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Koh Tao: All three migrant workers confess to rape and murder of British tourists


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I do wonder if they were given an Lm cigarette during interogation, and the phone could have been planted.

I would have closure on this case if the UK unit who offered their help, checked the DNA results, too many times have the Burmese taken the blame in murder and rape cases !

But in saying that if they are the guilty justice will be served.

Cctv footage from a shop showing they were shopping alcohol and L&M cigarettes the same nght . So they were smoking it just so you know it.

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doesnt look like a killer to me, and, if he is a bartender in a club where girls are getting wasted all the time, I doubt he has trouble getting females


What does a killer look like?

................................"What does a killer look like?"................................


I think of the face of the man that raped the little girl on the train and then threw her body out the window. A crime at least as heinous as the one on Koh Tao and he doesn't look like a killer to me. I really don't think killers have a 'look' or else they would be easier to find. Your photo looks like a police re-enactment by those recently arrested, 'alleged', black shirts who have not even had their day in court yet. I hate to jump to conclusions as to who is guilty or not guilty until the trial is over and then, sometimes I have my doubts. One thing I won't do is say a person is innocent because they don't 'look' guilty.

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Mr. Kent went on to praise the Royal Thai Police in solving the case and have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

People from the UK must be so proud of their ambassador to Thailand.bah.gif

I just could not do that job. I hate kowtowing to immigration hence not doing marriage/retirement visas until i am forced to, and all other options are closed. But kowtowing to the Thai cops, never in a million years. Makes me puke.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am not speculating if the Black Burmese did or did not murder that Essex Blonde.

It only prove that they (more than two) had sex and a cigarette before/after that.

Please uphold western standard on innocent until proven guilty.

What a despicable and pathetic excuse for a man you must be to talk about a beautiful young girl who has been murdered in such a way, "that Essex blonde", you're the type of jumped up peasant that wouldn't have the game to hold down a 2 minute conversation with such a girl.

You talk of upholding western standards?? hopefully not your bottom feeding standards.

My thoughts are the same. Western standards this bottom feeder makes me laugh. RIP to the deceased again.

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Mr. Kent went on to praise the Royal Thai Police in solving the case and have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

People from the UK must be so proud of their ambassador to Thailand.bah.gif

Perhaps Mr. Kent is more qualified to address Thai culture than any of you.

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I think thats most disturbing!

Yeah, Newbie I am, just signed up after following this case since the first day reading a lot on the Koh Tao groups on Facebook first and came here after these threads were deleted and the comunity there forced to shut up...

If it rightfully is to blame on these burmese guys why was Koh Tao that quiet? Nobody would need to be afraid of these burmese without any power or money - they would have been blamed, there would have been witnesses from the start.

I think the ONLY reason possible why everyone kept quiet was because they where afraid! And who would have such power to "ssshhhh" a whole island?

I've planned to go back to that little diving island soon - seriously reconsidering now - indonesia is great for diving too. Need to sort out a new visa now though...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

on 18 sept i posted:

Posted by lucjoker on 2014-09-18 14:02:04 in Thailand News


Was this "predator" aroused by just seeing a bikini?

Or by some other things done behind the rocks at night ?

I have no problems with that ,but others might loose control.

I was spot on , so now you know how to avoid problems ,arousing

simple minds can get you killed.

Unfair to say the least.


and most dangerous is that they all smile to you ,even the killers !(playing guitar and having fun on the beach....10 seconds later

they start killing because they are aroused ,yep ,get used to it !

I suspect that when you say 'simple mind' you mean uneducated, naïve, unworldly etc., also meaning they have no sense of right or wrong and no morals.

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


The guy on the left is updating his facebook with the latest selfie.

Not sure if its these guys until I see a picture with fingers being pointed at them. This picture shows them pointing fingers... makes me think that the murders are just over there behind the guys taking this picture..

agree with you, he pointing to the real m.....

I mean to the Village headmans son

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Mr. Kent went on to praise the Royal Thai Police in solving the case and have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

People from the UK must be so proud of their ambassador to Thailand.bah.gif

Perhaps Mr. Kent is more qualified to address Thai culture than any of you.

have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

Really? I think many (most) especially the parents of these poor victims would disagree with his comments. If in fact he did actually say these ridiculous things.

Witch I am hoping he did not.

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I'm folding

there is a 3rd guy that will bury them for his freedom,

the two had been observing Hannah from the moment she walked in the bar, and every time she was there,

someone wanted her, maybe both,

being rejected is enough to get a guy enflamed,

they may be small, but that means nothing,

a kid with a baseball bat, which is what those hoes are, swinging at a guys skull who is laying on top of a girl, will die with the second blow,

the girl didnt even know what was happening, and there was a killer on top of her,

sorry chums,

I am going w the RTP

You should go with them where they should go,

to the he..l

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!




100% staged.

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I think of the face of the man that raped the little girl on the train and then threw her body out the window. A crime at least as heinous as the one on Koh Tao and he doesn't look like a killer to me. I really don't think killers have a 'look' or else they would be easier to find. Your photo looks like a police re-enactment by those recently arrested, 'alleged', black shirts who have not even had their day in court yet. I hate to jump to conclusions as to who is guilty or not guilty until the trial is over and then, sometimes I have my doubts. One thing I won't do is say a person is innocent because they don't 'look' guilty.

......................."Your photo looks like a police re-enactment by those recently arrested, 'alleged', black shirts who have not even had their day in court yet.".............................

Think about that statement.

