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Murder reenactment: 200 policemen deployed to guard two Myanmar men on Koh Tao


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What these three suspects and the world needs now is a very good expert lawyer team that isnt interested in getting them off on a technicality but who will turn over every stone and employ investigative and forensic professionals to look at this from top to bottom.

unfortunately if they have confessed there will be no need to look at much of the evidence... confessions mean they dont have to and everyone in the establishment wants it to be them .. so it will be.

This will be open and shut very quickly....

Not only will I never set foot on Koh Tao again but none of the southern islands ... they are all run and controlled by the same families and mafia. We wont be setting foot on any of those Islands of corruption or death however pretty they are.

I believe the murderers are still out there with such rage and hate ...they will rape and probably kill again, probably Thai next time but who knows,

I thought you said you were leaving.

Don't tell me..... you live on one of those Islands.... whistling.gif


No. I live in Nakhon Nayok. I happily visit the South whenever I get the chance.

But seriously, didn't you say you were leaving,and have you not said the same before?

No ive never made that claim, although I have said im seriously considering that option more these days as anyone with alternatives or a family should be.

Pardon.. Have you not been talking about making that decision since at least 2010? (serious soul searching re: leaving)

I have never considered leaving and I have both alternatives and a family.(though no children)..

Thailand is home.. Warts and all.

Well I do have children, and our priorities are probably very different your life isnt my life and priorities/opportunities and life changes.

lets see, overall in the past decade alone ive spent about ooo 4 years of it outside Thailand.

I also dont call Thailand home because its not and its not yours either, its just somewhere we're allowed to stay ... for now.

The warts btw are getting ever bigger not smaller..

Anyway your point is what exactly ?

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90% is a very rough estimation of the pro vs con regarding Koh Tao murders that I have read since the murders. The percentage is definitely not accurate and only meant as an exaggeration to the number of cynics as opposed to the number of realists regarding this unfortunate incident. I am fully aware of Thai corruption, but not to it's true extent. I take it you are Thai then, and have a more in-depth knowledge of the "Thai way of life". My criticism is of foreigners who criticism what they truly cannot know or understand, with their "Western" attitude.

My apology's if you took offense to this...as you obviously did.

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I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.

A link is always welcomed...

Go into Facebook and type in "CSI LA". This is where a lot of the info is, as well as links to other sources.

"CSI LA" does not exist on FB - for me, at least. "CSI Las Vegas" comes up but I guess that is not what we are looking for.

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So the guy was a waiter at the bar they left before being murdered? So the police disn't get his DNA first time round? How is that possible?

Or this is the third one who didn't participate?

Were any of the influential families down there forced to give DNA? If not, why not?

Because why should the police be able to get your DNA without a warrant that is based on probable cause?

Most western countries police can't just get your DNA without a warrant.

Martial Law.

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So it appears its a unanimous " Not Guilty " from the Thai Visa Forum jury...

Seems like you are you all happy to let the 3 " patsies" walk ???.

If no DNA or DNA that does not match the suspects is found (on the body IN THE UK ) I would say yes. If the UM authorities didn't do their own autopsy and DNA testing I will be very surprised.

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It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

"Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.
I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.
I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

If you are for real, I find your post very interesting...........thumbsup.gif

Yes, this is definitely real.

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Not trying to outsmart everyone’s theories.

However, would it not be sensible if some Super sleuth U.K Detective would take his ass over to Burma now these 3 accused are somewhat infamous? He, would have no difficulty finding their Burmese families to take their DNA samples back to the UK. Thus, to have them matched up with Hannah’s DNA.


Conspiracies would be over and JUSTICE WOULD PREVAIL

The problem is the integrity of the DNA evidence allegedly collected from the crime scene.

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It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

"Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.

I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.

I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

A link is always welcomed...

That's right Local Drunk.

Without a link it's really meaningless.

it was a post in Thai language . I saw it linked on my wife's page, this above was a translation.
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Problem is you will not believe any Burmese did it now after all the Thai bashing on here. Maybe time to take a break and look at the facts again ? Is it really possible that someone else than the headman and his family did it ?

Yes it is possible, but hardly credible that it's these three Burmese who have admitted it after intensive treatment in a safe house, safe from what the screams being heard? Can you explain away the beating and bribing of the taxi driver or the fact that DNA matches were impossible in the time given?

It was called a safe house by the media because , well its a safe house. Why do people think that they were beaten brutally by the police to become scape goats ? All this imagination going on here, yes they were interrogated and its normal to do that inside a room.

So again you draw your own conclusions based on nothing but fantasy.

I ageee that the reported beating of a taxi driver was strange but the story was never confirmed by the media , it was only mentioned in a small local news site. If this is important someone should already been in touch with the taxi driver so the world can be informed how the police tried to bribe him to become a witness.

About the DNA time frame, do you know the exact time from they took the sample until it was ready ? Again we read something reported in the media but the real facts are only known to the people working at the scene and the lab in Bangkok and Singapore.

why take them to a safe house to interagate them, then bring them back to the police station, surely the police station was safe, or only safe after they admitted the crime,? I too hope they got the right people, but it has happened before on a british tourist, and they were caught out trying to stitch up innocent people, or they too would still be in prison, it is hard to trust the untrustable

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It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

"Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.

I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.

I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

A link is always welcomed...

That's right Local Drunk.

Without a link it's really meaningless.

it was a post in Thai language . I saw it linked on my wife's page, this above was a translation.

It is posted on the CSI LA page as well, with the same translation. No link, just a screenshot. Seems a bit like information getting pumped around and everybody pointing to each other as the source?

