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Koh Tao murders: Myanmar worker confesses killing British tourists


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The suspect was caught wearing the same T-shirt (ACTWO), the same night that the crime happened. He didn't try to flee or escape anywhere, and he went to work at AC2 Restaurant everyday.. WTH????

Yes! of course! you know that! its irrefutable proof!

By the way, I thought his hair was supposed to have been BLONDE on the night of the murders!

They crack that too.

He dyed haor black ...

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Have the DNA of the island mafia/head honcho/village headman/powerful family/whatever and their families, workers, dogs and cats tested first. By independent bodies no less. Scotland Yard. FBI. CIA. KGB if you must. I don't care. Prove them innocent beyond all doubt. I am not saying they are guilty but I challenge them to submit themselves to an independent test, because I don't buy why they are exempted from being tested. The whole damned island is tested, but these 'powerful people' are untouchable? Otherwise this is just another cover up. Another Thainess crap. Another one we could sweep under the 'TiT' carpet.

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I am not surprised that there are a number of trolls trying to put the 'Thai side of things' but really, it is not necessary.

Those of us that have been here for some years recognise fully the advantages of Thailand.

That does not mean we have to walk around with our eyes closed to the negatives, nor try to 'westernise' the country,or indeed, bash

Thais for everything they say or do.

Of course, there are Thai bashers and Thai apologists on this forum, but, the fact is most Thai people are indeed some of the most welcoming and friendliest in the World.

The problem is that many Thai institutions are corrupt, inept and just plain stupid. BIB being a prime example, although there ARE many good and honest policemen too.

Patronage system plus 0.1% having 46% of the wealth does not bode well for a fair and open government, junta or otherwise.

This sad and heinous crime has highlighted to the World the type of farce that is played out as some poorly scripted soap opera by people whose first duty

should be to protect the public and uphold the law.

The latest 'revelations' only highlight it.

The majority of Thai people are kind and welcoming, unfortunately, it is the minority that catches the headlines.

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So why werent they picked up earlier from the dna tests that were performed on the whole island that was said to have come up with no matches,. and how come the no farang Dna on the sperm found. oh god so many holes here .. unless the police were telling porkies the whole time and had the case buttoned up from day one.

MSN UK says they've had the guy since the day after the murders.

Is that why they set out to test 200 foreign workers and a bunch of thai restaurant owners at 5,ooo baht a pop and kept dozens of police and forensic people there to investigate right up until a day or two ago.

If the brit news says ,then must be so.

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Do Thai people understand 'investigative journalism'? It seems that the f$,ked up hierarchical system here keeps most journalists from even expressing skepticism when big players are involved.

Did the kid of the island boss submit a DNA test?

Why were the police trying to get a taxi driver to nail three other people the day before?

Why do they announce that they know who did it before DNA results?

Since migrant workers were prime suspects initially, how did these guys avoid the comprehensive DNA tests handed out by the police initially?!?!?

And on and on.

Sometimes it's depressing to live here.

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I don't get you guys... why would thai Police lock innocent persons?

Look. They could easy match the DNA (or even need to, hey they confessed) and say " You doing some time in prison for 500.000baht".

I think the sentence tells a lot. If death penalty i think they are the real ones. If only jail sentence hmm questionmarks left behind.

Sorry for sloppy english ,)

The logic of death or imprisonment does not hold water and would disclose nothing. They could be paid and killed too no matter what the RTP may or may not have promised them. That is of course assuming they are scapegoats which the may (a big MAY) not be.

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Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

Most racist people in the world

IT is not that we don't love thailand. And all of your points are true of the beauty in this country.

There are horrible crimes all over the world.

But only in thailand it seems, a specific race of people are being targeted to be beaten ,raped and murdered on a daily basis. With few if any convictions and light sentences even when convicted.

Namely white skinned males and the rampant abuse and rape of white skinned females. This is not happening in any other country in the world, and it is time thailand and thai people face up to this fact.

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Apparently the word on the street from the Thai & Expat locals down on the islands, who agree that the real culprits are the local mafiaso families, and are at frustration point because they seem to wielding enough power to push the boys in brown & in green around. (and the media) That's scary!, I really hope we are all wrong, but there is a big stinky rat in there somewhere.

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Apparently the word on the street from the Thai & Expat locals down on the islands, who agree that the real culprits are the local mafiaso families, and are at frustration point because they seem to wielding enough power to push the boys in brown & in green around. (and the media) That's scary!, I really hope we are all wrong, but there is a big stinky rat in there somewhere.

''The word on the street'' you mean local gossip......he did it,you can tell by the way he walks

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Hope I am wrong but this stinks... even my thai friends who first day all also said "thai people don't do that, may be people from myanmar" now they don't believe that... But who knows.... actually, that photo looks like the man cctv footage...

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Video of Burmeese

Something is not right here the boys that were charged are NOT the guys originally accused. The guy in the ac t-shirt and supermarket is not one of the 3 charged.

The guy in the dark polo shirt is a new one.

They all seemed comfortable no bruises and the bib treated them well ( I know photo op)

Had it been the U.S they'd be on the ground with guns to their head.

Let's hope they are going to be represented by top lawyers..any publicity is good publicity.

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Gangthai is completely right.....you all moan about injustice and how bad Thailand is and you won't accept when a suspect confesses to a crime...what more do the Thai Police have to do?.....pathetic farang that want to live in Thailand and criticize Thailand forever.

Can you not accept the positives of Thailand?

Beautiful country, wonderful religion, wonderful King, best food, most illustrious history, friendly people, beautiful culture, amazing Thailand......why do you only bitch about Thailand?

Can you not see the corruption and badness in any other country?

I am truly blessed to live in the best country in the world and to respect Thai law and to abide by Thai law.....I don't understand the moaning and griping.....if you don't like Thai law....go back to your country...if you love Thailand stay and be respectful of the wonderful culture and kindness of the most amazing people in the world....you can be pathetic and criticize but Thailand is Number One and always will be

Some people should just stick to what they do best.. being well trained providers.

The rest we can work out for ourselves.

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