The photo in my post was taken at a time when the Shin regime were in power so there was not a snowball's chance in hell that these heavily armed terrorists were going to be arrested because the PTP were instructed by the government (Thaksin) to let the redshirts/blackshirts do their dirty work on Thaksin's behalf.

I doubt very much if they were posing for the photo, more likely they were trying to kill army soldiers.

Don't know about the "recently arrested, 'alleged', black shirts" you mentioned but the scumbags in the photo are the real deal.

When I think about guilty people I think of redshirt and blackshirt terrorists, and the pos who funded them.

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Mr. Kent went on to praise the Royal Thai Police in solving the case and have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

People from the UK must be so proud of their ambassador to Thailand.bah.gif

Perhaps Mr. Kent is more qualified to address Thai culture than any of you.

have shown exemplary professionalism as a crime fighting unit.

Really? I think many (most) especially the parents of these poor victims would disagree with his comments. If in fact he did actually say these ridiculous things.

Witch I am hoping he did not.

Come on now, open your mind. Do you think Mr. Kent may possibly be trying to compliment the Thai police in order to get them to do their best?

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!




100% staged.

After all these years, and after everything I've been through having to deal with the Thai 'authorities', still, I think, really? Have they no bloody shame. Sickening. And given the equally incredible global press on this, the Thais will never be given the benifit of the doubt again. GOOD!

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Just a wild guess, but unless the guy in the video has a twin brother or a clone, than it is pretty likely the guy in the CCT image is the same guy pictured on the right.

I also read in one of the earlier hundreds of media reports that the CCT guy was wearing a pair of shorts taken from one of the victims So if these guys are not the murderers or at least not on the scene, than how can anyone explain this one?

Again as I keep saying; all will be revealed as the updates are published.

It appears both the guy on the left and the guy in the video have curly/wavy hair, but the guy on the right has straight hair--are you suggesting a beauty shop appointment in between?

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!




100% staged.

I can only laugh at the idea of such a cluster &lt;deleted&gt;.k in The UK, Aus. or any other Western country.

I'm positive there will come a day when Thai police stop doing such a rediculous maneuver.

10 years, 15 years or maybe 30. Who knows?

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Just a wild guess, but unless the guy in the video has a twin brother or a clone, than it is pretty likely the guy in the CCT image is the same guy pictured on the right.

I also read in one of the earlier hundreds of media reports that the CCT guy was wearing a pair of shorts taken from one of the victims So if these guys are not the murderers or at least not on the scene, than how can anyone explain this one?

Again as I keep saying; all will be revealed as the updates are published.

The side burn on the kid on the right matches more closely with the CCTV shot. It curves foward and is longer.

And quite honestly, as soon as I saw the photo of the guy on the left yesterday, I didn't believe its him in the CCTV shot. His chest looked more developed/muscular than the guy in the CCTV shot, whose chest is very flat and not muscular at all. It just doesn't fit to me.

You could probably have the two walk down a path and see whose gait matches better.

Hair looks as if it has been washed and maybe blown dry straight, possibly made the sideburns the angle he wanted

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


The guy on the left is updating his facebook with the latest selfie.

Not sure if its these guys until I see a picture with fingers being pointed at them. This picture shows them pointing fingers... makes me think that the murders are just over there behind the guys taking this picture..

agree with you, he pointing to the real m.....

I mean to the Village headmans son

The worst thing for me is the creatures won't lose a wink of sleep and will in fact laugh about it over a nice bottle of JW blue label

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Why am I not surprised the re-enactment is a farce. Look at the photo below, there are no less than 3 cops directing the suspects what to do and how to do it. One brass-looking official is pointing and shouting directions. One cop in black shirt is right behind the suspects with his arm on one of their shoulders. Another cop who looks like an officer is holding the arm of the other suspect (who looks 95 lbs) and directing what he should be doing. It's not a reenactment it's a staged show with the multiple directors physically controlling every more the suspects make. What a sham. If I were top banana, I would discipline every cop involved with this cover-up case!


The guy on the left is updating his facebook with the latest selfie.

Not sure if its these guys until I see a picture with fingers being pointed at them. This picture shows them pointing fingers... makes me think that the murders are just over there behind the guys taking this picture..

agree with you, he pointing to the real m.....

I mean to the Village headmans son

The worst thing for me is the creatures won't lose a wink of sleep and will in fact laugh about it over a nice bottle of JW blue label

Christ, this is embarrassing.

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Also wasn't Hannah's DNA on a shared cigarette butt with the killers DNA? (someone please correct me if that is wrong)

SO according to the 'confession' the killer grabbed the hoe and went off to smash and kill before inviting his buddies over. Did they interrupt the rampage to stop and share a smoke with the victims?

This could all be just sheer incompetence and these 3 are the real killers and I'll happily swallow humble pie, but I smell a stitch up.

There have been 100 statements about 100 versions of DNA all trying to fit someone up.

I can easily beleive the initial attempt to make it appear a crime of passion involved her sharing a cigarette with her killer, only for that version to be deemed impossible after the event.

But, have they even established whether these two little pip squeaks killed her before they raped her or after. Or how they subdued her to stop her screaming or trying to get away?

Because the whole story about them interrupting the.couple having sex, clubbing him to death and her doing nothing to scream or try to escape is fanciful. If they had just killed him, she would have been screaming and struggling like crazy.

Unless these animals raped her after they stove her head in, in which case if you've seen the pictures would be so gruesome as to be impossible.

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