for the ...these illegal aliens wernt even known to be on KT

... dont pi** down my back then tell me its raining...

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They are trying to shift it to migrant workers now and the explanation because they were buying something from a store.

Watch this space we are going to hear all the BS in the world.

Well, what if the murderers were migrant workers? Should they not investigate migrant workers because some foreigners have knee-jerk reactions claiming that the police want to frame them?

They've already investigated some Thais and foreigners too.

Thais have been convicted many times in the past of killing foreigners, so it is illogical to think they will not convict a Thai person if he (or they) are guilty.

They should check everywhere the leads take them.

Fair enough. But with DNA evidence taken from the insides of the victim they should be fairly definite about those they are charging.

Only yesterday they said they were going to arrest someone in three days time. What kind of "investigation" is this?

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Yeah the thai mafia on the island told them already how to solve this case

That's ridiculous. Complete knee-jerk reaction.

You're absolutely correct of course. It is indeed a "knee-jerk reaction".

You may also want to look at the legal system and ponder why so many well connected wealthy people manage to avoid prison.

Is that also a knee-jerk reaction, or is there more to the story?

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In the interest of fair justice anyone charged with the murder should have a sample of their DNA taken, tested and matched by British authorities alone before being put on trial.

And just how could we assure ourselves that the Thai Police involved in this case don't substitite the real murders semen samples found on the dead girl for the DNA samples of the Migrants before sending the samples off to the UK???

The only way to do that and be sure it is done properly, would be to have a British Cop, Doctor and Embassy official there to collect the samples themselves.

And one thing for sure is that that will never happen in a million years, unless the Great General orders it done in the name of recouping some respect for Thailand and maintaining its holiday destination status, and to hell with losing face in the process, like I said, ain't never gonna happen,EVER!!!!.

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They are trying to shift it to migrant workers now and the explanation because they were buying something from a store.

Watch this space we are going to hear all the BS in the world.

Well, what if the murderers were migrant workers? Should they not investigate migrant workers because some foreigners have knee-jerk reactions claiming that the police want to frame them?

They've already investigated some Thais and foreigners too.

Thais have been convicted many times in the past of killing foreigners, so it is illogical to think they will not convict a Thai person if he (or they) are guilty.

They should check everywhere the leads take them.

And of course one of those leads was to the family members of one very influential islander, and they refused to be DNA tested ??????????

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They are trying to shift it to migrant workers now and the explanation because they were buying something from a store.

Watch this space we are going to hear all the BS in the world.

Well, what if the murderers were migrant workers? Should they not investigate migrant workers because some foreigners have knee-jerk reactions claiming that the police want to frame them?

They've already investigated some Thais and foreigners too.

Thais have been convicted many times in the past of killing foreigners, so it is illogical to think they will not convict a Thai person if he (or they) are guilty.

They should check everywhere the leads take them.

Fair enough. But with DNA evidence taken from the insides of the victim they should be fairly definite about those they are charging.

Only yesterday they said they were going to arrest someone in three days time. What kind of "investigation" is this?

Well, they realized that there were too many failed promises and really tried to make this one up...

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I just looked up the percentages of unsolved murders around the world, quite surprising how many go unsolved, even in countries like the USA & the UK.

Some of you chronic Thai bashers should have a look yourselves, you may then realize it does happen in your own countries as well.

You moronic idiot, its around 5% of murders that go unsolved in the UK.

Quite clearly it is almost impossible with set resources to solve 100%.

Well done for making yourself look like a stupid young boy.

Considering there are about 5000 murders per year in Thailand and only 500 in the UK, you would think that the Thais would be so much more experienced at solving them..


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So either the semen DNA is a match to one of them or it is not. Seems pretty simple.

Not meaning to be rude pomchop do believe for one moment that this is straight forward and simple. We are talking Thailand money police and powerful people I wish I had your optimism or naivety .

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Seamen does not mean rape. It could be casual Sex. Some girls might just want to have fun (said Cindy)

People like you are a lost cause. You can see quite clearly by your profile picture your deeply ingrained in what you see as your adopted culture even portraying your amulet as your fashion symbol that is starving your brain of much needed oxygen. You have no right to mock these two young Brits deaths with your despicable retorts on such a serious subject. Bad Karma mate .......... Incidentally, your intellect speak volumes ... learn to spell

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Patsies framed, caught and ready to be fried in public. Looks like someone else needed the 700k to "tell the story". Mafia boss, cronies and family leaning back with a sigh of relief, a few millions "poorer" (but this will come back easily through a sharp increase of electric and water prices) playing some stupid games on their smartphones, bored, waiting for nightfall eager to harass some other hot blonde, unfortunate enough to stumble into one of their pickup places - perhaps she will play along and leave the island raped, bruised and battered, but alive - who knows? Now, since they have shown the whole world that they are untouchable, the game is on...

my god, how right you are.

It's exactly what it is. The untouchables playing games, while the rest has to chuck down what's on the platters.

Huxley's brave New World

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Thanks god you have migrant workers here to make them responsible for all the failings of the responsible....its just the way going i wrote in an older comment! Find the guilty ones but dont point out a Thai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gen. Prayhut needs to clean up that country from the very top to the very bottom!!!!!!!!!! otherwise no change!

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