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Weirdest thing(s) that ever happened to you while riding

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I had also an encounter with a bat. Was driving before sunset from Naiharn towards Promthep Cape when a bat came and landed on my leg. It didn't bite me or maybe it tried and failed to get through my jeans. Stayed there quite a while until I brushed it off but definitely weirded me out a good bit.

Another incident which is not so weird but still memorable: drove down the soi behind Big C near Central with open visor when a bee (or similar) stung me in my eye. Were I not so slow and no traffic behind me, this could have ended badly. Had to take a good rest with a pack of ice pressed into my face for a while.

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I had also an encounter with a bat. Was driving before sunset from Naiharn towards Promthep Cape when a bat came and landed on my leg. It didn't bite me or maybe it tried and failed to get through my jeans. Stayed there quite a while until I brushed it off but definitely weirded me out a good bit.

Another incident which is not so weird but still memorable: drove down the soi behind Big C near Central with open visor when a bee (or similar) stung me in my eye. Were I not so slow and no traffic behind me, this could have ended badly. Had to take a good rest with a pack of ice pressed into my face for a while.

That's it, thx for the good stories! Sorry to hear about the bee and your face but glad that didn't happen to me -- I'm allergic to them and my head would maybe swell up and wouldn't be able to get my helmet off!

But your first story in conjunction with my own does raise the question: I wonder how many other riders here have been 'attacked' by bats in Phuket??

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Just after I bought my first motorcycle, a Honda 250 Superdream, I was riding downhill in bitterly cold weather. I gently applied the back brake and wondered why the oil pressure light came on. It took me a while to realise the back wheel had locked up on ice. Mild panic as the bike went sideways and I continued down the hill at about 60mph. Somehow I stayed on and continued to the pub. About half an hour later two friends arrived telling how they had just fallen off at the same spot.

The next day I paced out the length of the slide.....150 metres and no idea how I stayed upright.

clap2.gif I'm not surprised -- what with the weather there I personally think you Brits are amongst the most innately toughest riders in the world, I think it's in your genes.

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I got attacked by a frog... thumbsup.gifit went up my trouser leg while riding, I think it had been sitting in the footwell of the scooter, It kept going up and up! After wobbling all over the place I finally stopped and shook the thing out much to the amusement of the bar I managed to stop outside of haha

Good thing it wasn't one of the poisonous varieties! Anyway, "A guy and a frog walked into a bar..." -- just kidding.

Edited by Gforcejunkypkt
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Last month simultaneusly hit 2 doves, one off the bike fairing, one off the helmet.

No damage to me or the bike.

Not sure how the birds fared...hit & run.

Hit my dog when riding my mountain bike once.

Flipped over the bars, but I didn't spill my beer.

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The bike was used on a CHIPS episode with a German Shepard on the back & my buddy Scott was a pro stunt man back in the 80's. He did the no handed on the chase scene on the episode. Ahh The memories!

Whoah, yeah that's a flashback and half -- thx, now I'm going to have to go watch some online episodes of CHIPS -- starting with this German Shepard stunt dog one!

Keep the good stories coming guys!

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Got hit by a wasp right in the soft part at the bottom middle of my throat.

Thought nothing of it - about 5 minutes later felt the stings start.

The wasp was just stunned, and dropped into the neck of my t-shirt. On recovery it was Pi**ed and took it out on me.

Managed to come to a stop, slapping my chest all the time. Peeled off my jacket and shirt and saw a good half dozen spots where he got me.

Never saw him tho'

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I had 2 issues with animals...

1.Riding through Khao Yai I got stung by some huge thing that looked like a cross between a wasp and a dragonfly. It left an inch long barb in me (Insect still attached) and hurt really bad. Had to stop the bike and pull it out. My whole chest flared up red and spotty within the hour (I get really bad reactions to insect bites). I've got a picture of it somewhere before I took my revenge but never found out what it was. Still have a small scar from the puncture mark in my neck.