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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

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I watched the re-enactment on the Beeb (in UK) I felt very sorry for the two kids they paraded around in cuffs, flap jackets and scooter helmets, they did not strike me as Killers, just two kids who looked as though they would confess to anything put to them, they were 'BRICKIN IT' especially the poor lad in the white T If they are truly the perps then let the British Police assist and confirm, this would only show Thailand or the RTP in a good light surely, ain't gonna happen though, total sham and disgraceful

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It is now being suggested that these 3 were beaten and burned with boiling water to get a confession. Also the reason no Burmese fled the island was because they new their DNA would not match.. Burmese and British embassies have been notified of this... AMAZING THAILAND

I will call you a troll until you can confirm this news that you suggest happened.

Si Thu, a Burmese migrant who was interrogated by police on Sept. 19, “While I was answering [the questions of police], a Thai policeman showed a photo to another detainee called Lin Lin and asked if it was his photo. He answered no and the policeman kneed him in the back, saying he was lying.

“Then, the police asked him if he killed those tourists. When Lin Lin answered that he didn’t, the same policeman hit him again,” said Si Thu, who added that he himself was hit over the head when the police took him from his home on Sept. 19, but was not beaten while under interrogation at the police station.

( i did a little face book research and found a si thu) some interesting profiles came up :)

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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

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Didn't the same thing take place in 2000? A westerner was raped and murdered in Chang Mai. The Thai police rounded up a migrant worker from Myanmar, roughed him up and made him confess. The whole thing was a sham, and the police were caught. They had to let the guy go. The case is still unresolved.

I understand that there is a lot of pressure to end this case. Tourist dollars are on the line. This isn't the way to do this. It's not right.

Finally, even if these are the guys that did it the police on Koh Tao have a lot of explaining to do. They are undocumented and illegal migrant workers who live and work on that island. The police are taking bribes. That's a fact! If I'm a tourist I am not going to feel safe. In that regard the people in power are to blame for this murder.

This is going to still cripple their economy. I can't see a lot of people vacationing there. If I had a choice between Koh Tao or Vietnam, I'm going to Vietnam.

It is not going to cripple their economy. Minor dip at the most.

Last time a western woman was raped and killed two Thai men were convicted.


I don't know if these Burmese guys did it but clearly The Thai police do arrest Thai people for crimes against westerners.

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Didn't the same thing take place in 2000? A westerner was raped and murdered in Chang Mai. The Thai police rounded up a migrant worker from Myanmar, roughed him up and made him confess. The whole thing was a sham, and the police were caught. They had to let the guy go. The case is still unresolved.

I understand that there is a lot of pressure to end this case. Tourist dollars are on the line. This isn't the way to do this. It's not right.

Finally, even if these are the guys that did it the police on Koh Tao have a lot of explaining to do. They are undocumented and illegal migrant workers who live and work on that island. The police are taking bribes. That's a fact! If I'm a tourist I am not going to feel safe. In that regard the people in power are to blame for this murder.

This is going to still cripple their economy. I can't see a lot of people vacationing there. If I had a choice between Koh Tao or Vietnam, I'm going to Vietnam.

It is not going to cripple their economy. Minor dip at the most.

Last time a western woman was raped and killed two Thai men were convicted.


I don't know if these Burmese guys did it but clearly The Thai police do arrest Thai people for crimes against westerners.

Tourism is already down 20% by their figures. In 2000 the digital age and chat discussion was small.

Stories like this have weight fat greater than 2000 and I say good for it too. People need to know that Thailand isn't as safe as they beleive and that you cannot just chill out and be completely free here.

It is dangerous even in the resort islands.

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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..


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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

Yup. Thus was on Facebook just now and I shared it. If this is what has happened, then the trial by social media on the police can start. What a useless bunch of crooks the Thai police are.

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Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

Yup. Thus was on Facebook just now and I shared it. If this is what has happened, then the trial by social media on the police can start. What a useless bunch of crooks the Thai police are.

Just another loose end, of which there are many.

Phone handed to police, mysteriously reappears near scapegoats residence. Utterly damning.

Mafia/police combo threatening the Scottish witness. Why no more about this? It was caught on cctv with audio. Why is Koh Tao island police behaving in this manner?

Speedboat, called Little Duck, seen fleeing from KT morning of the murder. Why no updates on this potentially significant evidence. It would take 2 minutes in harbor dept to point out the owner.

No explanation why this little Burmese chap decided to use such a level of violence. What history did the Burmese scapegoats have with the deceased/?

Too many loose ends leaves this case open to ridicule and speculation.

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CSI LA facebook group , is not a reliable source , we all know that. You will find all sorts of conspiracies there, some of them is plausible , others are just ridicilous.

So using that page as some sort of evidence is just plain stupid.

So can you explain why Hannahs friend is seen giving Hannahs phone to the police, then the police magically find it near one of the suspects homes.

That is on the MCOT own TV clip. If that is the case, then the whole case must be judged bogus

Sometime a picture is worth more than a thousand words..

I don't see what point you are making. The phone Hannah has is not the same phone as the one her friend has in the photo with the police.

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So the guy was a waiter at the bar they left before being murdered? So the police disn't get his DNA first time round? How is that possible?

Or this is the third one who didn't participate?

Were any of the influential families down there forced to give DNA? If not, why not?

Because why should the police be able to get your DNA without a warrant that is based on probable cause?

Most western countries police can't just get your DNA without a warrant.

This isn't a western country.

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So the guy was a waiter at the bar they left before being murdered? So the police disn't get his DNA first time round? How is that possible?

Or this is the third one who didn't participate?

Were any of the influential families down there forced to give DNA? If not, why not?

From what I have been reading in the news it was not AC bar they worked in . It was another bar that one of the guys worked in .

There is an AC bar 2

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