2. Narrowly avoided what I'm 99% sure was a cobra at the bottom of Patong Hill heading into Patong. Came slowly around the left hand bend and saw it (quite small, maybe 2-3 feet long) raise it's head in that classic pose ready to strike. Swerved a bit and gritted my teeth expecting a bite but fortunately it never struck. Got my heart racing though, not a big fan of snakes.

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Two up with the wife just after dark and I see a swarm of bugs up ahead in the headlight beams. Then one much larger goes by the helmet and the wife screams in pain. Ends up it was a Tiger Hornet invading a bee nest and it went up in her visor and got her on the lip. Two nights in the hospital from that, but no complaints as one friend had an acquaintance die from a Tiger Hornet sting. I carry Benedryl all the time now.

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One time in the late 80's I was riding my SR 500 from my parents house to my college room some 90 km away.

At my parents house the roads was dry but very very close to zero deg.C so I was dressed up like the Michelin man.

15 km before I reached my destination I rode up a small hill and when I came to the top I saw to my horror that the road ahead was covered in thick snow.

I somehow managed to slow down without crashing and the bike felt very very loose in the snow whilst I slowed down.

The rest of the trip took about one hour and my hands and feet had no feeling in them.

Riding a middle size road bike in thick snow on road tires are not fun at all man and you can't use the front brake at all (if you do you go down) and rear brake only used very gentle.

I will never in my life forget that trip.

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Not weird - but funny.

First date - girl on the back. Told her more than once to hang on ...

Came to a red light. Turned green, I took off.

Off the back she went, ending up sitting in the middle of the intersection on her a**

She says "Do you know how embarrassed I was ??"

Answer - I will buy you a dark visor.

Last date too.

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Was in a car in Perth Aus. Just hit the first set of lights coming into town off the hiway. Big Harley pulled up beside me, rider was a club member with the typical leather jacket and patches, tough looking dude. He slowed down, pulled alongside and then proceded to just fall over, I guess he had been on a long ride and simply forgot to put his feet down.

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I hit a kangaroo once. A kangaroo hit me once - jumped straight into my leg.

Mate hit a camel - luckily it was sitting down. In the middle of the Nullabor Plain in Oz when it was still dirt.

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3 stories.

1. Riding my old 1952 Ariel VH Red Hunter (500cc single) with sidecar attached. I have a bent nose & goggles always have a gap between the goggles & my cheek on one side. On this occasion a wasp managed to get inside. Total panic. Pulled up as quick as I could in the middle of the road with no regard for other traffic & desperately clawed the goggles off. Didn’t get stung. If I’d been riding a solo there is no doubt I would have come off.

2. Riding a hired bike in Lombok, Indonesia. No other traffic except for a cop car coming toward me. They deliberately swerved to my side of the road & if I hadn’t ridden into a ditch it would have been a head on collision!

3. Riding my Triumph Thunderbird (Hinckley 900cc triple) through northern South Australia. Rode into a swarm of plague locusts. It was unbelievable. I hit the first few at around 130kph & even through my padded leather riding jeans they hurt. Immediately slowed down. Three different ‘life stages’ of locusts. Crawling on the road. Couldn’t see the road. Hopping at up to about handlebar height, & flying. It was the locust equivalent of a ‘white out’. I was wearing a full face helmet. Locusts splatter & leave a gooey residue on the visor which smears worse if you try to wipe it off. I quickly learned that they bounce off at under 40kph, but it was too late, I drove into the town of Orroroo with a spot about 1” square that I could see out of. The bike stank with splattered bugs all over the hot motor. When I pulled up in town, every local car had shadecloth across their radiators to protect them. As I was about to get off the bike a car pulled up alongside me & the bloke got out & said “They’re bad today eh?” He then went to the front of his car & pulled out the shade cloth dumping the equivalent of a large wheelbarrow full of locusts onto the road. I found a place with a pressure washer to get the worst off before the goo all set solid, but was still pickin the little buggers out from crevices months later.

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